Chapter 1: The newborn prince & The future queen

In a far away land called Berk, lived the king Stoick & his beautiful queen Valhallarama.

In many years they had longed for a child. Finally, their wish had been granted. A prince was born. It was a day of celebration in the Kingdom of Berk , despite the slightly cold weather in February . Yet, citizens from all over the kingdom made their way and gathered in the capital city for the presentation of their future ruler.

" Mommy, why do we have to come ?" asked a famer boy, clinging to his mother's dress.

" Because after all these years, a prince was born, and he will one day be our King … or Queen". His mother said while ruffling her son's hair affectionately.

"I thought you said he is a prince ! How can he become a Queen if he is a boy ?"

" Well, he could become a King or a Queen. It depends on what the Royal Sorcerer foretells. It's a bit complicated , you'll find out when you're older." She answered her son while they entered the Palace. The Throne Room was stuffed with people, from wealthy to poor, from old to young . All their gazes were fixed on one thing , the King and Queen.

King Stoick is a muscular man , with huge biceps and torso. His light brown beard covered half of his face. He wore a metal helmet with two large horns at each side,

a dark green amour covered with metal plates,brown metal bangles at his waist and wrists, a pair of boots. Ooh, and a huge fur coat ! He looks rather intimidating!

His Queen Valhallarama is a beautiful woman, with auburn hair, a gorgeous face, a slim figure and mesmerizing light green eyes. She wore a yellow long sleeve tunic, an orange belt , and brown pants that appear layered. Over her tunic is a chest plate with a large fur collar and round shoulder pads. In her arm, something white poking out of the green blanket she was holding. At her side was the Royal Sorcerer, she wore a blue robe, her blond hair tied into a bun. She hold a golden scepter with a large jewel at the top. She gently took the green blanket inside the Queen's arms then removed it, which revealed a white baby with brown hair inside. She slowly approach the crowd, raising the baby above her head.

" Citizens of Berk" She began " Today, we gathered here to celebrate. Today, we gathered here to withness the birth of the Prince, and the future Queen, Prince Hamish!"

Applause and cheer echoed through the whole Throne Room. Soon, people started to made their way to the King and Queen to present their gifts to the Prince. Unti a guard annouced :

" Their royal highnesses, King Nicholas St. North and Prince Jackson Overland from the Kingdom of Santoff Claussen"

Slowly, two figures, one large and one small , stepped out of the crowd.

A / N: That's the end for the first chapter of my first story, Romance story, Yaoi story, Frostcup story...

[ I think i gonna cry ] . Like i've said before, English isn't my main language so please, please, pleaseeeeeeee

forgive my Grammar 2 is commin'. Love ya.