Today was Canada's birthday. America knew this because he had it marked. He had done the works. He got a very large cake for him, invited all the countries, though he had to remind them every once in awhile, and he got a couple bands to perform, and had canadian flags made to decorate the place.

He wanted Canada to have the biggest birthday ever but it was a surprise.

America was on his way to the place to make sure any last minute things needed to be done. As he pulled in he noticed the cars of the other nations. He smiled and got out but his smile started to slip when he noticed the garbage cans with canadian flags.

He pulled them along with him till he got to the party place.

"Happy birthday Alfred!" The other nations yelled. He stood shocked eyes growing paniced as he looked around at all the american flags.

"No... No no no! This isn't right! Its not my party! Take those down! Here put these up!" He rushed forward giving the cans to one of the other nations, and rushed over starting to remove the flags only to freeze at the voice behind him.

"A-alfred?" Said man turned and looked at him a nervous smile on his face.

"Mattie! Hey bro!" He got down and walked forward holding out his arms to hug him only to frown when he stepped back.

"This was your big surprise?"

"No no this was just a misunderstanding-"

"Ya I bet you forgot. You forgot my birthday."

"No Mattie I didn't I swear I marked it and everthing!"

"Ya sure you did. The only reason you marked it was for your party and its not like anyone else here remembers me so they couldn't correct you. You know what enjoy your party I'm leaving!" With that he turned and stormed off.

"Wait Mattie!" Alfred rushed after him as he reached the parking lot.

"No! Why did I come here thinking maybe for once in your life you'd think of someone other then yourself!" He got into his car slamming the door and started it before backing up and pealing out of the parking lot.

Alfred stood there watching before crying out in frustration and kicking the ground. He turned and glared at the other countries who were watching.

"Great the one time I did something for him and you guys couldn't remember him for one day!" He turned and stormed off into the woods near by to cool off.

After a hour or so of stomping around and derooting a few trees and throwing them Alfred sat down on one of the trees sighing. He scrubbed his hands down his face then buried them in his hair.

"What's wrong?" A small voice asked from in front of him.

Alfred's head whipped up to see a small person like creature with wings. "Are you a fairy?"

The creature giggled. "Ofcourse and are you a personification?"

"Yes I'm america. Well others know me as Alfred."

"Well 'Alfred' whats wrong?"

"I tried to throw my brother Mattew a birthday party, he's Canada, but everybody alwayss forgets him so they took down his flags and put mine up. He arrived and he misunderstood and now he's pissed at me. It wasn't meant to happen it just did...stuff like that I wish people remembered him more then me."

"I can help."

"You can." The fairy nodded a huge smile on its face.

"Yup, though things might change."

"Like what?"

"Your whole life..."

"I've had a whole life time of attention. Change it please."

"...if you really want." Alfred just gave a nod in response. "Alright." The fairy raised its hands gathering magic and flung it at his face.

The last thing Alfred saw was the fairy zipping off.