Seeing this prompt, I immediately thought of a story I read a few months ago where there was a full-on muffin war. XD So, my main goal was to do something totally different than that. (Too bad I probably won't be able to find that fanfic again...)

I'm not big for romance and shippings and pairings and all that junk, but as the cheerleaders (I plan to change how I reference to you awesome people. I don't want to confuse anyone, and also don't want to just refer to my buddies as "my buddies" or "best friends" or something equally lame as that. -_-) may know, I have done implications with canon pairings before. Just preparing you for what's below that horizontal line, I guess.

On with the story!

Jean glided through the door with his trademark unlit cigarette hanging from his mouth, bringing something unexpected in his hand. A basket with food?

"Why are you late, Havoc?" Mustang immediately asked upon his entrance.

"My new girlfriend works in a bakery, and she made all of these muffins for me!" He walked around, passing one to all of his coworkers, all receiving gratefully. He then went over to drop one off to his superior, who decided he might as well take one if there was enough to go around. The blonde looked around with confusion when he realized there was still a muffin left.

"Where is Lieutenant Hawkeye?"

"In the bathroom."

"Oh, gotcha. Give her this one when she comes back." He gave the Colonel the final muffin as he briefly left to store the basket someplace. When he returned, he had just arrived in time to see Riza taking the muffin from Roy with an unsure look. He quietly slipped into his chair and began his work, mindlessly munching his own snack as he watched out of the corner of his eye as the 1st Lieutenant bit into hers.

She chewed for a moment before her expression changed and she turned away from the others in the room to spit out something. She turned around again, and Havoc was surprised to see that in her hand was something small and shiny.


"Yes, Lieutenant?" Colonel turned to look at her, and being the closest to her, was able to easily identify the object in her palm. His eyes widened.

"Is this an engagement ring?" Riza said, trying to sound calm, but it was quiet. Still, she was heard by everyone in the office. Both her face and his reddened horrendously.

"I-I-I have no idea wh-where that came from..."

A bit of laughter filled the room, although it was mainly dominated with "Ooooohs" from those who were daring enough to do them. Mustang and Hawkeye left the room to discuss the current event, looking very nervous and embarrassed.

Havoc gulped loudly, knowing he would be getting into trouble after the Colonel chewed him out. When Ed had told him the muffin at the bottom of the basket had something special for Hawkeye, he didn't think it was something like THAT. He could quote exactly the younger male's words: 'Make sure it's the Colonel that gives it to her; it'll be funniest that way.' He was definitely gonna get Chief back... after praising him for the great prank.

You know, it would have been funny, no matter which male gave her that muffin. *hehehe*

Before you yell at me, you must realize that the Fullmetal Alchemist would no doubt have enough money to buy a ring. He could have just gotten some cheap fake ring, since it's just for a prank, though. *shrug*

K bai!