Hello! This is my first DGM story... I've written like twelve FMA stories, and I've decided that I really wanna try writing for something else, so here I am! Enjoy!


Full Summary: Allen Walker transfers to Black Order High for a fresh start, a new beginning. He wants to leave what happened in his old town behind, and he hopes his new school will be different. Of course, it isn't. As soon as he walks in the doors, he's labeled as the freak. But Lavi Bookman is different. He wants to be close to Allen, he wants to know more about him. He wants to know why he moved here, why he doesn't speak to anyone else. Why he doesn't stand up for himself. But they both wonder, if they glance at each other again, what hidden emotion will surface this time?

Disclaimer: I do not own DGM, if I did, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction, now would I?

Chapter One:


Noun: The feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others or the cause for regret or disappointment

Verb: Feel sorry for the misfortunes of

With each step he took, another head turned in his direction. Eyes widened, people turned to their friends to whisper harsh words. Rumors started, thumbs were frantically tapping away at the cellphone screens, passing on the lies they had heard from their peers. Fingers pointing at the boy who walked down the hallway as he stared straight ahead, trying not to let their actions or words get to him, snickering as they glanced at him, instantly branding him as a freak before they knew what he was like.

No one even knew his name.

Not that they cared anyway.

Cruel names were yelled, but no one dared approach the boy. They were scared. That was how they were raised... If someone looks different from the rest of you, if someone acts differently than you, ostracize them. Tease them. Fear them. Hurt them. Make them wish they were never born. It's their fault, after all.

It's their fault because they aren't like you.

As Allen Walker marched down the hallway of his new school, he forced himself to stand up straighter, and he clenched his hands into fists at his sides. He wouldn't let his first day at his new school go like every other day at his last school. He had so hoped that this school would be different, had prayed that these people would be a little bit more open minded than his previous classmates, had been so hopeful that they wouldn't judge him on his unusual appearance.

Of course, they did.

And as Allen turned down the corridor to the cafeteria, he wondered if he would once again be without friends, before mentally rolling his eyes at his own question. Of course he wouldn't have friends, all he had to do was look around him for the proof. The people who weren't laughing or making fun of him were cowering away from him, keeping their distance.

"Hey freak! Go away! We don't want you here!" A deep voice called, and laughter followed after.

"Go back to the lab where you came from! Creep!"

"He's a demon! I told you, he's gonna try to kill us!"

And yet, Allen never said anything against them, instead choosing to lose himself in his book. He admit to himself that while the words were hurtful, it was nothing compared to what he had dealt with at his previous school. He could deal with this.

His gloved hands turned the page of his book, and he could feel the glares directed his way. Allen knew he wasn't welcomed here, but he hadn't done anything. He hadn't stood up for himself, hadn't even introduced himself. And yet, they all acted as if he was some sort of demon.

"He's a monster! I don't want him at my school..."

"What a creepy guy. I heard that he was expelled from his last school after he got in a fight with some guy and almost killed him."

"Do you see his hair? That can't be natural... What a freak."

Allen was seated in the far back of the cafeteria, and no one else had dared sit at the same table as the freak. In fact, the other two tables on either side of him were clear too. Allen went back to his book, forcing himself to concentrate on the words on the page instead of the hurtful words around him. A fist whammed on his table, and gray eyes looked up at the person who disturbed him from his reading. There were two of them, one blonde, and the other with dark purple hair, both with mysterious golden eyes that were narrowed in matching glares. The purple haired one looked rather angry, while the blonde one was standing slightly behind the other, a smirk on his face as he glared at Allen.

"Hey freak, why are you here?" The purple hair teen asked, snarling. "No one wants you here. Just go away already."

And then, the first punch was thrown. The older teens fist connected with Allen's right cheek, and his head whipped back. It stung, and Allen pressed his gloved hand to his cheek. The older teen sneered at him again before heading off to his lunch table, the other boy walking away with him, their friends laughing and playfully hitting the pair on their backs as they glared at Allen.

Allen knew he was ugly, with his snow white hair, and the angry scar that marred his face. But that didn't mean the words didn't hurt. Clutching his left arm in a painful grip, Allen knew that everything would be worse if they saw it. The ugly, deformed limb that was a deep red color, almost black. Dead, rough scaly skin covered the surface, and black fingernails to top it off.

The lunch bell rang, and Allen silently made his way to his next class. In the hallway, people purposefully jammed their elbows into his side, or roughly brushed against his shoulders, knocking him off balance. Some even went as far as to trip him, or knock his books out of his arms. And still, the white haired boy never said a thing. He never protested, never objected, didn't retaliate. Never stood up for himself, never fought back.

It was almost as if he believed he deserved it.

He heard the rumors, the whispers, the insults. He never reacted to them, and he would never let the people around him know, but it really bothered him. Well, anyone in their right mind would be bothered by the things being said, especially if it was about them. As the day went on, the words went from curious and rude to just plain cruel and hurtful. Allen thought that there was a possibility that this school would be worse than his last.

Sitting down in his assigned seat in English, he did his work silently, writing notes as the teacher talked. The classwork was easy for him, and due to his advanced grades he had been put in the Seniors English class, despite the fact he was a Sophomore. In fact, most of the classes he took were for seniors. Hard work paid off, after all.

He went unnoticed by most of the class, sitting in the far back. Only a few stray notes hit him, and he ignored the mean words that were bound to be written on them. Turning his head, he was greeted by the sight of an empty seat, showing that the person who was supposed to sit next to him was absent. It was for the better, anyway. It's not like he needed another tormentor.

Lavi strolled down the hallway, backpack in hand. He had showed up late today, which he found kinda disappointing, considering he heard rumors that there was supposed to be a new student today. Running his hand through his fiery red hair, he knew he wouldn't make it to his English class on time. Sure, he liked the class enough, but he wasn't exactly in a rush to get there. Unfortunately, he had already missed his favorite class, History.

Putting the books he didn't need in his locker, he heard a 'che' from behind him.

"So, baka usagi, you finally decided to show up, did you?"

Lavi turned around, a smile on his face. "Yuu-chan! Were you lonely without me?" He asked, a teasing tone in his voice.

"Don't fucking call me that!"

The redhead's grin simply widened after hearing his friend's angry reaction. It was too much fun to get Yuu Kanda angry, and they had been friend's for years now, after all. Kanda glared at him, his deep blue -almost purple- hair up in the trademark high ponytail.

Walking down the hallway, Kanda walking next to him, albeit with a scowl on his face. That's when Lavi mentally slapped himself. Kanda had been here all day, hadn't he? So he should be able to answer his question...

"Hey, Kanda, did you see the new student today? I heard we were getting one..."

Kanda was silent for a moment, before replying. "You mean that moyashi? Yeah, I've seen him. Can't say he's very well liked by the other students though, he got punched in the face at lunch. Lenalee told me about it, and apparently he hasn't said a single word all day. Don't know what he did to piss everyone off. Lenalee says it's because he looks different. He's rather freakish looking."

Kanda's answer struck a cord in Lavi, though he didn't let it show on his face. Kids had been picking on him just cause he looks a little different? That was so... Horrible. And this was the kids first day too. Lavi decided to ask one more question before letting the topic drop.

"What's his name?"

This time the one to answer the question wasn't Kanda (who probably wouldn't have answered anyway, let's be honest) and was instead Lavi and Kanda's other good friend, a girl with teal green pigtails, Lenalee Lee.

"No one knows..." She gave a small smile, walking over to the two males. "He really hasn't said a single word all day, not even in class. From what I hear, the teachers don't call on him either, they don't seem to like him much. I've heard rumors that even though he's a Sophomore, he's in most of the Senior classes. I guess he's pretty smart then." She paused, her smile fading for a second before it returned. "Come on, you two! We have to go to last block."

Lavi wondered for a moment if the new kid would be alright, before shrugging and letting Lenalee drag him off to his last class of the day.

The shrill ringing of the bell alerted Allen that school was over. The white haired boy lingered behind his classmates, not eager to go out in the hallways to see his tormentors, who were bound to be waiting for him. After the last group of teenagers had left the room, he followed behind them, checking both ways to see if the kid who had punched him earlier was there.

He wasn't, and after a moment, Allen deemed it safe. He walked down the hallway to his locker, staring down at his feet on the way there. Today had certainly not been a very good first day of school. It wasn't nearly as bad as the days he had at his old school, but he could tell that his time at Black Order High wouldn't be very pleasant, but he would suffer through it. Two more years to go.

Finally reaching his locker, he had just unlocked it and was grabbing his backpack out of his locker when a familiar deep voice sounded from across the hallways, sending a chill up his spine.

Footsteps echoed in the empty hallway, and Allen's gray eyes saw out of his peripheral vision the guy that had punched him in the face earlier at lunch, the other boy who had been with him, and a small group of a few of their friends. Allen turned around to face the older teen, refusing to back down.

"Hey, freak. You're about to get what you deserve." His golden eyes narrowed in a glare as he examined Allen's pale face. "You disgust me, you monster."

"Devit, Jasdero, come on, give the freak what he deserves! Let's teach him a lesson!" The two's friends crowed from their spot behind him.

Suddenly, Allen felt a fist smash into his cheek, and before he could react, another punch landed into his stomach, making him slam against the lockers. Allen knew he could defend himself, Master had taught him how. But Allen really didn't like to use such harmful methods on people, even if it was to protect himself. After all, Allen knew that it would just give them another thing to fear about him, thus soiling his already hellish reputation even further.

He had slumped onto the floor, and that's when Devit's and Jasdero's group of friends decided to join them. The other teens were kicking Allen against the lockers, sneering all the while as they barked out insults at the small teen. After a few well placed kicks to the head, Allen saw blackness on the edge of his vision, and he fought to keep his eyes open. Allen struggled not to cry, it really was quite painful though. But he had learned from his previous school that crying only made them kick harder. He knew he must look like hell at this point, he could feel the blood running down his forehead, and the bruising on his ribs and back was rather painful at this point.

And then it stopped.

"Devit, Jasdero, come on, let's go... I think I hear footsteps coming, it might be a teacher." One of the lackey's whispered, nervous at the idea of being caught.

"Shit." The two -brothers? Allen wondered- said in unison, before quickly fleeing down the other end of the hallway.

Allen shut his eyes, and he hoped that whoever was walking down the hallway wouldn't see him, and if they did, would ignore him and just walk past, pretending that they had never seen him.

Lavi practically ran down the hallway, looking for his locker. It had been almost past a half-hour since school had ended, but on his walk home he had realized he had left the text book he needed for the homework assignment. He rarely forgot things, but he had been so distracted by the time he left school it had completely slipped his mind.

But that wasn't the reason he was practically running down the hallway. He had heard some yelling coming from down the hallway, and he wanted to see where it was coming from. He really hoped nothing was wrong.

Allen groaned as he felt hands shaking his shoulders, and he struggled to open his eyes. Finally managing to accomplish that seemingly simple task, he studied the face in front of him.

It was a boy, probably a few years older than him. He had vibrant red hair, and a green headband. An eye patch covered his right eye, and Allen couldn't help but wonder what happened. But the eye that wasn't covered is what was really special. It was a brilliant emerald color, and it sparked with life. Allen was so lost in his own thoughts he failed to realize that this stranger had been calling out to him this whole time.

"Hey, are you okay?" The stranger asked, concern lacing his voice. "What happened? Who did this to you?" He continued asking questions, and Allen just groaned in reply.

Allen was silently thankful that this guy didn't seem to know him.

"Hey wait..." The redhead asked, realization on his face. "I don't remembering seeing you around before... Are you the new kid?"

The white haired boy forced himself to sit up, and he leaned against the lockers for support as he hugged his knees to his chest before deciding to tell the truth, and he nodded. He knew this stranger would most likely cringe away, call him names and maybe even beat him like Jasdero and Devit had. Allen looked up to see the taller teen's reaction, and saw a different reaction than he was used to.

The single green orb was swimming with sympathy -pity?- and some other unreadable emotion. Allen shrugged it off.

'He looks at me this way now, but he'll think I'm a freak too. I am a freak. They all know it... I'm just some monster.'

Lavi stared at the white haired teen in front of him, surprised. The things he had heard from Lenalee and Kanda were correct, he was a bit... Abnormal looking. But not in a bad way, in fact, Lavi thought he looked rather adorable. He had white hair, that looked soft and shined in the florescent light, and the redhead had to restrain himself to not run his hand through it. He had a scar over one eye that went a bit onto his forehead, an odd pentagram shape, and then down to his cheek and a bit further, but it wasn't ugly. The teen's eyes were a stunning gray, and they flickered with emotion.

A flash of rage went through Lavi.

Sure, the kid looked a little different, but he wasn't a freak. He hated when people judged others just by their appearance, without even taking the time to get to know the person. After Lavi finished studying the teen, he stood up, sticking his hand down for the other male to grab. The white haired boy hesitated, before finally deciding to take the offered hand.

Lavi pulled him up, surprised by how light he was. After the boy released his hand, a faint blush taking to his cheeks, Lavi stuck out his right hand to him. He wanted to know the guy's name, he wanted to know what his voice sounded like, though if you asked him, Lavi wouldn't be able to tell you why.

"I'm Lavi Bookman, Senior." Lavi told him with a smile.

The other boy hesitated, before shaking his hand with his gloved one. "Allen Walker, Sophomore." Allen blushed as he said his own name, and Lavi thought that was the cutest thing.

Allen had such a sweet voice, it was almost as cute as the boy himself. "So, Allen, what do you say... Friends?"

Allen couldn't stop the shocked expression from appearing on his face. 'This must be some kind of sick joke. Any second he'll rip his hand from mine and laugh at me'. But that never happened. Lavi just continued to smile at him, their hands still pressed together.

"So, really Allen..." Lavi took his hand from Allen's slowly, bringing it up to press it to Allen's still bleeding forehead. "What happened? Who did this to you?" His expression seemed to darken for a moment, before returning to his previous concerned expression.

"...I tripped, is all." Allen answered, wincing away from Lavi's touch.

Lavi rolled his single eye. "Yeah right. Allen, if you're gonna lie to me, do better than that." He smirked, pressing his other hand to the deep bruise on his cheek. "So, who beat you up?" The redhead asked, determined to get some answers.

Allen shrugged, looking down at his feet. "Doesn't matter, I'm okay."

A sigh escaped Lavi's lips as he pulled his hands away from Allen's face. "I'll get the answer out of you eventually. We're friends now, so I gotta look out for you. That's what friends do." He flashed another wide grin.

Allen couldn't help but look into that green eye, trying to figure out Lavi. There was no menacing intent, no cruelty. Just kindness and sympathy. Flickers of sadness flashed as well. Allen honestly couldn't figure out why a guy like Lavi was trying to befriend him. This was probably just some act of pity, and tomorrow he would pretend that he had never seen Allen before, or maybe even join in the teasing with the others.

The white haired boy looked to his feet, not wanting to see the emotions in Lavi's eye anymore. Allen was left with one thought, a question for Lavi that he knew he wasn't brave enough to ask.

'But if I glance at you again, will you still have that look of pity in your eye?'

To Be Continued

Review please!