I've got a new story for you. A lot of people have asked if I'm going to respond to the Trailer I made in Random Daddy-Bats. I am indeed going to do it. Now since Dick is going to be younger, this isn't going to be exactly like the movie.

I don't own Son of Batman.

In the courtyard of a hidden place in the deepest part of Saudi Arabia, there were thousands of men training to be better assassins. Their goal is to save the earth from ecological devastation by destroying humanity. Each day they train for hours wanting to become better assassins. Their leader watches from up top the balcony of the palace as well as his daughter and his heir.

"Here is your legacy Damian. Here is your inheritance." He says to his heir. His grandson steps forward studying his future organization. "The League of Assassins."

"Yes grandfather." The boy says. Ever since he could walk, he had been trained to become the best assassin the world.

"They will be yours to command. To make certain the earth abides a natural contentment; without the use of man." His mother, Talia Al Ghul watches very proud of her ten year old son.

"It is good to see our revered father so devoted to his grandson." One of the elders said to Talia.

"Yes brother it is." Talia said proudly. She knew her son would make the perfect leader after her father passed on. Suddenly, the elder gasped in pain as he was shot in the back and fell to the ground. The three gasped and Talia and Ra's went over to protect the boy.

"We have been breached! They are already inside! Take the boy!" Ra's commanded his daughter. Talia takes her son and jumps off the balcony sliding down the roof until reaching the bottom. The intruders charge at Ra's who stood no match for him. He kills each and every one and dodges a bullet. "Who would dare?!" He asks and looks for the person who fired the bullet. All of a sudden, helicopters come and start shooting at the assassins.

"Stay here Damian." She says and starts fighting. Then assassins then try shooting at Damian who grabs a gun that one of them dropped and started firing.

Meanwhile Ra's Al Ghul looked around for his attacker. Suddenly they jumped down and started fighting with Ra's.

"Hold your fire. He's mine." A voice said. Ra's turned around and faced his former right hand man.

"Slade. What is the meaning of this outrage?"

"I call it a hostile takeover." He said.

"Your arrogance embarrasses me and shames you."

"Let's see how you do against a real swordsman."

"After you…boy" Slade then pulled out his swords and started fighting.

"How could you push me away? I was your right hand man."

"Your actions decided for you." Ra's and Slade started fighting until Slade sprinted out of the palace. Ra's looked over to see that the room was being set on fire. He ran as fast as he could but the fire was faster. Ra's jumped out of the room on fire and landed on the ground. Most of his skin had burned off and smoke was coming off his body. Slade then came down and harshly placed his sword on Ra's charcoaled head.

"After 500 years the world has had enough of you old man. The pit will not save you this time." Slade raised his sword but before he could strike, Damian kicked him off of Ra's. Damian then kneeled down and looked at his burned Grandfather.

"Grandfather." He said sadly. Slade then ran towards him but being raised by assassins Damian heard his footsteps and blocked his sword. Damian and Slade fought until Slade knocked him into a pillar.

"So you're Talia's little ba*****. Not bad for a child. Now we end this. Damian quickly got up and cut one of the pillars making one of the balconies fall on top of him. Damian then stuck the sword into Slade's eye making him scream in pain.

"Now your heart!" Damian shouted but before he could strike, Slade threw smoke bombs at him and escaped from a helicopter.

"I'll make you suffer for this boy; next time." Slade said and was flown away in a helicopter led by...

"Ubo." Damian said angrily as it flew away. He then chased after it. "Come back and finish it traitors!" He shouted as the members went into the helicopters and flew away. Then he realized that his grandfather was all alone. "Grandfather!" Damian shouted as he ran back into the courtyard. HE continued calling him until he realized that he must have crawled into the Lazarus pit. Quickly he ran into the room not listening to his mother who was calling him. When he got there, he watched in horror as his grandfather laid on the floor. Dead. Damian then went over to try to help him into the pit. "Hurry! We have to get him into the pit!" Talia went over and blocked his way.


"We have to try. We can't just leave him here."

"He's dead; the pit can't restore a body this damaged." Damian's knees buckled and sank to the floor. Talia then walked over and put her hands on her son's shoulders. "You did your best."

"I failed." He said nearly in tears.

"We can't think about that now. We have to move." Talia said getting up. "Come along Damian." Damian didn't move. "Damian! Now!" Finally she pulled her son and dragged him out of the room.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Gotham City. It's time to meet your father."

Son of Batman

I know that it's kind of boring now but next chapter we meet the Wayne family with a few bonding moments. Like I said this isn't going to be exactly like the movie but there will be some similar parts. Review and I'll update again.
