Disclaimer: I don't own Vocaloid in any way, shape of form.


Miku Hatsune was one of those girls you knew everything and nothing about. With luscious cascading teal locks strung up in twin tails and eyes as mesmerizing as the sea, she was easily the most beautiful girl in her school. If she was any other girl in any other story, she would have had boys (and possibly even girls) lining up for the chance to date her, to woo for her affections. Soft curves, an angelic face, she was the ultimate prize.

But Miku Hatsune was not that type of girl.

Barely speaking at all, she pointedly ignored anyone who approached her. It was only in the rarest of moments that her melodious voice was heard at all. Only two circumstances could elicit the beautiful sound from those sensuous lips – to answer a question presented by a teacher and to brusquely respond to another student who dared to force their presence and initiate conversation. Sitting with a perfect mix of elegance, grace and dominance, her very aura screamed "Queen of the World". With eyes as sharp as knives, Miku Hatsune sat by herself, alone, often in the corner by the windows, reading a book. Beautiful and secluded, she was a mystery to all.

And that was exactly the way she liked it. Because, you see, Miku Hatsune was the type of person that found other people horribly meddlesome and irritating.

Some approached her with eyes full of lust, crawling slowly over her body, causing goosebumps to bloom onto the porcelain skin. Some approached her with hard eyes and excruciatingly fake smiles, hoping to be close, hoping to be "friends", plotting the day they would stab her in the back. To some, Miku Hatsune was like some sort of hero, eyes glowing brightly with unfounded admiration, their expectations of her higher than reality could ever present. But the worst were the ones with eyes full of a love purer than white.

Deep down inside, Miku Hatsune was not a cruel and apathetic person. Deep down inside, Miku Hatsune had a heart that was softer than what it seemed to be, than what she wanted it to be. Once upon a time, so long ago, that soft and innocent heart was worn on her sleeve for all to see, a naive girl in the truest sense. But unfortunately for herself and everyone else, people ruined that. Attacking and abusing her heart at every chance presented, Miku Hatsune learned early on that there was no point in trusting in people other than herself. It just wasn't worth it. The world and its inhabitants would never be kind to the "beautiful creatures" that walked among them. To believe anything else would be an act of stupidity. Perfection was something to be envied, something to be ruined. Miku Hatsune wanted no part of that. And so – people had to go.

But like I said, underneath that seemingly unpierceable armor of solidity, lived a girl with a loving soul.

And that is why those eyes were the worst. Sneaking glances at her with an innocence that could only be adored, Miku Hatsune found herself yearning to be kind. The blushes that formed when such eyes "accidentally" met hers made her want to smile brighter than the sun. Those eyes, so pure, so innocent, so wide and untainted by the cruelty of the world, they were the sort of eyes that made her want to abandon the façade she painstakingly put up day after day.

It was eyes like those that were the most dangerous of all.

It wasn't love. No – it was nothing close to that. It was…. it was…. hope, maybe? Yes – that was the best way to describe it. Hope. Hope that maybe, just maybe, the world wasn't so hideous after all.

Miku's favorite was a young boy by the name of Rei Kagamine. Short in stature with delicate features, inky black hair and eyes like amber, it was easy to pin him as one of those shotas. With large eyes that looked at her with warm and nervous affection, eyelashes brushing pink cheeks, Rei Kagamine was the physical embodiment of adorable.

And on those days when his gaze lingered too long, she'd look over at him and purposely meet his eyes, steady teal against frantic amber. Biting his lips but refusing to look away, they would stare each other down, oddly unnoticed by everyone else. And on those days when she couldn't really resist, Miku Hatsune would smile, gentle and kind, a sight so rare.

And on those days, when such a rare and beautiful sight occurred, Rei Kagamine would burst into flames from across the cafeteria. Ignoring the puzzled and curious gazes of his friends, he'd hide his face against the lunch table, the tips of his ears a shockingly bright red. Peeking over his arms when it was safe, Rei Kagamine would smile back, black hair as flustered as his heart.

Rei knew that Miku Hatsune did not like him in the way that he liked her. He was innocent maybe but certainly not an idiot. He knew she loved him like an older sister would, no more but certainly no less. He was ok with that. Elated even. Because in that sense, Rei Kagamine was more special than anyone could hope to be. He was the one that saw her hidden smile, her teal eyes soft with loving adoration. He was someone worth looking at. Just him. Only him. And for Rei Kagamine, for someone who expected nothing at all, it was more than enough.

However, I believe that I must clear something up. For those of you believing that this is a story between Miku and Rei – I have to say, you're terribly wrong. For this right here is a prologue, an introduction of sorts, if you will. Nothing between these two will ever happen. That is something that I can assure. However, you, my dear reader, is not the one to be blamed. For quite honestly, it is a misunderstanding created from my behalf. This, I understand. And for this, I apologize. Could you ever forgive me?

...Then why bring up Rei Kagamine at all you ask?

Well you see my dear, it is because of Rei that it even happened at all. For if it wasn't for Rei, for if it wasn't for the force of his innocent love, what happened next would have never been. And for reasons like these, I am thankful to Rei, for bringing such an….. interesting story into existence. So in a way, this, this little snippet right here is my thanks to him.

But enough of this. We have digressed for far too long.

It is time for act II of this little play.


Yeah so...I popped out another mini story thing. Yes, yes, I know. I'm late with The Tainted World...again...but I had really bad writer's block! So I just started to write something else, something quite short as you can all see. I just needed something to distract myself.

Well anyways, what do you guys think? From how I have this set up in my mind, this should be a two shot. Sorry for the lack of genre tags - I'm not exactly sure where this story lands to be quite honest (so I just put it under drama). Well yeah...I'm done rambling on now. Hope you guys liked act I of This Little Play. Act II should pop up in a couple days time, after I'm done figuring out the newest chapter of The Tainted World.

Bye Bye for now.
