Hello Readers:) Woo, the Gruvia fire is burning strong so here's another one.This is just a lil one-shot I had in my head, so I wanted to put it in writing. I hope you like it:)

To everyone who reviewed my first story; Thank you so much:D You were all so sweet, it really inspired me to keep writing!

So this is not technically a lemon, but it is.. citrus-y ;D Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. If I did... it would be exactly the same, but with a lot of sex! Mwuahahaha!

Gray swallowed hard while staring at them with an avid intensity. He just couldn't look away! Even with all the noise around him; from Natsu and Gajeel's escalating brawl, to Elfman yelling something about the glory of manliness, Gray was absolutely entranced. He hadn't moved a muscle since he first caught sight of it, remaining perfectly still with his drink clutched tightly in his hand. The party in the guild raged on despite him.

A loud screech sounded & Natsu went flying into a nearby table, smashing it to pieces. "That'll teach you to make fun of my singing, fire-breath!" Gajeel roared from the other side of the room, while his arm changed back from full iron to his normal fist of flesh and bone. With a challenging growl, Natsu hoped up to his feet and engulfed his hand in bright fire. "The truth hurts, don't it Metal-head? Why don't you write a song about how badly I'm about to kick your ass!" Releasing an intimidating war-cry, Salamander charged toward the fellow Dragon Slayer with fists blazing. But Gray didn't notice any of this, his eyes were fixed intently on his target at the table across from him.

The tantalizing sheer black lace at the top of some super sexy Fishnet thigh highs. When she crossed her long shapely legs, it made the skin tight dress she wore rise up and reveal the lacy material stretched across her supple thigh. Gray griped the handle of his beer mug tighter, 'So, hot!' It was ludicrous that something so small, was turning him on so much! All he could think about, was getting his hands on those smoking legs of hers... and possibly his mouth too. Leaning back in her chair, the dress slid up higher and he almost groaned as more of her delectable milk white thigh was exposed.

He then narrowed his eyes while he thought to himself, never once taking his gaze off her. 'That sneaky lil' tease! She knew damn well what she was doing when she put on that dress and those fucking stockings! She planned to come here tonight and sit close enough to show off her hot lingerie, but also keep a distance to where I couldn't reach out and touch her!' Gray let a low guttural sound rise up from the back of his throat, signaling his sexual frustration.

Him and Juvia had been seeing each other for almost two weeks now, and he knew just how kinky she could be. He was also well aware that she absolutely loved to tease him with her body, which infuriated and thrilled him at the same time. As the familiar itch began to grow in his mind, so did some wildly inappropriate fantasies.

Gray slightly cocked his head to the side as he pondered, 'I wonder what kind of underwear she has on?' Her sudden laughter, made the ice mage finally break his gaze from her legs and look up to her face. She was wearing her long blue hair down and her black dress dipped low enough to show a modest portion of her ample cleavage. She was laughing at something Lucy had said and they were now discussing what looked like to be a hilarious subject. But Gray could care less, he only had one thing on his mind. His eyes darted down to Juvia's naughty thighs, then up again at the sound of the blonde's shrill giggle. He glared at the celestial wizard coldly, 'Damn it Lucy, stop being a cock-block and go away!'

As he tried to telepathically tell the blonde to take a hike, the mighty Erza came strolling up behind him. She lifted her hand and gave him a friendly smack on the shoulder, but to Gray, it was more like a punch that almost knocked him over. Slightly wincing from the pain her armored hand just inflicted, the ice mage turned toward Erza who stood with her hands on her hips and a small smile on her face. "Hello Gray. What are you doing sitting here all by yourself?"

He stared blankly at the armor changing wizard, as he inwardly panicked. 'I can't tell Erza that I was checking out Juvia, trying to find a way to get her alone so I can screw her senseless! Damn it, think!'

Quickly gaining his composure, he straightened himself and tried to answer in his usual cool and indifferent tone. "Oh, I was thinking 'bout that mission we just completed."

With an understanding nod of her head, she replied. "Yes, that was indeed an arduous battle."

Gray nodded in silent agreement, before a thought came to him. He quickly glanced at Lucy out of the corner of his eye and smirked to himself. "You know," he began. "I was talking to Lucy after wards and she told me how impressed she was by the way you defeated that cave monster."

Erza slightly raised her brow, intrigued and Gray grinned to himself before proceeding. "She kept going on about how amazing you were and how she wanted to learn all about the techniques you used to defeat it. She said it would be good material for the novel she's working on, or something."

Titania looked somewhat surprised as a light blush dusted her cheeks. "Oh?"

Gray let a small smile touch his lips and he continued. "Yeah, but she might deny it if you come right out and ask her about it. Poor thing was so embarrassed."

Erza had a sympathizing expression on her face, before it turned to one of determination as she squared her shoulders. "Not to worry, I will be sensitive towards her feelings. Thank you Gray."

He gave her a quick salute and she turned on her heel and marched over to the table where the girls sat. He watched in amusement, as Erza went over to Lucy and wrapped and arm around her comfortingly. The blonde's face contorted in confusion, then without warning, she was plucked from her seat and hauled away by the redheaded wizard. Juvia silently gaped as her guild mate was carried off without an explanation and she put her hand up to her mouth contemplatively. 'What was that all about?' She wondered.

Suddenly a deep husky voice sounded in her ear, "Hey beautiful." A quick shiver ran through the water mage and she slowly turned her head to gaze into Gray's dark eyes that were clouded with lust. She lightly bit her lip as a blush stained her cheeks. "Gray-sama."

He gave her a dashing grin, then spoke in a rich commanding voice. "Come with me."

Her heart fluttered in response, but then she glanced around the room awkwardly. "But, everybody will see us if we leave now."

As if on cue, all the lights went out and a second later, a single spotlight shone on the stage as Mirajane appeared with her guitar. The crowd whooped and cheered as she took a seat on the stage. Juvia whipped her head up to Gray in amazement. "How, did.."

He simply grinned at her and held out his hand. "I'm just that good, babe."

She smiled warmly at him, then took his hand and let him lead the way out of the dark crowd. Swiftly, they maneuvered through the halls and soon made their way to the library. The room was dimly lit and the distant sound of Mira's song echoed through the massive space. Juvia felt large hands grasp her waist and she released a sharp gasp as she was quickly pinned to the wall behind her. Gray moved his body into hers with a low growl, letting his eyes rove over her curvy figure. She gently bit her bottom lip as her pulse began to race. "Gray-sam-" She was silenced by his lips crashing down onto hers hungrily.

A low whimper sounded from her as she wrapped her arms around his bare shoulders, pulling him closer. His hands slid down her sides and curled around to cup her ass tightly, pushing her hips into his. A light gasp parted her lips, and he angled his head before plunging his tongue into her open mouth, growling in delight. Juvia moaned into him, curling her fingers in his thick black hair and caressing his tongue with equal fervor. Fueling his passion, he snaked his fingers under her dress and pushed it up past her hips.

He then roughly grabbed the back of her thigh and lifted it up as he pushed his body into hers. Juvia moaned raggedly into his mouth while he ground his hips between her legs. Groaning low, his hand rubbed her thigh and his fingers slipped under the band of her stockings, relishing the feeling of her soft skin. Sensually, she tugged on his bottom lip with her teeth while her fingers ran down his arm and grabbed his free hand.

She brought it up to her chest and placed his hand on her supple breast, which he squeezed firmly. She whimpered softly and Gray chuckled against her lips, before slipping his tongue back into her warm mouth. Juvia bucked her hips against him, which he countered by thrusting into her harder and palming her breast roughly. She mewled hungrily and raked her fingernails down his ripped abs.

Suddenly, a shrill gasp sounded from behind them, making the two pause and instantly snap their eyes open. Then, a high-pitched voice said tauntingly, "I knew you two were in looove!" Panic clutched Gray and Juvia as they gaped at each other. "That voice!"

The pair whipped their heads around to see a wide-eyed and very guilty looking Happy floating in the doorway. Gray's jaw dropped open and Juvia made a tiny squeak of terror as her face flushed bright red.

A devious smile appeared on Happy's fuzzy face before he announced loudly, "I'm gonna go tell everyone!" And with that he flew out the door, giggling mischievously.

Gray's eyes widened comically as he dropped Juvia's leg. "Oh, Shit! Happy! Come on Juvia, we have to catch that lil' fur ball quick!"

Juvia swiftly nodded her head, "Okay!" And followed the ice mage out the door, while frantically trying to pull her dress down.

Gray spotted Happy making his way through the hallway and they began to furiously chase him down, all the while yelling demands at the feline flying above them. Happy paid them no mind and continued to soar overhead, smiling gleefully. Gray gritted his teeth in frustration and realized they were going to have to take more drastic measures.

Putting his hands together, he called out. "Ice Make: Grappling Hook!" The chain of ice went shooting up and latched onto the top of a nearby pillar. Holding it tight, Gray was launched up toward the ceiling and closed in on the blue cat. Quickly catching sight of the angry ice wizard, Happy panicked and dove down to escape his capture. Gray reached out with his hand, but missed the exceed's tail by a few inches.

Balling his fist, he cursed the cat, then suddenly lost his grip on the ice chain. "Shit!"

Juvia widened her eyes in fear, "Gray-sama!"

Reacting fast, he created a makeshift ice ramp and slid back down to the ground with ease. The water mage ran toward him smiling, just as he rose to his feet with a sigh. "Gray-sama, Juvia's so glad you're alri- ah!" Clumsily, she slipped on the fresh ice and crashed into him with a squeal.

Gray braced her with his hands, but then his foot slid out from under him and they both fell to the ground. Juvia landed on top of him with her legs splayed on either side of his waist and her long hair fell over his face. Catching sight of the ridiculous scene, Happy burst out laughing and clutched his furry sides. But because he wasn't looking ahead of him, the silly cat bonked his head on the wall and fell to the floor with a groan.

Juvia swept her hand under her hair and flipped it back so she could look at the handsome mage underneath her. A light blush dusted her cheeks when she saw the corner of his lips curl upward in a suggestive smirk. If he wasn't trying to catch a pesky fur ball at the moment, he would take advantage of this situation in the best way possible.

Blushing harder, Juvia pushed herself off of him and said nervously, "Juvia's sorry Gray-sama."

Gray sat up while chuckling to himself. "It's alright."

Rubbing the back of his head, he turned toward the end of the hall and gaped when he saw Happy on the floor with his eyes spinning dizzily. The bluenette followed his gaze and gasped when she saw the fallen feline ahead of them.

Scrambling to his feet, Gray hollered, "Quick, grab him!"

Pushing himself up on his paws, Happy shook his head wearily, then turned toward the approaching noise. His eyes bulged out in terror as he screeched. "Oh no! Gray's gonna eat me!"

Turning to fly away, he was snatched up by the ice wizard who wrapped an arm around the squirming cat. "Rrr, I'm not going to eat you, Happy!"

Juvia rushed to his side and said reassuringly, "Do not worry lil' friend, we won't hurt you."

Happy looked up at them nervously "You won't?"

Gray shook his head then replied calmly, "No, of course not. Now look Happy... you can't tell anyone what you just saw in the library, alright? No one, not even Natsu."

The feline looked at him puzzled. "But, Natsu's my best friend!"

Gray sighed as he lowered the cat to the ground. "I know Happy, it's just..." Stroking his chin, Gray realized he was going to have to give the fur ball some incentive to keep his mouth shut. After a moment, a mischievous grin crossed his face and he leaned towards the blue cat. "If you promise to keep quiet.. I'll give you fresh fish every day for a whole month."

The feline's eyes sparkled eagerly as he brought his front paws together with excitement. "Really?"

The ice mage nodded his head slowly. "Yes. And not just the same mackerel day in day out. Salmon, tuna, halibut, whatever you want."

Happy's eyes glistened more with each mention of fish as a trail of drool appeared on the side of his mouth.

Gray arched a single eyebrow, "Deal?"

Happy looked up at him and then raised his front paw. "Aye!"

Gray smiled in return and watched as the cat's eyes gleamed happily, "Oh sweet fish, you'll be in my dreams tonight." He said dreamily while sprouting his wings and then began floating down the hall in a daze.

Juvia smiled and stood next to Gray, watching the cat disappear down the hallway. "You really know that lil' guy's weak spot, huh?"

He gave a small "Hmph." in response, then focused his attention on the bluenette beside him. She immediately perked up when she caught sight of his dark grin and the devious spark flashing in his eyes.

He grabbed her hand then and with out a word, started leading her out the hallway. Juvia innocently tilted her head and questioned, "Gray-sama?"

He said nothing and lead her through another hallway and finally brought her to a supply closet. Getting her inside, he closed the door behind them. Pushing her toward the corner, he then grasped the back of her neck and spoke in a deep rich tone. "Where were we?" Juvia's cheeks flushed as she stared up at him, her dark eyes simmering with desire. Leaning down, he brushed his lips against hers before capturing them in a searing kiss. She melted into him instantly, tilting her head so his tongue could enter her hot mouth. He growled in approval and pushed her back against the shelves, running his hands up her thighs and massaging her tongue with his. She whimpered wantonly while grabbing the sides of his neck and leaned her hips into him.

He grinned to himself and pushed his hands upward, lifting her skirt above her juicy hips. With another growl he grabbed the sides of her underwear and pulled them down her thighs, delighting himself in her tiny gasp. Grabbing her ass, he lifted her up and set her on top of a barrel, then finished removing her panties. Juvia bit her bottom lip as he stuffed the garment into his pocket, then shoved her knees apart, ignoring her timid whimper. She reached out and griped the chain of his necklace, panting softly while he dipped his hand between her thighs and stroked her sensitive core. She gasped sharply, moving her body into him hungrily.

His strong fingers caressed her wet folds slowly, emitting a ragged moan from her. Gray groaned low and he positioned two fingers at her entrance, then plunged them deep inside her. She mewled loudly and bucked her hips against his hand, before breathlessly calling out his name. Gritting his teeth, he started pumping his fingers into her tight center, causing her to throw her head back and moan desperately. Leaning forward, Gray ran his tongue along her throat and then sank his teeth into her soft flesh. Juvia cried out and spasm-ed while he started moving his fingers inside her.

She ached to touch him, so she reached forward and began unfastening his belt. His cool breath on her ear, sent a shiver through her body and her hands moved with more urgency to remove his clothes. She finally yanked down his pants and boxers, then dragged her wet tongue along her hand for lubrication. Gray watched her in fascination, a devilish smirk growing on his face. She dipped her hand down and he clutched her chin making her look at him while she reached for him.

Her slender fingers wrapped around his throbbing member and he inhaled sharply, causing her to smile seductively and blush. She tightened her grip and stroked his length repeatedly, making him shudder and curse under his breath. His reaction fueled her lust and she leaned into him, sensually flicking her tongue across his lips. A deep growl emitted from him and he crashed his lips onto hers, while pushing his hand firmly against her core. Juvia moaned into his mouth and continued moving her hand back and forth.

Suddenly, from out of the darkness, came a loud; "That a boy, Gray!" Then a rough slap was delivered to Gray's exposed ass. The force jerked his body forward and he yelped in shock as Juvia's jaw dropped open. Whipping his head around, Gray yelled at the offending intruder. "Cana?! What the Fuck is wrong with you!?"

With a crazed laughter, she bolted out the door and slammed it behind her. The two could faintly hear her obnoxious voice hollering, "Wait'll people hear about this!"

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Gray threw his head back and shouted angrily. "Ah, damn it!"

The End...or is it?