Tris POV

"Tris... It's time to wake up" Tobias says. I feel my stomach drop as he says it's time. All of the horrors of the past week come flooding into my mind and I don't know what to do. "Tris. Seriously were going to be late"

"Okay" I grumble and then I roll out of bed and grab some clothes to change in to.

Tobias and I get ready quite quickly and as he is about to open the apartment door to leave he turns around and looks at me and says "No matter what happens today, we'll be okay. I promise". A small smile comes across my face and I say "okay". Tobias pecks me on the lips, grabs my hand, and we walk out of the apartment.

The walk to the cafeteria felt like the longest walk ever. I didn't speak the entire walk and neither did Tobias.

As we walked into the room, the first thing I noticed was how crowded the room was. Eric supported his promise with at least 50 dauntless standing behind him. I stopped in the entry way of the room and just looked around for any familiar faces. Of the many people, I noticed Christina standing there with puffy eyes.

"Well don't just stand there, we have lots to discuss" Eric says.

"Right" Tobias responds with.

Eric stands up on a table and looks directly at me and says "I'll have to say, this task was a lot easier than I thought. We are Dauntless. One Unit. A family that can be united to fight any cause. We are here to keep the peace..." He takes a breif pause before continuing "Everyone here knows their roles in todays cause except you two. Four, you will stay with me for the majority of today, that is until our mission is complete. Tris, at 7 you will go to Caleb's room and attempt to lure him to the pit where our plan will take action. I would reccomend saying something like "I want to get one last look at the compound before we go... blah blah blah". Sound easy enough for you?"

I nod my head, but Tobias sternly says "No. I am not letting Tris go anywhere near Caleb. We don't know what his motives are and he could be planning for this attack."

Eric looks like he is about to say something until I speak up saying "do you not think that I can handle him myself?" Tobias rolls his eyes because I know that is not what he meant. "Tris you're perfectly capable of handling your brother on your own, it's him that I don't trust... not you." He looks to Eric and asks "Can I just follow her from a distance and make sure he isn't planning other things?"

Eric smirks and says "The boy is smarter than you think Four. He is trained to notice things out of the ordinary and a man following him is not ordinary. He'll know something is up when he sees you. Don't worry. There will be people placed all around the compound watching. Making sure that everything goes as planned."

Tobias takes a deep breath and says "Okay fine. What happens when she gets to the Pit?"

"She takes her sweet time walking around the pit so that we can ambush Caleb from all sides. When we all show up, Tris you can either join us or leave. You can not get in our way of what we will be doing." Eric says.

"Why would I get in your way? He is threatening Four's life." I say

Eric steps off of the table and walks closer to me and says "He's your brother grew up with him for 16 years, it's almost impossible for you to not want to save him when it came down to it. You have to remember that he is no longer your brother, he betrayed you and is no longer considered family."

"Fine. I won't get in your way." I say.

"Great. It is 6:30 everyone! Go get in your positions and let's get this done so we can go get breakfast!" Eric shouts and everyone replies with a shouting "Yeah!"

People start shuffling out of the room and before I leave Tobias grabs my hand and pulls me to the side of the crowd "Be careful okay?"

"Okay" I say with a nervous smile on my face "I'll be fine"

"I know you will." Tobias says. He cups my cheeks in his hands and kisses me before turning around and catching up with Eric. I stand in the same position until I am left standing alone in the cafeteria. Sitting alone in the cafeteria was the most nerve racking experience that I have had in a while. I mostly walked back and forth waiting for the clock to hit 6:55 so I could leave, but each second felt like an hour.

Finally, the clock said 6:53 and I thought that it was close enough so I left the cafeteria and headed for Caleb's room. It seemed like I sprinted to his room because by 6:58 I was there. I decided I was going to wait until my watch said 7 before knocking on his door. I looked around me and noticed at the end of the hall Tori dressed in Candor clothing reading a book by a light. She looked back at me and brought her index finger to her lips, giving me a theoretical "shhh". I nodded my head and looked at my watch that said 7.

I looked at his door, took a deep breath and knocked. I heard Caleb yell "Coming!" and then a lot of shuffling around until he opened up the door and a big grin appeared on his face. He was wearing navy blue jeans, a pale blue collard shirt and a royal blue dress coat. "You're early my dear" he said like he was pretending to be my friend.

"I had to sneak out before Four woke up" I responded with.

"Well then. Do you want to come in and sit down? I have to pack a few things before we leave." Caleb says opening the door more for me to enter.

"No," I say "Since I will most likely never come back here, I want to get one last look at the compound before we go. I thought that you would like to go with me, so that we can just leave from the Pit."

"Productive and efficient. I understand why you got Erudite in your aptitude test. Let me grab some things really quick then we can be on our way." Caleb says as he runs to his bed and packs a few things, leaving his door open.

He zips up his bag and throws it over his shoulder then leavs his small room, locks the door and turns to look at me "You lead the way."

I look at my watch which reads 7:22 and start walking at a fast pace. I glance at all of the things I would want to look at if I were actually leaving until we reach the enterance to the pit. I stop and Caleb rund into me.

"Why'd you stop?" Caleb asks.

"I am about to leave my entire life behind. Can I not take my time?" I say sternly which makes Caleb take a step back "I understand. Take your time, but we have to leave by 8". I look at my watch which says 7:45 and I step into the Pit. I just walk around and look over the edge, just waiting until something happens.

I notice more and more people entering the Pit from both enterances, some what blocking every way out. "It's getting crowded in here Beatrice, we should leave..." Caleb says pushing me towards the exit. We get closer and closer to the exit until I don't feel Caleb's hand on my back anymore.

I turn around and see Caleb on the ground with a bag on his head, being held down by two men I don't know. I instantly feel the urge to make them stop because I know Caleb's small frame can't handle the weight of two Dauntless officers, so I just step back into the crowd until I feel someone's hands grasp my arms.

I gasp and turn around and to my delight it is Tobias. He pulls me into a hug while I hear Caleb yelling "Beatrice! Beatrice! Don't let them do this to me!"

I now know why Tobias didn't have a more involved job, his job was to hold me back when they started to hold Caleb over the chasm. I hated what they were doing... They were torturing him by letting him hang there, helpless.

"Stop!" I yelled, but I couldn't move because of Tobias' strong arms wrapped around me. I kicked and screamed, yelling at the top of my lungs for them to stop hurting him until Tobias carried me out of the room "stop." I said one last time until I was too tired to do anything more.I fell weak into Tobias' arms and listened to his voice saying "He is going to be fine. There sending him back to Erudite with a message. He's not going to die."

His whisper soothed me and I understood once more why we were on this mission. "I'm sorry I acted the way I did." I say.

"We all knew you would, so don't be. You care for him, and that's not a bad thing." Tobias says and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Can I go see him one last time? Tell him i'm sorry." I ask for reasons almost unknown in my mind.

"Why not?" Tobias smiles, stands up and offers me his hand which I gladly take.

We walk to the opposite exit of the Pit which suprisingly cleared out fast and walk to a black car waiting for us. The back seat window rolls down and Caleb is sitting there with an angry face.

"Caleb." I say in a calm voice.

"I was trying to save you and this is how you re-pay me? You're ungrateful! Selfish! You are not the sister I used to know!

"I know" I say with a smile because I know he is right. I am not who I used to be. I am stronger, smarter, and a complete better person than I used to be.

"I never want to see your face any where near me again! Go to hell Beatrice Prior! Go to hell!" Caleb continues to yell as his window begins to roll back up.

"Goodbye Caleb" I say right before the window closes.

{Author's Note}

So I know I haven't written in a few months and I do have a few excuses. 1. I had finals for school which was very stressful for me. 2. I got this amazing opportunity to travel across the United States of America for 23 days and was very occupied with that and 3. I had the world's worst case of writers block and could not figure out what I wanted to do with this chapter. I am not even sure if I am happy with it. But WHATEVER! Honestly, I am so busy with my life right now, that I don't know when I am going to be able to write the next chapter, but I promise I will continue to write. Thankyou for everyone who has stayed with me and this story for over a year now! It truly means a lot to me! If you have any ideas or reccomendations for the story feel free to let me know! I love you all very much!

Love always!
