I am rewriting this to improve the early chapters. There shouldn't be any plot changes but it might eventually be worth re-reading just to enjoy the fact the early chapters are now no longer written by a 14 year old.

Chapter 39

They would be staying in the tribute centre during their time in the Capitol. Fortunately that meant Katniss didn't have to endure the crowds of the Capitol until later because the train could pull into a subterranean station and they could take a tunnel to the centre.

The centre was full of a life Katniss never saw during the games. Not capitol life, victor life. During the games all the victors had other things to worry about but now there was a celebratory atmosphere. Although it was mandatory for them all to be there for the president's ball, the victors seemed to enjoy any opportunity to get together. Katniss supposed it was a relief from the celebrity they endured in their home districts or being with people who understood you in a way that the normal population couldn't. Here they were safe to be themselves, even insult the capitol if they wanted.

District 2 hosted everyone for dinner on the night they arrived, Enobaria claimed it was because they could use the party as an excuse to get desserts. She thought it was more likely that it was because nobody else was happy to host the careers. It wasn't a formal event which was a relief after the constant stream of parties she'd been forced through over the past weeks. Instead all the victors turned up roughly on time and helped themselves to food. Most sat in groups on the floor to eat, the chairs respectfully reserved for the oldest or those with disabilities.

It was only the second time that Katniss had been in the district 2 floor. It was decorated almost identically to the penthouse, the only real difference was in the view out of the floor to ceiling windows which took up the entire wall. The capitol was much quieter than it had been during the games – the victory tour festivities weren't due to start for another couple of days. This much lower to the ground you could see the individual people that wandered past outside. The windows must have been one way though because they seemed oblivious to the victor who'd pressed himself up against the glass like a spider on a mirror.

It was very obvious here that there were cliques among the victors, that the arena never truly left them. Arrayed around the man pressed up against the window, who had removed his shoes and appeared to be trying to get a foothold on the smooth pane, were a group of those who had resorted to self medication after their games. They sat close together, alternating between giggling and moaning to the soft background music.

The plain metal tables had been taken from the tribute training centre down stairs and joined end to end. They groaned under the weight of the feast that had been laid out across them. There were meals from every district including a whole pile of oranges, several large birds and an entire pig with an apple in its mouth. The main table had obligingly been turned into a well stocked drinks bar which now played host to a district 5 man with crimson hair who was mixing cocktails for the rest of the outer rim district victors.

Although that was currently the quietest part of the room, she imagined it would soon become rather rowdy if the frequency of refills were anything to go by.

Then, in prime position in the living area, the careers were situated. This was by far the biggest group in the room and they were by far the loudest as well as the most active.

'Hey, Katniss is here!' Cash announced to the massive group. Immediately the group converged on her, sweeping her over towards a prime position next to Cato on the couch. She was pounded on the back several times and expected her prep team would have to cover bruises in the morning.

She was relieved to reach the bubble of space around Cato, sinking into the seat beside him and shielded her stinging back from more abuse with the cushions. She was asked all the general questions, none of which she could answer because she'd spent most of the last months in the woods with Cato. They careers seem to take her vague answers as not wanting to talk and quickly lost interest when they realised she had never held any weapon other than a bow. Instead, they devolved into an argument over whether a staff or a spear was better against a cudgel; whatever a cudgel was.

Instead she took the opportunity to study Cato and her friends when they weren't playing nice for her sensibilities. There was a clear pecking order among them, which seemed to correlate roughly to their strength. Brutus was much more outspoken than he had been at home, arguing loudly in favour of abandoning both weapons and using hand to hand combat.

Gloss was quiet, talking mainly to his sister but they both had a chair in the middle, near the action. Occasionally he would add something to the larger debate, usually in direct contrast to something the tall skinny victor from two had just said. Lyme, if Katniss remembered correctly.

Enobaria stood, but unlike the others she wasn't jostling for space or fighting to get her voice heard. In fact, she seemed to be leading the debate against a staff, which appeared to be the winning side.

There was an older lady who's games had been long before Katniss had been born. She would wave a hand and one of the younger district 1 victors would listen to her points and then argue them for her, but whenever he tried to make his own points, someone would talk over him.

Cato remained completely silent, but there was a huge space afforded to him. He was listening intently to the debate and after letting it continue for several minutes he finally spoke and everyone fell silent to listen.

'Spear. Learn to use it Lyme' He said bluntly, which seemed to effectively end the debate as though none of them dared to contradict him. Even the insulted Lyme seemed to bitterly accept his verdict and challenged someone to an arm wrestle instead.

A woman from two tried to engage her in conversation about the upcoming quell, wanting to hear her theories but Katniss didn't want to think about the kids she would be sending to their almost inevitable deaths. When the woman sensed her reluctance she instead joined in with the arm wrestling. When the friendly competition degenerated into full body wrestling with both participants rolling on the floor and the attention of the entire group was on them, Katniss finally saw an opportunity to take her leave.

She easily faded to the back of the group, her slight frame melting unnoticeably between the careers. As soon as she was free, she hurried over to the group standing around the drinks table. It took a while for them to notice her, but when they did she was greeted by handshakes and one startling sloppy, alcohol scented kiss from Chaff. Not one of them congratulated her; in fact, Johanna Mason even offered her condolences. Then she was enfolded in warm, genuine conversation. Johanna could relate to how she had tried to drown the cat, and she understood how amazing it was that they had the goat. The red-headed district 7 victor that overheard was only too happy to tell her that the quality of its milk would improve if she included more protein in its diet.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of easy conversation, occasionally interrupted by a chorus of screams from the group by the window or the jeering of a career brawl. Several hours in, Finnick appeared at her elbow with a plate of food and they sat in groups on the floor. Eventually she started to doze off against the handsome victor.

She woke as someone tucked their hands under her knees and shoulders and lifted her off the floor. Blearily she opened her eyes to find herself in Cato's arms.

'I'll get her to bed. Not like Haymitch will be able to.' He was saying.

'I'll get him.' Finnick said, and she heard him walking away, followed by several slurred curses that sounded like Haymitch being deprived of his bottle.

The room was much darker now but she could still hear the careers over by the couches. She stirred slightly in Cato's arms and he glanced down at her.

'Hey Katniss,' he said simply. She considered asking to walk but Cato appeared to be lifting her with little effort, so she looked around instead. There were several groups of sleeping victors, mainly those who had been most active at the impromptu cocktail bar. The career group had also reduced in numbers, although they had probably all made it to their rooms.

Finnick appeared, supporting Haymitch who was mumbling something about how he wanted it all to end. She paid it little mind as Cato followed them, carrying her into the lift and up to her room. He put her gently in the cold bed, folding crisp cold sheets over her. His hand brushed her hair flat against the pillow, and his hand moved to brush the other side, then he hesitated half way, thought better of it and jerked away, hurrying out of the room.