"Um Miss, I believe you dropped this."

I looked up from my studies to see a blonde haired boy with a shy smile, grasping a neon tube of Revlon mascara. I chuckled silently to myself, was this some sort of joke? I, Alison Maree Dawson would never be caught dead wearing drug store makeup.

Yet alone have it in my possession.

He must be hitting on me, oh isn't that adorable.

"Not interested." I deadpanned my eyes returning back to the endless words that tattooed the pages of my textbook.

I heard him clear his throat, but he made no move to leave. I sighed, they were always so persistent.

"That's sorta your cue to go blondie." I said without looking up from my book. But the boy still didn't move, in fact he took a seat right next to me; I could feel his lingering gaze.

"Excuse me? I'm so confused right now. I was only trying to retrieve to you what you dropped, Ally." He said my name bitterly, causing me to snap by book shut. No one called me "Ally" not even my own mother, there was no way some random creature would talk to me like we were in the same social class.

His raggedy Bermuda shorts clarified that perfectly.

"Who are you? And how the heck do you know my name?" I asked, venom coating my voice. A smirk appeared across his lips angering me even more. I found myself examining the rest of his face that wasn't half bad. Actually it was perfect. He had deep brown eyes, and a sculpted jaw bone that was clenched in an enchanting position. If I hadn't wanted him dead, I would have even considered that date he was going to ask me on.

I mean he was totally hitting on me. Guys don't approach me without asking if my plans for Saturday were free, I intentionally scheduled all my appointments for Sunday for that reason.

Just in case a hot stud with a trust fund, asked if Saturday was okay I could say yes, and we could live happily ever after.

But that hasn't happened yet.

"You should know who I am; I mean we've gone to the same private school since I could remember." I gave him a once over. If he went to Ocean View Prep, the school that made the cover of Forbes magazine (1) twice a year, he had to be loaded.

But seriously, he couldn't do better than Levis? (2)

"Look, I hate to be that one girl who fails to notice you despite the fact you two have multiple classes together, but I don't know who you are, and honestly don't care. Just don't call me All- better yet don't speak to me at all." With that I stood up gracefully, letting my hair fall across my back and stormed off, the sound of my Louis Vuitton's clicking against the marble tiles.

Austin's POV

"Wow, what was that all about?" My girlfriend Carter asked as she returned from exchanging some small talk across the room with a fellow peer.

I shrugged briefly, "If only I knew. Did you not see her dramatic exit?" I tried my hardest to shrug off the feeling of regret that lingered in my heart. I should have just left the mascara on the ground, returning it to the queen bee of the school was not one of my brightest ideas.

Carter giggled before pecking my cheek. "Babe, the whole entire coffee shop saw her leave. I could have sworn that I saw a couple of people recording it. You might be famous tomorrow!" I sensed her sarcasm quickly and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. It's so funny right. Excuse me for trying to return someone's property back to them, I mean what a jerk move."

She shook her head at me a little before saying "But it wasn't just someone, it was Alison Noel Dawson, her dad owns Sonic Boom the largest record company in Miami! Offering her 2 dollar makeup is equivalent to a slap in the face."

I nodded giving her a big, sarcastic thumbs-up.

"Thanks for that reality check, you know you sounded just like one of her drones."

We talked a little more before going our separate ways, and the feeling of compunction continued to ache in my insides.

Carter was right; I couldn't just come up to one of the most popular girls at school, call her by her 'forbidden' name, and then try to force her to take something that apparently was never in her possession.

Even though we both saw it tumble out of the pockets of her designer jeans!

"It could have been something else you know! I'm sure tubes of neon eye make-up fall from the ceilings all the time!"

I realized too late that I was talking to in fact myself, out loud to be exact, and that smart action just awarded me weird stares from random strangers.

I hadn't even had a full conversation with Alison, and she had already driven me completely insane.


I had a feeling that this school year was going to get a little more interesting.

Ally's POV

The pitter-patter sound of the rain plopping on the sidewalks awoke me from my partial sleep. Episodes of this afternoon endlessly played over and over again through my mind.

I remembered him.

I remembered the blonde boy who approached me at the coffee shop earlier; we had been in the same classes since 2nd grade.

Of course that unlocked information had taken hours of flipping through pages of my old yearbooks, and lots of social media.

His name was Austin, Austin Moon and based on some Facebook snooping I may or may not have taken part of, he was in a relationship with some soccer chick named Carter.

I found myself silently singing the song lyrics he had posted on his wall, they were from various songs from the Beatles, songs that I had made myself forget the titles to when I had gotten so popular. I mean it was all in the movies, the pretty girl listened to repetitive pop music; not the hypnotizing classic blues.

I shrugged off the weird feeling and clenched my silk sheets harshly.

I needed a drink.

Before I knew it, I was driving down the street trying to find the shadiest gas station possible. I couldn't be seen by anyone I knew, being caught drinking anything that wasn't imported from some foreign country could demolish my reputation in mere seconds.

A run-down 7-11 caught my eye, and I pulled in quickly. Okay Ally, just get in, grab some cheap wine and get out. Hopefully it was that easy.

I slipped out of my car, and into the store.

The smell of mothballs danced on my nostrils, causing me to erupt into a series of sticky coughs. Gross.

I adjusted my Ray Ban shades, and pulled the drawstrings on my hoodie. I felt more like a criminal than a troubled teenager craving a little buzz. After scanning through the beverage aisle's I quickly grabbed the first bottle I could see, not even daring to look at the label, I turned to walk back to the cash register; but instead I came crashing into a pair of broad shoulders. My sunglasses toppled off my face, along with my hoodie.

Well so much for a disguise.

"A-Ally?" His voice instantly registered in my brain. Austin. I cursed myself under my breath, how could I be so stupid?

Fire blazed in my eyes along with pre-developed tears, I was so angry at myself, but for some reason I was just as angry at him.

"Are you stalking me or something? First the coffee shop, now this! And I swear to God if you call me 'Ally' one more time…" I poked his chest with my finger in utter fury, but damn it was rock solid. Can you focus on something else besides his hot body right now?

Yeah, can I get a rain check on that answer?

"Yes, because I totally love stalking self-obsessed spoiled brats. You know, it's on the top of every guy's to do list matter of fact!" He then attempted to storm past me, but I didn't budge.

"T-Take that back! You will not talk to me like I'm some animal!" I spat back venomously, my pupils burning inside his flushed face.

Austin rolled his eyes before saying "I'll pass, and besides don't you need to get a move on? That bottle of drug store wine looks absolutely appetizing."

"Was that a threat Mr. Moon? Because I don't do well with threats." His eyebrows rose in surprise, but they quickly rose back down.

"Mr. Moon? What made you start calling me that?"

I smirked lightly, "I figured dick head was a little too friendly you know?" I heard a laugh escape his lips, which surprisingly didn't sound sarcastic. I fought a small smile, before returning my face back into its cruel frown.

"Look All—Alison, I won't tell anyone about how you u-uh drink ok? Although you may think I'm a dick, I'm not. If you don't say anything neither will I." My vocal chords seemed temporarily paralyzed for a second, so all I could do was nod. He nodded back and gave me a semi-friendly smile before walking out through the exit doors. I hastily paid for my item, and power walked outside.

As I was steps away from my car, I saw Austin yelling at someone on the phone. I crept in closer so I could hear his words clearer.

"What do you mean you drove home? Dez I told you to wait inside the car, while I got some milk! You weren't supposed to drive away!" He stayed on the phone for a couple of more minutes before slipping it inside his pocket. Austin looked worried, and I couldn't help but feel the same way too.

I know you aren't thinking what I'm thinking, if you let a guy like him into your car your parent's will murder you in your sleep.

But they won't know, will they?

Before I could stop myself I strode across the wary parking lot and stood right in front of him. He released his hands that had cupped his face so tightly, and gave me a confused expression.

"Is there something wrong?" his voice quavered and another wave of sympathy suddenly hit me in the gut. It was so obvious he was distressed, yet I didn't understand why that bothered me so much. I barely knew the guy.

"A ride. You obviously need one, so let's just skip the small talk and get this over with." Austin gave me a what I presumed to be a thankful smile, and followed me back to my car. I waited to hear a gasp when he saw the porshe I drove, but silence filled the crisp air.

He was probably just a silent admirer.

"Where do you live?" I asked as I pulled out of the 7-11 parking lot, a breath of relief filing through my lungs.

"110 Crystal Drive."

I nearly choked on raw air.

"Crystal drive? That's impossible! Only filthy, filthy rich people live there!" He raised an eyebrow up at me. "What are you trying to say?"

He's a hot stud and living where he does, definitely has a trust fund. Talk about fate!

"Nothing, I guess I just though-"

"That I was just some poor loser who got a scholarship to our school? Yeah, don't worry at least you got the loser part correct."

Guilt pounded my insides like a hammer making me feel sick. I was never guilty, I was never sympathetic.

And after spending approximately 15 minutes with Austin I'm both of those things times a million.

"Look don't feel bad, I was kidding okay. Lighten up."

I turned inside his driveway, and rolled my eyes.

"I don't feel bad, and don't tell me what to do. I was just giving you a ride, that doesn't give you the right to talk to me like were… friends." I spat the word 'friends' out like poison. I didn't know what had come over me earlier, but this Austin kid was bad news for me. I was Alison Noel Dawson.

And I wasn't buddy-buddy with the bottom feeders of the school.

"Wait what are you talking about? I thought we were cool." He said his cheeks darkening a couple of shades.

"Get out of my car." I gritted through my teeth slowly.

"Okay Ally." He muttered viciously and stepped out of my car, slamming the door ever so harshly.

I had a very strong feeling that this wouldn't be my last occurrence with the blonde boy.

But part of me didn't mind.

So what did you guys think? I'm super pumped for this story, I have so many ideas for it and AH I love it so much! Don't forget to review (: