"Kyuubi talking"

'Kyuubi Thinking'

"Regular Talking"

'Regular Thinking'

I Do Not Own Naruto

Naruto the Crimson Chain Wielder

The trip back was really uneventful for them as they just talked about what went right and what could have gone better while laughing a bit at their success. There were no attacks on them either as Taki is really close by to Konoha so they made it home, moving at a moderate ninja pace in about 7 hours. Once there they finally took a breather and checked in with the chuunin guards and they made their way straight to the Hokage tower.

Walking in, The third Hokage smiles at them happily, glad that they had come home safely. "I see you're all here and still walking on your own feet. Congratulations." He says to them getting smiles and a few blushes at the praise given to them.

"It all worked itself out in the end, old man but it was pretty damn close." Naruto said a bit ashamed that it had been cut that close but the others saw this and immediately shot forward.

"The mission was led perfectly under Naruto's guidance. Without him we would have been in much more trouble than we could have handled." Shikamaru said honestly.

"Yea, he saved our lives and fought off a jounin level ninja." Choji said as he had come to trust Naruto fully.

"Taicho is the best leader I could have ever asked for." Kiba said also getting a happy bark from Akamaru.

Naruto was a bit stunned at all the things they were saying and the Hokage seemed surprised as well but his smile grew wider.

"Well, I will hear your reports within the next week Naruto and here is the key to your new house and a map to get you their just swipe your blood on that scroll and you'll get it. Tsunami and Inari have been in Haku's home for the nights you were gone as only you can open that house up. I will also need reports from each of you as well within the next week and be sure not to leave anything out." He said getting nods from them as they began to leave but not before patting Naruto on the back and telling him he did a great job. "I'll go with you and we can pick them up and head over to your new home." Sarutobi said to him getting a smile and a nod.

The two men had made quick time getting to the hotel and knocking on the door. The door opened soon after revealing Tsunami who gained a huge smile. "Naruto-kun." She yelled as she hugged him happily while blushing a bit.

"Tou-san." Inari called as he joined in on the hug. The Hokage merely sat back and smiled warmly while holding in a perverted chuckle.

"Its good to see you Tsunami-chan, Inari-kun." Naruto said warmly while tightening his hug. "How about we go to our new permanent home?"

"Its so great to see you too Naruto-kun. I was worried about you but I knew you would come back to me." Tsunami said as she kissed his cheek but this time the Hokage couldn't hold his chuckle in making the two citizens notice him. "Oh, Hokage-sama. I didn't see you there, are you going to take us to the house?" She asked politely with a small blush.

"Yes, I am Tsunami-chan." He said kindly as he then led them away from the motel after they packed all their things up. The group then made their way to a secluded area that no one really traveled into anymore. It is in it's own little area about half a mile away from the Hyuuga compound and is even bigger that it if what Nartuo is seeing is true. There is a massive wall around the whole place that seem to have seals all over the wall.

Stepping towards the large and decorative concrete gate, Naruto opened the scroll and found three seals in it. Biting down on his thumb to draw blood he swiped it on the first seal, resulting in a small puff of smoke before a key came from out of the seal. Naruto took the key and smeared the front of the key with his blood before finding the key whole and putting the key inside it.

When he did that, the seal unlocked and concrete gate started to open as the gate divided in half and each part went sideways disappearing in the wall.

"That was so cool!" Inari cried out while standing next to his new dad. Tsunami found herself silently agreeing while staring at the pair warmly.

"Minato-kun was quite the security ace when it came to protecting his home and family." Sarutobi stated while he was even a little surprised at the size of the compound. "I haven't been here in years so I forgot how large this place was. Before closing this compound, Minato-kun sealed away many important items in a way that only someone of his blood can gain access to. We shouldn't expect anything less from a seal master of his caliber."

Seeing that the doors were now opened, Naruto and the others entered and saw the locked away compound that's been uninhabited since the time Naruto was born. Naruto remained silent as he looked at what was turned into a ghost town of a district.

'Were going to be living here, this is amazing.' Inari thought to himself in awe while Tsunami was just happy to be with Naruto and have Inari happy.

Looking forward Naruto saw what looked to be a blacksmith's store, a grocery store, a bank, and a few clothing stores all lining the streets. After a bit of walking, Naruto's eyes fell upon a flag that was hanging off the railing on the front porch of a four-story mansion that was beautifully designed although it need a lot of cleaning work. The mansion was the farthest house back as they had passed by all the houses and stores that would typically make up an entire village.

Naruto then came up with a great idea that would solve the ice release rebuilding problem for him. He could see that the main house of the Uzumaki-Namikaze Clan had four large apartment buildings situated in front of the home, leaving a good amount of space in between them. Since the apartments are all empty after everyone moved out of the district due to losing the Yondaime Hokage he could have one of the buildings renovated into a new Clan building for the Ice release.

That way, his and Haku's first son would be put under his own CRA Law and would later be made the Clan Head of the Yuki-Uzumaki-Namikaze Clan. This would allow his family to still be united due to sharing a very close living space and they would still be family too, while having the ice release reborn for the village. Granted, he wasn't sure how Haku would take having their son put under the CRA but it would be the only way it could be done.

(Basically there will be four new bloodlines for Konoha later on and all four, Ice already included, will be built really close by Naruto's main house. Think of a square arch with the Uzumaki-Namikaze clan at the top, and the sides of the arch will be two more compounds on either side built with the same amount of space in between where the new clans will be rebuilt in Konoha I'm not revealing the other three bloodlines until later though)

"This was my parent's house." Naruto said in awe after shaking off his thoughts for later, while the others besides Sarutobi were also stunned. "This place is huge." He cried out in shock.

"It is pretty amazing and all of this and his wealth now belong to you and your future family. The other houses were built for the others of your clan to live in and they, of course, carry the same Uzumaki-Namikaze symbol on them too." Sarutobi said to them making them even more surprised.

Naruto then made clones without any hand sign but called out the name, "Kage Bushin No Jutsu." (Shadow Clone Jutsu) In front of them a large army of blonds appeared surprising the civilians in the group by the amount of clones. The number was up to five hundred or six hundred clones and they stood at attention, "Alright listen up! Seeing that this compound is pretty big and also very dirty, I want each of you to scout around and learn as much as you can about our clan's estate. While you're at it, see how much work will need to be done in cleaning this place up."

"Got it, boss" the clones shouted all at one time before running to carry out their assignments. As the clones were doing as they were told, Naruto and the others made their way to the front door of the mansion.

Going up the small flight of stairs on the porch, Naruto stood in front of the very expensive looking wooden door that was evidently protected with another complex seal design. He looked into the scroll at the second lock written on it and again drew his blood and smeared it on the second seal before another key, different from the first one, puffed from out if it. Taking the key, he unlocked the door to his new house and let everyone in to get a good look around the mansion.

While looking around the entire mansion for a long time, they saw that there was a huge kitchen that looked like it came straight out of a restaurant and an equally big dining room connected to it, both on the first floor. A living room was also on the first flood on the opposite side of the kitchen area and it could sit a very big group of people. There was a very big T.V. on the wall surrounded by speakers and there was a very large couch in front of it. There were more chairs next to and in front of the couch as well which could seat plenty of people.

The rest of the area on the first floor was a clan council area for any clan meetings for the future that was placed on the other side of the living room. It was two long tables on opposite sides of the room facing each other with six seats at each table. In the front of the room was a single small desk with only one chair making Naruto guess that was for the clan head.

Plus there was a large library filled with books and jutsu scrolls greatly secured with seals and organized according to difficulty. Connected to the library was an open study area with tables and chairs to read in and a closed off room for an office connected to the study area on the second story of the house. There were also around 20 nicely sized rooms on the other side of the study while the hallway they walked through divided the two sides at the end of the hallway there were two bathrooms, one for girls and one for boys that each had three toilets and sinks each.

They also found that the place had another 11 different bed rooms on the third floor too for the family. the first 10 rooms each had a large closet in it along with some nicely decorated beds with a large Uzumaki design on the blue comforters. They also had their own personal baths and showers for privacy. One large bathroom was at the beginning of the hall, before reaching the rooms and not being connected to any of them with a bunch of bathroom stalls. In each room there was also a nicely sized T.V. on one wall and a pretty large window on the other wall from the t.v. There was also one large room that was completely separate from the others that was a second living room that had similar couches and chairs in it as the first one did but there was not t.v. but instead there was a fire place and a coffee table.

The group also found the master bedroom located at the end of the hall which was the 11th room. Upon arriving there, Naruto opened the twin doors and everyone stared in awe. Walking in and looking around the large bedroom, Naruto saw a king size bed stationed at the center of the room which had many beautifully designed and sculptured drawers and cabinets nicely arranged around the room. The bed also had the same red Uzumaki design as the others but the sheets were white instead of blue. Though the room was rather dusty all over, everyone was sill able to appreciate its potential once everything would get cleaned up.

"What a room," Tsunami said enthusiastically with a smile on her face but sneezed a few times after a couple of dust particles crept into her nose. "It could use a woman's touch in its cleaning work though. It will take a lot of work too."

"My clones and I will take care of the cleaning problems later Tsunami-chan. You don't need to worry your beautiful head at all." Naruto assured her making her blush and watch as he explored the room some more. Going over to a door in the room, Naruto opened it to find a nice sized personal bathroom inside.

Going to the last place that they didn't check which was the basement, there was a forge for making new weapons along with an indoor dojo on the other side of the forge. Connected to the forge there was another room with weapons, armor, and weights to help build up speed, stamina, and endurance. Another things was a sealing room that was by it self in the far corner of the house. There was an uncountable amount of seals on the walls and other sealing supplies on a desk that sat in the center.

'This looks like a perfect spot to release you Kyoshi-chan.' He thought to her as she began to look around.

'Oh my god, this is the room where Kushina would try to use my chakra. The seals prevent any damaging effects on the house and prevents anyone from sensing anything coming from here. This is the perfect place to release me.' She thought back excitedly.

Outside there was also another building that that was an indoor bath both for male and female sides that were separated by a sturdy wall and seals on that too. All in all, the house is a shinobi's dream hangout spot.

"I can't believe this was actually my parent's house." Naruto said in disbelief, "It's really hard to believe that I own it and that Tsunami-chan and the others could come and live with me in here." He said while Tsunami blushed and Inari smiled at the interaction and the thoughts that this was his new home too.

"Your clan was renowned for their seals and jutsus," Sandaime explained to them, "they've created and sold many seals and jutsus, some of which were security jutsus that many uses today. Your clan profited greatly from this, not to mention from the investments they made."

"This is the best day ever." Is all that he could call out while the others giggled and laughed.

(I could not think of the right amount of rooms to add to this house. I had thought of each future kid having their own room but that would be at least 7 different rooms if each of his wives only has 1 child. But having only 1 child each doesn't seem likely so I had to come up with more rooms and it just got kind of crazy so just roll with it please. The 10 extra rooms on the top floor are for his wives so I guess there will be 10 of them over all. One per room while they can trade off to be with Naruto.)

It's the first morning at the Uzumaki-Namikaze compound with Naruto just waking up. He does his morning routine and decides to make a big breakfast for the new residents of his home.

As he is cooking Tsunami and Inari walk into the kitchen to see him making some really good looking food. "Wow, that smells very good Naruto-kun." Tsunami says, as the smell of the food is what woke her up.

"Yea, Tou-san. It smells so good in here." Inari says still beaming with happiness at his new life.

Naruto looks at them and smiles, "Thanks, I decided that I would make us all breakfast for the first morning of our new life. Its going to be much harder in a few days though, when the others move in." He said to them getting a somewhat hesitant nod from Tsunami as she is still adjusting to the whole CRA thing.

"I guess that I will have to make kage bunshins to make the food for us in the future though." Naruto says with a soft chuckle.

"Maybe, but I could always help cook. I did for my whole life back in Wave." Tsunami said, but even she didn't think she could cook for all those people everyday.

"Well, Ayame is also a chef too so I'm sure that she'll help you but we'll figure it all out when they get here. Let's just enjoy the morning and start eating." Naruto said as he finished the food and put it on the massive table and they all ate in comfortable silence.

"Is there anything your doing today Tou-san?" Inari questions him, hoping to spend some time with him while the other women smiled happily at what they thought was cute interaction between the two.

"Well, I'm planning on releasing Kyoshi-chan today and looking through some of the jutsus in the library." He explains, having already told them about Kyoshi the night before and they took it fine. They both really cared about him after all so it didn't make any difference to them as he was the nicest person that they knew.

"Wow, that's cool. I was hoping you could spend some time with me today and hopefully train me too. I want to be strong and protect my family as well." Inari said with a hopeful expression on his face slightly surprising Naruto and Tsunami. Naruto smiles warmly and looks to Tsunami who is also smiling happily and nods to Naruto but the look becomes very serious afterwards.

"I want you to train him as good as you can though Naruto-kun. Make him strong enough to be able to protect himself, I would be devastated if we lost him." She said with a deadly serious face, as she is always worried about Inari, just like any mother would be.

"Of course I'll train him. I hope to train all of my kids to be strong one day." Naruto said making Inari beam and start to shake with excitement. "I will make you very strong Inari, but you will have to work very hard." Naruto finished seriously.

"I will work as hard as I can Tou-san, I will even surpass you one day." Inari said confidently while he looked up at Naruto.

"Haha, I think you will too if you work hard enough. Now I'm going to look for a specific jutsu from my father and then get to work on safely releasing Kyoshi-chan and then we can take a tour of the village."

After they finished breakfast, Naruto began the search for his father's signature jutsu, the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique) that he was sure was locked up somewhere in the house.

He searched for an hour until he began to think like his father. He went up to a portrait of his mother and father that was on the wall in the master bedroom and looked very carefully. He didn't see anything wrong with the portrait at first but he then removed it from the wall to find a complex seal that was placed there. The seal seemed to be much more complex than the other seals in the entire house.

In the middle of the seal was the kanji "Kiiroi Senko," meaning "Yellow Flash" written in it. 'Sweet, I think I finally found the damn thing,' looking at the scroll in his hand,

Naruto opened it and bit down on his thumb again to unseal the third key hidden inside the third seal in the scroll when he heard the melodious voice of his tenant.

'Leave this jutsu alone for now Naruto,' Kyuubi suggested, 'You should come back to this one at a later time and besides, you should let me out first.' She said to him no doubt pouting cutely.

Naruto chose to comply with a chuckle as he could practically feel the pout from her and decided that he could always come back later. He then placed the portrait back on the wall over the seal. He then went down into the basement sealing room and took out a very large scroll that had a very complex seal in it.

'Alright Kyoshi-hime, we have worked on this together for a long time and I think it is finally ready to use. Now that we have a room to block the inevitable explosion of your chakra, we can definitely release you.' He said to her warmly.

'Well, what are you waiting for, let's do this already.' She said eagerly, wanting to hold him in her arms for real.

'Right,' he said and unrolled the huge scroll and placed it on the ground, he then stood in the center of a large spiral with many different seals inside of the spiral making it look very complex.

'Well, here goes nothing,' and he began to channel chakra through the seal and it began to like up as red chakra began to appear around him. 'Ughhh' He grunted out as it began to get painful.

'Hang in their koi, I can feel myself being released and then we can finally be together.' She said encouragingly, feeling her body separating from his.

After a good half an hour she was finally out of the seal while Naruto began to collapse."Naruto-koi." Kyoshi cried as she caught him and began to tear up at being free. (her speech is no longer going to be bold now that she is free)

"I'm ok," he said to her tiredly as he looked at her lovingly which she happily returned, before she passionately kissed him on the lips. He was surprised at first but he eagerly returned what was his first real kiss as Kyoshi did say she would be his first everything.

"Mmmhm" She moaned into his mouth and then reluctantly backed away, needing air. She blushed a pretty shade of red as that was also her first kiss in her long life time.

"Wow," she whispered as she looked at his blushing face.

"Yeah" he replied to her as they were both equally dazed from the new sensation. After regaining his thoughts he told her, "I think we should see Jiji and tell him the news, don't you think?"

"I suppose it would be best, we can't just have someone appear in the village from no where. I'll put up a genjutsu on my ears and tails and then we should probably see the side effects." She explained and put up a genjutsu. "I'm pretty sure you won't heal as fast as when I was in the seal but your clan did have a higher healing rate than a normal person anyway. It will be no where as fast as when I was sealed of course but it will still help you. The other effects will have to be found out later."

"Alright, now lets just head over there in a couple more minutes, I need a little more rest still." Naruto said getting a nod in return while they went and introduced her to Inari and Tsunami.

Naruto and Kyoshi were making their way over to Sarutobi's office while both are a little nervous as to what his reaction could be. They both are now in front of the office doors after requesting the secretary to tell the old man that they had something to talk about. They both walk in and the Sandaime instantly sees Kyoshi but doesn't make the connection that she is the kyuubi but he does see some nervousness in her eyes.

"Alright Naruto-kun, what do you need from me today? And who is your friend here?" Sarutobi asked calmly to one of his favorite people in the village.

"Well, I was working on a certain seal for a long time and was just trying to find the right time to use it and when I got my new home I found that it was the perfect time. I also figured out how to rebuild the ice release bloodline for the village." Naruto said slowly as he was beginning to sweat a bit. "I talked to Kyoshi, the Kyuubi, and we became really close, so I said I would release her safely and here she is now." He finished pointing to her standing next to him. Sarutobi gasped and paled when he finally understood what Naruto was saying.

"Naruto-kun what have you done! You released the Kyuubi!" Sarutobi nearly yelled, while getting up into a fighting stance but Naruto moved between him and Kyuubi stopping his movement.

"Wait a minute Jiji, it's not what you think. Let Kyoshi-chan explain herself and just listen to her for a few minutes and I promise she will make everything clear," Naruto said defiantly making Sarutobi relax slightly. Kyoshi smiled at Naruto's concern over her and it touched her heart greatly that he moved in front of her.

She move forward towards his desk, ignoring him becoming more tense and began, "Hello Sarutobi. I'm not here to cause trouble for anyone, mainly Naruto-kun. I'm simply here to explain some things to you. Naruto-kun thinks I should trust you and I trust him, so I'll start with an explanation," Kyuubi said making him wonder if this was the same beast that threatened to destroy Konoha all those years ago.

"First, I want to explain that I had no intention of attacking Konoha as you both remember that I was Kushina Uzumaki's tenant. I want to tell you that I was controlled and was forced to attack you." Kyuubi started, shocking him as there's not that many humans out their that can control a bijuu and their power, but apparently someone can.

"Now, I want to say that who controlled me was someone in your village, I suspect Madara Uchiha, but I couldn't see his face since he had a orange swirling mask. What happened is that while Kushina was giving birth to Naruto the seal on her body was very loose and I got pulled out by the masked man. I was happy to be out and did not want anymore trouble with you humans. I wanted to be left alone but the guy with the orange mask used his sharingan to force me back to Konoha and attack it. Listen, I personally didn't have anything against you so I want to tell you that the attack wasn't my fault. Although I should have been more prepared for anything so I am sorry for the trouble I caused your village," Kyuubi said sincerely, shocking Sarutobi.

"So now that your free, what are you going to do now?" Sarutobi asked her, after having calmed down but he is still worried about the possibility of Madara Uchiha running around still alive.

Kyuubi just grinned mischievously and leaned to the side giving Naruto a kiss on the cheek making the blond blush. "I'm going to stay with Naruto-kun as he's precious to me and I love him. That's all that I want now." Kyuubi said with a warm smile on her face.

"Well, I don't think you should say anything about this to anyone unless you really trust them. We don't want this getting out even if mostly everyone likes you now and let go of their hate for you. I really don't think they would react very well to the demon they wanted to hurt for so long being free." Sarutobi said getting a nod from both of them but they didn't really care either way.

"That's fine with us and here's my idea for the ice release dilemma." Naruto said and he explained exactly what he thought about earlier getting an understanding nod from the Hokage.

"That would be sufficient for me and I'm sure the village council will agree to that as well." He said with an impressed smile.

Naruto just nodded in happiness that his plan would work out for the best, "now we have to go, I'm going to start Inari on some basic training and get some training of my own in with the team."

"That's fine, I would say you should train well, as the chunin exams are coming up in a couple of weeks. In fact I'm going to be making the announcement to the jounin senseis today." Sarutobi said to him getting an excited nod while they both left.

"Never though Kyuubi would fall in love with Naruto-kun," The aged Hokage mumbled to himself when he was alone. "I'm definitely too old for all this shit," he thought out loud before slumping his head on the table.

Chapter End