A/n: This chapter was an absolute monster to write. Firstly, it's super super smutty. Sorry, not sorry. There were two "endgames" I toyed with, but at the root of it, the ending was still the same. A part of this fic was inspired by a location I went to on vacation that I absolutely fell in love with. Look it up when you get to that part – it's absolutely magical there. I digress, this is the final installment of this little work, though there's a chance for a real epilogue if there's enough interest in it. I have absolutely loved writing this and it's been so much fun to read your responses! Thank you!

In two days she'd shared more about herself with Killian than she'd shared with any of her closest friends. It was so natural to be with him, to open up and reveal herself to him, in between moments of passion and tender companionship. She was already dreading tomorrow and the next day as she pieced her life back together and moved on – without him. She didn't believe in God or some divine entity that ruled her life, but she was starting to believe in fate, because Killian had shown up in her life at the right moment.

She didn't wake up to the smell of breakfast cooking, she woke up enveloped in the warmth of his arms with her face pressed into the crook of his neck, breathing in the sweet scent that was distinctly him. It was spicy and warm and she wanted to memorize it, so she could call on these memories on some rainy day, when she was all alone.

Because she'd keep running – that was who she was, who she would always be, and no amount of encouragement would ever shake her from that. Emma Swan didn't settle down. Maybe she'd move again, find some quiet place by the sea to rent for a year, before she came back to the city, if she ever did.

She'd never had a home before or even a place that had felt like it really. She liked Boston enough and it wasn't the ache of its absence that always called her back to it. Home was supposed to be something you missed. Perhaps she'd miss it this time or miss the person she'd met in it.

Her apartment had always felt too large, too much space just for her. But with Killian there beside her, her apartment felt homey, like a space that had been made for two. And she knew these weren't the sort of thoughts she should be having, these were exactly the thoughts that she shied away from. That didn't stop her from laying there in the early hours of the morning, picturing a life for the pair of them in her apartment, like a little girl writing her name beside her crush's surname.

Even when her past had reared its ugly head, Killian didn't even flinch. Most guys she knew would have cleared out after the shocking revelation of her having a child and even then her little meltdown last night would have scared even the most fortified off. But he held fast and continued to encourage her, something that she'd been sorely lacking in her life. Emma figured he was just being such a gentleman because he knew he'd be free of her and this screwed up life of hers by Monday.

Though, if he were just here for the sex and fun like they'd originally planned, he was going about it all wrong, because he hadn't seemed the least bit disappointed about yesterday lacking in that department. Which had actually been one of the best days of life, all things considering. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so happy and free.

That was something she really admired about him. He let her lead.

Emma curled closer to him, her lips brushing the underside of his jaw, enjoying the prickle of his scruff against her lips. She looped her leg over his, bringing her just that much closer to him. She had never been one for this – she didn't get close, physically or emotionally, but with him she couldn't get close enough.

"G'morning." Killian mumbled. His voice was low and rough and his accent that much thicker with the haze of sleep still clinging to him.

"Good morning." Emma whispered, brushing her lips along his jaw again. "Did you sleep well?"

"Aye." He tilted his head just enough to catch her lips, leaving them both a little breathless as he pulled back. "Did you?"

"Dreamless, but good." She admitted, her fingers playing over the dark hair that covered his chest.

Killian smiled at her, his hand coming up to cover hers. "Today's our last day together, you know."

"I haven't forgotten that fact."

"How do you want to spend it?" He squeezed her hand, bringing it up to his lips to press a kiss to the center of her palm.

"With you." Emma retorted with no small amount of sass in her tone.

"Well, I surely hope you want to spend it with me, considering that's what this weekend was about." Killian pressed another kiss to her palm, flicking his tongue out against her skin.

Emma wiggled her hand from his hold, returning it to his chest, only to trail her fingers much lower this time. She traced the line of hair that ran from his navel to his groin, smirking at him impishly. She scooted down the bed, taking the sheets with her as she moved to straddle his legs.

"Emma." Killian rasped out, lifting his head to look down at her.

"What? I'm spending the day I want to." She ran her tongue along her bottom lip, holding his gaze as she cupped him through the thin materials of his boxers. "Just think of it as pay back for all the doting you did our first night." Emma had given her fair share of head in her life, but generally it was because the guy asked for it – Killian hadn't, which made this all the more of a turn on for her.

She pressed her hands against the mattress at either side of his hips using the bed for support as she bent down to trail a row of kisses from is navel to the waistband of his boxers, her tongue flicking out to taste his skin, only a hint of what was to come for him.

His fingers tangled in her hair, his grip tightening as she brushed her lips over his erection through the fabric of his underwear. She smirked at the low growl like sound that came from him in response, enjoying the power she had over him in this position.

Emma popped one button loose and then another. His fingers tugged at her hair in anticipation and she robbed him of that relief. "Easy there handsome." She drawled out, leaning up to kiss his stomach just below his navel, letting her teeth scrape his skin teasingly, her tongue darting out.

"Bloody minx." Killian hissed out through clenched teeth, his free hand balling the sheets up between his fingers. "Anyone ever tell you it's not nice to tease?"

She laughed. "Trust me Killian, I'm not teasing. I have every intention of sucking you dry." She was blunt and from the way he rocked his hips upwards, he loved it. The sheer look of desire she found in his eyes went straight to her core. Emma cupped him through his boxers again, applying more pressure than before.


Her eyes flickered upwards to his face as she popped the last button of trousers, freeing his cock from the confines of the fabric. "Is that better Killian?"

Killian's head fell back against the pillows and he groaned something that sounded like her name, "You have no bloody clue how fucking hot you are." He said lowly, tugging at her hair again, scrabbling for purchase as her fingers wrapped around the base of his cock.

Emma bit her lip, looking up at him with the most innocent of looks as she stroked his shaft painfully slow. "Pretty sure only you think that." She told him as she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the very tip of him. She hummed gently, her tongue swirling around him as she did, knowing that it would have quite the effect on him.

Her fingers curled around his shaft, working her hand up and down his length in tandem with the movements of her tongue. The words that slipped past his lips set her blood on fire. A combination of her name said in variations of groans and pleads, intermixed with curses and dirty demands that made her ache for him.

She pulled her hand away from his cock, her lips releasing him with a wet pop only long enough for to catch her breath. Without warning she wrapped her lips around him again, taking him into her mouth until he was hitting the back of her throat.

Emma groaned around his cock, showing him no mercy as she worked him. She loved the way he responded, the vain attempts to rock his hips upwards, the low guttural sounds he made, the sharp tugs he gave to her hair that only fueled her desire for him.

There really was no going back from him. After he left her life she was going to be utterly ruined for all other men. Where else would she find a man that wanted her the way he did, the way she wanted him in return. You couldn't tell her that Killian hadn't gotten off on getting her off, the same way she was doing this for him.

"Close." Killian grunted out, his voice strained and desperate. Before that word would have signaled that it was time for her to go back to jerking him off, but she was intent on sucking him dry just as she'd told him.

She didn't relent, picking up the pace of her movements, bobbing her head at a rhythm that had him flying over the edge with very little warning. He gripped her hair so tightly she was fairly certain he was going to pull away with a fist full of her hair. There had to be something very wrong with her, because the pain turned to hot streaks of desire that went straight to her core.

Emma pulled away with a very unladylike smack of her lips.

"Come here." Killian beckoned her back up the bed, his eyes still hazy with lust and desire. "You're a bloody wonder." He breathed out, cradling the back of her of her head as he pulled her down for a kiss. She let herself get lost in the kiss, their tongues meeting and tangling, exploring each other's mouths.

Her fingers delved into his thick dark hair, nails scraping over his scalp. He groaned against her lips a sound that went straight through her. She wanted him hard again. She wanted him.

"I need you." Emma murmured against his lips, leaning in to kiss him again. She could spend the whole morning kissing him, the whole rest of the day if she were given that choice. The rest of her life – though she'd never say it out loud.

Killian broke the kiss, his hands curling around her hips to hold her steady as he sat upright, his knees curling behind her back, keeping her planted firmly over his groin. She could feel him between her legs, rebounding from what she'd done with her mouth.

"You need to have less on."

"Oh, do I now?" She quipped, pushing his hands off her hips, moving to get off of him. Emma made fast work of clothes, leaving her slip shorts, underwear, and thin tank top in a heap on her floor. She opened her nightstand, pulling out a condom with a devious grin. "Think you can handle me?"

Killian smirked at her, "I don't think you can handle it." He countered, shoving his boxers off the rest of the way. "Hand me that."

Emma laughed, rolling her eyes as she tossed him the condom package. "What? You don't want me handling little willy again?"

He snorted, "There's nothing little about me."

"Keep telling yourself that buddy." Emma teased as she moved back onto the bed, peppering a line of kisses over his shoulder as he rolled the condom on.

"You're going to be terrible for my ego." He drawled out as she moved to straddle his lap. "Calling me little."

"The male ego, so fragile." Emma retorted with a shake of her head. She looped her arms around his shoulders, leaning in to kiss him. "You're very well endowed, Killian." She told him. "And you're gorgeous." She lowered herself into his lap, letting his length press against her slick heat.

Killian groaned, his hands gripping her hips a little tighter. "Someone got wet blowing me." And the smug grin that appeared on his lips faded away as she rocked her hips, grinding down against his erection.

The banter between them didn't even stop when they were about to fuck. Their playful jabs at each other were no different now than they were when he'd teased her about how she ordered her pizza. It was the sort of situation you read about in romance novels, not the sort of thing you actually got to experience in real life. But she wasn't going to say no, because – she had to admit, it made sex all the more fun.

"Maybe I just woke up wet." She countered, arching a challenging brow as she traced her fingers along his collarbones. "Maybe I had a really good dream."

Killian narrowed his eyes at her words, "I better have been the leading man in that dream."

She couldn't tell if it were real jealousy or jealousy for the sake of this little game they were playing. But the look in his eyes, the way his fingers pressed into her skin a little harder, told her more than enough.

"Of course it was you." She whispered, her lashes fluttering, her lip trembling against her will. "It's always going to be you." Before he could say anything she kissed him. Her fingers found their way into his hair again and she kissed him as if her very life depended on it.

She knew he could read her like an open book. He knew that he had her stripped bare and vulnerable. He had the rare opportunity of seeing her for who she really was. He wanted her, whether she was closed off or exposed.

How was she going to say good-bye to this?

"Killian." Emma breathed out as she broke the kiss, pressing her forehead against his as she reached between them, lifting up enough to guide him to her center. She sank down onto him, a whimpery sort of moan passing her lips as she began to move.

He shook his head, brushing his lips over hers, holding her hips steady. "Easy there, beautiful." Killian whispered, trailing his hands up over her waist. "We're not in a race here."

Emma laughed." Oh, we're not?" She tilted her head and kissed him, nipping at his bottom lip.

"Don't abuse this power." He teased, bringing his hands up to cup her breasts, his thumbs rubbing over her pebbled nipples. "Or I'm going to have to take control."

Emma's eyes widened, "I'd like to see you try." She swallowed the moan that rose up in her throat, arching into his touch.

There was very little ceremony about the way he rolled them over. Her legs stayed wrapped tightly around his hips, even as he slipped out of her with the movement.

"I think I just did." Killian retorted, dipping down to catch her lips. She lost herself completely in the kiss. The man could kiss and he did so with something that felt like that dangerous little L word.

Emma gasped against his lips, those thoughts fading away as she felt his fingers sliding between her slick folds.


"Plan to."

But first he seemed intent in making her lose all coherent thought. Two fingers pressed into her, as his thumb assaulted her clit. Emma arched up off the bed, her head falling back against the mattress.

Her hand curled around his wrist, fingernails biting into his skin, but that didn't deter him. She kissed him. Hard and desperate, teeth tugging at his bottom lip, scraping over it until she was damn certain he'd be bruised there tomorrow.

Her release hit and her back bowed against the bed. He didn't give her a chance to recover before he filled her again. Emma couldn't tell if she were still riding the waves of her first release or if the steady rock of his hips had her coming again. All she knew was that she didn't want to give this up.

Her nails bit into his shoulders, leaving angry red marks in their wake as she scraped them down his back, seeking purchase somewhere. Anywhere.

"Killian." Emma breathed out, her lips brushing against his. There were words on the tip of her tongue that she knew she shouldn't say, that she shouldn't even think. She swallowed them back, shoving them down – refusing to let them out.

"I know." He whispered against her lips. Of course he did. He knew her as well as she knew herself.

Emma placed her hands on either side of his face, leaning up just enough to claim his lips. She was close to what she was fairly certain was her third orgasm, which seemed like a feat of mythical proportions. He had angled his thrusts just right, driving forward against that sweet spot within her that had her dangerously close to the edge.

She cried out against his lips when it hit. Her legs tightened around his hips and her fingers curled around his biceps for support. Killian tensed above her as his own release hit, slamming home one final time before he let his weight collapse atop her.

He started to pull away, but she tightened her hold. She relished his weight pressing her into the mattress beneath them. She wanted him as close to her as possible, while she still had him to hold.

Killian nuzzled her neck, making her laugh when his bristly cheeks rubbed against her skin. She played her fingers through his hair, enjoying the feel of the strands slipping between her fingers.

"After all of that exercise, I'm starving." Emma lamented, her voice light and amused.

Killian laughed, "It's a good thing you ordered two pizzas last night via the internet." He brushed his lips along her jawline. "Coffee and pizza actually sound really good right now."

Emma smirked, "Especially if you intend to be up for a round two."

"There's going to be a round two?" Killian smirked, bumping his nose against hers. "You sure you're up to that love?"

Emma trailed her feet down the backs of his calves, "You clearly don't know what I'm capable of." She licked her lips as she looked up at him. "But first, we need to eat and refuel."

"I'm going to go clean myself up, you can go reheat the pizza."

Emma scrunched up her face, "Easy there, my house my orders." She gave him a stern look. "I'm going to go reheat the pizza while you clean-up." She grinned, barely unable to keep from laughing.

Killian rolled his eyes, "Women." He forced himself off of her, flopping onto the bed beside her, before he got up.

Emma pushed her fingers through her hair as she sat up, eyeing him as he walked across the room. "Go clean up Little Willy."

Killian stopped dead in his tracks, looking back over his shoulder at her, "You are not calling it that."

"Alright," Emma crossed her arms across her chest, pressing her tongue to the inside of her cheek. "Big Willy."

"You're not going to give my bloody cock a name." He insisted, his voice rising upwards and his accent was that much thicker. He was even hotter when he was frustrated. The way his brows furrowed together and his voice got more Irishy.

Emma pouted, before she chucked a pillow at him. "Go get cleaned up weirdo."

"I'm not the one naming cocks."

"Cocks. There's more than one here?" She really enjoyed winding him up.

Killian flashed her a wicked look, "I bet there is another cock in here somewhere. Underwear drawer?"

Emma picked up a second pillow and threw it at him. "Shut up."

Killian stopped in the doorway, "You can call that Big Willy."

"It's not big enough for that title." She retorted with a wink.

He vanished out the doorway with an undignified snort. She listened to the sound of his bare feet as they thumped against the wooden floor before he reached the bathroom.

God, she was going to miss him.

Emma finally convinced herself to get out of bed the rest of the way, moving over to dig around in his suitcase – which she probably shouldn't have, but she wanted one of his shirts. She found one, a button up white shirt that didn't seem like it was part of his uniform. He had about as much in his suitcase as she did when she went from place to place and she couldn't help but wonder if this was all that he owned.

There was nothing in his suitcase that left her wary. There was a little picture of the woman she presumed was the woman he'd lost. Killian looked a good few years younger than he was presently and the woman, well – she was significantly older than him and she didn't lack any… She didn't know what to call it, but the woman didn't seem as happy as Killian did in the picture. Which was sad, because he was a hell of a guy and there was every reason to be happy with him.

But then again, she was fairly certain if she had any pictures with Neal – they would look the same. She'd given a full 120% of herself into that relationship and he'd given her maybe 30% of himself.

She tucked the picture back into his suitcase where she'd found it. His shirt fit her perfectly, covering all of the important parts. But most importantly, the shirt smelt like him. If she was lucky, she might be able to steal it and keep it – a little something to remember him by.

By the time that Killian got out of the bathroom Emma had the pizza reheated and plated up. The coffee was brewing – two cups, unlike yesterday when she hadn't wanted any.

"Hey gorgeous." Killian drawled out as he came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle.

"Hey yourself." Emma retorted, leaning back against his chest. She tilted her head and pressed a kiss to the underside of chin. She couldn't help but marvel at the way it felt to be with him, to experience domestic bliss.

"My shirt looks good on you." Killian told her, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear. "But your legs are going to be quite distracting while we eat."

"Good." Emma retorted, making a point to rub her bottom back against his groin playfully as she pulled loose from his hold. She sauntered across the kitchen and poured the coffee into the mugs, bringing them over to the stools along the counter.

"I thought you didn't drink coffee."

Emma felt her cheeks go red. She didn't, not really – only on rare occasions. "I don't break my rules either." She told him, flashing him a smartass little smile.

Killian bit off a bite of pizza, arching his brow as he looked towards her. "A changed woman."

"Are you a changed man Killian?" She countered, not wanting to admit to anything, even though it was true. She was irrevocably changed because of him.

"You're not the only one who's going to have to be satisfied with dreams." He gave her a pointed look before taking another bite of pizza.

Emma smiled to herself, hiding her face behind her coffee mug. "I bet those would be some very good dreams."

"Not quite as good as the reality, however." Killian stated, giving her a wry little grin.

"At least I'll have Captain Hook to cuddle with." Emma retorted, matching his grin with one of her own, never missing a beat with him. "Though, I have a feeling he won't be as good as this guy I know."

"Handsome bastard isn't he?"

Emma's brows shot up, "He's okay."

"I wasn't talking about me." Killian said dolly, barely containing the smile that was tugging at the corners of his lips.

"You're always looking for ego stroking aren't you?" Emma rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to her pizza. "Should I just pick-up a mantra to repeat when you want a good ego stroking? Tell you how big you are, how hot you are, how you're the best a girl can get."

Killian laughed, "Sure, why not."

"Figures." Emma teased, kicking at his leg playfully. "You are all of those, just so you know."

"I'm flattered."

"You should be."

"It's amazing." Killian narrowed his eyes, "I never knew that someone could wake up so full of piss and vinegar."

"You haven't seen anything yet." Emma countered, tilting her chin upwards haughtily.

"Better start showing me, because time is ticking away for us." His words brought back the realization that he'd be gone and this wouldn't continue on indefinitely. Which was probably for the best. One of them would grow bored of the other, tired of the constant playful jabs, and it would run its course. She kept telling herself that. Lessening the blow.

Emma scarfed down the rest of her pizza, licking her fingers clean, giving him a sidelong look. "I've shown you a lot already." She stated, curling her hands around her mug. "More than anyone has seen before."

"You've seen more of me than anyone has either, Emma." He informed her, resting his elbows against the countertop. "Milah, the woman I lost all those years ago, was wonderful, in a sense, but she never cared about me."

She'd been right. That woman had a stony look about her.

"I don't know how anyone could be with you and not want to know about you. It makes the whole package."

Killian snorted. "I only got dark and interesting after her death. I was still a day-drunk asshole back then." He shrugged. "Past me and past you would have gotten on quite well I think."

"A drunk and a thief meet in a bar… Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke." Emma grinned at him. "Are we a bad joke?"

Killian sighed, "Maybe? I'm sure people would find this whole situation comical."

Emma ran her fingers through her hair, chuckling softly. "They'd probably think we were kidding if we told them about our arrangement. Think we were talking about some made-for-tv movie."

Killian laughed, shaking his head. "It's quite the story."

She started to speak, her gaze dropping down to her empty plate. "How do you want to spend the rest of our story?"

"I don't care, honestly. So long as I'm with you, love." Killian assured her, reaching over to take her hand in his, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "What do you want to do?"

"I want you to read the phonebook to me." Emma said with a mischievous grin. "Because your accent sounds particularly amazing this morning."

Now was her turn to make him blush. He ducked his head in a very bashful way, scratching at his scruffy cheek. "The entire phonebook?"

Emma smirked, "I wouldn't say no." She held his hand tighter when he started to stand up. "I'm kidding. Seriously." She pushed herself off the bench, tugging him closer to her. "I actually wouldn't mind just… spending the rest of the day with you in bed." She admitted, ducking her head to hide the crimson color her cheeks had turned.

Killian rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. "That sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day." He agreed. He released her hand and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her into a hug that made her heart skip a beat and her breath catch somewhere in the back of her throat. She sank into the embrace, nestling her cheek in the hollow curve of his shoulder.

She played with the hair at the nape of his neck, enjoying the way the dark strands felt as they slipped through her fingers. It was strange to feel so content with someone. As content as she felt, she was nowhere near sated, and to avoid the awkward rush of emotions she felt, she turned her attention to back to sex.

Emma brushed her lips over his bare shoulder, trailing them upwards to find his pulse point. She had to push herself up onto her toes to reach the spot where his shoulder met his neck and she could feel the steady thump of his blood beneath her lips.

Killian's hands slid down her back and she could feel the warmth of his palms through the thin material of the shirt she wore. His fingers found the hem of the button up. She inhaled sharply when his hands made contact with her ass, swatting her playfully.

She pulled back from the kiss, her nose bumping against his. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She breathed out, her hands sliding over his bare chest.

"That your kitchen counters over there are the perfect height?"

"Bingo." Emma kissed him again, a breathy groan lost against his lips as his hands returned to her ass. He hauled her upwards and her legs went instinctively around his hips. She could feel him pressed against her center through his boxers.

Her fingers delved into his hair, tugging at the thick strands of hair as she kissed him hard. They were both going to have bruised and battered lips by the end of the day. And she didn't care. Not one bit.

Killian walked them backwards, taking his sweet time. She had never kissed someone before that kissed her the way he did. Like he intended to completely devour her with a kiss alone. His hands smoothed over her back, gliding over her waist, his thumbs barely brushing the undersides of her breasts.

Emma tore her lips away from his, gasping for breath as her ass hit the countertop. She perched on the very edge of the counter, her legs still wrapped tightly around his hips. "You know, when I picked this place out, it never crossed my mind that these counters were the perfect height for sex."

"See, that's because you didn't have me." Killian retorted, his voice lower, rougher, and all the more Irish.

Emma's heart fluttered at his words, a faint smile creasing the corners of her lips, but she pushed away the well of emotion, and focused on the situation at hand. His teeth scraped over her collarbone as his fingers worked to undo the buttons of the shirt she wore. Emma reached down between them, palming him through his boxers.

Her head fell back as his lips assaulted her pulse point, his tongue and teeth making their mark on her pale skin. She'd have a hickey tomorrow. One that she'd have to explain to her friends. She didn't care if he marked every inch of her skin, because for one last day she was his.

Emma pulled her hand away, her fingers finding their way into his hair once more as his lips trailed down the valley between her breasts. He had the shirt pushed over her shoulders, exposing her to him. "Is this what you want Swan?" There was something about the way he said her surname that made heat rush through her system.

"Yes." She managed to get out as he took her breast into his mouth. His tongue swirled around her nipple as his hand cupped her other breast, making certain that it received ample attention. Her fingers fell from his hair, gripping the countertop for support, her back bowing to press against his mouth. "Fuck Killian."

"Soon." Killian growled against her skin, his tongue swirling over her nipple one last time before he turned his attention to the other breast, paying it the same toe-curling attention as the other.

Emma inhaled sharply as she felt his fingers between her thighs, taking her by surprise as he slid them between her slick folds. His thumb circled her clit, light brushes that only sparked heat and desire, but did nothing to satisfy it.

Her skin felt hot and tight, her mind running with only thoughts of desire and need and him. He was so bound and determined to give her the pleasure and the satisfaction, which was a rare trait when it came to the sort of men she'd been with.

With no further preamble, two fingers delved into her, hooking them just right, pressing against that sweet spot within her. "Killian." She panted out, one hand coming up to grip his shoulder, her nails biting into his skin. Emma could feel her stomach clenching, the beginning flutters of her release.

She felt overstimulated and amazing. His mouth and his fingers coaxing her to the edge and letting her soar straight over. She cried out as she came, her back arching backwards, fingernails scraping his shoulders, hips rocking into his hand.

"I need you." Emma gasped out, fumbling as she reached down to shove his boxers down his hips.

He pulled her to the very edge of the counter, his firm hands curling around her hips, holding her steady. Emma caught his lips, kissing him as though her life depended on it, as she guided him to her center. Her muscles were still clenching with the effects of her release and it only aided to the sensation of having him filling her completely.

If she let herself slip into fanciful thoughts, she would have said that he fit her like he'd been made for her. His hard angles fit her softer curves and not just when it came to sex. She'd marveled at how well they fit together in bed, how he curled around her, and she fit against him.

Like before, she couldn't tell where one orgasm ended and the second began. He made it seem so easy to make her come undone, pushing her from one release to another. She had never felt so utterly wrecked in her life. She clung to him as though her life depended upon it.

Killian came with a low groan, her name breathed out against her shoulder. He rode her through her final release that left her breathless in his arms. She held him tightly, pressing herself as close to him as she could, given the way they were positioned.

Those word welled up in the back of her throat, weighted words, that held so much meaning. But she swallowed them back and pushed those thoughts from her mind. They had agreed to a weekend ordeal, not something that could potentially last longer than that. His obligations lay with the Navy and his goals to become something that his brother would have been proud of. He wanted to be a Captain and she wasn't going to help him get there – she would only be a hindrance. That's what she was going to keep telling herself, that it was the best for both of them.

"You're bloody amazing, you know that?" Killian whispered, brushing his lips against her throat.

Emma laughed. "You're not so bad yourself." She pulled back gently, her hands sliding over his shoulders. "Are you always this giving?"

He grinned, leaning in to catch her lips, "I do enjoy making sure that my lady is pleased, but… I've gone above and beyond with you."

She flushed, which was stupid all things considering. There was something about the way he looked at her, like she was the only person that mattered in the entire world that left her red and breathless. "You're really good." She stated, dropping her gaze to avoid seeing the way he was looking at her.

"I try." Killian retorted with an easy laugh, his hands settling at her hips. "Why don't you and I head back to bed?"

Emma's brows creased together, her eyes widening. "Are you the energizer bunny of sex or something?"

Killian snorted, "While I might be, I was actually intending for you and I to rest." He squeezed her hips, "If your legs can work."

Emma rolled her eyes. "My legs can work perfectly buddy." She pushed at his chest to make him back up, before scooting off the counter. For a second there she was fairly certain her legs were going to buckle as her feet hit the floor. She was going to be sore tomorrow, in all the best ways.

"You alright there, love?" Killian quipped with an all-too-pleased with himself smirk.

Emma's hands went to her hips and she might have looked like a formidable force, were she not standing there completely naked. "You better watch that tone Killian." She said firmly, making up for her small, naked, stature.

"Or what?"

Her eyes raked over his own naked firm, tilting her head thoughtfully. He really was a remarkable example of masculinity. "I don't give up my plans." Emma turned on her heels then, heading out of the kitchen and into her living room. "Get in here, you're watching The Princess Bride with me."

Killian groaned dramatically, sulking into the living room after her. "Is this your punishment?"

Emma laughed, "No it's not. This is, however, payback for you mocking me for how I order pizza." She told him, narrowing her eyes. "I haven't decided how to punish you for your attitude."

It was so easy to play like this with him. It was easy and natural. She loved the way they could go from sex to teasing each other to sex and back again.

"You're a very cruel hostess." Killian lamented as he stretched out on the sofa beside her. "You should try to be nicer to your guests."

Emma gave him a sidelong look, "You just keep digging your grave."

Killian leaned towards her, his lips coming close to her ear, "Maybe I like it when you're almost yelling at me."

"You are unbelievable." Emma retorted with an exasperated laugh.

"Oh, I know I am."

Emma gave him a look, "I can't tell if I want to slap you or kiss you."

Killian thought for a moment, "I prefer the latter."

"I prefer the latter too, but that doesn't mean that's what you get." Emma scrunched up her face, before turning her attention back to the t.v. screen. "Now hush, I love this movie."

"You love a lot things."

Emma tensed. She couldn't tell if he was just playing with her or hinting at her to admit to the feelings that were weighing on her chest. The muscle in her jaw ticked as she studied the television, giving him a noncommittal shrug in response.

Maybe he hadn't been hinting at it, because he didn't push it any further.

"This isn't that bad of a film." Killian admitted, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "It could be worse, it could be the Notebook."

Emma laughed, "God, I wouldn't watch that if you paid me to."

"Too sappy?"

Emma tilted her head to look up at him, "I'm a coldhearted bitch," She said, barely able to control her laughter. "I hate sappy."

Killian grinned at her, "I have noticed that about you. You're a terribly mean thing." He stroked her arm, pulling her in closer to his side, resting his cheek on the top of her head. "I'm going to miss you Swan."

Emma smiled to herself, "I might just miss you Jones, however the jury's still out on it." She was going to miss him more than she wanted to admit openly. Tomorrow was going to suck without having him in bed with her. In two nights she'd gotten pretty used to having him there to curl up with. Which was completely out of character for her. She just hadn't met the right guy until Killian swept into her life.

Emma had had her sexual encounters down to an exact science. She had rules that she lived by that kept her all walled up and protected from getting hurt. But Killian had managed to sidestep every rule, except the last. She didn't do relationships and this would never amount to one. While she wished she could just play the whole thing off as just a weekend of good sex, it hadn't just been sex. She kept rehashing that fact over and over again. Just sex was easy to untangle yourself from, but sex that was more was not something that was easy to walk away from.

She could already feel those walls of hers rebuilding. The very walls that Killian had done so well with tearing down. She was disengaging, pulling away from all of those emotional connections she'd formed with him. It was the knowledge that she could be very happy with him that made the quickly approaching parting hurt even worse.

With Neal she'd never had a good-bye. But hey, she'd got juvie record, a baby, a car, and a hell of a lot of sunburn while she'd sat around waiting for him to show up in Tallahassee. No good-byes, no apologies, just a bunch of unanswered questions. This, with Killian, had the potential to hurt worse than it had with Killian, even though she'd known the beginning-to-end plan from the start. There hadn't been promises or plans or love involved with this. But there could have been if she'd just been willing to sacrifice more of herself. That was one rule she was never going to break.

"You've been awfully quiet."

"I'm just thinking."

Killian's fingers skimmed down her arm, pulling her closer to him. She didn't resist. Her head rested on his shoulder and she sank into his side. "Care to share?"

Emma shook her head, her eyes fluttering closed when she felt his lips on the top of her head. "You're a good man Killian." She told him. "I have no doubt in my mind when I say that you're going to make someone very happy when you find the one for you."

Her head and her heart weren't in accordance, they were both screaming at her like the angle and the devil on her shoulders. Her heart wanted to be greedy and jealous and claim that she was 'the one', while her head reminded her of all the reasons they couldn't be together.

Killian shrugged his shoulders, combing his fingers through her hair, "I don't know, love." He started, his tone thoughtful and… she was certain that it sounded sad. "I'll probably just throw myself back into work and do everything in my power to climb the ranks."

"I'm sure you'll rank Captain in no time." Emma assured him, reaching down to take his free hand, lacing her fingers with his. "Maybe you'll get stationed somewhere really nice."

"Perhaps I will be." Even without looking at him, she could tell by his tone that his words were half-hearted. "I'd say that you'd make some man very happy, but… we both know that's not what you're interested in."

Emma laughed, shaking her head. "I think I'm going to take a break from all of this and just focus on work." She admitted, rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand. "This weekend should last me… about a year?"

Killian grinned down at her as she tilted her head to look up at him. "And you call me ridiculous."

"I'm just stating the facts." Emma retorted, giving him a mock-serious face. "I think you broke me this weekend."

"I don't think I've broken you enough." Killian smirked, tugging her onto his lap.

Emma's lashes fluttered as she felt his erection there between her thighs, separated only by the blanket they'd thrown over their laps. "Look at that, we're back where we started." She steadied herself with his shoulders as she rocked against him teasingly.

"I thought it was appropriate." Killian quipped, his own lashes fluttering as a groan slipped past his lips. "There are things you do with your hips that are just… damn."

Emma grinned at him, leaning in to steal a kiss, her teeth scraping over his bottom lip. "I had a very short stint as a stripper after I got out of jail." She admitted, her cheeks going bright red with embarrassment and partially with shame.

Killian flashed her a wicked smirk that went straight through her, making her grind down against him, seeking whatever friction she could get. "We're insatiable, aren't we?"

Emma scraped her nails over his chest as she leaned into kiss him, "We are. We better get our fill while we still can."

"Oh, I plan to." Killian's voice was low and rough as his hand slipped between her thighs, his fingers stroking her slick, needy, skin without warning, before he was delving two fingers into her, making her squirm on his lap.

They spent the remainder of the afternoon wound up in each other, making every last minute they had together still count. Exhausted and sated they collapsed into her bed late in the evening. She relished his weight as he laid atop her, his arms curled beneath her at the small of her back. Her face was pressed into the curve of his neck, where it stayed for the rest of the night.

Morning came.

His phone alarm clock woke them up to an eerily cheerful tune, as they pried their aching limbs from her bed, and made the most of their last few minutes together. Killian made breakfast like he had their first morning together, scrambled eggs and toast, with coffee. They talked and laughed as if today was no different than the past two mornings.

For the first and the last time Emma got to see him in his dress whites. His hair was slicked back and his scruff was shaved off. A simple shave had made him look ten years younger and just as handsome as he'd been before. Not many men could pull off looking drop dead gorgeous no matter how they wore their facial hair.

"You look incredible Killian." Emma told him, her voice a little more strained and breathier than she'd intended for it to come out.

His cheeks flushed red and he shifted on the balls of his feet, "Thank you, love."

"Are you embarrassed Killian Jones?" She teased, trying to play off the awful knot in her stomach that made her feel like she was going to be sick.

"Perhaps I am." He countered as he shouldered his duffle bag. "Do you want to drive me down to the docks or do you want me to catch a cab?"

"I'll drive you." Emma said, perhaps too quickly. "It's not that far away, after all." She swallowed thickly and ducked her head as she grabbed her purse and her keys, and headed for the door. "Have you got everything?"

"I think so." Killian said simply, stepping past her as she held the door open for him. "Trying to deny me the honor of being a gentleman, there, love?"

Emma laughed, "I was being a good hostess."


The ride to the docks was more painful than she expected. It was almost like the ride down to the carnival on Saturday, only it lacked the same easy natured, laughter-filled conversations they'd shared that day. Instead it was like they'd put on their real personas, the sailor and the bail bonds person. She wore the tight red dress she wore so often, planning to use the rest of the afternoon to track down the guy she'd missed out on snagging Friday night. She had to throw herself back into work today or she was fairly certain she'd have some sort of breakdown once he was gone.

They were both holding back, she could tell that much from the way he kept clenching his fists and picking nonexistent lint off his pristine white pants. It was for the best. It was for the best. She had to keep reminding herself of that fact.

Emma debated over whether or not she should get out of her little bug once they arrived at the docks. Her heart won out over her heart this time. On unsteady legs she followed him as far as she could go.

They didn't speak.

He kissed her one last time. He cupped her cheek, curled his arm around her back, and held her to him like he'd never see her again and he wouldn't. Killian pulled away, his impossibly blue eyes meeting hers with unspoken words. He wasn't pushing her. This was all her choice.

Her lips parted, but she closed them quickly, ducking her head.

The words died on her lips. She couldn't say them. Not before and definitely not now. They burned in the back of her throat, but she wouldn't say them. The weight of what they meant, what they could bring was too much for her.

She had dreams and hopes and being with him would limit her – it would limit him. But he had taught her to dream and brought hope back into her life.

Killian's fingers trailed over her arm, reassuring her without words. It felt like entire conversations could occur with them, without a single letter passing their lips.

Emma lifted her head as he pulled away, heading past where she couldn't follow. She watched him walk away. He didn't look back.

~one year later~

A year had slipped by since her weekend with Killian. Memorial Day rolled around again and passed without incident. Work continued. Life continued. But she still felt the change that had come from her time with him. Her friends saw it, they teased her about her "mysterious" lover that they were so certain she'd had while they had both been out of town. She brushed off their comments, pushed the weekend behind her and moved on, like she always had.

She had always been so good at running, but this thing – that weekend – she knew she couldn't run from it forever. She kept hoping she'd see him again. She studied the back of every black haired man's head in the city of Boston. She stared at naval officers a little longer as they passed her on the street.

But they were never him.

"Oh fuck." Emma swore as she pushed through her apartment door. She hobbled, finally kicking off the offending pair of heels. "One day they will just take it like a man and not fucking run." She lamented, tossing her purse and her keys down on the kitchen counter as she moved through her apartment.

Luckily, despite her unfortunate heel break, she was done today unusually early and she wasn't about to begrudge that fact. She never got to come home on a Friday before noon. Her plans? Sleep.

Emma collapsed onto her bed with an exhausted sigh, rolling onto her stomach to put her phone on her nightstand, just as it vibrated. She flopped back onto her back, holding her phone up to read the message.

If it was work, she was going to scream. There was no way in hell she was going to do another case today.

Her brows shot up as she read the text message.

[Unknown Number] Hi Emma! I know it's been awhile since I texted you, but you wouldn't believe who I met today!

"No." She breathed out in disbelief as she reread the message a second time. All day she'd had this feeling, like something was going to happen. Somehow she just knew who the kid was talking about. She felt it in her gut. The minutes slipped past and she stared at the phone.

If she just laid the phone down and took a nap, she could wake up and pretend she'd never got it. But it vibrated again and she couldn't resist the urge to read the message.

[Unknown Number] Alright, I get it you don't want to text me, so I'll just tell you. I met a friend of yours Killian Jones. He's a friend of my mom's boyfriend. Did you know he works in Kittery? He said he was respecting your privacy by not coming to find you. He got pretty banged up in war, he told me he went to Iraq not long after he said bye to you.

She couldn't keep running. Emma sighed heavily as she started to type out her message. There was a spot in Kittery that she had always loved – a spot that was a little more secluded, despite being a popular tourist trap.

[Text] Tell him to meet me at the Fort Foster. I'll be there by four.

There were sixty some miles between Boston and Kittery and it took over two hours to get there, thanks to traffic and the little winding roads that bridged the route between her and him.

She had only been there once before, when Mary Margaret had forced her to go up there for a weekend to 'get away from the city and just relax'.

Of course Mary Margaret had neglected to mention that David was coming and Emma spent most of the weekend playing third wheel. But she'd loved that little area of shoreline, where artists sat under trees and painted the horizon, enjoying nature and its beauty. It had been the perfect place to escape from reality for a few hours.

Emma pulled into the gravely parking lot, hastily pushing in her two dollars of patronage into the little money receptacle. The ocean and the view were just as beautiful as she remembered them being. A rocky coastline and ocean as far as the eye could see. The wind swept over the hillside, carrying with it the sweet scent of the ocean. What she wouldn't give to live by the sea.

She pulled herself from the beauty of her surroundings, scouring the small hillside for him. Emma's eyes widened when she spotted him sitting on one of the memorial benches looking out at the sea.

"Killian!" She shouted as she moved towards him. Her heart was pounding in her chest as he turned to face her. He was just as handsome as she remembered. Still the image that she saw in her dreams.

"Emma." He rose to his feet and cleared the distance between them. It felt just like a movie. His arms wrapped around her, crushing her to his chest. "God I've missed you." Killian whispered, his lips brushing her skin as he spoke.

She squeezed him tightly, pressing herself as close to him as possible. "I never thought I'd see you again." Emma told him, her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. She didn't know how she'd ever walked away from him. For a year she'd felt like part of her was missing and now, she finally felt complete again.

"You almost didn't." Killian pulled back from the hug, his beautiful blue eyes seemed haunted now.

Emma cupped his cheeks in her hands, leaning up to kiss him. It wasn't the sort of kiss to incite passion, but the sort of kiss that sought forgiveness. "Henry told me you went to Iraq. What happened?" Her thumb brushed over the rise of his cheek, her brows furrowing together.

"I don't really remember, that whole week before it happened is still pretty hazy." He admitted, casting his gaze downwards. Emma followed his line of vision, catching sight of what was different about him. She could feel him tense, his shoulders going to stiff. "I woke up in a hospital bed without my left hand. Funny how that can just happen." The slight edge of sarcastic humor wasn't lost on her, she knew despite how callous it sounded, it was a defense mechanism. She wasn't above the same behavior.

Emma reached down and curled her fingers around his right hand and the prosthetic hand, not caring if it were real or not – it was part of him. "I'm so sorry Killian." She whispered, at a loss for the right words to say to him. "I should have been there for you." She regretted the past year more than ever now.

Killian laughed softly, shaking his head. "You really wouldn't have wanted to be there. Trust me. I was moody and surly and pretty much everyone I knew reminded me of that fact all the time." He widened his eyes for emphasis. "I'm better now. It's been almost a year." He squeezed her hand with his good hand. "So, how do you know about this place?" Just like he had never pushed her into conversations she didn't want to venture down, she didn't push him.

Emma smiled up at him, "My friend Mary Margaret dragged me to Kittery with her boyfriend a few years back. I escaped my terrible fate as third wheel by sitting out here for nearly the whole day."

"I come up here to think." He explained, using his prosthetic to push her hair behind her shoulders as the sea breeze blew it into her face. "It's peaceful up here."

"Isn't it?" Emma leaned up and kissed him again, before she pulled back just enough to speak. "You don't have someone do you?" She questioned, suddenly panicking that she was imposing on something he'd started with some other woman. Maybe some nurse that had been there at his side, someone who had helped him during his recovery.

"Well." The smile on his lips and the light in his eyes told her otherwise. "I might have someone."


"She's gorgeous, blonde, everything I have ever wanted."

"Sounds strangely familiar." Emma smirked. "So why is it just might have?"

Killian bumped his nose against hers, "It just depends on whether or not she wants to be with me."

Emma kissed him then, smiling against his lips. "Yes." She pulled back from the kiss and wrapped her arms around him, pressing her face into the crook of his neck. "She was stupid before, she should have gone after you but she was scared." Emma's fingers played through his hair. "I love you Killian." Those words were long overdue.

"I love you." Killian replied, kissing her again, making up for lost time.

She pulled back from the kiss, "How did you meet Henry?" She had so many questions

"That is a very good, very short story." Killian chuckled. "Regina's boyfriend, Robin, frequents my favorite little seafood joint. He invited me to join them for lunch today. I recognized the lad straight away. I asked him if he'd talked to you and he said he hadn't heard from you since the two of you texted last year." He narrowed his eyes. "Didn't you tell me that he said he was happy?"

Emma swallowed thickly, "I know I lied." There was no point in avoiding the truth – the kid had clearly told him.

He smiled at her reassuringly, "He's happy now. Apparently his mother and Robin started seeing each other shortly thereafter and she mellowed out a fair bit." Killian tilted his head, "If you come up here with me, you're going to have to meet him."

Emma laughed, in awe of the entire situation. "I swear to god, this is like some movie. My long lost kid and the guy I'm in love with live in the same damn city."

Killian pulled her in for another kiss, "Am I the Wesley to your Buttercup?"

Emma grinned up at him, "A bit more like Captain Hook now."

He arched a brow, "Has he been keeping my side of the bed warm?"

"Your side of the bed, huh?"

He flashed her a charming grin that made her heart flutter, "I mean, unless it's someone else's side of the bed or something."

Emma shook her head, "Just Captain Hook's." She gave him a pointed look.

Killian laughed, a hearty, happy, laugh. "Ironic, isn't it? I won you a one handed pirate and now you've won yourself a one handed sailor."

"Rather serendipitous if you ask me." Emma curled her arms around his shoulders, stepping closer to him. "I love you Killian."

Both of his hands settled at the small of her back, Oh, I've always known, love."

"Still cocky." Emma jested, tugging at his hair playfully.

"You're just going to have to learn to deal with that, lass."

Emma sighed affectedly, "I'll try to survive."


One of the many painters that gathered at Fort Foster left for the couple a gift. She'd seen their reunion and was inspired to paint what she saw. They found the painting in the front window of a shop as they walked hand-in-hand along the main stretch of the town. A little note sat next to the painting explaining what the artist had seen that evening. The young woman and her sailor, like some scene torn from the pages of a book.

She gave the painting to them. It hung over the sink in their small little apartment that looked out over the sea.

Henry visited often, Killian worked a desk job with the Navy, and Emma found a job with the police department – which was slow and quiet and nothing like what life would have been like in Boston. She wouldn't have had it any other way. She got her story book ending.