It all started on one sunny day. Kami was frustrated. She didn't know where in the world Spirit was at the moment.

"What is the matter, mom?" Maka looked at the older version of herself with curious emerald eyes almost no one on the planet seemed to posess.

Kami couldn't stay too angry for too long when her daughter looked at her with those eyes. Unknowingly, her lips curved up into a smile, saying, "Nothing Maka. I am going to introduce you to someone important. I am going to drop you with Shinigami-sama for the day okay?"

"So he isn't the important person you want me to meet, mommy?" Maka asked, tapping her chin in a cute manner.

"No sweetie, he is important. But I have someone else for you to meet," Kami smiled and took her daughter's hand.

"Who is this person?" Maka asked innocently.

"You'll see," Kami smiled. Then I will be seeing where the hell you have been, Spirit.


In front of the huge mansion, Kami parked her car. She stepped out and held Maka's little hand as she guided them both to the front door.

Back then, Lord Death sometimes came to the Gallows Mansion. Kami secretly prayed underneath her breath that her best friend was at home today, though it was too much to wish for.

"Mommy?" Maka asked.

"Y-Yes dear?" Kami stuttered.

"Are you all right?" Maka tilted her head to the side.

"Of course! W-Why would you say that?" Kami laughed like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Maka put a finger to her chin, and thought about her well-crafted answer.

"Well, mommy, we have been standing at the door for five minutes and you didn't ring the doorbell," Maka bluntly pointed to the shining doorbell, untouched.

Kami mentally face-palmed. Her daughter is sharp. Mentally kicking herself in the head for almost giving Maka a clue, Kami wearily rang the doorbell.

"Hello~!" a cheery voice came from inside the door and the door opened to view a very happy Shinigami-sama. He even smiled brighter when Maka squealed his name happily.

"Why hello! You must be Maka-chan! And how old are you?" Shinigami-sama grinned from ear to ear.

Maka, proud of herself, held up a whole hand.

"Five years old? My you are practically a lady!" (From: Sound of Music)

Maka giggled and then Shinigami-sama led them to the living room. Maka was sitting on the couch while Shinigami-sama led Kami to another hallway to talk to her.

"So what happened?" Shinigami-sama asked.

"Spirit, the idiot. Must I go on?" Kami nearly snapped her pen she mysteriously had from her purse of all unknown contents.

"Do you suspect he might be…?"

"Cheating on me? At first I thought it was all humbug. But now I am weighing the possible realities," Kami sighed, "That idiot hadn't showed up for a week this time."

"Do you have any clue where Spirit might be?" Shinigami-sama carefully asked.

Kami sighed and rubbed her forehead, "Honestly, I do not know. That idiot might be womanizing or something and I probably never knew."

"I am so sorry about this. He never told me as well," Shinigami-sama apologized.

"It's…okay. Just can you keep an eye on Maka for the whole day today while I go look for my idiot of a husband and find out what he is doing for such a long time?" Kami asked.

"Sure! I could introduce her to Death the Kid! He needs a friend really bad!" Shinigami-sama smiled. Kami smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Thank you so much. I owe you for this," Kami breathed.

"Ha ha! No worries! Go look for Spirit and do not worry about Maka. She will be fine here!" Shinigami-sama smiled warmly.

They both walked to the living room and Kami smiled at her daughter.

"Maka dear, Shinigami-sama is going to watch over you for today while I have a few important things to do today, okay sweetheart?" Kami smiled.

Maka tilted her head to the side but let it slide, "Okay mommy."

Kami gave Maka a hug and a kiss and left. Then when they heard the car engine roar to life and leave Shinigami-sama smiled at Maka and said, "I want you to meet my son!"

Maka nodded and smiled, and Shinigami-sama went to his son's room.

Maka looked all around the living room. She knew exactly what her mother was up to. She was going to look for her father who tends to disappear for longer than necessary and shows up at their house because he needs food and money to live on.

Maka for a five year old didn't know a lot of things. But she could suspect that her father was having multiple affairs with other women who didn't have a clue that he was married and had a daughter.

"Come on, Kiddo! You need to get out of your room more!" an urgent voice came.

"But this book was amazing!"

"Kid kun you can read that book some other time. Right now we have company!"

"Daddy gimme back my book!" the child whined. Maka stifled a laugh.

Then the door suddenly opened. Next to Shinigami-sama was a little boy in black trousers and white formal shirt. His shoes were black and he looked…symmetrical. Except these weird stripes Maka saw in his hair. But she didn't want to point that out.

He was pouting for some reason. Shinigami-sama glared at his son saying, "You keep this up and I will steal one of your rings."

"No! My symmetry!" Kid wailed. Maka knew he was an OCD person after this.

"Hello, Maka. Meet my son Kid. Kid, this is a friend of mine's daughter. She is also the daughter of my death scythe, Spirit Albarn, Maka."

Then the two children were pushed together and Shinigami-sama fled out of the room with Kid's favorite book in his comically large hands.

"Hey, if it makes you feel better, I like reading books," Maka said uneasily. That did the trick.

"Really?" Kid looked at Maka with a pair of shining eyes. Literally he thought Maka would melt at his looks like other little girls he was forced to meet. Maka might be different.

Maka beamed, "Yep! Books always keep me company!"

Kid smiled, "I would love to share my wonderful insight on that book but dad snatched it away."

Maka giggled, "We can get to know each other well and then let Shinigami-sama let us read some books next to each other."

Kid thought about it and Maka did have a point.

"So where do we start?" Kid asked.

"My name is Maka Albarn. My daddy is Spirit and my mommy is Kami. I like to read books. I am a weapon and a meister, because of my parents. I want to become a meister. I like to read books, cook, and keep things tidy. I have a terrible habit of hitting people on the head with books," Maka said the last part with an embarrassed face.

"Why would you hit people with books?" Kid asked.

"Because sometimes people are idiots," Maka murmured.

"You can't rid this world of idiots like you can completely take away asymmetry," Kid laughed.

Maka smiled along with the reaper, "I guess not. But I have to keep doing it."

Kid chuckled. Maka smirked and said, "Now your turn."

"My name is Death the Kid. My dad is Shinigami-sama. I am a grim reaper. My older brother much to my disdain is Asura who I need people like yours help to kill. I like to read, listen to classical music and am obsessed with symmetry," Kid muttered.

"You like classical music? That's the best!" Maka squealed.

"I thought you would like rock like all the modern kids," Kid asked, surprised.

Maka snorted, "Kid, I am not a modern kid. There is nothing wrong with liking books and formal music, is there?"

Kid visibly relaxed, "There is nothing wrong with that."

Maka laughed and socked him in the shoulder making Kid very nervous.

"W-What did I do?!"

"You need to relax, Kid! No need to get worked up over nothing. Your manners are perfect if you were secretly checking your etiquette in your head," Maka slyly grinned.

Kid smiled, and said, "Do you hate formality?"

Maka snorted again and said, "More than anything in this world! Let's drop it!"

Kid grinned wide and didn't even bother trying to politely smile and politely laugh and politely cover his mouth to hide a snort, or stupid things like that written in books on how to behave oneself. Because the girl before him agreed with him that being so stiff is just another way to be stupid.

"What else you wanna do?" Kid smiled.


Kami rounded the park. She hadn't seen Spirit the whole day and it was irking her. She looked up the sky and could see an artist's canvas of bright and beautiful colors streaking in the sky.

Sighing, Kami made a rough note that it must be very late.

"I guess I should call him?" Kami thought about letting Maka spend the night there if it wasn't too much of a hassle.

But the sight before her doomed her worst fears. Spirit was kissing a woman and groping her chest.

Clenching her fists, Kami walked over to the oblivious pair and tore them apart. When the lady looked in disgust at Kami she trembled in fear underneath the heavy glare Kami wore.

"Kami!" Spirit gasped before his face was jerked to the side. He was slapped.

"Do not even bother coming home, you filthy whore," Kami growled and sped walked to her car. She knew Spirit didn't have his keys at all. He would be on his own or in the mercy of Shinigami-sama.

She sped towards Shinigami-sama's house. While driving the car she took off her ring and chucked it out the window.


Maka and Kid were surrounded by books, too tired to read. Then suddenly, Maka spotted the rings on Kid's fingers.

"Those rings are pretty," Maka bluntly said.

"Thank you! My father gave them to me!" Kid beamed.

"Really? Is there some kind of legend behind it?" Maka grinned.

"Well, it is rumored that whoever a grim reaper gives one of his rings to he is basically proposing to that person."

"That is so cool! I love legends! And adventures!" Maka beamed.

"In fact, I want to give one of them to you!" Kid smiled.

"But your symmetry!" Maka gasped.

"Is perfect as long as you wear one of them," Kid finished for her.

Maka pouted but then it erased the moment Kid slipped a ring on her ring finger on her left hand. Maka blushed when she remembered her mom wore a diamond ring on that finger. It was a sparkly reminder that her mom loved her daddy very much.

"Will you wear it always?" Kid innocently smiled at Maka.

Maka blushed again but nonetheless nodded enough for Kid to see.

Then Kid kissed Maka's cheek to seal in the promise, knowing they weren't mature enough to really kiss on the lips.

"So is this like an engagement?" Maka childishly held Kid's hand.

"You can think of it like that. We are too young to marry so this is the closest thing we have to a commitment," Kid said, matter-of-fact.

Maka laughed and Kid looked at her with confusion.

"What's the matter?" Kid asked.

"Always trying to use proper grammar like adults. Enjoy being a child, Kid. You are not a child forever. You spend majority of your life as an adult," Maka laughed.

Kid sheepishly smiled and rubbed his neck, "Yeah, dad always says I am being too grown-up for my age, and that I should relax a little."

"He's right, you know," Maka's innocent emerald eyes bored into Kid's topaz ones.

"But…" Kid tried to resist, but then broke down under Maka's doeful gaze.


Maka squealed uncharacteristically and hugged Kid.

Then there was abrupt knocking at the door. The two children casted glances at each other and shrugged. But then Shinigami-sama came rushing through and opened the door.

When he saw a crying Kami, he invited her in and brought her into a separate room so that the two couldn't eavesdrop even if they wanted to.

"Kami, what happened?" Shinigami-sama asked.

"Y-You were right. Spirit is just a womanizer a-and I fell for it," Kami muttered.

"What? How?" Shinigami-sama gaped at the news. Imagine: his loyal weapon being a party animal!

"Kissing and groping another woman in the broad daylights in a park!" Kami cried and dipped her face into her palms, crying.

"Oh, Kami, I'm so sorry, if only I knew sooner…" Shinigami-sama rubbed Kami's back.

"He didn't tell you?" Kami looked up at him.

"No. Whenever I tried to know where he went and why he would take a long time for a mission he would give me long excuses. He is my most valuable weapon because he is the scythe so I can't say anything. But I didn't know he spent his time doing such dirty things," Shinigami-sama said.

"Most of all, what is this going to bring in for Maka?" Shinigami-sama asked.

"I have to take her," Kami said suddenly.

"But she just made friends with my son!"

"Shinigami-sama, I have to take her so that she becomes so strong, even stronger than me. I promise, she will not forget your son. She will never forget her feelings for him, but she needs to learn to become strong and not just trust any man she comes across. She has to learn out of my faults," Kami's tear-streaked face faced his masked one.


"Maka-chan, your mom is here to pick you up!" Shinigami-sama said cheerfully to Maka.

Maka looked at Kid and said, "So I guess I will see you some other time?"

Kid squeezed Maka's hand. Kami's eyes widened. Kid already proposed to Maka!

"Yes, I guess."

Sometime… Kami thought sadly as she drove away from the Gallows Mansion. It would be a long time before Maka gets to see Kid again.


