(Last Updated Feb 10, 2017)

Mew: Hey, it's been so long since you updated this as well as anything!

GPS: I know. o.o I have a poll that I hope you all look at; it's fairly important.

Mew saw something approaching and surely enough, it was something to be afraid of. The fog was covering a large portion of whatever was approaching. Mew had a feeling that it was possibly a water Pokemon, and she knew that she could easily defeat it with a thunderbolt if it needed to come to that. Mew wasn't one to get afraid. No way. Maybe.

"I'm not afraid to hurt you, though I don't want to!" warned Mew as she began to charge her electricity throughout her small pink body. The fog then disappeared and all the sudden, a red Gyarados appeared!

"Roarrrrrr!" shouted the Gyarados as he looked at the tiny floating Pokemon. "What are you doing in my lake?"

Mew wiped her eyebrow with relief when she saw that it was a Gyarados; she was so afraid that it would be a Caterpie flying at her since she hated bugs because she was psychic. But then again, why would a Caterpie just randomly be flying, or creating a shadow that large? Mew definitely wasn't the smartest legendary Pokemon, that was for certain.

"Um...one Pokemon does not hold ownership of the lake," said Mew as she looked at the Gyarados. "You look like you ate too many boxes of tomatoes as a Magikarp."

"Boxes...of tomatoes?" said the red Gyarados confused at what she just said. "I've never heard of such things."

Mew gasped with disgust. "How could you say that?!" She decided that it wasn't a big deal and sat on top of Gyarados's central horn thing, whatever it was called. She looked like a tiny dragon tamer. Except that Gyarados wasn't a dragon Pokemon, but for some reason often used by dragon trainers. Probably because they wanted to be unique and dragon Pokemon were somewhat hard to find, so they opted to use the evolved form of Magikarp for the sake of convenience.

Mew flew to the water and she dove underwater and caught a Magikarp and hugged it. "See?" she said to the Gyarados. "You turn blue when you evolve, but you are red. Being red makes more sense, don't you think?" She hugged the slippery fish one more time before throwing it into the water and created a huge splash which got the top of Gyarados's head wet.

"Hey!" shouted the Gyarados with anger. Mew flew over and hugged his large whisker thing on his cheek and twirled it around. She knew that the large water serpent couldn't get her from there without also hitting himself. Which would be kinda funny to Mew.

"Can't anyone give me a hug?" she pleaded, looking at the others sadly.

"We don't have ARMS!" they shouted.

"FINE!" she shouted as she created a massive whirlpool which sucked the two Pokemon to the bottom. A tornado then appeared, but it wasn't from Mew, though. She put on a scuba outfit and she went to the bottom of the lake and saw that there were some Horsea, two Seadra, and a Kingdra.

"Who dares disrupt the waters of this lake?" questioned the Kingdra which had on a seaweed crown over his head.

"Um, excuse me," began Mew. "Since when did Pokemon claim ownership of bodies of water? Let alone Kingdra; you aren't legendary!"

All the Horsea and Seadra gasped at the statement that Mew just made. Apparently she said something very offensive. Mew didn't care and first looked at the little Horsea-well, they were the exact same height as she was, but they were small, all things considered.

"Well, I never! How dare you!" said the Kingdra who was now very angry. Mew could use a dragon pulse back at the Pokemon since that, as well as fairy, where the Kingdra's only weakness since being dragon resisted against electric and grass, and water resisted ice.

"Aww, look how cute you are with your little trumpet noses!" said Mew with delight as she examined their blue mouths. "Looks like a giant blue manicotti shell." She swam behind and looked at the tail which was a small little spiral. "You're just so...adorable!"

She wrapped her entire body around the small water Pokemon with a hug and giggled. "Now doesn't that feel better?"

"Yes..." said the Horsea softly as she blew a small bubble at Mew who popped it. Everyone said aww at the gesture and Mew swam over so fast that it created a water current which pushed back Horsea at least two yards. She approached a Seadra and looked at the spiked fins on the back. They looked so beautiful and Mew reached out to touch it.

"Do it and you'll be poisoned," warned the Seadra.

"You aren't a poison type! That makes no sense!" protested Mew as she hugged the spiral tail. She grabbed it and it began to unwind until it was all stretched out and she swung the Seadra around at super fast speed until it flew out of the water, creating a twinkle in the sky.

"Now you're going to get it!" protested the Kingdra. The Kingdra began to create a bluish orb and shot it towards Mew, but of course she used teleport to dodge it and appeared behind the Kingdra and hugged it by the neck.

"You should've just been my friend..." she whispered into his ear. She used dazzling gleam and it knocked out the Kingdra. Out of spite, she caused the seaweed grown to vanish and she flew out of the lake, never to appear at The Lake of Rage again.