Okay, hallo! I have adopted this story from MintyDaze and decided to finally post it up on this wonderful world called fanfiction! The first three chapters are all theirs but then chapter four is now that I wrote and you can obviously tell by the stark contrast in writing. So, yeah…I have changed a few very minor things in these next three chapters but they're not really that obvious. Okay then.

I'm sure in an alternate universe I own Hetalia, but not in this one.

Chapter One: First Encounters

16 year old Antonio Fernandez Carriedo was not ready to attend his first day at World Academy in Dublin. His Padre decided it would be a nice adjustment for Antonio to attend a new school outside of Spain. Antonio looked up at the large majestic school that looked more like a castle or a church rather than a place of learning. He tightened his grip on his black backpack strap and sneered. What difference would it make anyway? Ever since elementary school everyone thought that because he smiled and liked to share food with everyone that he was an idiot.

In middle school he was bullied by this one kid who had called him every form of the word stupid until Antonio finally had enough, picked up his school chair and beat the kid with it until the maestro somehow managed to yank him off. Ever since that day, Antonio had wreaked havoc in the streets with his small gang. He would beat up anyone who even looked down at him, sassed his elders and teachers, and to prove to everyone he wasn't a moron he got some of the best grades in the class. It was pretty easy to get homework done when it was all you could do in detention. He had detention nearly every week and had already been kicked out of three schools for assault.

Antonio glared and stormed into the registration office to get his dorm assignments and class schedule. What the hell would make this school any different than the others? His Madre was the one who managed to convince him to go to the Academy. Antonio wanted more than anything to make her proud even if it meant he would be sent away to a stuffy school with hideous uniforms.

He nearly crashed into two boys who looked roughly his age. One was an albino with an aggravating smirk plastered on his face and yellow bird perched on his head. The other was a luscious blonde haired, blue-eyed boy who could have easily been mistaken for a girl if itwasn't for the few scraggly hairs lining his chin, a flirtatious grin played on his lips and whenever a girl walked by, pretty or not, he would wink and blow a kiss.

"Don't stand in my way," Antonio growled as he skirted around them. A pale hand grabbed his shoulder and dragged him back.

"Kesese," the albino rumbled in a thick German accent. "I think it was you who got in our way, ja?"

"Let go of me unless you want to be singing soprano for the remainder of your life," the Spaniard snarled shoving him away.

"Honhonhon, I like him Gilbert," The Frenchman crooned flipping his silky locks. "Let's have him join our Bad Touch Duo."

"Then it wouldn't be a duo," Antonio pointed out scowling.

"A trio then," Gilbert said a grin forming on his face. He let go of Antonio's shoulder and shook his hand instead. "Welcome to the Bad Touch Trio. We're the top badasses of the school, men fear us and every girl is just itching for us to get up their skirt."

"Although we don't mind getting into a man's pants every now and then," Francis said with a wink.

Antonio studied them suspiciously before breaking out into a wide grin and agreed. Introductions went around and they chatted for about half an hour before Antonio realized he still needed his papers. "Muchas Gracias for letting me join your group," he said cheerfully. "Let me get my schedule and dorm assignment first."

"I hope you are in our room mon cher," Francis said.

"Yeah, they assign four people to each dorm," Gilbert added. "If you're in our room then we can plan against the shmuck that gets stuck with us."

Antonio laughed and gathered his documents from the registration counter. As luck would have it he did not get into the same dorm as Francis and Gilbert. This disappointed him greatly and now he would have to deal with more people which didn't exactly appeal to him. Francis and Gilbert tried to make up for this by showing Antonio around campus. They showed him where the 24-hour snack bar was that had the foods from every part of the world in it. Seeing the Spanish snacks made Antonio a little homesick which Gilbert and Francis seemed to sense so they moved him away quickly.

"We get three meals a day here," Gilbert explained. "There are 5 lines each day with a different type of food in each line. They serve about every kind of food at least once a week. It might not taste exactly like home but it's not bad."

"Except when they have that horrible British food," Francis said wrinkling his nose disgustedly. "Fortunately they usually have Italian food in the next line over so something can touch my plate without making me want to vomit."

"As much as I enjoy our nice stroll around the campus I would like to put my goddamn things away," Antonio said irritably. He was now pouring with sweat lugging his heavy trunk behind him and his backpack seemed to be getting heavier and heavier by the second making his shoulder ache.

"Oh yeah," Gilbert said slowly, eyeing Antonio's burden. "You want to get settled in, the boys' dorms are through the main walkway and you turn right at the Mess Hall, then you just follow the signs."

Antonio nodded curtly in thanks and headed that way, resenting his new friends for not stepping up and offering to help him with his things. Not that he would have agreed, that would show weakness, but the offer would have been nice nonetheless. After much grumbling and shoving students out of his way he eventually found his dorm room. Finding the door to be slightly ajar he kicked it open the rest of the way with a loud 'BANG!' causing the two people inside to scream in terror.

Antonio found two boys screaming Italian. One had chestnut hair with an unnatural curl protruding from the side; he cried and begged for mercy waving a white handkerchief he pulled from the pocket of his black jeans. The other had darker brown hair his curl poking out from the front of his bangs his hazel eyes filled with tears. This one was screaming insults as he cowered behind his human shield of what Antonio supposed was his brother since they could have been twins.

The Spaniard stared at them his dark green eyes wide in shock, he soon composed himself and strode past them dumping his backpack onto a bed.

"H-hey!" The dark haired Italian protested. "I chose that bed! Jerk! Bastard! Moron!"

Antonio whirled around and grabbed the boy by the collar. "Don't call me moron," he hissed before shoving the boy away.

"L-Lovino," The chestnut haired boy whimpered. "I'm scared."

Lovino didn't answer right away. All he could do was stare at Antonio his heart pounding wildly in his chest. Almost everyone ignored his outbursts claiming it was just a cry for attention. It was but, it never worked, until he met the strange and alluring Antonio. With his dark curly hair and equally dark green eyes, his shirt pulled taught over tan muscles and God dammit that boy was hot! Such a bastard for being that hot and Lovino was pretty sure he knew it too.

"Fratello?" the younger twin tried again his amber eyes wide and tear-filled. "Please, say something you're scaring me."

"Feliciano," he said breaking his glaring gaze away from Antonio and plopping down on the bed opposite of the Spaniard's. "Shut up."

Antonio ignored the brothers and put his things away. He hung up the uniform that consisted of a crisp white shirt, purple plaid pants, a purple jacket, a white sweater and a black tie in the closet before shoving the rest of his clothes into drawers. He stuck the picture of him, his parents and his older sister on the nightstand.

"Come on mi hermano," Casilda, Antonio's older sister said. "Madre y Padre are only doing this because they want you to have bright future. Things will be better at this school, trust me. I bet you won't be bullied as much and I'm almost certain nobody will call you stupid. It's a chance for you to make a fresh start and make some friends.

"I highly doubt it," Antonio had grumbled.

His sister smiled and ruffled his hair. "Things will be better, you'll see."

"Alright, I'll give it a chance," he gave in.

A pair of arms wrapped around his neck and hugged him until he was struggling to breathe. When she let go they both laughed and shared a real hug. "I'll miss you."

"Me too."

Antonio opened his eyes and realized he dozed off and the light was beginning to fade outside, he glanced and saw the darker haired Italian boy standing over him. He narrowed his eyes and popped him in the nose.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" He screeched and held his nose. "I was about to wake you up you bastard! It's time to fucking eat!"

"Oh," was all Antonio could say before he got up and stretched. He felt a little bad about hitting the cowardly Italian on the nose but if he showed remorse or apologized then that would be seen as a weakness and he couldn't allow that.

Instead, Antonio ignored... what was his name? That Italian kid said Fratello but he knew enough that that meant Big Brother. Okay, forget the ignoring. "What is your name?"

The boy glared at him and muttered, "Lovino."

"Alright then Lovino," Antonio grabbed his collar and slammed him into the wall. "Don't think I will be your friend. You disgust me with your cowardice. I don't need you to nanny goat after me by waking me up from my siestas and making sure I get to dinner or class on time. The next time you wake me up for any reason other than you're bleeding to death or the whole building will burn down I will knock your goddamn head off."

Lovino's hazel eyes grew wide and he bobbed his head up and down so fast it looked like his neck was on a spring. Antonio released him and stormed off to dinner his stomach growling like a lion. It was about time he got something to eat. Being hungry put him in a bad mood.

When he got to the mess hall he immediately went to the Spanish food line, he got himself arroz con pollo, black beans, some tomato soup with flour tortillas and a churro. He immediately spotted Francis and Gilbert and he hurried over to sit across from them. "Hola mis amigos," he greeted them.

"Bonjour Antonie," Francis waggled his fingers, he looked like an absolute dork with the sauce splattered on his cheeks from the strange looking meal in front of him.

"Franny," Gilbert said. "You look like a dumbass."

Francis' eyes widened in shock as he whipped out a pocket mirror and stared at his reflection. He cursed and quickly wiped his face up before sweeping his hair to the side and graciously thanking the Prussian for making sure he didn't look hideous.

Antonio silently ate his meal and listened to the two boys jabber on about their other two roommates.

"Seriously Antonio!" Gilbert said loudly. "You should see these guys! This one Austrian guy is sooo unawesome! He has a poster of freaking Shopawn something or other but it looks like it's spelled Chop In! And he is such a priss too! Holy shit I swear he has a stick so far up his freaking ass the doctor's mistake it for a spine so they can't pull it out! Plus he may seem all orderly and stuck up but he doesn't know how to fold his clothes neatly at all! I swear I had to nag him before he actually put them away."

"Tell them about the other guy," Francis interjected.

"Oh, don't get me started," Gilbert groaned and went off on yet another tangent.

Antonio half listened to the rant and glanced around the mess hall trying to see which two people his albino friend was talking about. Soon he saw them sitting at a table with an angry looking blond in a green sweater and white beret wiping the mouth of a smaller double of his with bright green eyes and a purple bow in her hair. The two people in question were easily recognizable even with Gilbert's vague description.

One was wearing a trim blue suit, he had thin glasses set on the bridge of his regal nose and his violet eyes stared at the meal in front of him disgustedly. To top it all off he had this irritating hair that stuck up and a mole to top it all off. The boy next to him wore a beanie on top of his long, tangled light brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. His green eyes almost hidden from the brim were fixed on the food. And he wore a baggy sweatshirt, torn jeans and high-tops.

Antonio wrinkled his nose and wished his new friends and their roommates' silent luck because it looked like it would be a loooong year for them. And for him as well with two noisy Italians and a fourth roommate that he seemed to have forgotten to meet.

Okay, thanks for reading and all that good stuff, review and follow and such… next chapter will probably be up by the time you are reading this.