"No, damn it, it's over the bunny and through the hole. Not strangle the bunny and completely ignore the hole." Dean ran a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh of annoyance. He had been in this position, crouching over an ex-angel for nearly ten minutes, and hell, if leg cramps had demon ranks, this one fell somewhere around Lilith.

"Dean, I don't understand, why are you using a rabbit as a metaphor for a string? Wouldn't a snake or some other cylindrical animal be more logical?"

"No Cas, the little loop is the ear-"

"Then why is it not, 'over the rabbit's ear'?"

Dean groaned, sure, Cas was great, and he enjoyed having the guy around, but god, at points he was beyond frustrating. Rolling his eyes, Dean tried again, "Fine. Take the freaking loop and fold it over the 'rabbit ear' then shove it through damn hole. Got it?"

Cas responded with a glare, he grabbed the laces and did as instructed up until he had to bring the loop through the hole, a concept the ex-angel couldn't seem to grasp. Dean had had enough, he sat behind Cas and wrapped his arms around him. Grabbing his friend's hands he replicated the motion. "See? It's as easy as riding a bike."

Cas narrowed his eyes, "I don't know how to do that either." Dean chuckled.

"Sam's taking that one." He buried his face in Cas' neck, "Though, I'm certainly willing to teach you other things.."

"Such as?" Dean lifted his head from Cas' shoulder.

"You'll see."

Dean carefully stood up, stretching his back in the process, and walked across the bunker. Cas trailed behind him, one shoe tied, the other not.