Hi guys! Welcome to my new fic! I know I got another one but well, I kind of lost my muse back then so I decided to work on this. I'll definitely get back on that though.
I'm still kind of new at this so please bear with me, constructive criticisms would be very helpful!
By the way, OC alert here, if you guys don't like it, then please don't read! It's basically about a transfan who gets reincarnated as Sam's sister. I know the idea is a bit overused (wait, is it?), but I really couldn't help it!
I died.
Plain and simple, I know.
I know it's quite hard to believe but that was what really happened.
Now, why did I die?
Well, that's kind of an easy question. It was an accident, actually.
As for how: well, I only noticed the bus at the last minute when someone, I don't know who, shouted at me to watch out. I turned my head and got a faceful of that bus instead.
I know I wasn't run over, cuz I bounced back a few feet and heard the brakes screeching, as hazy as my mind was back then. People were screaming and I felt shoes pounding on the concrete. The pain though, was very hard to ignore, so I tried to focus on the ground.
It reminded me of the time when I was a child. I was playing with my brother's Lego blocks and one of the single brick ones had rolled under the couch. Dad's feet were up on the table and I remember giggling as I crawled underneath them and put my head on the tile, trying to feel around for it. I had my ear on the floor and heard this weird rumbling sort of sound.
I was a curious one, so I ended up staying there for a bit, trying to figure out what it is. When I was right there on the ground, dying with my blood pooling around me, I heard that strange rumbling sound again. Vaguely, I wondered again what it was.
It wasn't long before I succumbed to the pain and closed my eyes.
The blurry images disappeared and the sounds faded out to silence.
My status as dying got moved down to dead in a matter of seconds.
...To be honest though…it felt kind of cliché...
Good? Bad? Needs a lot more work? Very bad? Opinions (reviews...hinthintnudgenudge) would be welcomed with opened arms and flames will be ignored as much as possible.