Hey guys, I'm GoldBlockIngot, call me Goldie. I'm here to showcase the officially unofficial greatest Mob Talker story of all time. I'm a regular Fanfic peruser, and when I read these stories, I'm quite disappointed. Most of the stories aren't finished, and tjhe ones that are, are all mushy and romancey. Well, Uncle Goldie's gonna change all that! This story, I PROMISE, will have an ending, and many sequels, so dont worry. The story will not be like any normal Mob Talker story you've read so far. It is more like a crossover between the Mob Talker mod and the Feed the Beast Ultimate modpack, with a few mods from other packs, like Unleashed, Unhinged and EE2 from Tekkit. If you dont know what these modpacks are, go check them out, they're really fun. Anyway, also, you are probably used to the mob girls being half mob, half human. But doesn't that involve... You know... In Bed Love? I can, with difficulty, see that for Endermen and Zombies, but Creepers? Skeletons? Spiders? Let alone Blazes, Silverfish, or, yuck, Ghasts? After much thought, I found the solution. (SPOILER ALERT) Steve will one day be frozen, and rescued EIGHT MILLION YEARS in the future, and the mobs have evolved into humanlike creatures, one of which Steve finds very attractive... Tje mobs will also have taken custody of Minecraftia, after certain events have stopped players from logging in. There will be action, adventure, technology, magic, romance,and lots of other blockerific stuff! So, without further ado, I give you, THE OFFICIALLY UNOFFICIAL GREATEST MOB TALKER/FEED THE BEAST STORY OF ALL TIME! (please leave a comment, make some fanart, or make spinoffs if you like, I'll be really happy if you do :D)