Hello! If you've read my stories, you'll know that I usually put the A/N at the end of the story. But I'm just gonna say that this is based on the song "Mary's Song (Oh My My My)" by Taylor Swift, and it is one of the cutest songs I've ever heard. If you've heard it, you'll roughly know what will happen in this fanfic.

Hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

Tessa tripped on a small pebble and fell down, scraping her right knee in the process.

"Tessa?" a voice called out.

Tessa's lip involuntarily trembled. She didn't want to cry because of something stupid like a scrape on her knee, she wasn't a baby. She was already seven years old.

"Tessa? Are you even going to try to catch me? Or have you given up because you know that I'll always be better than you?" the voice yelled out once more.

Tessa bit her lip, knowing any reply would only unleash the brimming tears.

"Tess? Are you still there?" the voice asked again, this time with a tinge of worry.

Tessa took a deep breath. "I'm here, Will!"

She looked down at her bloody knee again as she heard the thump of light footsteps on the dirt. "Tessa? What are you doing on the- Oh, are you okay?"

He was kneeling next to her now, his big blue eyes full of concern.

Tessa managed a wobbly smile. "I just tripped," she replied shakily.

"Here, let me have a look at that."

He rushed to his backpack and took out a water bottle before going back to Tessa.

"This might hurt a bit," he said, poising the open water bottle above her bloody knee.

Tessa began breathing heavily. "Will, are you sure you know what you're- AHHH OWW!"

She looked up, trying to stop the tears from overflowing, unwilling to let her best friend see her cry. She would never hear the end of it if she did.

"I'm sorry, Tess. But look, it's clean now," Will said in a surprisingly gentle voice. Tessa looked down at him, and he didn't even tease her when a tear did fall down.

Instead, he reached out and flicked the tear away with his thumb. "Do you feel better?"

Tessa looked down at her knee, now clean of blood with only light pink striped of flesh across it. She nodded. Will took out a handkerchief from his pocket. Why a 9-year-old would have a handkerchief, Tessa would never know. But he dabbed around the wound to dry it from the mixture of water and blood.

Will stood up, offering his hand to Tessa. She smiled and took it, using it to help herself stand up.

Tessa sat down on the soft grass of her backyard, the smell of food wafting through the air. It was getting dark, the sky a beautiful in-between colour.

Will plopped down beside her, and she automatically rested her head on his shoulder. He was leaning back on his hands, watching the sky turn darker and darker.

Tessa watched as the vast sky turned a darker blue, the stars beginning to appear more clearly. It was just like Will's eyes; dark blue, almost violet. The stars were like the pretty lights hanging in her bedroom.

She heard a deep chuckle from behind her. She recognized the voice as her own father. "You know what? Those two are so close now. I bet they're gonna grow up and fall in..."

The rest of the sentence was drowned out by a sudden chilly gust of wind, causing Tessa to shiver. She felt Will's arm wrap around her, and the instantaneous warmth caused her to snuggle closer to Will. She loved these family barbecues when she could just sit with Will, because at school, they were 2 grades apart.

Tessa heard a bark of laughter, followed by Will's father saying, "You're right, Richard! Look at them."

Another round of laughter ensued, this time joined by higher pitched laughter. "Edmund!" said a voice she identified as Will's mother's.

"What, Linette? We were only joking," Mr. Herondale replied.

The adults continued talking, but Tessa began drifting off to sleep. It was hard not to, with Will's presence comforting her and the breathtaking view in front of her, it was just perfect.

Tessa quickly climbed the ladder into the treehouse, but she squealed when she took her first step. She had stepped on something, and there was a light snap. She removed her right foot and found a toy soldier underneath.

Uh oh, she thought, looking up.

Will looked to her, his blue eyes terrifying and his black hair falling into his eyes. "Tessa. Did you just break my soldier?"

Tessa gulped. "Umm. Maybe?"

"By the Angel, are you serious?"

"I'm sorry, Will, it was an accident!"

Will got to his feet. "But it was my favorite toy soldier!"

"I'm sorry, Will, I didn't know it was there!"

His eyes suddenly turned cold, and he stepped forward. "I could beat you up, you know. I'm bigger than you."

Tessa took a step back, terrified for her life. "You wouldn't."

He took another step forward. "Who knows?"

"It's just a toy soldier, Will. Please," she begged, looking at the cold mask of his face.

Will stepped towards her, and Tessa stepped back.

Only to find that she had run out of ground and had stepped through the door, into thin air.

Before Tessa could even shriek, Will had grabbed onto the front of her shirt and pulled her back in. She stumbled in, Will catching her from falling.

She was breathing heavily, her mind spinning. They were somehow on the ground, Will kneeling in front of her and holding her up with his arms around her. He was rocking her back and forth, stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he whispered over and over again.

"Are you still gonna beat me up?" Tessa asked, her voice still shaky.

"Angel, no," he said. "I would never beat you up, you know that."

"Seems like you were going to just now," Tessa said, pulling away.

"I'm sorry, I was just so mad. It was stupid. I almost killed you, Tess." She felt his hold on her tighten.

"Well, I killed your toy soldier," Tessa mumbled, looking down at her hands.

"Losing a toy soldier is nothing compared to losing you," he said quietly.

Tessa looked up and smiled. "Wanna read a book?"

Will nodded and got up to their shelf of books. "Do you wanna try reading a classic?"

"Umm, I tried reading one, but I couldn't even understand the first sentence," Tessa admitted, blushing in embarrassment.

"It's fine. Let's just read Harry Potter, then."


Will sat leaning against the wall, his legs stretched out. Tessa, as usual, laid down with her head on his lap as he opened Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, their favorite Harry Potter book.

Tessa looked up at Will as he began reading. He was her best friend, and yet- no. There was nothing more than that. They had been best friends for as long as she could remember, and she was more than happy with that. It was much better than the chance of losing him.

"The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive..."

"Let's play truth or dare," Will said one day, when the sun was excruciatingly hot and there was nowhere to go to except for the treehouse in Tessa's backyard. It wasn't like they could go anywhere anyways, their parents were out and they couldn't go anywhere outside of the block.

"But we already know everything about each other. There's no use in choosing truth," Tessa complained. The heat was really getting to her. She wiped sweat off of her forehead.

"Then we only choose dare. Let's play dare or dare."

Tessa rolled her eyes. She found herself doing that more and more often with Will. "That's stupid."

"You got any better ideas?"

There was a short pause.

"No," Tessa finally said, sighing as she sat up and scooted closer to Will.

"I'll start," he declared. "I choose... dare."

Tessa rolled her eyes once more, unable to help herself. But as sighed, an idea came to her mind. She glanced up at him. "I dare you to... dance like a ballerina for 20 seconds!"

"What? No!"

Tessa giggled. "This game was your idea."

Will huffed and slowly got up. "You are such a horrible person."

With the biggest scowl on his face, Will raised his arms in a crooked arc and began spinning around.

"Don't forget to tiptoe, Will!"

He glared at her, but did as he was told. Tessa was bursting with laughter, clutching her stomach as she watched Will spin around grumpily.

"20 seconds! Done!" he said, dropping down to his knees. "Good thing you don't have a phone yet. Or I'm sure you would've recorded that and haunted me with the video for the rest of my life."

Tessa's laughter faded away, and she wiped a tear away. "That was the best. dare. ever."

"Not for me," Will mumbled. "Anyways, it's your turn now. What will you choose? Dare? Or... dare?"

"Hmmm... I believe I will choose dare," Tessa said, deciding to play along with it.

Will smiled, a glint in his eyes. "I dare you to lick the floor," he said without hesitation.

"W- what?"

"Lick. The floor."

"That's gross! Why would you-"

"Tessaa," he called in a singsong voice, gesturing to the wooden floor of the treehouse.

Tessa leaned forward and scrunched her eyes closed.


"Come on, Tess."


She took a deep breath.


Tessa stuck her tongue out and pulled her head back as soon as she felt it touch the ground.

She opened her eyes to Will laughing hysterically. She looked around for tissues, but just ended up wiping her tongue on her shirt when she found none.

"You should've- your face! It was priceless," he managed to say in between laughs. Tessa scowled at him, until an idea popped into her head.

She began to smile. "Well, my next dare is that you kiss me."

Will stopped short. "What?"

"I dare you to kiss me," Tessa repeated without hesitation.

He gulped, looking legitimately scared. "W- Why are you coming up with the worst dares?"

"Worst? You made me lick the floor."

Will considered this. "I suppose that is worse."

"Duh. I mean, kissing me isn't that bad, is it?" she asked. "Unless... you really think I'm disgusting," she added quietly, thinking he didn't hear.

But he did. "What? No, you're not disgusting. Never. Here, I'll prove it."

Will slowly leaned forward towards Tessa. He closed his eyes. Tessa watched as his lips were only an inch from hers now. Will closed the distance.

And he fell forward.

Tessa had run away, laughing as Will's lips met empty air. "Hah! Tricked you!" she said triumphantly, dancing around.

Will shook his head. Before Tessa knew anything was happening, he had tackled her to the ground and began tickling her.

"Will... Stop! Please... Stop, Will," she gasped out in between giggles.

He finally stopped and leaned back on his hands. "Well, that's what you get for tricking me."

Tessa scrambled up into a sitting position, looking at Will.

She hadn't meant to trick Will, but she had gotten cold feet at the last moment. He had been so repulsed when she first brought up the dare, and for the first time, she felt... conscious of herself. Of how she looked, how she acted.

Tessa put on a smile. "Yeah."

Hello! Yes, it's been some time since my last story. But I've been so busy with IGCSEs and whatnot. Plus, I'm going to theatre camp again yay!

So before I go on a 1-month hiatus, here is a short multi-chapter AU inspired and based on the song "Mary's Song (Oh My My My)" by Taylor Swift. I was listening to this and a Wessa AU popped into my mind so here it is! It will probably have less than 10 chapters, and each chapter would roughly be 1000 words, more or less.

I'm going to try to update as often as I can this week before I leave, but no promises on more than 1 update per day :) Anyways, I hope you liked it!

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