Good evening readers.
i wish to inform you of the news of my eminent return to the works of fanfiction and continuation of quite a few of my stories. Recently i have received messages from fellow authors to adopt quite a number of my stories. i wish to inform those authors of one crucial notice as of now.
those stories now belong to you. I ask that you only give credit where credit is due.
The reason i post this author's note, despite my unspoken distaste for doing such a thing, is because as of this moment i am announcing the rewrite The Birth of the Black Rose. my writing style has changed, and as such, continuing from where it is now, would be a confusing mess. it will be under a new name, and stay in similar plot to the original. hopefully. there will no doubt be many changes and/or tweaks. it has been pointed out many times, that the mistakes and plot or obvious lack of, is killing the story. i wish to rectify that. thank you for understanding, and your reviews ad follows. you have absolutely no idea how much it makes my day to get the e-mail stating someone is following me or my story.
The Apathetic Rose of Calamity