The final chapter.

It was two weeks after the battle of Fairy Tail and Galvin. Already word was spreading how the guild, had torn into the castle, unleashing a dragon that with its fire lay waste to the castle and the town surrounding. Now the King of Wengale had summoned them.
"I don't want to be here," Gajeel said.
"He asked to see all of us who were on the mission to protect Lucy," Erza said.
"I don't want to think about it, I just want to go home," Gajeel said leaning against a pillar. "It doesn't feel right, doing this, after everything that happened,"
"It don't be long," Laxus said, "And then we can go,"
"Just think, if things had been a little different we could have been staying in this place," Gray said looking around.
"I prefer Fairy Tail," said Gajeel, "And I'm sure Salamander agrees with me,"
They all looking at him, sitting on the floor, not looking at them.

"Sirs, my lady, his majesty will see you now," A page said. The five mages followed the young boy into the throne room. The King looked tried, but he stood when they entered.
"The great heroes return in triumph. You have my thanks for what you have done for this country,"
"We don't deserve any thanks. We didn't fulfill our mission," Gray said.
The King's face darken, his eyes becoming heavy with sadness, "It…it was a tragic loss. Did…did…she suffer in the end?"
Everyone looked to Natsu. He didn't look up so Erza spoke, "No…I don't believe so. She fought until the end. If you saw her I believe you would be proud, she was a true mage,"
"A mage…" The King sat heavily, "…I didn't even know…and of my niece?"
The Fairy Tail mages all looked down in shame. Gajeel spoke, "She was injured protecting the Princess…and the wounds became infected. She passed away two nights after the fight,"
The King covered his face for a moment, "It is truly heartbreaking to hear. I'd never spend much time with…either of them…I wish I had. But if what I've heard is true they were both beautiful and strong,"
"They were your majesty," Erza said.
"The royal crypts are supposed to be for members of the direct blood line but Levy deserves a place there, next to her cousin."
The five mages looked at each other, "Our apologies your majesty…but that isn't possible," Erza said, "After their passing we felt…responsible for them. We wanted to honor them, so we cremated them. It's tradition in our guild,"
"They felt like members of guild…of our family," Gray said.
"It wouldn't have been right to do anything less," Gajeel said.
The King frowned, "There are sayings that you shared quite the kinship,"
Erza glanced at Natsu and Gajeel for a moment, "It's true your majesty. They are…were our family. We cared for both of them deeply,"
The Kings sighed, "I suppose the girls would have preferred a cremation by their companions, to being laid to rest in place neither knew very well. Fairy Tail…even though you did not complete your mission, I'm still in your debt, your defeat of Galvin's mages and a large portion of their army is the shift we need to end this war. I shall grant you the full payment along with anything else you request.

"We can't accept anything," Erza said.
"It wouldn't be right, to get paid for a mission we failed so miserably," Laxus said.
"But, I couldn't let you go with taking a reward for defeating Galvin,"
"Please, knowing we've made the Kingdom safer is reward enough," Erza said.
"No," Natsu spoke up, "Knowing Lucy and Levy…getting to spend time with them, that was reward enough.
Everyone looked at him.
"You really won't take anything?"
Natsu shook his head. The King sighed, "Very well Fairy Tail. If that is what you wish. If nothing else you have my thanks,"
The bowed and left.

Once outside and a short distance away from the there was wagon. Max and Warren were leaning against it, but once they saw the others coming they looked alive.
Gray said, "Are we sure we don't want the money?"
"Gray!" Erza snapped.
"What? I'm just saying, that a little gold never hurt anyone. The way we rack up expenses you know it would be nice to have a little extra."
"How could you even think that?"
"I'm sure Lucy would want us to take it,"
"I would want us to take what?" A person wearing a hood jumped off the back of wagon.
"Be careful," Natsu yelled running to her side, "Wendy couldn't heal your injuries fully,"
Lucy laughed and pulled back her hood, "Natsu I'm fine you don't have to worry,"
"Put your hood up," He said pulling it back up as he spoke, "What if someone sees?"
Levy came to edge of the wagon, "No one knows us here. We haven't been back here in years and no one is going to expect us to be wearing these," She indicated to their simple garments.
"Still, get back in the wagon." Gajeel told Levy, "It would suck to go through the trouble of coming up with the cover stories of your deaths and why there aren't bodies only to have someone recognize you right now,"
"My own father wouldn't be able to recognize me if he saw me right now," Lucy said.

"I'm going to ask for the last time. Are you both use about this?" Erza asked.
"Yes," Levy said smiling at Gajeel.
"There's only one thing I've been surer about in my life," Lucy said.
"Fine. If you both want to give this up," She pointed at the castle, "it's alright with me. You are family now,"
"Let's just head out already. I just want to get back to Fairy Tail," Laxus said. He and Erza got into the wagon.
"I'd kill for Mira's cooking right now," Gajeel said.
"Why is it you're always hungry," Levy said.
"I'd kill for my own bed," Gray said. They all took a place in the wagon.

Natsu looked at Lucy, "When I asked you to leave you said you wanted to protect your people. What changed?"
"I realized being princess didn't give as much ability to help the people as I originally thought. But wearing this mark," She held up her right hand were a pink fairy now rested, "I know I can help people wearing this. And it is a plus and I can be happy while helping them."
Natsu smiled and kissed her brow. "So what was that other thing you're sure about. The only thing you are surer about that joining Fairy Tail,"
Lucy smiled at him, "That I love you,"
Natsu chuckled, "Ready to head back to Fairy Tail?"
She nodded, "I'm ready to go home,"

Yeah...I'm a troll.

Thanks for reading.

Nardragon~until the next page.