Perry was watching Phineas, Ferb, and Candace play Skiddley Whiffers. Candace was winning, as usual. Phineas had a huge grin on his face, apparently enjoying her happiness. Ferb blinked.

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Phineas called, jumping up and running to the door.

Ferb followed close behind and even Candace walked over curiously to see who it could be. Perry stayed on the floor next to the board game, but kept his ears open. That's when he heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, I'm looking for Perry the Platypus," said the gravelly voice of Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz.

Perry's head shot up and his eyes focused for a few seconds in shock before he blinked the emotion from his face. His heartbeat quickened with panic.

Wait, what's happening? How did you find where I live? What's going on?

Phineas had backed into the entryway enough that Perry could see him again, and Doofenshmirtz had advanced into the house. Phineas seemed confused, but not afraid, as if he didn't quite know what to make of the stranger.

He shrugged as he replied, "Um, why do you need to see Perry? He's just a platypus; he doesn't do much."

Perry scampered to hide behind the couch, but the kids and the evil scientist caught the movement in their peripheral vision. Before he could get away, Phineas scooped him up and looked expectantly at the strange man in the lab coat.

"That's Perry the Platypus?" Doofenshmirtz asked disbelievingly.

At least he can't recognize me without my hat. Maybe if I can play this out right he'll go away.

"Yes…" Phineas answered slowly.

"Are you sure?" Doofenshmirtz narrowed his eyes quizzically. "How can you tell?"

"Uh, I'm not sure I understand the question. This is Perry."

"Well it'd better be, or this will be really awkward," Doofenshmirtz said with a suspicious frown. "Perry the Platypus? Uh… is that you? I—I just can't take you seriously with that look on your face. Maybe you're the wrong Perry the Platypus. Maybe there's another one somewhere around Danville."

Linda heard the commotion from the kitchen and came in to check on the kids. When she saw Doofenshmirtz she blinked a few times. She was obviously confused to find a stranger in the house.

"Who's this?"

"I'm Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz."

"Do you need something?"

"He says he wants something with Perry," Phineas replied as he sat on the couch.

"What kind of thing?" Linda asked.

"Well, I—I have a message to give him."

"What kind of message would you give to a platypus?" Candace sneered.

Doofenshmirtz rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, still unsure whether or not the platypus in front of him was Perry, "I have this note right here that he's supposed to read. I don't really know why. It wasn't my idea. Actually, it was, but not the me from this dimension…"

"Dimension?" Phineas interrupted.

Now Perry was really worried. He began to squirm in Phineas's arms.

Oh no, this is not good. This is really, really bad, Perry chattered.

Doofenshmirtz from this dimension was bad enough, but the Doofenshmirtz from the second dimension was truly evil. He had actually succeeded in taking over his Tri-state Area, and he had ruled with an iron fist until Perry, Phineas, and Ferb had come along. Perry's secret agent cover had been blown when second Dimension Doof had threatened the boys and Perry had been forced to protect them. After helping the second dimension rid themselves of their evil dictator, Phineas, Ferb, and everyone else involved had gotten their memories erased in order to keep Perry and recover his secret. Perry, however, remembered the other dimension all too well. He knew that he never wanted to meet second dimension Doofenshmirtz ever again.

Phineas held the teal platypus firmly and glanced worriedly down at his restless pet.

"Perry, are you alright, boy?"

Candace continued, ignoring the interruption, "A note written on a piece of paper? Perry can't read. Is this some kind of joke?"

"I don't think so. The other me isn't really the joking type. He just told me to give this to Perry the Platypus and helped me find out where he lives."

"But you're not sure if this is the right Perry? You think there might be another platypus named Perry?" Linda summed up.

"Well, I guess it doesn't really matter. I was told to give this to every platypus I met, just in case, so here it is."

Linda took the note from Doofenshmirtz. Perry had stopped struggling as Phineas and Ferb had petted him and tried to calm him, but he was still quaking in apprehension. Linda opened the note and read through it quickly. Her already confused expression changed to fear and shock as she looked up.

"I'm calling the police," she announced.

"Wait, what does it say?" Doofenshmirtz asked; his question was reflected on the faces of the three kids behind him.

Perry sprang into action and leap across the room while Phineas was too distracted to hold him back. He hesitated, hovering near Linda's legs and realizing that there was no way he could get the note away from her. He had to know what it said.

"Perry!" Phineas shouted as he and Ferb dashed from the couch to chase after their terrified pet.

Perry darted around the room, unsure what to do or where to go. Candace was standing by Linda, asking to see the note. Linda held it out of reach of her teenage daughter.

"No, Candace. Go get my phone so I can call the police; I left it on the table."

"That won't be necessary," came a gruff voice as the door was forced open and several men in black uniforms with guns the size of Phineas's head flooded into the living room. The Skiddley Whiffers game was trampled under all the feet.

Perry froze in his tracks and the boys finally caught him and held him between them. He recognized the voice and was unsurprised, but dismayed as Major Monogram came in last.

The Major addressed Perry, "Agent P, your cover has been blown. We're going to have to relocate you and take your former host family into government custody until this threat is taken care of." Then he turned and commanded a few of the soldier men. "Boys, take that evil scientist and lock him up in the truck."

Doofenshmirtz, who had been too shocked to say anything since seeing Linda's reaction to the letter, held his hands up in front of his body and began to back away.

"Wait, what does the note even say? I wasn't allowed to read it!" He called over his shoulder as they dragged him away.

Perry was still frozen in shock between the two boys.

This is not happening. There is no way in the universe that this can be happening.

"Agent P, you're coming with us. Flynn, Fletcher, put down Agent P."

"Y-you mean Perry? But—" Phineas was pale with shock.

He lowered his platypus to the ground. Ferb's arms dropped to his side. Perry stood on all fours, his eyes still pointedly looking in different directions.

No, it doesn't have to be like this, please!

"Agent P, you can cut it out with the act. It's pointless. Hurry up. The faster we get moving, the faster we can get everyone to safety before that maniac from the other dimension attacks."

Everyone in the room stared at Perry. His eyes were blank as he sat up. Inside, his chest felt empty. He pushed himself up on two legs, almost oblivious to the gasps from Phineas, Candace, and Linda; Ferb just blinked. He trudged after Major Monogram with his tail dragging behind him. He waited until he got to the door to turn back. The family had gathered at the living room entrance and was still watching him. Phineas's face had betrayal and hurt written all over it. Candace just looked sad. Linda was still wide eyed. Even Ferb, who usually kept a straight face, had pulled a slight frown and his blue eyes pierced Perry's heart.

It's just like last time. No, it's worse than last time.

This time he wouldn't get another chance. Perry turned away as he felt his eyes getting moist. He pulled out his hat and looked down at it. A tear rolled down his bill and left a small splotch on the brown fedora. He reached up, placed it on his head and tilted it down to hide the fact that he was crying.

Monogram held open the door of one of the many black vehicles that were parked along the street. Perry climbed in. He kept his gaze on the floor. Monogram closed the door. One of the soldier men saluted and held out a scrap of paper to Monogram. He took it, glanced at it, nodded, and walked around to the other side of the car. His face looked thoughtful as he climbed into the driver's seat, scanning and rescanning the note. Perry snatched the note, curious to see what had gotten him into this mess.

"Don't touch that, Agent P!"

Monogram grabbed the paper back, but not before Perry had quickly read it.

Perry the Platypus,
This is Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, (not the one from your dimension, the other one). I just wanted to tell you that you are doomed, and by doomed, I mean I'm going to turn you into a Platyborg, just like I did to my dimension's Perry the Platypus.
You and your little friends destroyed everything I worked so hard for. I will have my revenge. And with your help, I will re-conquer both Tri-state Areas! I am giving you a warning, because there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about it! I have so many Norm-bots that I can easily capture the three of you, and I know exactly where you live.
I may be more merciful on those two boys of yours if you all cooperate. Otherwise, they're doomed too.
Your (future) Leader,
Heinz Doofenshmirtz

To Be Continued…

Finally have a new story! I'm more excited about this one than my first one! Feel free to suggest revisions and typos that need to be made. I've had it read through a few times, but we might have missed something.
