Mikey was still confused. He only started to get scared when Donnie covered his eyes for a little while. He had to cover his ears for a little bit too. With his ears plugged and his eyes covered Donnie lead him somewhere cold.

Once Donnie uncovered his eyes and then he saw something that surprised him. In front of him, in a jail cell, was Randy and Steven wearing a orange jump suits.

"Oh hey look who it is. It's the jerks who put me here and my good friend Mikey." Randy said.

Before any of them could say anything Steven went up and grabbed Mikey's shirt. "Mikey you gotta get me out of here. I'm claustrophobic!" Steven almost yelled. Leo hit Steven's hands making him let go of Mikey's shirt. Mikey looked at Leo then at Randy and Steven.

"Guys where's Cassidy?" Mikey asked.

"In a different cell. Along with everyone else." Randy answered.

"Donnie take Mikey out. I need to have a little talk with these Black Hearts." Leo said. Donnie nodded and lead Mikey out.

"You both will stay any from them. You both will never do anything like what you did again. And you both will never ever hurt anyone again. Am I clear?" Leo demanded to the two in the cell.

"And what are you going to do if we don't?" Randy asked.

"All I will tell you is that you'll regret it."

"Mikey, I know you want them back but if you stay their friends you can end up like them." Donnie said talking to Mikey.

"Or worse, he could go to prison." Raph added.

"Not helping Raph. Anyway if you help them out, they will hurt a lot of people. Innocent people. People who we are supposed to protect. We were trained to protect people from people like Randy and Steven. I know you thought they where you're friends but they shouldn't be. You nice and kind and you shouldn't be hanging out with. You should be running around laughing and pranking Raph for no good reason not hanging out with idiots like that." Donnie said to his smallest brother. Mikey looked up at Donnie and smiled. He hugged Donnie. Leo came back out and Mikey ran in.

"I'll be right back!" Mikey yelled running out.

Mikey ran to Randy and Steven smiling.

"So what' the plan on you getting us out of here?" Steven asked.

"There isn't one. You will stay here for who knows how long." Mikey responded.

"WHAT?!" Steven and Randy said together.

"Yep but here have this it's as good as money where you'r staying." Mikey said handing them a candy bar. Then he went back to his brothers.

"We didn't need him anyways. We can break out of hear and get revenge on all 4 of them." Randy said to Steven and they both smirked.

Mikey went back to his brothers still smiling. They looked at him then at each other.

"I hope those losers stay in prison for ever." Mikey said causing them smile back and Raph to grab him and gave his smaller brother a noggie.

"You little squirt." Raph smiled as the others laughed. Then they all went home unaware of the revenge of the Black Hearts.