Michealangelo had been going topside a lot lately. None of his brothers knew why but if Mikey was going topside so much until...

"Hey you guys what are you doing today." Mikey asked his three brothers. And all had the same answer. Nothing.

"Great, you should come meet my friends." Leo, Raph, and Donnie looked at each other wondering if they should. Leonardo finally spoke up "All right I'll go with you Mikey I want to know why you have been topside a lot lately."Donatello took a minute but finally gave an answer "why not?" Rapheal look at his orange haired brother " Sure I guess." Mikey was excited for his brothers his friends.

He lead his brother up the manhole and into the alley where three teenagers stood. They all wore leather jackets and looked like they're a force you didn't want to mess with.

Mikey introdused his friends "Guys these are my friends Cassidy, Randy, and Steven."

Donnie looked at the teenagers, then at Mikey "Mikey are these street junkies really your friends?'

Randy found that insulting "Oh yeah well you don't want to mess with up punk."

Raph answered before Donnie could. "Ha don't even try we could beat you easialy." Raph then flipped Randy into a garbage can, when
Randy came out he was angry and ready to strike at Raph but before he could Cassidy stopped him. "Stop Randy he ain't worth it." Randy's only response was "Yeah whatever."

"Mikey we are not hanging out with these street junkies as Donnie puts it." Leonardo told his orange haired brother.

"Fine leave see if I care." Came the response of Mikey.

Donnie only "K well see ya later Mikey." And with that being said Leo, Raph, and Donnie left.

Leo suggested they go and get tacos while they where topside. Raph and Don agreed.

While they were eating Leo told his brothers "Guys I'm worried about Mikey and his new 'friends'."

Raph and Donnie seemed confused "why?"

"Well think about, Mikey could start to act like them."

"Or worse he could dress like them." Leo gave Raph a serious look for his comment.

"I'm serious Raph. If he starts acting like that he'll get himself into trouble."

"Yeah I guess."

Donnie told his brothers that they should tell master splinter if he starts acting like them. Both Raph and Leo agreed.

After tacos they went to the comic book store and Leo got a space heros comic. After that they went to find Mikey. Once they did find him he and his friends where beating up cars with baseball bats. Just then Leo, Raph, and Donnie made a sielent agreement to tell splinter about Mikey's friends.

Leo went up to the teens and told Mikey it was time to go.

"No I don't want to. Your not the boss of me!"

Leo was not happy with Mikey's response and he knew he wouldn't go with out a fight so he simply said "Raph?'

Raph knew what Leo wanted and nodded. Then he walked over to Mikey and picked him up and dragged him home.

When then got home Mikey went and sulked on the couch and Leo and Donnie went to talk to splinter. While Raph stayed with Mikey to make sure he didn't sneak away.

"Master Splinter?"

Splinter turned around to see Leonardo and Donatello standing there.

"Yes my sons, what is it?"

Donnie was the first to answer "Well today when Mikey brought us to meet his friends but we left after he did and when we went to take him home he and his friend where beating up a car with base ball bats."

"And when we told him it was time to go home he said we weren't the boss of him and Raph had to carry him home." Leo added.

Splinter sighed and replied. "I see. Let us talk to him. Where is he?"

Leo told him that he was in the living room with Raph.

Master Splinter, Donnie, and Leo walked into the living room to find Mikey sulking on the couch and Raph sitting next to him.

"Michelangelo your brothers informed me that you were beating a car with base ball bats. Is this true?"

Mikey put on an innocent look on his face ad said "No I don't know what they're talking about. They must be crazy."

Splinter raised an eye brow "Are you sure, Leonardo and Donatello do not usually lie."

Mikey bit his lip and told he truth "yeah it's true."

"I am disappointed in you Michelangelo. You may not go topside unless you are on patrol." Splinter told his smallest son then walked back to his room.

Mikey waited for Splinter to leave then almost yelled at his brothers "Dudes what the heck!? Why did you tell Master Splinter?"

Leo was the first to react to Mikey's out burst "Mikey we only did it because we don't want you acting like them or getting in trouble with them."

"Those guys where my friends."

"Mikey those street junkies aren't good friends, They'll just get you into trouble." This came from Donnie. (of coarse.)

"Whatever." and with that Mikey stomped off to his room.