An: Here's another story. Its not related to my other story Deception.

Basically I was inspired by the show on ID network called Stalked where it gives live accounts from victims of stalking and I wanted to see if I could write a piece that showed my favorite detective as the victim. Carter personality has always reminded me of the type of people who always goes above and beyond for others but when their in need they choose to keep things to themselves because they feel like 1.) They don't want to feel like they owe anyone for anything and 2.) Feels like a burden on others if they ask for help.

I want to take her out of the role of the persons who's usually doing the saving and place her in the victims role and try to capture the emotional struggle that shes going to have to go through. Hopefully it works out.

Once again I don't own any rights to the show Person of Interest or any of its characters.

According to the the New York State Penal Code;

A person is guilty of stalking when he or she intentionally, and for no legitimate purpose, engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person, and knows or reasonably should know that such conduct is likely to cause reasonable fear of material harm to the physical health, safety or property of such person, a member of such person's immediate family or a third party with whom such person is acquainted.

I. Someone's Watching

Mary's feet buckled under her as she tore through the forest bare foot. If he caught her, he would kill her, she had to get away. Her heart pounded in her chest and ears as she ran for her life.

She saw lights ahead of her and her spirit lifted, she was close to freedom. Just as she thought her prayers were answered she felt a sharp pain strike her in her back and she fell to the ground.

She heard branches snapping under heavy feet as she grabbed at dirt and leaves as she tried to make one last effort to crawl to safety. Her heart stopped as she felt her captors presence right behind her.

"Mary, Mary, Mary. Why did you make me do this? Do you know how much I love you? We were going to get married and have a family together."

"Please don't do this, just let me go. Please just let me go." Mary gasped out between sobs as she pleaded for her life.

Mary screamed as she felt him kneel down on her back and grab her hair.

"Don't worry Mary, I'm letting you go."

She heard the click of his gun and felt the pressure of the metal as he pressed it against the back of her head.

"I'll let you go right to God, because if I can't have you, no one will."

Mary's sobs were silenced as a gunshot echoed through the forest.

Edward folded his newspaper and sat down on the park bench. Today was a beautiful Saturday morning. Edward looked at his watch and read 6:28AM. He looked at the path in front of him. His girlfriend would be coming by soon.

He smiled his girlfriend was an amazing person. She was always so sweet and kind to people.

He remembered the first day he met her. She had been walking down the street and had accidentally bumped into him. Unlike most people she stopped and said sorry. He fell in love with her at first sight. The moment he made contact with her beautiful brown expressive eyes he fell in love.

Ever since then they had been together. They went to the mall together and the movies, they even went to her sons basketball games together. They hadn't been intimate yet but he knew her body was beautiful from when he saw her get dress or take a shower.

They were in love as in love could be. He finally saved up enough money to get her the ring and dress she wanted for their wedding.

Edward was brought out of his thoughts as his watch beeped and let him know that it was 6:30AM. He looked up and watched as he saw her jog around the bend.

She looked as beautiful as ever. She was wearing a sky blue running jacket and a pair of black and grey legging that hugged her figure perfectly. Her thick black hair was tied in a pony tail. He admired the way her cheeks flushed against her flawless brown skin. Edward watched as she was lost in her own world as she listened to her music.

He smiled at her as she got closer and she gave him a polite smile back and continued on her jog.

Edward got up and threw his newspaper away and headed home. A smile spread across his face as he thought about his new girlfriend, she was going to be much better than his last whore of a wife Mary.

Joss slowed her jog to a complete stop and reached down into her jacket pocket and retrieved her phone that was going off.


"Hey partner we got a body." Fusco stated over the phone

"Alright, I'll meet you at the scene, send me the location."Joss replied as she put her phone back in her pocket.

Joss sighed, so much for her routine morning run. She turned back around and made her way back to her car.