Chapter 1:

Hermione's POV:

I was in a Muggle library looking for a good book to read, preferably a series so it will take longer to read when I came across a 5 book series called Percy Jackson. I decided to grab them, since the library was closing soon.

I walked outside and apparated to the Burrow, where I was met by Hagrid.

" 'Ello Hermione!" Hagrid said, pleasantly.

"Hello Hagrid!" I responded cheerily. All of a sudden, Ron came running out of the house.

"Hermione!" He yelled, running toward me and enveloping me in a hug.

"Ronald!" I exclaimed, laughing. "It's good to see you too."

"Hagrid." Ron said, shaking Hagrid's hand, or rather, having Hagrid shake his arm.

" 'Ello there Ron! How's Charlie been?" Hagrid asked.

"Fine." said Ron.

"Let's go inside, shall we?" Ron asked as Hagrid and I followed him in. When I walked inside, the first thing I did was visit the kitchen where I was almost certain to find Mrs. Weasly.

"Mrs. Weasly!" I exclaimed, excitedly.

"Oh, Hermione, dear!" Mrs. Weasly said, "I saw your trunks this morning but I wasn't sure when you would be arriving! I'm sure Ron's very excited your here dear."

Ron blushed beat red, "Mum!"

I chuckled, "As was I Mrs. Weasly."

All of a sudden, Harry, Ginny and George came thundering down the stairs.

"Hermione." Harry breathed.

"Hermione's back. Hermione's back. Hermione's back." Ginny and George chanted, but stopped abruptly, when they remembered doing a similar thing when Harry got off trial from performing the expecto patronum charm, only that time, it was with Fred.

Ron seemed to have felt the tension as well.

He awkwardly cleared his throat and asked, "So, mum, what's for dinner?"

Harry chuckled dryly, "You still haven't changed have you Ron?"

"Ginny - " Hermione started to say but was cut off by Hagrid saying loudly, "Well, Molly, I best be off. I only came to say hello. I've got important business elsewhere."

"Alright Hagrid. We'll be seeing you soon I trust?" Mrs. Weasly inquired.

"We'll see, Molly, we'll see." Hagrid muttered.

"See ya, Hagrid," Everyone muttered and with that, Hagrid turned around and disappeared through the Weasly's door.

"Come on guys." I said to Harry, Ron, Ginny and George, "Let's go upstairs." Everyone, excluding Mrs. Weasly, turned around and made their way up to Harry and Ron's room.

You see, after the Battle of Hogwarts, as everyone was calling it (it was either that or the Final Battle), Harry had no home because the Dursely's had been relocated and Harry had no wish to go through the trouble of tracking them down and living with them, so the Weasly's offered to take him in. He's been living with them ever since.

On the way up to Ron and Harry's room, I dropped off 4 of the 5 books that I had gotten from the library - I kept the first one Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.

As I listened to Harry, Ron, and George ramble aimlessly about Quidditch and watched Ginny play with Ron's owl, Pig, I decided to start reading my book.

It was quite a good book actually with just the right amount of mystery and forethought. I soon zoned everything out as I became lost in a world of Greek Mythology, the sadness of losing a mother, and the nervous excitement of my first quest. That is, until Mrs. Weasly called everyone for dinner.

After dinner, everyone went to bed, as it had been a long day.

~The Next Day~

After I woke up, I decided to go pop into my parents house and pick up some more clothes, as it seemed Ron wouldn't let me leave anytime soon.

I walked outside of the Burrow and apparated to my parents house. After the familiar sensation of being squeezed through a too-small tube, i appeared in my parents living room.

"Hermione!" My mother exclaimed.

"Hello mum!" I said, "I'm going to stay at Ron's for a while so I just came to pack some clothes."

"Alright then dear, but only because I know how responsible you are. Don't be afraid to come talk to me if you have any ... dreams again" My mother replied, worriedly. Everyone was at that point after the war where we just pretended that everything was alright, even though it most definitely wasn't.

I gave my mum a little smile, "I will." I walked up to my room to pack.

~Time Lapse~

"Hermione!" My mother called up the steps, "Will you go pick up some groceries? The list is on the kitchen table."

"Sure mum!" I called back, "I'm going to walk there so give me a second to unpack my coat."

~On The Walk To The Store~

As I pulled my coat closer to my body in a fruitless attempt to stay warm, I passed a store with a television out front.

I heard the newscaster say, "Yes, Jim. I have a report that Perseus Jackson has been spotted in Rome, and there has now been sightings of him near Long Island, New York. We urge watchers to call in to this number if he is spotted..." A number came up on the screen. I froze in my tracks. Perseus Jackson! That was the name from my book! This had to be a coincidence... right? After the... war, I wasn't so sure I still believed in coincidences anymore.

I hurried to the store, grabbed the groceries I needed, and rushed home. Once I was home, I unpacked the groceries, placing them in their allotted slots, and rushed to the computer. I Googled Perseus Jackson. Almost immediately reports came up about him being a well-known terrorist, prone to blowing up school buildings, since age 12. Of course, there was also a few mentions about the book series.

I rushed out the door with my bags, saying a quick goodbye to my parents, and apparated to the Burrow. I barged through the door, causing Mrs. Weasly to enter the room curiously, wiping her hands on a dish towel.

"Hermione, dear, are you alright?" Mrs. Weasly inquired?

I hesitated, "I'm not quite sure Mrs. Weasly." I answered honestly, "I just need to talk to Ron, and Harry, and Ginny I suppose."

Mrs. Weasly smiled at me, "Alright. Just remember you can always talk to me."

"Of course" I responded, smiling warmly at her. I then climbed the stairs to Ginny's room and dropped my bag off. Then, I climbed some more steps to Harry's and Ron's room

"Hey, 'Mione." Ron said, coming over to give me a peck on the cheek. Harry and Ginny sat next to each other on Harry's bed so I sat next to Ron on his bed.

Ginny looked at me curiously, "You okay, Hermione?"

I bit my lip before answering, "Not really actually. Remember that book I was reading yesterday?"

Ron interrupted, "Yeah. What was it called again Perry Johnson and The Lightening?" (A/N I had to do that! I just couldn't resist!)

I sighed in exasperation "No, you idiot it's called Percy Jackson and The Lightening Thief, but that's not the point. I was walking to the store today,- "

"By yourself?" Ron interrupted angrily, "Hermione! You could have been attacked!"

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself Ronald." I spat, bitterly, "Now, I would appreciate it if you would let me finish my story uninterrupted. Anyway, I was walking to the store when I heard a newscaster say something about Perseus Jackson being a known terrorist since age 12."

Harry looked at me nervously, "What are you saying?"

I took a shaky breath, "What I'm saying is I think the books are real and I want to find them."

Harry and Ron both looked at me and nodded. Ginny sighed and started to walk out of the room.

Harry looked at her confused and said, "Ginny? Where are you going?"

Ginny looked up, "Aren't you guys going on another 'adventure'?"

"Yeah?" Harry said slowly.

"Well then why would you want me around?"

I blinked, "Why wouldn't we?"

She looked at me, "You guys never included me before, so why would you start now?"

I chuckled, "The only reason we never included you was because we didn't want you to get hurt! This 'adventure' doesn't appear to be particularly dangerous. Besides, it'll be a nice change having another girl around."

Ginny grinned widely as she sat down next Harry again. "Alright then!" She turned to me, "Did you say that there were books about this kid?"

I nodded, "Why?"

She raised her eyebrows at me, "I think we should read them to get to know our 'enemy' better."

I gave her a look, "See what I mean? You're already making yourself more useful than Ron over here."

Ginny giggled as Ron looked up and protested, "Hey!"

I gave him a peck on the cheek, "Kidding. I'll be right back. I'm just going to get the books."

I raced down the stairs, into Ginny's room, and back up the stairs.

"Alright. I'll read first and we can rotate every chapter. sound good?"

Everyone nodded as I began,

Chapter 1: I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-algebra Teacher

Look, I didn't want to be a demigod...