Salt and Burn

Note- I have been playing around with the idea of this story for a while now but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it. All I had was the title. While pet sitting my tablet stopped working and I needed somethiing to do so I grabbed a pen and started making notes. This is the result. I have some idea of where this is going and who will be in it but if anyone has any suggestions I will see what I can do. There my be some Destiel and Sabriel as I havn't done that before but the won't be in it for a while.

The first chapter of this was written on my phone and it is only now that I am reading it over on the tablet that I see all the mistakes. Here is the corrected version.


This story is about mutants, mutants like me. My name is Tessa, but most people know me as 'Death'. But his isn't my story This is the story of two brothers, 'Salt and Burn', otherwise known as Dean and Sam Winchester. As most people know there were two main mutant groups, The Angels and The Demons, but the Winchesters belonged to neither. Their mother Mary had some ties to the Angels but by the time that she and John settled down and had kids she was very much off the radar.

Me, well I was an Angel. Not surprising really as they were my family. In fact my father is the one that they refered to as 'God', and the majority of the other Angels were my siblings. My father believed that if we revealed ourselves to the general public, admitted what we could do, then we could help the rest of humanity, become useful members of society. He gained a few followers, other mutants that he knew, and that's what we did. At least for a while. My brother Lucifer did not agree with our father's vision. He believed that it was our place to rule over humanity as superiours. So he left and taking the name 'Devil' he formed his own group, The Demons

But I digress. As I said this story isn't really about me or my family, although we come into it from time to time. It is about The Winchesters. John and Mary Winchester did their best to give their children a nice normal childhood, but it wasn't to be.

John tried to smile encouragingly at his wife, but it was difficult with her still confined to her hospital bed. It had been six months since the birth of their youngest son Sam, but she still couldn't leave. Six months since their baby had burnt his mother from the inside as she tried to give birth to him. Luckily he was only a baby and he hadn't done it on purpose, but the process was stressful for them both and that made things dangerous. The birth had taken a lot out of Mary and she was healing slowly. At the time she had joked about it, despite the pain that she was in. She had joked that she had done too well in looking after him over the last nine months. She had done too well helping him to grow because he was too strong. But that was one of the risks that came of two mutants having children. It had been the same with Dean.

At least their eldest's power balanced his mother's so she hadn't been badly hurt. Dean was a Desicator, a very rare gift, but a dangerous one. He could pull the moisture out of whatever he touched. Fortunately at four years old he wasn't very powerful, and he was getting more control everyday. But if he was stessed or upset all bets were off. Anything or anyone he touched could end up either craving a glass of water on one end of the spectrum or becoming a pile of dust on the other end.

That was one of the things that John found difficult to get his head around. When he and Mary had discussed starting a family they hadn't anticipated having to deal with any of this. John was a tracker, he could see energy trails and could identify another mutants abilities on sight. It was a passive power, harmless and Mary was the same. Mary was a grower, a life giver. She couldn't bring someone back to life or anything but things flourished in her care. It was as if she gave nourishment to whatever she touched.

John could clearly see where his eldest's abilities came from. He was the exact opposite of his mother. It was as if he had her power but flowing in the other direction. But Sam? That he couldn't get his head around. He loved his son, he truely did. And everyone who saw him said how much the youngest already looked like John. But where the hell did he get a fire power? Mary had shrugged it off. Sometimes these things happened, random powers would appear. And neither of them knew that much about their famiy tree. There may have been a latent gift somewhere in their DNA they just didn't know.

John managed to smile for real when Mary smiled up at him. He had let his thoughts get away from him again when he should have been taking advantage of the family time that they had before visiting hours were over.

"I'm fine John. You worry too much."

The boys were in the corner. Dean was standing on top of a chair leaning as far as he could over the side of his brother's crib. His gloves were on the chair beside John, but Dean was careful to keep his hands away from the baby, just in case.

"Daddy? Is Sammy coming home with us tonight?"

John smiled wider. They had talked about it earlier, he and hs wife. And somehow Dean had picked up on it. Besides it was touching to see their eldest so devouted to his younger brother already. When they left the hospital that night neither of the adults could help but laugh as Dean deliberately pulled his gloves on before lifting his brother and holding him protectively against his tiny chest.

It wasn't long after her family left that Mary asked the nursing staff if she could use the phone. I was on my way out to the car when I got the call and although I wanted to ignore it I knew that I couldn't do that to her.

"If you are on your way here already Tessa, you better turn right back around and go home."

I sighed at the sound of my old friend's voice. We hadn't seen each other in a long time, but she was still my best friend, had been since High School.

"Mary I can't. You have to let me help."

You see I knew what day it was and so did she. That was the day that she was going to die. I had seen it, known it the instant that we met. That was my gift and right then more than ever i wished I could give it back. My father could see the future, through flashes and dreams. But people's deaths were the only futures that I was ever able to see.

"No Tessa. You can't change it, you know that. These things always find a way to come true. Just tell me one thing. Is it Yellow-Eyes?"

I closed my eyes against the images that flashed through my mind but I couldn't block them. This was a vision that I had already seen, one that was burned on my memory forever. Bile rose in my throat the moment I saw his face.

"Yes, yes it's him. It's Azazel."

Mary felt calmer than she thought she should. But then again it wasn't as if any of this was a surprise. She had known for years that this was the day that she was going to die. And she had guessed that Azazel would be behind it. Maybe if she hadn't run into him while she was pregnant, if her son hadn't been born with his power, then maybe she wouldn't have figured it out, but she had. Ýellow Eyes' had been an old high school boyfriend of hers, before she had started dating John and the two men had never gotten along. He had done something to her, something to Sam, she just couldn't figure out when or why. But if the yellow-eyed basard was going to come and kill her he might be able to get some answers even if she couldn't pass them along to her husband.

"You are looking well 'Chi' "

That was when Mary's heartrate picked up and she finally started to panic, when she heard his voice and saw him in the doorway. She hadn't used that name in years. Not since she and John had gotten married and dropped off the map. They had wanted a normal peaceful life away from the Angels and Demons and the war they were waging with each other. Mary glared at him without answering, but he continued.

"And how is 'Hunter' and the boys. A little birdie tells me that they are quite the powerful little duo. They would make fantastic little Demons"

At the mention of her family Mary couldn't keep her mouth shut any longer as rage flashed through her.

"What did you do you bastard!"

She hissed at him but his grin got wider.

"Oh Mary, my poor little innocent Mary. All I did was put my little cuckoo into your happy little nest. You see little Sammy is my son now."

Mary continued to stare defiently at the man across from her.

"He is not your son Azazel! There is no possible way that he is your son and you won't get anywhere near him!"

He laughed then, his eyes flashing yellow for a moment as the flames started to gather around his hands.

"Oh I'll get him 'Chi'. Don't you worry. And maybe little Dean to. We could use someone like him."

That was the last thing that she heard before the pain hit and my prophecy came true.

I sat for a moment after the vision faded completely. I couldn't bring it back and I knew for certain that my friend was dead. I glanced down at the envelopes in my hands and tried to prepare myself for what I had to do. John would be angry, really angrybut Mary had entrusted me with her last wishes and I had to follow them through. The letters had arrived the week before with strict instructions for them to be passed along after her death. Taking one more deep breath I made a final promise to my friend.

"Don't worry Mary. Angels will be watching over them."