Everyone stood around two caskets. The funeral they were holding was truly the saddest- it had been months since "Security Authors 2" had been updated, that it was easy to assume the worst. Wherever Girl and Fanatic were done for.
"And to think, we were just one episode away from a season finale," Mickey sighed, shaking his head. Minnie wiped her eyes while Oswald lied a hand on his brother's shoulders.
"At least they're in a better place," Donald said.
"Yeah. DeviantArt." Daisy replied.
"Uh, I think he meant Heaven, Daisy." Max replied.
"WAAAAHHHH!" Goofy bawled, a fountain of tears pouring out of his eyes.
"C'mon guys... I-I think it would be best to head home now. *sniffle* They will be missed-" Minnie sobbed.
Everyone turned, seeing the doors of the funeral home fly open- and in walked the authors WG and Fanatic! "WHAT THE FLUFF IS GOING ON HERE?!" The authoress exclaimed. "Good grief- why is it that every time I go on a hiatus, everyone assumes I'm dead?!"
"This would explain all the condolence-letters my family has been receiving," Fanatic scoffed.
"We didn't die, guys! My old laptop crapped out on me, so I had to put my stories on hiatus until I could get a new one! It took me all summer to get one!" WG told everyone.
"…Oh. You know, I DO remember FF2 telling me something about that," Max commented.
"You know… you're starting to think like your dad!" Fanatic retorted.
Max glared. "Gawrsh, ain't that the nicest thing I've ever heard!" Goofy said, taking it as a compliment.
"Okay, enough with the funeral-gag! Lets get to the story!" WG exclaimed, holding up her new laptop. "I want to get as many updates in this weekend before the next technological disaster hits!"
Everyone shouted in agreement, and the crowd exited the funeral home. "Wait a minute… if WG and Fanatic are here… then who the heck did we put in the caskets?!" Oswald gasped.
"LET ME OUT OF HERE, YOU IDIOTS!" came Pete's voice from the first casket.
"Help!/We're stuck!/I can't breathe!/Who farted?!/Mommy!" came the shouts of the Knock-Offs.
Everyone kept walking. "Ah, we'll let them out later." Fanatic commented.
WG then noticed the Disclaimer about to appear- then threw dynamite at it, making it burst into flames. "Ahh, it's good to be back!" she exclaimed.
And so, on to the final chapter of the story…
The Authors, all on duty, paused and looked over at Dan… who didn't like that last sentence of the intro. "Here it comes," Fanatic sighed.
"We had to wait a whole FOUR MONTHS for an update on this story, and it turns out to be the FINAL EPISODE?!" Dan vented. "What kind of crap is that?! I didn't even get a cameo outside of Season 1! SEASON. ONE. You know how long I had to wait to get this far?! And now you're just wrapping up the story, after making everyone wait so-"
"Dan, if I pour nitroglycerin on the Dan* Imposter and set him on fire in a future story, will you shut up?!" WG snapped. "We're on a tight schedule!"
Dan gave her a look. "You honestly think you can bribe me out of ranting?"
"I'll also give you a hot OC with a lot of money who will make a great partner in your revenge schemes." Dan only gave her a look. She sighed. "AND I'll make you a recurring guest-star in Season 3,"
"…I'll stop for now." Dan then walked off. "…still can't believe we had to wait four months…"
"Soooo… what's the plot-set up this time?" Colin asked.
"Well, we're on a hunt for the 3rd reel," Sailor answered. "And since this is our last episode- it's sure to be one heck of an ending."
"Or cliffhanger." ATF replied, smirking.
Moon slapped him upside the head, knocking him unconscious. "THANK YOU, Captain Spoilers!" she snapped.
"But where IS the final reel?" Tracker asked.
"I'm sure our sooth-sayer could tell us… once he regains consciousness." Prince Tanabi replied, looking down at ATF.
"I'm not crazy… my mother had me tested…" ATF moaned, dazed.
"Uhhh, yeah… Fanatic? Did you find out anything?" Scoobycool9 asked.
"…I forgot the details of the next reel's location. Something about a burned-down building?" Fanatic replied, slightly embarrassed. "I dunno, I asked Dragongirl but she doesn't remember either." he shrugged. "Come to think of it, I don't even remember if we MENTIONED it!"
"Well this is just great!" Sailor replied. "We have a plot set up, and you all forget the location of the reel!"
"Sailor, do you know where it is?" Tracker firmly asked.
"Um… no, no I do not." Sailor nervously tugged on his shirt collar.
"Then don't say anything!" Tracker then slapped him.
"Seriously, why is it that I'm taking all of the abuse this season?!" Sailor snapped, glaring at everyone.
"YOU'RE taking all the abuse?"ATF countered… though Moon knocked him unconscious again. "Duuhhh I make my point…~"
"I'm just glad it wasn't me." Scoobycool9 said with a chuckle and Sailor punched him in the arm. "Why you little-!" He said and tackled Sailor and the two began one of those cartoon brawls involving dust clouds.
As this was going on, no one noticed the figures lurking on the roof overhead (aka, the most popular villain standing point in this story), The Phantom Blot stood next to Daveen, The Brat, and a newcomer who was dressed in purple, had a robotic arm with needles attached to the end, and a cloak covering his face that looked like a kitsune with a katana attacked it. He was Vincent, better known as the Purple Man.
"Curses!" The Blot shouted. "I was hoping that they would remember the location!"
Brat rolled her eyes. "So I took a week off from college for nothing," she muttered.
"How is it that you can come up with a plan to figure out HOW to get back to when the reel burned up but you cannot remember when it happened?" Daveen snorted.
"I'll have you know that I spent the past four months working on this plan, so show some respect!" The Blot snapped.
"Four months?! You spent two of those months crying while eating Combos© and ice cream because Shaggy, Pugsy, and Flip kicked your ass and ruined your street-cred (or what was left of it); and spent the other two months losing the weight from doing that! You just came up with this plan in under five minutes." The Brat sneered and the Blot glared at her.
"Wow you really are a terrifying villain." Purple Man scoffed, crossing his eyes and rolling his arms- I mean, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
The Blot groaned. "Look, Mors and Shuck are still missing from the Crossover- something about their master finally getting around to finding them. All I know is they've ditched me, so you three are the only ones I have left!"
"Wow they ditched us off-screen? That seems rushed." The Brat mused.
"WHATEVER!' The Blot shouted as a board hit him in the head. "I just need someone to go and capture FF2!"
"Well that's easier said than done- he's Wherever Girl's boyfriend, kidnapping him will result in her coming after us!" Daveen replied. "…And considering she'd hunt down two of her favorite animated characters over a Youtube video they posted about her, we'd have to use our final moments to notify our next of kin,"
"Really, she can't be that bad." Purple Man said…oh what a naive fool.
"In that case Purple Man, YOU can go capture him!" The Blot said and Purple Man looked down at the group.
"Should be an interesting challenge." He said and held up a knife.
"Ten bucks says that he won't last five seconds." Daveen whispered.
"I give him one." The Brat said.
"Excellent Purple Man, capture FF2, and I will make you my right hand man!" He said and then noticed Purple Man giving him a glare and he clenched his robotic fist. "No pun intended." He raised up a bottle of sugar cake spray. "You will walk the Red Carpet sugared and glazed!" He said before spraying it all over Purple Man's face.
"GAH! What the heck!" Purple Man screamed as the Blot shoved him over the edge.
Back on the ground the authors were trying to figure out Clue. (ATF was still unconscious, and Scoobycool9 and Sailor were still in a brawl).
"It was Colonel Mustard!" Colin shouted standing up. "IT HAD TO BE ALL FO THE EVIDENCE POINTS TO HIM!" A board then hit him in the head. "Ow! …You know, we're going to have to figure out a new running-gag!"
"Actually you're wrong." FF2 said. "It was in fact Professor Plum."
"What?" Wherever Girl questioned. "How the heck does that work?"
"She's right, how the heck did it point to Plum? All the evidence was stacked against Miss Scarlet!" Fanatic exclaimed, throwing his cards down. "This game is rigged!"
There was a loud yell as Purple Man suddenly fell onto the game board, crushing it.
"…And now it's busted," Colin deadpanned.
"Great, now we'll NEVER know." Prince Tanabi sneered.
"Purple Man!?" Fanatic gasped, his eyes growing as wide as saucers.
Tracker raced over, a shot gun in her hands. "Purple Man?! Where!?" She asked whipping her head around before looking at the guy who had just crushed the board game, then gave a deadpanned expression. "That looks nothing like our Purple Man!" Tracker looked at Fanatic who gave a shrug.
"He's not our Purple Man- he's me and Dragongirl's Purple Man." Fanatic explained.
"Yeah…" Purple Man growled as he stood up and flexed his robot arm. "Those two have been putting me through heck and back all for their amusement."
"What else is new with Authors?" WG said with a grin and Purple Man shot her a look before looking at FF2.
"Are you the one called Fangface the Second?" Purple Man asked and then paused. "And I thought MY nickname was weird."
"At least it doesn't sound gay," Moon replied, then rubbed her chin, observing his outfit. "…Unless you're actually homosexual."
Purple Man gave her a glare. "I'm not! They call me Purple Man because I'm purple!"
"Really? That's like calling me 'Lion', or calling Tracker 'She-Wolf', or calling ATF 'WG's Transexual Twin'," Prince Tanabi remarked.
"…remind me to pummel you when I come to…" ATF moaned, fading in-and-out of consciousness before passing out again.
"FORGET IT!" Purple Man then got hit with a board, but barely noticed. "Seriously, get a new running gag- Now are you FF2 or not?!" he pointed at FF2.
"Yeah I am," FF2 said pulling out his Sonic Screwdriver. "What do you want, you child murdering jerk?"
"I want you!" Purple Man declared and then WG bashed him on the head with the butt of her Machete.
"Okay first off, he's MINE, second NO CHILD MURDERERS ARE ALLOWED IN THIS FIC!" She declared and moved to stab him… which she did right in the chest.
"Wait, why didn't YOU get hit with a board?!" Colin demanded, then looked off-screen. "CALVIN! WHAT'S THE HOLD UP?!"
"WE'RE ALL OUT!" Calvin called, standing by an empty box that read 'Lumber Supplies'. "We won't get another shipment until next season!"
"Uh, I believe we're all forgetting that WG just inadvertently STABBED someone- and it wasn't a flamer!" Prince Tanabi exclaimed.
Everyone stared in shock… except Fanatic as Purple Man looked at WG."Was that supposed to hurt me?" he asked, before kicking her and knocking her back and pulling out the machete. "I've had worse done to me." He said opening up his shirt, and revealing a shotgun bullet lodged where his heart was.
A chorus of "Eww", "Cool" and "WTF?!"s came from the Authors, as suddenly Purple Man extended the needles in his fingers and whipped around before plunging them… into Sailor who had walked in after his brawl.
"Gahhhhhhuuuughhhh…" Sailor moaned, as everyone stared at Purple Man. "Oh, COME ON! I just lost a fight with Scoobycoo-I feel sleepy…" he then fell unconscious next to ATF.
"I cannot believe I just wasted $50-worth of T-Rex Transqilzers on him!" Purple Man shouted. It's at that moment that Tracker shot him and knocked him to the ground.
"Ya'll ain't taking my cousin without a fight!" The she-wolf growled.
"Gang up on the villain!" Moon declared and the authors leapt toward Purple Man, who jumped aside as they all ended up dog piling each other, with FF2 on top. "…Okay, next time, we SURROUND him first, guys!"
"Well that was easy." Purple Man said and injected FF2 in the back with the needles and then hoisted him over his shoulder.
"FF2!" WG gasped, racing to save her boyfriend- or would, if she wasn't at the bottom of the pile. She then opened a portal beneath her, managing to slip out to the side of the pile.
Too late. Purple Man had disappeared.
The authoress stared… then her blood began to boil, her face turning redder than Lucious Heinous when he's angry, and clenched her fists so tight she was drawing blood on her palms. "Oh, snap- hit the deck! SHE'S GONNA BLOW!" Tracker cried, and she and the rest of the [conscious] authors ran and hid behind trash cans, walls, doors, and propping up ATF and Sailor to use as shields.
Scoobycool9 chose a poor time to return. "Hey, sorry I'm late. Sailor and I crashed into a smoothie shop during our…" he began to say, then noticed Mount St. Wherever Girl about to erupt. "Oh no-"
"PUUURRRRPLE MAAAAAAAAAAN!" WG shouted so loud and angrily, it could put Dan to shame. (Scoobycool9 was blown into the nearest brick wall)
"Hey! How dare you rip off my-" Dan shouted… then gasped and hid as WG started storming around, swinging her machete. "Whoa, watch it!"
"Whoa, I've never seen WG so mad!" Fanatic gasped, then turned to the camera-guy. "Get the 'bleeper' ready, man!"
Everyone stared. (And I think the camera-man just crapped himself).
"…w-we burned out the bleeper… and I need to go change my pants…" the camera-guy said, shakily walking off.
"Wherever Girl, calm down! We won't find FF2 just by shouting threats to the moon," Tracker cautiously told her friend.
"*sniffle* What did I ever do to you?!" The moon sobbed.
"THEN GET TRACKING, TRACKER! I'm so pent up with rage, I'll end up stabbing the next jerk that walks out the door!" WG snarled.
Swaine and Puggsy, who were about to walk out the door, quickly turned around and pressed their backs to the wall. "Um… you go first." Swaine said to Puggsy.
"No, no, you first. I insist." Puggsy insisted.
"Age before beauty."
"Royalty before commoners,"
"What are you buttholes quivering about?!" Eric Cartman sneered as he passed by, going out the door. They could hear his voice. "Geez, what's with this bi- OW! OH CRUD! AUGH! MOMMY! GAAAUUUGGGGHhhhhhhh…!"
Nervously, Swaine and Puggsy peered around the corner- then quickly turned back against the wall, paler than bleached sheets. "…oh mother…" Swaine whimpered.
"I will never sleep again…" Puggsy gagged.
Back outside, the rest of the authors looked at… the remains of… Er… ic… Cart… oh my Lord, did she- are those his…?! Gaaaahhhh… *faint* X_X
*Please stand by. The Narrator went unconscious, and a clean-up crew with strong stomachs had to clean up the corpse of that fat-jerk from South Park.*
*'Happy Days' theme song plays*
*Security Authors 2: Return Of The Mayhem will now continue.*
"Um… okay, lets find FF2 STAT before WG goes after someone from Family Guy," Dragongirl said quickly.
"Why? A lot of people might thank us!" Fanatic exclaimed.
"For one thing, we're not letting that purple freak slaughter our friend. Second, why did he want FF2 so badly anyway? And Third… WG is foaming at the mouth." Tracker replied.
"Kill, kill, kill…!" WG was snarling. Moon was the only one brave enough to hold her back.
"WG, take it easy- you're scaring Smiledog!" Moon scolded, then turned to the trembling Creepypasta pooch. "Don't worry, boy, she just wants to kill a child-murderer who kidnapped her boyfriend."
"Where do we start looking?" Scoobycool9 asked, holding an ice-pack on his head after he [involuntarily] head-butted a brick wall at Mach 4.
"Split up and search, ask around, and pray to God FF2 will be alright and WG doesn't kill anyone outside of the guy who took him!" Fanatic ordered.
The authors all took off…
…save for ATF and Sailor, who just came to. "What did I miss?" ATF asked, then looked at the sidewalk. "…and why is there a chalk-outline of Cartman covered in blood?"
Sailor looked at the blood, then passed out again. "The heck kind of pansy faints?" Moon sneered, then grabbed the two of them and dragged them off. "C'mon!"
The Blot and the others were watching the display from the roof…
…our 'main antagonist' throwing up in a paper bag. "Dang. Ya gotta admire that girl's knack for bloodshed," Daveen commented. "Whoever has to fight her is sure in for a gory demise,"
"Not it!" Brat exclaimed. She then turned to her dad. "Feel any better now, dad?"
"…I've never seen so many intestines in my life…!" The Blot sputtered, so sick that even his mask and mustache turned green.
Purple Man then walked up, carrying the unconscious FF2. "Okay, I've got the author. How do we kill him?" he asked.
"We're not going to KILL him! We need him alive- AND CONSCIOUS!" The Phantom Blot smacked his forehead. "Confound it, Purple Man! How are we supposed to force him to drive the TARDIS if he's unconscious?! …Er, he IS just unconscious, isn't he?"
Brat grabbed FF2's wrist. "I got a pulse," she said.
"I got a heartbeat," Daveen added, feeling his abdomen.
"And I got a full house!" GIR randomly exclaimed, throwing down a deck of cards. "Go fish!"
The villains stared at the little dimwit robot. "Where did he come from?" The Blot questioned.
"You. Go away." Purple Man told GIR.
"Okey-dokey!" GIR replied, activating his rocket-boosters and flying off the roof, laughing excitedly. "WHEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEEEEEEEEE!"
"Um… alright… so what do we do now?" Daveen asked.
"We use his Sonic Screwdriver to get into the TARDIS, and find a way to fly it," The Blot sighed, rubbing his temples. "Unless he manages to wake up by then. Now lets hurry! Before those authors trail us!"
The villains then took off, just as the authors reached the roof-top… WG acting as a bloodhound. "They were here- I can sense FF2's presence… and smell their fear," she said, coldly.
"…'Fear' smells like vomit," Tracker commented, finding the barf-bag. "Gross."
There was the sound of rocket-boosters, as Kat and Orion came hovering down. "Holy snap! We could see the bloodstained sidewalk from 3 miles high!" Orion said, then turned to Kat. "I told you we should have waited until AFTER work to hit DQ,"
"Who attacked and who's in the hospital this time?" Kat asked.
"Actually, WG just entered 'kill-mode' and lashed out on a cartoon-character she loathes… and his spirit is now entering the place all wretched cartoons go when they bite the dust." Moon replied (while tugging on a golden-chain used to hold WG back).
Orion gasped. "Hell?"
"'Re-Make Script-Land',"
ATF's eyes bugged out. "The place where lazy writers take something good or decent and turn it into dated and poorly-written material?!" he sputtered.
"That's even worse!" Tracker gasped.
Moon solemnly nodded. "He's walking down that dark path- sugared and glazed." She said.
Tracker turned to the audience. "We'll be abusing that line from here on through Season 3, folks."
"ENOUGH TALK! FIND BOYFRIEND AND KILL PURPLE MAN, NOW!" WG roared- and I swear she's starting to sound like the Hulk! She then leaped off the roof!
"WG, WAIT! I'm still hanging OOOOOON!" Moon cried out, being yanked off with her! She turned into a Night Fury to slow down the fall… and it took all her strength, plus Tracker's, Orion's, and Kat's to slow down WG's sprint of rage.
"WG, you're both abusing the caps-lock and that Mad Max line. CHILL OUT!" On that last part, Moon shot WG with a blast of frost.
The authoress's rage melted off the frost, but she stood still. "Look, we have to think clearly. We have to find their location, find out why they want FF2, and THEN you can go 'Freddy Krueger Meets Jason Voorhees' on them, alright?" ATF told her, firmly.
"Fine…" WG muttered, still having a dark glare in her eye.
"PS- jump off a roof with me hanging on to you AGAIN, and I'll have BEN Drowned haunt AND blue-screen your new laptop!" Moon warned the authoress.
ATF then flinched, his eyes going wide, then shook his head as if waking from a dream. "Guys! I got a vision!" he exclaimed. "They're heading to where FF2 parked the TARDIS, and they're planning on going to the year-"
A bullet shot ATF in the forehead, knocking him out cold. "…not again…" *thud*
"Confound it! Why is it that EVERY TIME someone finds out some important information, they either end up dying, falling unconscious, getting hauled away, or end up with amnesia?!" Kat shouted.
There came chuckling, and everyone looked up, seeing Hater standing on a fire-escape. "Heh, heh- THAT'S for challenging me to a drink-off and making me pass out!" he remarked, then turned to the other authors, giving a mocking grin. "Oh, I'm sorry- did I end up spoiling your detective work?"
"HATER, YOU BASTARD!" WG shouted, back in rage-mode. "If you don't tell me where the Purple Man is-!"
"Why would I be working with that immortal hunk-of-junk? I just felt like cutting in and ruining your mission. Aw, what's the matter? Does Wherever Girl miss her boyfri- OH PRIMUS!"
Moon opened a portal in front of Hater, grabbed him by the throat, and hauled him through, slamming him to the ground. "You guys keep looking- I'm going to find out what Hater's insides look like," she growled, her eyes glowing red.
"Give him hell, Moon!" WG replied. Orion picked up ATF's unconscious body and they took off.
Scoobycool9, Dragongirl, Prince Tanabi, and… um… *looks at list of authors* Colin (is that everyone in this group? …okay, good) all decided to search around the club, as well as inform Mickey of what happened.
"Purple Man took off with FF2?!" Mickey gasped. "Oh, this is awful!"
"Yeah- without him, we'll end up pulling another 'Hannah Montana' incident and go back to the dark age of Disney!" Max stammered, then began to tremble. "…never again… no more pop-star shows… mommy make them go away…"
Scoobycool9 gave Max a couple slaps to the face. "Keep it together, Max! It's bad enough WG had her own meltdown and is out for blood!" he snapped.
"So THAT'S why Pugs and Swaine won't go outside!" Daisy said, looking at two said characters. "…You know, considering WG's probably far away hunting down Purple Man, it should be safe to go out,"
"Yeah- plus, you're her favorite characters! She won't take her rage out on you!" Colin stated. "…Unless you do or say something to piss her off, again."
"You know… he's right! If WG would spare our lives over that 'Princess' video, I think we'd be in the clear," Puggsy realized.
"Good point- she's probably calmed down by now, anyway." Swaine agreed, as they walked towards the door.
The two cartoons turned on their heels and speed-walked back inside. "If you need us, we'll be in the closet," Puggsy commented.
"…You're going to have to let the truth out someday, guys!" Scoobycool9 joked.
He ducked when Swaine shot at him. "GOOD GRIEF, DID SHE KILL YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR, TOO?!"
"It's been dead since the Halloween episode!" Swaine shouted back.
"Back to the plot…" Dragongirl said firmly, turning to Mickey. "We need your help in finding him."
"Me?! What could I do?" Mickey asked.
"Tell us where the third reel could be. Fanatic said something about it being in a building that burned down a long time ago. If my guess is correct, Purple Man needs a Time Lord to take him back in time to before that building was burned down,"
"That's a good guess… but one question remains,"
"What's that?"
"So… how could we travel through time if we don't even know what year to go to, or even what kind of building it was in?" Brat spoke up once she and the other villains found the TARDIS.
"FF2 is the descendent of Walt Disney! Surely he would know!" Blot replied.
"Uh, yeah… another thing," Brat crossed her arms, giving a deadpanned look. "What makes you think he would be willing to tell us anything, much less help us?"
"And where the heck is his sonic screwdriver?!" Daveen sneered, checking all of FF2's pockets.
"He will help, if he values his life…" Purple Man stated darkly.
Brat gave him a look. "You're kidding, right? Didn't you guys ever read the MIF trilogy? The guy would rather die than help anyone who's out to destroy the world and/or the ones he loves!"
"Then we'll just threaten his loved ones… Meaning we'll need to capture his girlfriend."
The Blot gawked. "Are. You. CRAZY?! Did you NOT see what she just did to that fat kid from South Park?! We'd be dead before she even saw us!" he exclaimed. "Tell me, how are we supposed to blackmail FF2 by threatening his girlfriend if his girlfriend is acting deadlier than Fanatic's gas after Burrito Night?!"
"Don't ask, people. Just… don't." Daveen told the audience, sternly.
"I have a solution…" Purple Man stepped aside, as a figure walked out of the shadows.
"Hi, everybody! Hee hee!" Nowhere Chick exclaimed in a bubbly tone. "Purp-Purp said you might need me for a deception plan!"
"Purp-Purp?" Daveen chuckled.
Purple Man glared at Nowhere Chick. "I TOLD you never to call me that!" he snapped.
"Waaaaiiiiiit… I thought you worked with Hater!" Brat questioned Nowhere Chick.
"Yeah- but unlike WG who always sticks by her team-mates, I always sneak off to assist other villains when necessary. Plus, I love toying with boys- especially when they belong to another girl!" Nowhere Chick said, then gave a smile. "Am I villainess material or what?"
"…more like slutty-bitch material for a bad chick-flick," Brat sneered.
Nowhere Slut- I mean Chick gasped with excitement. "THANK you!"
"Just dress up and act like WG well enough to fool FF2 so we can get him to help us find the third reel!" The Blot sneered.
"Wherever it is," Daveen sneered.
"Oh, I know where!" NC exclaimed, giddily.
"YOU DO?! HOW?!" The Blot, Brat, and Daveen all shouted. (Purple Man just stood there, and FF2 remained unconscious).
"I searched the ENTIRE INTERNET for news articles, rumors, and even flippin' fan-videos of a building burning down in Disneyworld- and all I could find were articles about how many people died at the theme park, ghosts haunting rides, and some people spreading ashes in the Haunted Mansion!" The Blot replied. "How did the dumb-blonde bot find out about it?!"
"Weeeelllllllllllll, I used my hacking program to uncover a 'top secret' file about how another studio building, called 'Studio A113', was under construction in 1966- BUT, mysteriously caught fire the day before Walt Disney died. No one knew how the fire was started, as there were no signs of electrical hazards, open flames, gas-leaks, and the such, and no one was reported in the area during the time. The fire was written in their insurance claims, but never brought forth to the public," Nowhere Chick replied, then grinned widely. "Until I managed to find it, hee hee! And when it comes to secrets like that, I can never resist spreading them!"
"Alright! So, do you know where the reel is?" Brat asked.
The Blot's jaw dropped, Brat fainted with X's in her eyes, Daveen face-palmed, Purple Man let out an irritated sigh, and FF2 remained unconscious.
"Well, duh! I mean, the place caught fire!" Nowhere Chick scoffed, as if it were obvious. "Besides, they built OVER the burned building, so it wouldn't have been easy to find, anyway."
The Blot's eye twitched.
"*ahem* Well. Since we know the year and the day, perhaps we can time-travel to said location and obtain the reel?" Purple Man suggested, before the Blot could snap and go on another ice-cream binge.
"Yes. Lets." Brat agreed, rubbing her temples.
"Um, just one problem, guys." Daveen stated, standing over FF2. "Our Time Lord doesn't have the Screwdriver!"
"GAAAAHHHHH!" The Blot screamed, stomping around and throwing a fit that could rival a four-year-old's. "I don't believe it! COULD THIS GET ANY WORSE?!"
"Uh… if you don't want an answer, don't turn around." Brat said, awkwardly.
The Blot turned around only to
Before that last sentence was finished, WG punched him in the face, making him slam into Daveen. "GET… AWAY… FROM… MY… BOYFRIEND!" She shouted, then shot Purple Man in his kistune face with a Highwayman's Handgun she got for her birthday, using every Trick-Shot she mastered. (there's at least 10- plus one she invented that involved the bullets catching fire. Scoobycool9 gave her the idea… can I retire after this season?)
"OW! OUCH! What kind of bullets-?!" Purple Man shouted, then grabbed FF2. "STOP! One more bullet, and-"
WG opened a portal behind him and stabbed him through the head. Purple Man dropped FF2… and out from under the author's fez rolled the Sonic Screwdriver. Daveen quickly grabbed it. "C'MON!" she shouted, using it to open the TARDIS, and grabbing FF2 to use as a hostage.
WG lunged, but the doors shut in front of her, and the TARDIS disappeared! She fell to her knees, stunned.
Purple Man stood up. "Stupid bitch… I'm going to-" he began to say…
Until he noticed WG giving him the glare of death. "YOU… DIE… NOW!" she shouted- so mad that even her machete burst into flames!
Purple Man only scoffed and shot needles at her-
Tracker yanked her out of the way just in time- and they hit ATF instead, just as the author woke up. "OH, COME ON!" he shouted, passing out yet again.
"Don't worry, you'll see him again- in the afterlife!" Purple Man then drew a weapon and lunged, but Tracker intervened and punched him hard in the jaw, making him sprawl out on the ground.
"Now, are you going to tell us, or do we need to teach you a lesson in keeping your hands off another gal's man?" Tracker demanded, as Kat and Orion stood behind her.
Purple Man lunged. Kat and Orion shot mini-rockets at him, but he dodged and shot back with his own rockets, blowing them against the wall; he then extended his mechanical hand and grabbed Tracker's shot-gun, bashing her face with it and knocking her back; WG stepped again- and shot him with her laser-vision, her power having increased by 50 due to her rage, frying him!
And yet, he stood standing. "You can't defeat me… I'm immortal!" he snarled, then shot poisoned darts at her!
A portal opened between them, catching the darts- and the other end of it opened behind Purple Man, stabbing his back! "So… am… I!" ATF grunted, having opened portals to shield his sister, but passed out once again. "Uggh… I'm not gonna sleep tonight…"
Purple Man groaned, then raised his knife, as WG came close. "I won't be stopped… you don't know how to stop me…!" he growled.
'We do!" came a shout, as Dragongirl flew in, throwing Fanatic at the fiend, the co-author whipping out his chain-guns and taking fire!
"SUGARED AND GLAAAAAAAAAZED!" Fanatic exclaimed as he shot.
Purple Man toppled, though remained breathing. The Authors then surrounded him. "Do… what you want… but I won't… speak!" he snarled.
"You'd better… because I'm pretty sure WG wants to hurl you into a pit of lava," Dragongirl stated. As if to prove her point, WG opened a portal to a volcano.
"DON'T TEMPT HER, SHE'LL DO IT!" cried a few flamers who were tied above the lava.
"I'd rather die than heed your demands!" Purple Man sneered.
"Very well… Lets torture him in our next story," Fanatic said to Dragongirl.
"What?! What about the volcano threat?!"
"Ha! …You don't deserve death. Oh no. You'll be suffering in Fanfiction for YEARS to come after all you've done," WG said, darkly. "Suffering so agonizing and humiliating, it would make a snuff-fic look like a fluff-fic!"
Purple Man remained silent. "Dragongirl, get the scorpions and Tabasco sauce," Fanatic said.
"…they went to the year… 1966… the day before Walt Disney died…" ATF groaned, coming to.
"…The heck did you manage to snap awake that quick?!" Purple Man demanded.
"When you've spent 30 years of your immortal life drinking every kind of liquor under the sun, shot in the face, fallen into a 10-year coma, and passed out from blood-loss 25 times a day… getting shot with 15 T-Rex tranqs is nothing," ATF then cracked his neck. "…Ah, that feels better."
"Guess we have no use for you, now." Orion replied.
"Shall we give him an ass-kicking?" Tracker asked.
"I have a better idea…" Fanatic said with a smirk.
Seconds later, Purple Man was tied to a giant rocket! "Have fun on Jupiter. We'll come get you when we're ready to torture you some more," Dragongirl said… then lit the fuse with her fire-breath.
"Damn you auth-" Purple Man shouted as the rocket took off...
…and suddenly exploded. Purple Man's body parts ended up raining down- his head landing in a trash-can. "…Great. It's going to take me YEARS to reform from THIS one!" he muttered.
The rest of the authors blinked. "That… wasn't supposed to happen." Dragongirl commented.
Fanatic turned… seeing WG hiding an empty bottle of nitroglycerin behind her back. "Confound it, WG! We needed him for a fic!" he scolded.
"Well, what did you expect?! The Giant Purple Evil Creeper snagged my boyfriend and we have NO WAY to go find him!" WG shouted, now close to tears. "…and we only got to meet one time in real life…"
"We shall find a way, sis. C'mon! Maybe the others found something that could help!" ATF exclaimed.
Sailor then ran in. "Did I miss anything?! Sorry, you guys were moving so fast, I took a wrong turn and… uh, WG isn't going to kill anyone, is she?" he said.
"Come on. Back to the club!" Tracker sneered… and smacked Sailor upside the head once more.
Once they were gone, 'Purple Man's' scattered body-parts disappeared… and the REAL Purple Man stepped out of hiding, after seeing what had happened to his illusion decoy. "Good Lord- and people say I'M sick!" he commented, then turned to Springtrap. "Quick, make a fourth-wall joke!"
"Um… the Authoress is trying to write this while babysitting?" Springtrap asked.
Suddenly, a wall fell down- and a hole leading back to Fanatic and Dragongirl's FNAF story appeared, and their Purple Man dived through- not wanting to risk crossing paths with the crazy authors in THIS story! (He's very wise like that).
Springtrap shrugged and walked off, passing by Golden Freddy. "He chickened out, huh?" Golden Freddy guessed.
"Yup. …Of course, I don't blame him. We're in the DISNEY universe, after all." Springtrap commented.
"…What, he can't stand being in the 'happiest place on earth'?"
"Are you kidding?! Disney has more dark history than the Medieval times! Deaths at theme-parks, bizarre accidents, ghosts haunting a few places- just look all over the internet!"
"Geez, and people STILL come here?!"
"Well, yeah… I guess the company knows how to keep things hush-hush. Hey, I heard Slenderman is at the club tonight! Wanna meet up with him?"
The two walked off… not knowing their conversation was overheard by a sneaky newsreporter. "Hush-hush, hmm? I think it's time to bring something back to the public's attention!" Rex Pester said with a smirk.
"Okay, so unless they know the year and location, there's no way they could time-travel," Scoobycool9 stated as he and the rest of the Authors met up with Mickey. "I think we could stop them before they could do anything,"
"Plus, they DO need FF2 alive, so we know he'll be okay- as well as possibly unleash a major ass-kicking once he comes to," Sailor agreed.
"Yeah! I guess these villains really botched their plans!" Colin added.
The others ran in. "They found out what year to go to, the location, and they dragged FF2 into the TARDIS and took off in time!" Fanatic wailed.
"Well, we're screwed." Prince Tanabi sighed. Sailor hit him upside the head. "OW! Hey!"
"I'm sorry man, but it was the only opportunity where I would get to hit someone for saying something stupid!" Sailor snapped.
"But, I thought only FF2 could control the TARDIS… what, did the Blot double as an evil Time Lord in his spare time?" Orion questioned.
"You're right… what would happen if a non-Doctor tried to drive the TARDIS?" Kat asked.
"Considering the Blot's so-called skills… probably open a rift to another dimension that would result in either catastrophe or a Deux Ex Machina moment- and could we please get a stronger leash, before WG snaps and goes on a rampage?" Fanatic replied, holding the gold chain that restrained WG… which was starting to break.
"Just let her go, dude. Once she unleashes her inner-psychopath, she'll be able to think clearly." ATF sighed.
"But we can't have her kill the first person she sees, unless it's another antagonist!"
At that moment, Hater fell through the ceiling. "Cheap shot!" he shouted up at Moon.
"Have at him, girl." Fanatic unchained WG- and with the roar of a jaguar, she launched herself at Hater!
"Oh c'mon, I could beat you with my eyes- GAHHHH!" Before Hater could finish his statement… WG stabbed him in the eye with her electric machete, electrocuting him. "*BZZT! AUGH! YOU CRAZY *BZZT!* I WILL *BZZT* YOU UNTIL YOU *BZZT* AFTER THIS!"
"Shut up and die!" WG snarled, and just… well, imagine every gory image you've ever seen in an R-rated movie that includes machetes, guns, and psychopathic nut-jobs, and multiply it by 50, and you'd get the idea.
Moon swooped in, as WG beat the tar out of Hater in the background. "Wow. She's really upset about losing her boyfriend, isn't she?" she asked.
"Moon, imagine if all her Fangface videos burst into flames, her NNK data was erased and the disc snapped, that she had to sell her PS3 in order to cover her rent, and her new laptop getting stolen. Combine the rage she'd feel in those moments, and multiply it by infinity-squared… and it STILL wouldn't add up to how she's feeling now!" ATF replied… then began to walk off. "Let me know when she calms down. I'll be in the closet," he walked over to the closet door. "Move over, Pugs! (Swaine, do you have a gun I could borrow?)"
"Should we make the joke?" Colin asked.
"Already did- I got shot at," Scoobycool9 said.
"OH DEAR PRIMUS, I THINK THAT WAS A VITAL!" Hater screamed in the background.
"So… how do we rescue FF2?" Dragongirl asked, as they all ignored the killer-robot's cries of agony.
"The same way WG and I were rescued after that 'Weeping Angels' incident back in Season 1!" Fanatic said, snapping his fingers. "We find someone with a time-machine to take us to the same date the Blot is going!" he turned to Mickey. "How many time-travelling guests do we have here, tonight?"
"Let's see… there's Mr. Peabody and Sherman, Rick and Morty, possibly a few wizards who have a spell for time-travel, Calvin still has his cardboard box…" Mickey pointed out.
"MOMMY! MOMMY MAKE IT STOP!" Hater was bawling now. (And it takes a LOT of brutality to get him to that). "…NO! NOT THE GRENADE! DON'T STICK IT UP- AAAARRRGGGHHHH!"
Fanatic put a quarter in the 'Nostalgia Critic' joke jar, as he and the authors walked off. "Alright, lets go see who's willing to help!" he said. By this point, WG walked back… her outfit stained with oil and grease that came from inside Hater. "Feel better?"
"Well, my urge to kill is gone… but my spirits are still low," WG sighed. Hater, who was lying on the ground, slowly sat up. She turned and gave him a death-glare. "STAY DOWN!"
"Eep!" Hater quickly played dead.
WG turned to the others. "C'mon. We've got a solution to find," they began to walk off.
ATF peeked out. "Alright, guys, it's safe to come out now," he said, walking out.
Swaine and Puggsy- standing back to back with a gun and baseball bat for defense- walked out, cautiously. "You watch my back, and I'll watch yours," The thief said.
"Right." Puggsy replied, as they went around the corner.
"Boo!" WG exclaimed, popping up in front of them.
"AAIIIIEEE!" The two screamed- Puggsy jumping into Swaine's arms.
WG clicked a picture, smirking. "Well, I feel a little better now."
Swaine gave her a look. "You never resist, do you?" he sneered.
She shrugged. "What can I say? Your fear makes me laugh,"
"Same here- send me a copy of that picture," Moon chuckled, and the two walked off.
"So glad we can make her happy," Puggsy deadpanned.
"Yeah. …Now let go of me!" Swaine snapped, dropping him.
Hater, in the meantime, looked around to make sure the coast was clear, then ran out the door. "Looks like it's time to bring 'em in," he said to himself.
So, you would think that, at a club where many time-travelling heroes meet up, the authors would find a solution in a heartbeat, right?
"What do you MEAN no one is able to help?!" Oswald gasped, after the authors had spent the last 20 minutes looking for help. "What about Peabody and Sherman?!"
"The Wayback was left home- apparently, it needed recharging after an extensive trip they took to the Prehistoric Era," Scoobycool9 replied.
"Rick and Morty?!"
"They ended up arrested… don't ask why," Tracker sighed.
"Any spells?!"
"None that can be used more than once,"
"Calvin's box?!"
"It's being updated," Fanatic replied.
"Great! Just great- HOW are we supposed to save my boyfriend and stop the Blot from doing harm NOW?" WG demanded.
"Hey, look on the bright side." Sailor stated. "At least it can't get-"
"REX PESTER here, coming at ya form Toontown NEEEWWWS!" Rex Pester exclaimed, storming into the House of Mouse.
Colin turned to Sailor. "Were you going to say 'worse'?!" he demanded.
"Um… no?" Sailor squeaked.
"Ah, great, not THIS yutz again," Tracker sneered, turning to the reporter. "Don't you have an interview with TMZ to get to?!"
"Ha ha- not until next Friday. SO MICKEY!" Rex Pester exclaimed, pushing his way past the authors and up to the famous mouse. "Our viewers wish to know the stories behind the rumors, the articles, and TERRIFYING secrets that have happened at Disney Parks!"
"W-What?!" Mickey stammered. "I-I don't under-"
"Surely you remember! How is it that people die at Disneyland, and yet your company managed to avoid lawsuits? Is it true that the ghost of such an unfortunate victim haunts the Haunted Mansion? And why, OH WHY, did someone make that 'Mickey Mouse in Hell' cartoon back in the 1930's… or was there a twisted side to Walt that no one knew?!"
"HEY! You can't talk about Walt like that!" Oswald snarled, storming up. "What gives you the right to storm in here and-"
"Aha! Oswald the Lucky Rabbit- the first cartoon drawn by Walt… only to be put aside when Mickey took the spotlight! Tell us, Ozzy- how did it feel to become second-best?"
"First of all, pick a subject and stick with it, if you're going to report! Second, Walt didn't 'cast me aside', as I made a new appearance in 'Epic Mickey'…"
"Having to wait decades before being known again! What kind of other secrets is your company-?"
"Dude, if they were 'secret', they wouldn't be all over the internet," ATF spoke up. "Besides, most of what you've seen or heard isn't really true,"
Rex Pester scoffed. "Oh? And how would YOU know?"
ATF rolled his eyes. "Because, due to a Weeping Angels incident, I was sent back to the year 1935. I was around during Disneyworld's early years, so I know-" his eyes suddenly widened. "…how to find THE NEXT REEL!"
Rex blinked. "Excuse me?"
"Not now, dude! Just had an epiphany! C'mon, guys!" ATF opened a portal, all the authors going through.
Rex turned back to Mickey and Oswald, smirking. "So. Where were we?"
"…WG slaughtering people is sounding really good right about now," Oswald whispered… and Rex pushed a microphone up to his face. "Get that thing away from me!"
FF2 came to. "Ugghhh… did anyone get the number of those darts that hit me?" he groaned, then noticed he was inside the TARDIS with The Blot, Brat, Daveen, and 'WG' (who was actually NC in disguise), the latter being tied up. "What the…?! What are you guys doing in my time-machine, and what have you've done to my girlfriend?!"
"We're just 'borrowing' it for a little expedition that's all," The Blot replied, twirling his mustache. "You see, it was the only way we could go to the year 1966 and find the third and final reel,"
"…pretty darn impossible to drive, though!" Brat sneered, messing with the controls.
FF2 gasped. "Don't touch anything! You'll either cause a paradox, open a rift, or blow us up!" he warned, then slouched. "Believe me, I learned this after I let Fanatic drive…"
"Why do you think we dragged you here?" Daveen scoffed. "You're going to help us get to where we need to go,"
FF2 glared defiantly. "And if I refuse?"
Daveen only chuckled, holding up a knife to the WG-imposter's neck. "P-Please do what they say, FF2!" NC stammered, imitating WG a bit well. "I don't want to die!"
FF2 glowered deeper. "I swear if you hurt her in any way-!"
"Then heed our demands, otherwise you'll be changing your Facebook status to 'single'!"
Brat gave a look. "'You'll be changing your Facebook status to single'? Was that really your most intimidating line?" she questioned.
"Shut up!"
"Please, FF2… I want to live to finish Ni No Kuni!" So-called WG whimpered.
FF2 glared, thinking for a moment, then gave a nod. "Fine. I'll do it,"
"No tricks- otherwise a paradox and a dead girlfriend will be the least of your problems," The Blot said, still twirling his mustache… which was starting to be twirled too tight.
FF2 looked over the machine, his eyes wide. "…Um, exactly how long have you guys been trying to drive this?"
"Only five minutes. Why?"
FF2 looked at a screen… which seemed to be flashing red. "Because we've got a problem! You idiots opened a rift!"
"What?!" The Blot stopped twirling his mustache- which had been wound so tight that it took off in a spin like a helicopter, hauling him with! "Aiiiiieeeeeee!"
FF2 cringed, sighing. "…Being kidnapped and blackmailed, got an open rift to repair, and NOW I have to replace my sound-system."
~Back with the rest of the authors…~
ATF's portal had led them to Disneyworld, and they walked through the park. "So, what did you remember about the reel?" Moon asked.
"More importantly, why didn't you say anything before?!" Sailor demanded.
ATF gave a look. "See how well YOU'D remember things after getting bashed over the head so many times in your life!"
"I think I'd still remember a key piece of information, Twilight Sparkle!"
"…My name's Anti-Twilight Forever,"
Sailor blinked. "…Okay, point taken."
"ANYWAY…" ATF lead them along. "I remember, back in 1966, I had a vision that someone was after the third reel that was a key to the Disney Vault, figuring someday it would be important. I managed to beat them to the reel, taking it out of Studio A113 while the building was under construction, hiding it someplace else… but I don't remember the exact location,"
"I thought you knew where it was!" Kat questioned.
"No- I said I knew HOW to find it! …I remember leaving a clue behind- a clue only a determined Disney fan would know the answer to!"
"And its in this park?" Colin guessed.
ATF smirked. "Oh, it's not IN the park… it's UNDER it!" he then lead them to a secret passage, revealing a set of stairs. "Guys… welcome to the Disney Catacombs,"
~Meanwhile, arriving in the year 1966…~
The TARDIS appeared outside the old Disney Studios. The Brat had 'WG' at gun-point, leading her out, with FF2 walking out as well. "Alright, descendant of Walt Disney- lead the way to the reel!" The Blot demanded.
"Yeah… I don't think so!" FF2 exclaimed, then karate-chopped Daveen and swung her into the Phantom Blot! He then took out his Sonic Screwdriver, sealing the TARDIS shut.
"HOLD IT! One more move, and your girlfriend dies!" Brat shouted.
FF2 scoffed. "You honestly think that WG would want her life spared at the cost of humanity- let alone would ruin her image at being a damsel in distress WITHOUT having amnesia? …Besides, she already beat Ni No Kuni. Geez, learn to check someone's background before you impersonate them!" With that, he took off. "Hate to leave, but I've got a reel to find!"
"Now what?!" Daveen demanded.
"Simple- we break into the TARDIS and-" The Blot said… until a giant laser appeared out of the TARDIS and zapped him! "…they never put that on the show… *cough*" he shook the soot off himself. "On second thought- STOP HIM BEFORE HE GETS THE REEL!"
*Bonk!* A board hit him in the head.
"Sorry!" a construction worker said from a truck hauling lumber. "Slipped!"
"I knew… that gag… would return…" The Blot groaned, before going unconscious.
"I still can't believe we've been searching for the reels all this time, and nothing jogged your memory," Moon commented to ATF.
"For the last time, I don't have a lightning-quick memory! …Besides, when you've been living through every decade in the past 80-something years, a few things tend to slip your mind. It's like how you forget a few things from your childhood by the time you're 21," he slouched. "…even if you've been 13 for almost a century…"
"Save it for Fusion Destruction. What kind of clue are we looking for, down here?" Scoobycool9 demanded.
ATF looked around, then pointed up at the ceiling… where writing was etched into the stone."That kind," he replied.
It read: "行きます這個地方"
"…You know Japanese?" Tracker asked.
"It looks more like 'Chinese'," Prince Tanabi observed.
"It's both- I wanted to make it challenging," ATF replied.
"Well, translate it, would you? We're not all bilingual, you know!" WG scoffed.
"Don't get snarky, I was just getting to it." ATF looked up at the inscription. "'Go to the place…' And that's it."
Everyone paused. "That's it?!" Colin questioned, befuddled. "What the fluff kind of clue is that, Anti?!"
"This is only the first part of the clue. I had to write the sentence in different parts of the tunnels- otherwise if I wrote out the whole thing in one setting, someone would easily decode it and find the reel!"
"I guess that makes sense… So where did you write the rest of the clue?" Tracker asked.
ATF grinned. "No idea! We'll have to search all the tunnels to find the rest,"
Everyone (even the narrator) gawked. Like this: D8
"ARE YOU KIDDING?!" WG screamed, grabbing her brother by the shirt-collar and shaking him like a maraca. "We don't have that kind of time! My boyfriend could be either in a vicious battle, on the run, or being used as filler until something gets done- AND YOU EXPECT US TO WANDER AROUND AIMLESSLY LOOKING FOR JAPANESE/CHINESE WRITING?!"
ATF pulled out of her grip, steadying his still-shaking head until his pupils stopped rattling. "No… Some of it is in Esperanto, too. And French." He rubbed his chin. "…or was it Malaysian and Spanish? Maybe Hebrew?"
Face-palms all around. "…so much for a Deux Ex Machina moment…" Orion muttered.
Suddenly a ringtone of Stan Bush's 'Unstoppable' rang through the air… coming from Fanatic's pocket. "It's Mickey," he said, recognizing the caller ID. He answered it. "Heyo, what's up Mick?"
"Can you guys PLEASE get back here?!" Mickey nervously/bitterly said on the other line. "Rex is getting into everyone's business! He keeps bringing up old news and rumors about dark stuff about Disneyworld, is heckling certain characters, and every time I go to kick him out, he has the microphone shoved in my face!"
"(Tell them to hurry, Mick! He's criticizing why a 16-year-old mermaid married a guy she just met!")" Oswald called in the background. "(King Triton is about to summon a tsunami!)"
"We'll be right there," Fanatic hung up, turning to the group of authors. "Forgot we have a pesky news reporter to deal with. Who wants to volunteer to put the fear of God in him and send him packing?"
"Orion and I can deal with him again, I guess." Kat replied, Orion nodding in agreement.
"I'll go too, I want to make sure that jerk doesn't harass the Sailor Scouts," Sailor replied. "It's bad enough they got grief after that 'Kid Friendly' episode back in Season 1,"
"Wherever Sailor goes, I go. (…and WG is starting to freak me out)," Colin added. WG gave him a glare, and he ducked behind Sailor. "Eep!"
"Alright, four people should be enough to-" Fanatic began to say.
ATF flinched, staring off into space for a second. "Hold that thought, Fan, just got another vision- Hater's about to bring in a can of whoop-ass to the club!" he warned.
"Con-flipping-found it! Doesn't that bot know that with WG being homicidal mixed in with Moon hanging around, he should stay away?!" Tanabi sneered.
"Oh, he knows- that's why he's bringing in an army!"
"…fluff." Sailor gulped.
"Well, it's clear where this is going: we're going to have to split up," Tracker sighed. "Fanatic, Moon, Dragongirl and I will keep an eye out for Hater and warn everyone when his army is near, so we can evacuate the club and get back-up. Kat, Orion, Sailor, and Colin, you do your job and get that dumbass reporter out of the club- the last thing we need is him broadcasting this whole disaster. WG, ATF, Scoobycool9, and Tanabi, you keep looking for the reel," she then took out a list. "Is that everyone?"
"All accounted for, except-" Scoobycool9 began, though caught himself, then whispered, "you-know-who's boyfriend…"
"…I thought Voldemort wasn't in a relationship?" Colin replied. Scoobycool9 face-palmed.
"Let's just head out before this whole calamity gets worse," Kat sighed. Moon opened a portal for the separating groups to head through. "Good luck, guys!"
"Well, onward with this mystery!" Prince Tanabi said. "We've got to find a reel while the others fend off a robot and kick out a one-man paparazzi!"
"…What about FF2?" WG asked, concerned. "We still need to get him back!"
ATF patted her on the back. "Don't worry, sis. …For some reason, I have a feeling FF2 is handling the situation just fine,"
Year: 1966… three years before Scooby-Doo first aired.
"This situation is getting out of control!" FF2 screamed, running through the studio lot as Daveen tried to blast him with fire. He ducked around a corner, watching as she flew by, looking around for him.
Dammit, now I know how Pugs and Swaine felt when WG was hunting them down! FF2 thought, trying to come up with a plan. Keep a cool head, man. Panicking will get you nowhere! …I need to get back to the TARDIS- but I can't leave a bunch of villains here- they'll screw up the timeline for sure; plus, they're looking for the reel… wherever it is.
He ran down the street, ducking behind a moving truck and hiding from The Brat and NC as they ran by. "Think, man! You're the descendant of Walt Disney, for crying out loud!" he whispered to himself.
A lightbulb appeared over his head just then. That's it! I can find Walt! He'll know where the reel is! He figured.
Ducking through a door someone was walking through, he went over to one of the employees. "…What do you MEAN some kooks are running around the lot causing property damage?! Did the Warner Brothers (and sister) get loose or something?!" the employee was saying into a phone on the wall- the old-styled ones, before cell-phones were invented. "Dragon wings? Masked figure? Slutty-looking brood?" he face-palmed. "…oh dear Lord, my relatives are visiting… Just have security handle it!"
"Um, excuse me, sir?" FF2 spoke up, getting his attention. "I was wondering if you know where Walt Disney is?"
"Huh? Who are you?"
"I'm a relative of his."
"…I don't recall him mentioning you… Wait! How did you get in here?!"
FF2 held up a studio-card with his name on it. "Special pass."
"I see… Well, you're out of luck. Walt's out of commission- he's been sick for a while." The employee hung his head low, wincing a bit. "…the doctors say he hasn't got much longer. I'd go see him while you still can- if you're really a relative, you should know where he lives,"
Oh, snap, that's right… this is the year Walt died! FF2 thought, his eyes starting to brim with tears. "…I-I will. Thank you," With a nod, he walked out. He took a deep breath, then started walking through the lot.
"What do you mean you lost him?!" The Phantom Blot shouted from the other side of the building.
"Well, it's not easy with a bunch of attack dogs after you!" Daveen's voice snapped back.
"Speaking of which- HERE THEY COME!" NC screamed.
"GAH! NOT AGAIN! DOWN, FIDO! DOWN!" The Blot shrieked.
Almost forgot about these creeps, FF2 thought, then hurried inside the nearest studio building…
Studio A113, to be exact.
Well, we'll leave you with suspense on that subject for now. Let's see how Mickey's doing with the reporter, shall we?
"…So you're telling me that a woman spread ashes on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride some time ago, said it was just baby powder, and the staff actually bought that?" Rex Pester was asking Jack Sparrow.
"Mate, I only come from a movie based on the ride. What people did on it is none of my business," Jack Sparrow replied, while downing a mug of rum. "Now, take your nosy self somewhere else, I have a fifth movie I have to get drunk- I mean, get ready for."
"SPEAKING of drunkenness… I understand there was a 13-year-old drinking at the bar, during a night where there was no adult supervision whatsoever?"
"OH GOOD GRIEF!" came a shout as Kat and Orion stormed over, Kat being the one who shouted. "Would you give it a rest?! This is a club where people come to relax, NOT to be prodded with slanderized questions!"
Rex Pester only aimed the microphone at her. "Ah, one of the 'trustworthy' security guards… Tell me, how is it that so many of you are on patrol, yet some villain always manages to sneak in and cause trouble? And is it true that a majority of you were given the job after only ONE training session, without any background checks or drug testing?"
"YOU tell ME something!" Orion snapped. "Are reporters even allowed to go around harassing people without clearance?"
"So you're denying it all happened… because it's not true, or because you don't want anyone to kno- HEY!"
Sailor and Colin hoisted up Rex Pester by the arms, running towards the door- and throwing him outside and into the building across the street. "GO HARASS MILEY CYRUS INSTEAD, YOU JACK-WAGON!" Colin shouted.
Sailor then posted a sign on the door, reading, "All News Reporters Must Have Authorization From Management For Interviews. Unauthorized Reporters Will Be Shot."
"…And if that doesn't keep him out, we'll have some target-practice!" Sailor replied.
"Only ONE problem guys… He's already got footage, and he's heading out!" Mickey exclaimed, pointing down the street where Rex Pester and his camera-guy were climbing into their news-van and taking off!
Sailor and Colin looked at each other. "Quick! To the Bat-Mobile!"
Conveniently, Max pulled up in said vehicle… and Sailor and Colin dove in and burned rubber!
"HEY! THAT'S MY RIDE!" Batman shouted, running after them.
Kat and Orion looked at each other. "…Meet up with Fan and help prevent further chaos?" Orion suggested.
"God willing we succeed," Kat replied, and they took off.
Mickey groaned, walking into the club. "Could this night get any w-" he caught himself. "…Weirder?"
Suddenly, a rift appeared in front of him… and out stepped someone who looked like Fanatic- but dressed like The Doctor (as played by Bryan Tennant). "…Hello. Do you happen to know who caused a tear in the fabric of time and space?" he asked.
Mickey's eye twitched… then he passed out.
"I found something!" Scoobycool9 called, finding an inscription on the wall. "It's written in Danish,"
"What's it say?" Tanabi called from down the tunnel.
"Jeg er en galning,"
Tanabi stared… then burst out laughing. "No, really, what does it say?"
"That's what it really says!" Scoobycool9 paused, giving a suspicious glance. "…Exactly what DOES it say?"
Tanabi snickered. "It says… 'I'm a lunatic'!"
"We know that already, dude." WG scoffed as she and ATF walked over.
Scoobycool9 pointed at the wall. "ATF, were you drunk while leaving this clue or something?!"
ATF looked at the inscription, then chuckled. "Oh, yeah, that… No, I just decided to leave a few jokes- you know, just to confuse people. Figured it would throw someone off the trail," he replied. "I think I wrote a dirty limerick in Hungarian somewhere,"
"This is no time for jokes!" WG snarled (and you can tell she's still pissed when SHE'S the one saying that!). "We need to find the next clue!"
Tanabi looked down… then pointed at the ground. "How about that?" he asked.
They looked, seeing another inscription written in Italian: "…non esce mai,"
"'…never goes out,'" ATF translated. "That's the last part of the clue- we just need to find the middle part,"
"…I'm surprised you don't remember the whole thing by now," Scoobycool9 commented.
"…Do you remember the original plots to the stories you left hanging?"
Scoobycool9 flinched. "Do YOU still remember the plot to 'Fusion Destruction'?!"
"GUYS! We can complain about incomplete stories later! Let's just find the last piece of the clue!" WG snapped, and the guys decided to heed her words so not to get stabbed.
"By the way, Tanabi, how did you know how to read Danish?" Scoobycool9 asked.
"I wrote a story 'Calvin and Hobbes: World Tours' a while back, and I learned a few languages," Tanabi replied, then rubbed his chin. "…come to think of it, I still have to work on it-"
"FOCUS on the story you're in at the moment, please!" WG called.
The trio of guys sighed, then hurried to catch up with her. "…I'll be glad when she's her regular, psychotic self again," ATF commented.
Year: 1696… I mean, 1966!
FF2 entered Studio A113. The building was still under construction, it seemed, as there were still some rooms in the process of being built. "Weird… I've never heard of this building on the lot, before. …'he said aloud, to no one.'" He commented to himself. He heard the doors open from the other side, and quickly climbed up a scaffold, hiding in the rafters.
In walked The Blot, Brat, Daveen, and NC… the Blot looking like he lost a fight with the wolf-man. "…ugh, now I know how Swaine felt after Fangface mauled him in that Halloween episode!" he sneered.
"Can we PLEASE stop referencing past-episodes and focus on this one?" Daveen scoffed. "Now that we're in Studio A113, lets find that reel- then hunt down that Time Lord, steal his Sonic Screwdriver, and get back to our own time!"
Brat slapped her upside the head. "Idiot, don't say it out loud! Someone could hear!" she snapped.
Daveen scoffed. "Like who? FF2 is nowhere to be found- the retard just took off running, instead of getting back inside his time-machine…"
Apparently, Daveen- nor the rest of the villains- never learned a certain thing about FF2: Never, for the sake of your life, use the 'R' word around him- especially when referring to him. (…You wouldn't believe how many bullies ended up in the ICU back in his school days…)
"Like the narrator just said- NEVER call me that!" FF2 snarled, after slicing off one of Daveen's wings with his own sword.
Daveen screeched in pain. "YOU ASSHOLE! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" she screamed at him, and despite her wound lunged in to fight. FF2 fended her off with his key-blade, while she breathed fire at him.
"That's it, Daveen! Keep him busy!" The Blot called, and he, The Brat, and NC ran down the hall. "Split up and search for the reel, you two!"
"Sure thing, Blotty!" NC exclaimed, skipping off.
"AND DON'T CALL ME- ah, forget it,"
Daveen took out a pair of sais- which she bought on Amazon, in case she would have to take part in any epic battles- and sliced at FF2; The Time Lord blocked with his keyblade, pushing her back and blasting at her, if not summoning boards, paint cans, crates, or pipes to fling at her, which she either dodged, sliced through, or caught and threw back at him.
He leaped back onto the scaffold as she lunged at him, both of them swinging their blades, knocking over paint or lumber in their paths. FF2 ended up tripping over rope that was coiled behind him, his feet getting tangled and he fell onto his back. Daveen then went to stab down, but he rolled out of the way at the last second, causing her swords to get stuck in the wood. However, he rolled too close to the edge and fell over- though with the rope around his heels, he ended up hanging upside down.
Daveen, trying to pull her swords free, looked and saw he was trying to escape. "Screw it!" she snarled, and blew fire onto the wooden floors of the scaffold, burning them enough for her swords to be yanked free, then dove over the edge to swoop down and stab the author! FF2 gasped, holding his keyblade up to block-
"W-Whoa!" Daveen cried, finding that it's hard to do a one-winged swoop, and instead swerved and crashed into cement-sacks, lumber, wallpaper, paint-cans, and tiles that were stacked in a corner. She sat up, a bit dazed- and a paint-brush fell and hit her head. "Clean up in Aisle 12…"
While his opponent was in a daze, FF2 untied his ankles and- doing a flip- landed in a crouch position on the ground, standing up and preparing himself for another brawl. There was the sound of sizzling just then and he looked up, seeing that the burning boards Daveen set aflame still had a few embers on them. One ember drifted downward towards the spilled paint…
For those of you who paid attention in chemistry, you should know that paint is quite flammable, which would explain why the scaffold was now burning like the ancient city of Pompeii. …For those of you who flunked chemistry- please don't take up architect-careers.
"Oh, fluff," FF2 gasped, seeing that the fire was spreading fast- it didn't help that they had yet to install fire-alarms in the building. He turned and saw Daveen, lying unconscious- knowing that she was part-dragon, he figured she would be alright… but being the naïve- I mean, noble hero he was, he dragged her out of the doors. He then ran down the lot, towards the nearest security guards. "HELP! FIRE! FIRE!"
Daveen came to, rubbing her head, and noticing the building- quite quickly- was engulfed in flames. "Sheesh, buildings in this time burn quicker than paper towns soaked in gasoline," she commented, then paused. "…why the hell am I spouting country-isms like a redneck?"
The doors flung open, and out ran The Brat and NC, their clothes singed and had mild blisters from the intense heat… and the Blot ran out behind them, covered in flames. "OW! OW! IT BURNS! IT BURNS!" he cried, dropping to the ground and rolling around.
"Don't worry, Dad! I gotcha!" Brat cried, then grabbed a large bag of cement-mix… and started hitting him with it to beat out the flames.
By the time the bag burst and spilled, the Blot… well lets just say his misfortune is starting to make Puggsy's regular harassment look like a luxury. "I… hate… my… life…" he groaned, burned to a crisp, covered in bruises and bite-marks, his costume shredded, and his mustache was still burning- until it turned to ashes and fell off.
"Any luck in finding the reel?" Daveen asked.
"Nnnnnope!" NC replied giddily, despite their failure. "Since so many of the rooms were pretty much empty and unfinished, the search went quick- and there was no sign of it!"
The Blot then burst into tears.
The Brat heard shouts, and turned to the others. "Binge on ice-cream later, Dad! We've got to get out of here!" she cried, helping her ol' man to his feet as they hurried out of the studio lot.
"We were going to conquer the world… sugared and glazed…" The Blot whimpered, then began to sob. "S-Sugared and glaaaaaazed!"
"Blot's gone bye-bye, guys," Daveen commented, as they made their exit.
A staff of employees, along with the Fire Department, surrounded the building, dousing the flames, but the building was already burned to the ground. "…so much for finding the reel," FF2 sighed, standing at the back of the crowd. He then felt a tap on his shoulder, turning around…
Seeing ATF standing there- but wearing clothing that matched the time-era. "Don't worry about the reel. I put it in a safe place," he whispered.
"Anti?! But how… where… WHAT?!"
Past-ATF dragged FF2 away from the scene. "Calm down. You're my sister's boyfriend from the year 2015, right?"
"Yes… I take it you knew I was coming here?"
Past-ATF nodded. "Had the vision last week- that's when I snuck into Studio A113 and grabbed the reel, taking it somewhere I knew you guys would find it- though I had to leave some clue behind, in case I forgot. I have a bad memory sometimes,"
"Tell me about it!" Plot scoffed, walking by.
"How…? Never mind." FF2 began to question, then turned back to Past-ATF. "Can you take me to the reel?"
Past-ATF shook his head. "With the loonies you've got on your trail, it's best if I keep it secret. Besides, I'm sure you and our friends will be able to find it in the future- only the most dedicated Disney fans- and insaniacs- will be able to find it."
"Alright… well, I guess I'd better head back- but I can't leave the villains here to do more damage!"
Past-ATF grinned. "Don't worry. Someone else will be handling them. But before you go…" he took his hand, leading him down the street. "I have a feeling there's someone you'd like to meet- before he passes on,"
FF2 stared, wincing, but cleared his throat and nodded. "T-Thanks, Anti…"
"Anytime, future bro-in-law," With that, they walked through the portal.
"So… you're telling us you're Fanatic… as a TIME LORD?" Kat gasped as she and Orion entered the lobby to investigate the rift. (Mickey stood by with an ice-pack)
"Oh yes. In my dimension, EVERYONE is a Time Lord!" Time-Lord Fanatic replied. "…Well, except for FF2, and anyone else who happens to be a Time Lord in your dimension. Isn't that write, TL-WG?"
Time Lord WG then stepped through the rift- though she had blue hair. "Quite right- ugh, what a mess. And I just got through another regeneration! Alright, who caused the rift this time? Did Time Lord Androm3da or Time Lord Colin mess with the space-time-continuum in a game of 'Chicken' again?"
"Oh sure, blame us!" Time Lord Sailor called from inside the rift. "Cause a universal disaster resulting in twelve black-holes in the galaxy ONE TIME, and you're marked for life! Like YOU never done anything disastrous!"
"Yeah, remember that time we got lost on our way to the Planet Ood, ended up in the Food Fight dimension, and spent hours of moving-awkwardly through poor animation just to get through the door?!" Time Lord Colin sneered.
"Enough! We've got a rift to deal with here!" Time Lord Fanatic snapped, then turned to Kat and Orion. "Now, do you have any idea how it happened?"
"Some villains hi-jacked our friend's TARDIS to go back to Disney Studios in the year 1966," Orion answered.
"Ah- non-Doctors trying to drive without supervision. That explains it," Time-Lord WG scoffed, crossing her arms. "…Reminds me of the first time I took my companion, FF2, on a trip."
"How do we fix it?" Kat asked.
"Oh, well someone will have to go to the year 1966 and retrieve the villains before they can do any damage to the timeline, which would thus cause several more rifts to appear." Time Lord Fanatic explained. "FF2- that is, YOUR Time Lord friend- will have to pilot his TARDIS back to this time, BEFORE sunrise,"
"Why the time limit?" Orion questioned.
"Well, for this reason, it's because he would have to return within the 12 hours in which the TARDIS was hi-jacked. If he is not back by sunrise, i.e. the dawn of a new day, or even shows up during the time BEFORE he left, it would not only cause our rift situation to get worse… but also throw the universe so far out of balance, it would make the tooniverse seem like reality, and reality seem like reality TV, and reality TV to seem like a marionette show (which, I believe we all know it already is, basically)."
"O-kay, I think it's safe to agree that NONE OFTHIS MAKES SENSE!" Mickey exclaimed.
"Neither does the fact that stores charge out the nose for fruits and vegetables, while McDonalds has a dollar menu, and people wonder why Americans are getting fat!" Time Lord WG commented.
"But, FF2 might not know all this- well, considering he's a Time Lord, I guess he would- but we still need to help him… especially before OUR Wherever Girl snaps someone's neck," Oswald commented.
"I suppose I could lend a hand. TL-WG, you stay here with the rest of the Time Lords- let me know when the rift is closing!" Time Lord Fanatic said… then took out his Sonic Screwdriver, clicked a button, and his own TARDIS appeared. He turned to the others. "Best thing about being a Time Lord is how you can travel to any dimension, and not be able to break any laws of science." He then had the doors open, and ran and dove in. "ALONSY!"
In a flash, the Fan-TARDIS disappeared.
FF2… that is, Companion-FF2 walked over to the rift just then. "What's going on?" he asked Time Lord WG.
"Apparently, someone hi-jacked a TARDIS that belongs to you in this dimension, and caused another rip in the fabric of space-and-time." Time Lord WG replied.
Companion-FF2's eyes widened, giddily. "You mean I'm a Doctor in this dimension? AWESOME!"
Mickey looked at Kat and Orion. "Is there ANY chance things will make sense again?" he asked.
"I wouldn't count on it," Plot replied, walking by and sipping a soda.
The others looked at him, then each other, but decided to withhold comment.
Sailor and Colin, meanwhile, weren't having much luck. "Dagnabbit, we lost him!" Colin exclaimed, as they reached a busy intersection, the news van nowhere in sight.
"Who says 'dagnabbit', outside my grandpa?" Sailor commented.
"Never mind the one-liners! Just fly up there and use your Sailor-Moon-based powers to locate that van!"
"Why don't you use your 'high-tech' KND radar thingamajig to locate it?!"
"Because the Bat-Mobile doesn't HAVE a KND radar- and I don't know the password to access all the fancy gadgets in here, otherwise we would've caught it by now!"
"Oh, for the love of Funimation! Fine, I'll fly, YOU try to guess the password!" With that, Sailor opened the sun-roof of the vehicle and flew off.
Colin turned to the password screen. "Um… 'Cat Woman'!,"
"DC Comics Rule?"
"Dark Knight… Rises?"
Colin thought for a moment. "…Man of Steel sucks?"
*Ding!* The screen showed the options for the Bat-Mobile accessories.
Colin grinned a grin that could rival Calvin's. "Now we're talking!"
Sailor, in the meantime, flew through the air, searching for the news van. "Now, what was the name of that studio he works for? I'm going to guess 'Dingo Network'…" he then caught a glimpse of the van steering down the street. Taking out some X-ray binoculars (which no Security Author should be equipped without), he saw it was Rex Pester's. He then took out his walkie-talkie (again, can't be equipped without). "Colin! He's heading down Anime Avenue, and taking a right on CGI street! Are you nearby?"
No answer.
"Colin? Colin! …Are you messing with the buttons again?!"
(On the other line, Colin was randomly pushing buttons, either launching rockets or driving on tunnel-ceilings. "Of course not! You keep on his tail, I'll catch up!" he shouted loudly- over some 'Gorillaz' music that he was blaring over the stereo.)
Sailor sighed, then gave chase…
And what's a chase without some music? TURN UP THE VOLUME, COLIN!
[Now playing: 'Do Ya Thing' by The Gorillaz]
Sailor swooped in low, racing to catch up with the van. Rex Pester was checking his teeth in the rearview mirror, just in time to catch a glimpse of him. "…Oh good grief! Whatever happened to 'Freedom of Speech'?!" he sneered, then turned to the driver/camera-guy. "Step on it!"
The van shot off at top speed, zooming around traffic, causing many a car to honk and their drivers to curse and shake their fists. "Ooh, I've got myself a runner!" Sailor said to himself, grinning a hardcore grin.
This is where Sailor showed his own psychotic-author side. (Hey, everyone reaches this point eventually).
First, he used his powers to start running side-ways alongside the buildings, while taking out a plasma-rifle and shooting at the van, making potholes in the street with each miss. He then tried blasting at them with his lasers, making several cars swerve out of the way and crash into each other, some of them exploding! …and yet no one's called for armed forces. (Then again, this is Toon Town- I mean, didn't you see all the car pile-ups in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Car-wrecks and explosions are basically an every-day occurrence here! …I wonder why we don't get many tourists…)
Anyway, Rex Pester looked out at all the destruction, knowing his life was at stake. "Holy crap, these people are crazy!" he cried in horror, then grabbed the camera with a grin. "Forget live-action news! I'm going to be promoted to Network Producer with this material!"
"I'm not sure that's out it works, sir," the camera-guy commented.
"Shut up and keep driving! I'm getting us some footage that'll make us walk down the red-carpet sugared and glazed!"
"…you know, the actual quote is 'Chromed and-'"
*POW!* …Sailor threw a bomb, causing the van to overturn from the blast, roll down the street (The camera-guy screaming while Rex shouted 'We're in a goldmine!' as he filmed), until it was back on its four-wheels and sped up a ramp, onto another freeway.
Sailor pursued, managing to get to the driver's window. "Let me see your license and registration!" he cracked.
"O-Okay-" The camera-guy began to say, until Rex slapped him.
"YOU IDIOT! It's just a gag! Honestly, didn't you learn ANYTHING from modern-day cartoons?!" Rex snapped.
The camera-guy seethed. "That's it! I don't have to take this anymore! I've been pushed around, dragged into humiliating situations, mauled by monkeys, chased off by robots, and took part in a high-speed chase!" he then opened the front door! "YOU can handle it from here! I QUIT!" With that, he leaped out… rolling down the street. "OW! OW! OW! …should've stopped first… OW! OW! OW!"
Rex gasped, grabbing the wheel and trying to keep the van on-course, but Sailor reached in and grabbed it, both of them jerking it back-and-forth, having the vehicle swerve all over the road! "Hand over all the footage, or you'll be lucky you'll get moved to a kiddy-program!" Sailor snarled.
"No way!" Rex declared, struggling to keep a grip on the wheel. "This… is my… only chance… to reach fame… and no… smart-mouthed… teenage author… is going… to ruin it… FOR ME!" With one final jerk, Rex caused the van to swerve away from Sailor, spinning as it did before shooting straight. "HA HA! VICTORY!"
"REX! STOP!" Sailor cried.
"NEVER!" Rex called back to him.
"…right… off… an unfinished ramp…"
Rex paused looking and seeing that he crashed through a security-bar, exactly 525 feet above a river. "…*gulp* I hope the network has this van insured…" he whimpered, as the van began to plummet. "YAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"
*insert descending whistle here*
"Ah, dang it! …What I wouldn't give to be a Teenage Robot right now!" Sailor exclaimed, flying forth to try and catch the van.
Suddenly, a hook shot through the air and impaled the side of the van, leaving it dangling 1 foot above what would have been an epic splash. Sailor looked, seeing Colin parked the Bat-Mobile above the ramp, with a grappling-hook line hanging out of the front of the car. "Now that's what I call, 'Hook, Line, and Sinker,'" Colin said, while putting on some sunglasses and looking epic.
[End Song]
Rex opened the passenger-door (which was facing upward instead of towards the water), and- keeping the reel containing the footage in his coat- climbed out and noticed the van was just a few feet away from the shore. He then made a leap towards land-
But was caught by Sailor. "I don't think so," Sailor sneered, then shook him until he dropped the reel… as well as spare change, a wallet, microphone, a 'My Little Pony' notebook, iPad, and a toothbrush. Sailor took the reel. "We'll be taking THIS,"
"And you can kiss your slander-equipment goodnight- because it's sleeping with the fishes!" Colin declared, cutting the line and making the van sink into the river.
"NOOOO! No, no, no… my career is ruined!" Rex Pester bawled, as Sailor dropped him on his knees. "What can I possibly produce that could beat psychotic authors and dark Disneyworld secrets?!"
Colin and Sailor looked at each other, smirking. "…We heard they're going to bring back Cowboy Bebop- with a rumor that Spike Spiegel is alive," Sailor Andromeda replied (as he and Colin had their finger's crossed… wait, you mean it isn't true?! Dang it, I loved that anime!)
Rex, not knowing it was a fib, grinned and raced off. "Of course! The only thing better than Disney is anime!" he exclaimed, racing off.
"…Now what?" Colin asked.
"Get back to the club, torch this reel, and hope we get to the end of this episode soon because we're already at the 40-page mark and I'm getting hungry," Sailor replied, as they walked towards the Bat-Mobile…
…seeing a very pissed-off Batman in their path. Wordlessly, he held out his hands, demanding the keys. Colin sighed and handed them over, and the DC hero climbed in his car and drove off.
"…mind giving me a lift?" Colin asked. Sailor sighed, picked him up, and they shot off.
"Here we are!" ATF exclaimed as he found a wall, with French-writing on it. "This should be it!"
"You said the same thing about that Esperanto message that read 'Yo Mama', the Russian phrase that read 'Cats Are Taking Over The Internet', and the Spanish sentence that only read 'Chicks Dig Giant Robots'…" Prince Tanabi deadpanned.
"…even though the Megas XLR reference was clever," Scoobycool9 replied. "So, my multilingual friend, what does THIS message say?"
ATF looked at the message, translating it. "…'thgil eht erehw'…"
"…First jokes, then you write in gibberish. Anti, did you just half-ass most of this writing?!" WG commented.
"Not as much as you half-ass most of your chapters!"
WG went to make a remark, paused, then glared. "Ooh, low-blow…"
"Anyway, NO, I didn't write random babble- I wrote it backwards, just to confuse whoever was translating it. In reverse, it says 'Where The Light'."
Scoobycool9 held up a notepad where they had written down all the messages (the important ones circled). "'Go To The Place… Where The Light… Never Goes Out'!" he exclaimed, piecing them together. "THAT… doesn't help our case at all."
"A place where the light never go out… Broadway? Vegas? Shaggy's night-light?" Prince Tanabi tried guessing.
ATF then slapped his forehead. "Wait a second-!" he began to gasp.
"DON'T tell me- you JUST NOW remembered where you put the reel?!" WG guessed, astonished at her brother's poor memory.
"Bash my low intelligence later, sis! We've gotta move!" With that, ATF opened a portal and dragged them through it.
Back in the year 1966… still…
A portal opened inside a hallway, and past-ATF and FF2 stepped through it. "He's right in there. I'll try to get you in," past-ATF whispered, pointing to a door.
"How can you get me in?" FF2 questioned.
His friend grinned. "Walt knows me. I've been around since 1935, so we go back a way's… c'mon," quietly, they walked into the room.
FF2 had to hold his breath, his heart racing at an incredible pace, and froze in nervousness; there lay Walt Disney himself in bed, a sketchbook resting on his lap, soon to be the legendary sketchbook Mickey Mouse would be struggling to keep hidden. The young Time Lord didn't know what to do or say- despite their genetic heritage, he felt queasy about seeing the most famous cartoonist of all time… especially in his final moments. Maybe I shouldn't have come… he thought, thinking he should back out.
Past-ATF made the introduction before he could have second-thoughts, however. "…Walt?" he whispered, and the cartoonist slowly opened his eyes, turning to him. "It's me, Zeke."
"Ezekiel… it's been a while," Walt said with a soft smile, then noticed FF2. "Who is this?"
"This is Shaun Richard Goof… the boy I told you about- Joanne's future-son,"
FF2 looked at Past-ATF in astonishment, and back at Walt. "…h-hello," he said, awkwardly holding out his hand for a handshake… though his hand had already started the 'shaking' part.
"Joanne… oh yes, that nice woman Goofy met who drew up those three insane Warner kids," Walt recalled, grinning. "Quite an imagination she had… so, you're from the future, huh? Time Lord, I take it?"
"Y… Yes! How did you know?"
Walt chuckled. "You're not the first one I've met… Zeke, here, told me I'd meet you someday- claimed you would take care of the studio years from now,"
FF2 nodded. "Yeah… everyone found out that you and I shared an ancestral trait, and saw a lot of yourself in my works… and just let me take over since the company was in a rough-patch," he rubbed the back of his neck, not wanting to bring up that the Disney Studio still had a great deal of problems. He sat down beside Walt. "I'm working hard to make sure things go right… I want everyone to remember your legacy- you're a master of animation!"
Walt smiled. "Thank you… but I just do what I love for a living. …at least, I did…" he then looked at FF2, looking him up and down. "One thing confuses me, though… If you're Joanne's son, and we share a bloodline… why on earth are you a cartoon?"
"Oh, well… it's hard to explain. I'm from reality, but after living in the toon-world for so long, I eventually became one- heh heh, I actually made a cartoon based off myself before I did… it was so weird meeting another me!" he cleared his throat. "…but, I'm confused too… Why did you want to bring me here, 'Zeke'?"
Past-ATF shrugged. "Thought it would be fair for you to see someone you love, before you have to go home," he replied, smiling and wincing. "…Didn't think I'd see the resemblance, until now. …Your mom was right, Shaun. You're going to do great things- I know it,"
"As wonderful a woman Jo is… I believe it," Walt replied, reaching and patting FF2 on the shoulder. "I know things will be good in your hands…"
FF2's eyes began to fill with tears, as he held Walt's hand, smiling. "T…Thank you, Walt… that means a lot, coming from you,"
There came voices from down the hall, and ATF nudged FF2. "We'd better go- can't upset the timeline if someone else catches us here," he whispered.
FF2 nodded, turning back to Walt. "I'll make you proud… I promise!" he sniffled.
Walt only smiled. "Just stay true to yourself, kid… I know you can do it,"
FF2 nodded, and Past-ATF opened a portal, both of them stepping through. As they did, Walt grabbed his sketchbook, turning to a page. What that boy said… hmm… he thought.
Roy Disney walked in just then. "Walt, are you alright? I thought I heard someone," he said.
"Everything is fine… I just had an idea…" he drew a picture in the sketchbook… of himself sitting in an room, writing a message at the top of the page…
"I'll be waiting…'
Still in the year 1966. Just so you know.
FF2 and Past-ATF walked towards the TARDIS. "Are you sure the reel is safe?" FF2 asked.
"I'm sure… now, get back to your time, before something else goes-" Past-ATF began, then paused.
"BANZAAAIIII!" The Blot shouted as he, NC, The Brat, and Daveen lunged.
Past-ATF merely opened a portal, in front of them, making them all crash into the brick wall. "…owie…" NC groaned.
"…Wrong." Past-ATF finished. FF2 gave him a farewell solute, then stepped into the TARDIS and took off. The psychic-author then walked off, whistling to the tune of the Seven Dwarves' work song as he went along his way.
The villains stood up, rubbing their heads. "Great… NOW how are we supposed to get back?!" Brat demanded.
There came a flash, as another TARDIS appeared, flying through the air, and slamming into them, knocking them all out-cold. The doors opened as Time Lord Fanatic poked his head out, rubbing his chin as he looked at the unconscious villains. "…I normally don't pick up hitchhikers, buuuut I'm willing to make an exception," he commented, then tied them up and dragged them in, taking them away…
…not realizing that the employee FF2 had spoken to before was standing there. The employee's eye twitched, he dropped his coffee, and walked off. "I think it's time I put in for early-retirement…" he stammered to himself.
Back at the House of Mouse in our current time, Fanatic, Tracker, Kat, Orion… um… (who else was there?) …Moon, and Dragongirl stood at their posts around the club, keeping an eye out for Hater and his army of drones.
"It's been almost two hours, and everything's quiet… That's a red-flag in the Toon-World, alright," Dragongirl commented.
"Something's coming at us!" Tracker pointed out, seeing an object careening towards them! "It looks like a missile!"
"It must be a heat-seeking rocket!" Kat gasped.
Two peoples crashed onto the sidewalk… one of them landing on the 'stained' part. "ACK! I landed on the bloody spot! Gross! Ack!" Sailor screamed, standing up and rapidly brushing himself off.
"…Nope, just Sailor Moron and his sidekick," Moon deadpanned.
"HEY!" Colin shouted, offended. "…What makes you think I'M the sidekick?!"
"How'd it go with Rex?" Orion asked.
"He's off to humiliate himself again, and we got his footage!" Sailor answered, handing Dragongirl the reel. "…Set it on fire, would you?"
"Gladly," Dragongirl said, about to breathe fire, but was interrupted when a portal opened in front of them. "What the fluff?"
"We found the reel!" Scoobycool9 exclaimed, as he and the others walked through.
"Where was it?" Fanatic asked.
"'The Place Where The Light Never Goes Out'… Walt's bedroom above the Fire Dept. in Disneyworld!" WG answered. "You know, the place that's rumored to be haunted because the light in it never shuts off, and kept turning back on when some cleaning lady kept trying to turn it off,"
"…And you couldn't remember that detail?!" Moon questioned ATF.
"AGAIN- Knocked unconscious. Decade in a coma. Woodstock. Getting drunk. BAD MEMORY." ATF emphasized. Moon only rolled her eyes.
"Let's get it to Mickey, before the next disaster-" Scoobycool9 began to say…
…until a TARDIS appeared and crashed into him, making him slam into Dragongirl, both of them dropping the reels. "…hits…" he weakly finished. "Geez, now I know how Sailor feels!"
"You'd better!" Sailor scoffed.
"FF2?" WG exclaimed in hope.
The doors opened… and out flew a beaten-up Time Lord Fanatic, as The Blot, The Brat, Nowhere Chick, and Daveen stepped out, the latter rubbing her fist. "Did you HONESTLY think we could be taken out so easily?" Daveen sneered.
"…I figured as much for the Blot…" Time Lord Fanatic groaned.
"HOLY SNAP! There's TWO Fanatics?!" Prince Tanabi cried out.
"Yeah- turns out there was a rift that lead to a world where all of us, excluding FF2, are Time Lords," Kat answered.
Fanatic gawked. "And you're JUST NOW telling me this?!" he exclaimed.
"Um, speaking of rifts… did your FF2 come back yet? Because it's almost sunrise!" Time Lord Fanatic pointed out.
"That reminds me…" WG said, returning to Rage Mode, and grabbing the Blot by the shirt-collar, her eyes aflame. "WHAT HAVE YOU'VE DONE TO MY BOYFRIEND?!"
"D-D-Daveen! She's gone nuts! Come shoot her or something!" The Blot cried in terror, remembering the untimely demise WG caused for Cartman and Purple Man's [decoy], and didn't want to suffer the same fate.
Daveen lunged, but Dragongirl intervened and tackled her. "Not today!" she snarled, as the two began to dual with flames and swords.
Brat ran to help her father, but the rest of the Security Authors blocked her path. "Think again, Bratty!" Colin snapped.
"Don't call me Bratty!" Brat snarled, punching Colin, and tried to fight her way through the others, but was held back by Orion and Moon.
"Um, guys?" Prince Tanabi stated, looking down the street. Sailor, Colin, and ATF followed his gaze.
"Look, I don't KNOW where your boyfriend is! He ditched us!" The Blot stammered to WG. "Chances are, he probably hit another rift-GACK!"
WG choked him. "Since YOU were the one who had him taken away, YOU can be the next one to get your ass kicked!" she snarled, then caught him in a chokehold and repeatedly punched him in the stomach.
"Guys!" Prince Tanabi called again.
"Crap, which one was the reel we needed?!" Scoobycool9 stammered, looking between the two reels that were dropped.
"Seriously?! No one labeled anything?!" Tracker questioned.
"GUYS!" Prince Tanabi roared at the top of his lion-lungs. "WE'VE GOT TROUBLE!"
Everyone followed his gaze… seeing that Hater and a few drones arrived, and they all paused. (WG gave Blot one more punch to the face before dropping him). "…Dude, how did you get here so quick- and quietly?" Sailor questioned.
"With the ruckus the rest of you were making, it was simple," Hater replied, as he and the drones drew their weapons. "Now, lets finish- AUGH!"
"HATER-BABY!" Nowhere Chick exclaimed, leaping into his arms. "I was hoping you'd get here… That masked-weirdo kidnapped me!" she pointed at the Blot.
"WHAT?!" Blot sputtered.
"…wish he kept ya," Hater muttered, dropping her, then turned to Fanatic and Time Lord Fanatic. "Great, there's two of you now… oh well. Gives me the pleasure of killing you twice!"
"We'll see about that!" Time Lord Fanatic snarled, inserting his Sonic Screwdriver into a slot in a chain-gun, and began firing at the drones!
"ATTACK!" Hater ordered the drones, who heeded his orders.
The Authors were soon engaged in another battle. Dragongirl continued to fight Daveen; Fanatic broke out his chain-guns and began shooting at Hater, who fired back; Nowhere Chick summoned her saw-blade hands and started slicing at Kat and Orion, who fended her off with rockets; Moon used her elemental powers to freeze, enflame, drench, or smash drones; Sailor and Colin used their weapons to hack through the drones, fighting back-to-back; WG slashed her way through drones as they lunged at her; ATF used his portal-powers to open portals beneath charging drones, sending them to a volcano, car-crusher, or causing them to blast each other; Prince Tanabi and Tracker sliced through if not shot at drones, before resulting in using their animal-strengths to smash the drones.
Despite the progress, the drones kept coming from all over, leaping from buildings or coming down the streets, at least (lets see… one, two, three… wait, I counted that one twice… uh, carry the 5…) 20,000 left!
"You'd think… this would… be… simple for us!" Scoobycool9 wheezed, as he used his wand to blast the drones, while fending off ones lunging at him with his key-blade.
"I knew we would need more authors!" Fanatic shouted, grabbing a drone by the heels and throwing it at Hater.
Time Lord Fanatic grinned. "Say no more!" he exclaimed, then let out a whistle.
The drones turned, hearing war-cries… as the rest of the Time Lord Authors charged out, with their own Sonic-Powered Weapons in hand! …save for companion-FF2, who just had his key-blade, but was still a badass as they all lunged into the crowd of robots, fighting them off!
"Shit! Did you guys clone yourselves or something?!" Hater snapped, shooting at Fanatic, as the brawl intensified.
[Now Playing: 'Memories' from Cats- The Musical… Nightcore Version- okay, seriously, who's picking the songs?!]
Time Lords Kat and Orion used their lasers to blast a line of drones through their cores; Time Lord Moon turned into a Night-Fury and blasted at several more drones, her fire causing them to explode! ("Nice… I'll have to look into that," Moon commented, before turning into a Night Fury herself and lunging at drones, ripping them to pieces); Time Lord ATF, who saw every opponents move, boredly blocked each attack, often throwing them into each other, or throwing beaten-ones through a portal ATF opened that lead to a local junkyard (which had growing pile of damaged robots, now); Time Lords Sailor and Colin… took several drones on a ride in their TARDIS, zipping around through hyperspace in loops and swirls, before returning to the present, and all the drones stumbled out of the TARDIS, throwing up oil before collapsing; Time Lord Dragongirl helped her counterpart fight Daveen, using her own sword to slice off her other wing! ("Oh, COME ON!" Daveen screamed, before getting knocked out by her sister); Companion-FF2 helped Time Lord Scoobycool9 and his counterpart slice through the drones; Time Lord Prince Tanabi reprogrammed half the robots to do the Chicken Dance; Time Lord Tracker tossed and kicked the drones towards Tracker and Tanabi, who used baseball bats to smash the drones to pieces as if it were a twisted game of baseball; and Time Lord WG hacked through drones with her own machete. Nowhere Chick ran up to slice her- but WG knocked her unconscious with a drone's head.
Blot, seeing that things weren't looking up at the moment, grabbed the reels off the ground, and grabbed his daughter by the arm. "C'mon! We're getting out of here!" he exclaimed.
"Way ahead of ya!" Brat exclaimed, leaping onto a random motorcycle and shooting off… without her father!
"Brat?! BRAT! How DARE you abandon your father!" Blot shouted, shaking his fist… then paused. "Why do I have a feeling 'karma' is behind this?" he then snuck away from the chaos, running to make a break for it-
His path blocked by Mickey and Oswald, and the rest of the staff. "I believe one of those reels belongs to us!" Oswald sneered.
Blot sneered, gripping them tight. "Oh? And who's going to make me hand them over?!" he demanded, taking out a lighter and holding it under the reels! "One move, and NO ONE gets the reel!"
"…That would only give us more reason to beat the crud out of you," Donald sneered.
Blot- who didn't understand Donald at all- arched an eyebrow. "What?"
"We'd just end up beating you up harder!" Oswald clarified.
Blot put away the lighter… and instead pulled out a gun. "Not if you all were suffering from blood-loss! Say goodnight, you sons of- what the…?"
A bright light flashed… and the TARDIS appeared, FF2 stepping out… just as the sun was rising!
WG paused in her fighting, sensing his presence… and her eyes got wide and bubble as she smiled and ran towards him- while slicing through, around, over, and across the horde of drones that stood in her way.
FF2 kicked the Blot in the face, taking both the reels and handing them to Mickey. He looked ahead at the rumble going on, taking out his key-blade and bo-staff, and rushing into the battle- as well as towards WG.
The scene played in slow-motion, the music playing as the couple hacked their way through drones, sending metallic body-parts, gears, nuts and bolts flying as oil and grease splattered all over in their wake, until the last drone in their path was dismantled, and they stood in front of each other… and embraced in a kiss.
[End Song]
"Thanks for waiting for me," FF2 joked.
"…Why don't you ever greet me like that?" Nowhere Chick asked Hater (who was getting slammed into a wall by Fanatic).
"C'mon, lets get to The Vault!" Mickey said to the rest of the staff, as they ran down to the basement with the reels now that their enemies (save for Hater- who kept getting his aft kicked) were dealt with.
Down in the basement, hidden behind a large stack of crates, was the legendary Disney Vault. Oswald carried the two reels they had already found, as Mickey looked at the film in one of the reels. "…nothing but a wide, creepy smile in this one followed by Sailor smashing stuff- must be Rex's," Mickey stated, tossing the reel aside.
"After all this time… we'll finally find out what Walt wanted us to find!" Oswald exclaimed, and they held up the reels to insert into a shaft in the vault, which looked like the Mickey Mouse symbol.
…there was a blur, and suddenly the reels vanished! They looked around… and saw Brat standing there! "What, you honestly think I'd be like my dad and ditch the mission?" she asked the audience, pulling her mask over her face and assuming her identity as the Phantom Brat, taking off.
"AFTER HER!" Minnie cried.
"…I'm just saying, a hug or kiss would be nice once in a while!" Nowhere Chick kept complaining to Hater.
"Not now, bitch! I'm busy!" Hater snarled, as he fought with Fanatic, both of them now in a fist-fight. He slammed Fanatic into the brick wall, preparing to melt his face with acid-
Time Lord Fanatic shot him in the side of the face, making him hit the ground. "Hate to cause another Deux Ex Machina moment, but I believe we have a problem," he stated, pointing up at the sky. "Another rift opened!"
Everyone looked at the rift… seeing it lead to a desolate location consisting of demolished buildings, fields made of nothing but concrete and steel, and petrified citizens.
FF2's eyes widened. "That's not a rift… that's a portal… but who opened it?!" he questioned, looking at the others.
"…Hey, don't look at us!" ATF said, referring to himself, WG, and Moon.
"Another problem- our rift is closing!" Time Lord Sailor pointed out.
"We gotta get back to our dimension- if we end up stuck here, it'll cause the entire universe to collapse!" Time Lord Dragongirl stated.
"Then stop shouting explanations and get through it already!" Fanatic cried. "We'll handle things here!"
"Thanks for you help! See you next time the fabric of space and time is torn!" ATF exclaimed, waving to the Time Lords (and Companion-FF2) all went back to their own dimension, just as the rift closed.
"What are we going to do about this portal, though?!" Kat exclaimed.
"WG, ATF, Moon- do you think you can close it somehow?" Orion asked.
"We can sure- TRY!" WG cried, suddenly being sucked forth towards the portal. "WHAT THE FLUFF?!"
"WHEREVER GIRL!" FF2 cried, grabbing her hand and pulling her back. "Oh, c'mon- we just got reunited!"
"Hang on!" Tracker cried, hanging on to her cousin… but they were all being hauled toward the portal! "WHOA!"
"H-Hang on, guys!" Fanatic shouted, running forth-
Brat ran out in front of him, both of them colliding… suddenly being sucked up into the portal. "DADDY!" Brat screamed.
Blot came to, just in time to see his daughter being sucked upward. "No… it can't be…!" he gasped, then was sucked up as well! He clawed at the ground, trying to grab onto anything, but it was no use. "AAAAUUUGGGHHHH!"
Mickey and Oswald ran out, stopping when they saw the portal! "Oh no… he's awake!" Oswald cried.
"Who is? What- AUGH!" Mickey cried, as he was sucked up.
"Mickey!" Oswald grabbed his hand, but only ended up getting sucked up as well!
FF2 and WG hung on to each other as they, Tracker, and Fanatic were sucked up into the portal. "GUYS!" ATF cried, then used his portal-powers to try and hack the portal, making it close… but it was too late. They were gone. "No…"
Hater, while everyone was distracted, took off, Nowhere Chick alongside him. He looked back at Fanatic, grinning, before disappearing.
"What… what the heck was that all about?!" Kat cried. "What is that place?! Where did they go?!"
"I… can't open a portal… to it!" Moon snapped, trying hard to concentrate.
"You can't… you can only close it…" ATF said, gripping his necklace. "Only those on the other side can open it… (WG, I hope you've been practicing)…" he began to pace, frantically. "I had a vision about this… I didn't think it would happen- we're not ready!"
"Stop being cryptic! Tell us where they went!" Scoobycool9 snarled.
ATF sighed…
(Hater arrived in Tempus' lair, as the massive robot looked down at him. "They've been weakened, Tempus," Hater said. "…and Fanatic's disappeared,)
"A long time ago, a great evil was sealed away in that place, supposedly put to rest until there came a time when someone could defeat him once and for all,"
(Meanwhile, Fanatic came to alongside WG, FF2, Tracker, Mickey, and Oswald. He noticed they were on a cliff)
"Unfortunately… he's awakened sooner than expected,"
("So… the time has come," Tempus observed, looking at the screen at a few authors in despair. "Prepare the others… we attack at sundown.")
"Who?! Give us a straight answer already!" Moon shouted.
ATF winced.
(Fanatic looked out at the outstretched lands… full of petrified citizens, demolished buildings, fields consisting of nothing but concrete… and a large, ominous castle in the distance).
(We then zoom in to the castle, seeing a dark figure watching… waiting… grinning…)
"…The Shadow Blot… Ruler of The Wastelands,"
A/N: TO BE CONTINUED… in the movie ;)
Yes, we're making a movie! Stay tuned, and await the upcoming tale in 2016…
(please review, but don't flame)