First fanfiction attempt :) I started reading a few Fremione fics and fell in love with them. I thought I'd give it a go, any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated! Especially since I have no idea what I am doing!

Disclaimer: Obviously don't own Harry Potter... :'(




"I thought we'd have a little party, not a sit-down dinner to celebrate out Ron and our Hermione becoming prefects," Mrs Weasley said excitiedly to Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny as they entered the kitchen.

They scanned the room as Mrs Weasley told Ron that his eldest brother and father would be home soon. Kingsley, Sirius, Lupin and Tonks already occupied the room. Kingsley stood by the door as if guarding it while Sirius leaned beside the quietly talking Lupin and Tonks with a grin upon his face.

"Who would've thought – our wittle Ronniekins," George mocked as he examined the selection of food spread across the table. Mrs Weasley's cooking was always amazing, it didn't matter what it was, if she made it there was no doubt it would be brilliant.

George chose a pumpkin pasty and plopped it into his mouth as Fred walked up to Ron, ruffling his hair. Ron scowled and pulled his head away.

"In all seriousness, Ron," Fred said, his face furrowed solemnly. "We think it's great. Really."

Hermione smiled approvingly at Fred but it quickly dropped as he continued, "We really need someone in on the inside."

Ginny rolled her eyes, she doubted it was in the twins' capacity to ever be serious.

Hermione left the small circle they had created to get herself a drink. She walked to the punch bowl on the bench near Kingsley who stood like one of the many statues at Hogwarts. Fumbling about to pull a cup off of the top of the stack she jumped as a voice sounded right behind her. She dropped the plastic cup which a freckled hand swiftly caught.

"Did I remember to congratulate you on your new prefect-status?" Asked Fred, his eyes looking as mischievous as ever.

"No, you've only been completely and utterly disrespectful to Ronald who should be allowed to celebrate this great achievement for himself!" Hermione took the cup back angrily.

"Ahh, Hermione, you'll never understand the importance of keeping a sibling from getting too big of a head." Fred sighed as he leaned up against the bench behind him. "It's a very gruelling task, you always have to be on the ball and make sure you squish any potentially inflatable thought! We unfortunately failed with our dearest brother, Percy. The poor boy wouldn't have even been able to put the Sorting Hat on that monstrous globe!"

Hermione let herself smile a little. Fred took her cup and got one for himself too and started filling them up with some punch.

"Say 'when'," he said as he ladled more and more punch in.

"When!" She exclaimed as it neared the top but he continued to fill it until it was brimming.

"There ya go, m'lady!" Fred said, pretending to tilt an imaginary hat.

Arthur suddenly entered the door next to them, placing his hat on the bench. He began to smile broadly, seeing the plastic cups in use.

He grabbed one excitedly, "These things are just marvellous! Muggles never cease to amaze me!"

Fred made a face at Hermione as Arthur spun the cup in his hands. "I got a pack of them from this little shop in London, everything was less than about 10 knuts! Fantastic!"

Arthur began to pull Hermione away, bombarding her with questions about 'odd' Muggle items he had recently encountered as Fred laughed at Hermione's reluctant expression.

He turned around and saw Moody had arrived sometime while he'd been decided to go over and chat and keep the magical, bright blue eye of his busy while George could execute a prank of sorts.

He looked over at George who immediately nodded, beginning to walk around to behind Moody. It wasn't the prank that was important, they just wanted to figure out how far they could go without Mad-Eye noticing.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it :)

I saw in a few other fics where they used 'm'lady' when Fred addresses Hermione, it's cool. I thought I'd include it!

Also, I didn't know what England call Two Dollar Shops or if they even have them so if anyone could let me know that'd be swell :D