Okay, now that the TiPo plot is finished, time for me to leave this seat for my other half to take over. See ya later guys!


Hello! It's me Ljdamz1119! The other half, which likes SoPo that is. Since my other half passed on this story to me, I'll be taking care of the SoPo plot for this story now. YeePee! I can't wait to start yet I feel a tad bit nervous since it's my first time writing.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter that I made for you guys! All of you are so awesome! 3

With Po...

Po was busy in the kitchen cleaning up after the Five left to do what they want to do. Song stayed in the kitchen and helped in cleaning up too but you could see her glancing every once in a while at Po.

'Soon, I'll tell him.' Song thought as she dried up some plates.

"Well, that's finished." Po said as he finished cleaning up. "Anyways, I'm gonna go check on Tigra. You could come with me if you want to Song." He added as he looked at the said leopard.

"Nah, it's okay Po, besides I have some stuff to do. But I might try and visit tomorrow." Song replied. Then she headed out.

While she headed towards the palace gates, she couldn't stop but think about Po. She sighed dreamily while she reached the steps.

"Someday Po, I'll tell you." She said as she walked down the steps of the mountain.

With Po again...

Po was heading towards the training hall since he thinks Tigra is there. When he reached there, he peeked in the hall to see Tigra playing checkers with Tigress.

'Looks like someone's having fun here.' Po thought as he slowly opened the door to surprise the two but since the door was big and old, it made a loud creaking sound. Tigress heard this since she had sensitive hearing due to years of Kung Fu training and looked towards the door to see the panda.

"Oh hello Po." Tigress greeted making Tigra look over at where Tigress was looking at.

"Oh, hi daddy!" Tigra greeted as she gave off a wide smile.

"Hello you two, am I interrupting something here?" Po said while chuckling as he went near the two.

"Nothing really daddy, I'm just playing checkers with Aunt Tigress." Tigra replied as she got up and dusted herself off, same goes with Tigress.

"Aunt?" Tigress questioned as she got up.

"Yes, is that what I should refer to you?" Tigra replied as she looked at Tigress.

"It's better if you call her Tigress, sweety." Po answered for Tigress as he went near the tiger cub, "She doesn't really like having nicknames or other titles other than being a Kung Fu master."

"I know, just like what you said to me before." Tigra said as she looked at Po. Tigress raised an eyebrow after this and decided to ask Po some questions on what information did Po tell Tigra about.

"Yeah, anyways, let's go prepare dinner. I bet you're getting hungry." Po said as he picked up the little tiger cub.

"Well, I'm not really that hungry yet." Tigra replied but her stomach grumbled, and it was as loud as Po's stomach grumbling (maybe I am over exaggerating).

"Well, you might say you're not hungry but your stomach isn't." Po said as he turned and headed towards the doors. "You wanna help out Tigress?" Po asked as he stopped and looked over at the said feline.

Tigress thought about it for a while. A small part of her doesn't like to help since she doesn't really know how to cook but still, almost all of her wants to help. Plus the fact that she saw Tigra nodding her head at her to make her wanna help.

"Sure thing Po." Tigress finally answered then followed the two out of the training hall and into the barracks.

With Song...

Song was already half way down the steps and she's really taking time in her descend. One: to enjoy the beautiful scene and two: because she was still thinking about Po. Then her thoughts drifted towards the Furious Five coming back making Po happier than ever.

'I'm glad the Furious Five came back, Po is even more happier than before.' Song thought as she walked down. 'Although with them back, me and Po wouldn't get enough time to spend together anymore.' She thought again as a small frown came on her face. Then the thought of Tigress came up to her mind.

"I wonder if she likes Po too?" Song said to no one in particular.

Back to Po and the two tigers...

Po, Tigra and Tigress were already at the barracks kitchen. Po prepared dinner which was noodles soup and tofu while Tigress helped by chopping up some vegetables for the dishes, which she almost murdered instead until Po taught her how to chop it up properly. Meanwhile, Tigra waited on her seat for them to finish.

"Dinner is almost ready I think." Po started as he tasted the soup he made. "Tigra can you go call everyone for dinner?" Po asked the tiger cub who smiled and ran off to go do what her adoptive father told her to do.

"So Po, where's Song?" Tigress asked the giant panda when she noticed the snow leopard wasn't anywhere to be seen. Tigress then finished her work and washed her paws.

"Oh, well she had to go since it was getting late." Po replied as he dimmed the flame of the stove. Tigress just watched the panda and a couple of minutes of silence passed.

With Song...

Song was already reaching the bottom of the thousand steps while she thought about Po but then remembered something. To be exact she forgot something that she always has with her.

"My umbrella!" Song said when she realized it wasn't with her. "I must've left it at the palace." She added as she looked towards the steps and the Jade Palace that rests on top of it.

"Well, at least I could see Po one more time before I head back home." Song said as a small smile came up her face.

Back with Po again...

Po, Tigra, Master Shifu and the Five were already eating dinner by the time Song realized she left her umbrella which was by the counter behind Monkey's seat.

They chatted and talked about different things like they usually do. They exchanged jokes, told stories, and stuff they did.

"Oh yeah, there was this one time that Po got his head stuck in a jar. I don't know how it happened but it looked funny." Master Shifu said (surprised it was him saying that right?) making everyone in the room laugh and Po blush in embarrassment.

"Well, I was trying to get something for Tigra." Po replied trying to hide his embarrassment.

"I thought you were trying to do 'an awesome record' by eating a jar of bean buns without using your hands?" Tigra asked her father making the Five and Shifu laugh even more.

"Well, I'm done here." Monkey said as he got up and headed off to his room.

"Me too, I'm getting tired." Mantis said as he too went to his room.

"Same here." Crane added as he headed to his room as well.

"I think I'm going to retire to my room too." Shifu said as he got off his chair and headed to his room at the Hall of Heroes. Viper also headed to her room since she was tired and Tigra got sleepy that she went with Viper to go to their rooms. Leaving a panda left to clean and a tiger who doesn't have anything to do.

Po started to clean up the area by placing all of the dishes in the sink. Tigress decided to help since she doesn't feel sleepy or tired yet by sweeping the floor.

Both of them were silently cleaning the area, neither one of them saying any word or phrase. Tigress decided to break the silence and ask Po something.

"Po, about Song..." Tigress started as she wiped the dishes (she did a lot of cleaning in the kitchen). "Do you... like her?" She asked hoping to get the answer she wanted to hear.

"Well she is my friend. Who wouldn't like their friend?" Po replied as he finished wiping the table tops and counter tops. "Why are you asking?" He asked as he dipped the rag in a water bucket nearby.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to know." Tigress replied as she finished wiping the dishes dry. A couple of minutes of silence fell between them. Po was still busy wiping the counter top.

'Alright Tigress, now I think is the time...' Tigress thought as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Po...what would you do... if someone you know like, likes you? Not just liking you but you know, like if they...love you or something?" Tigress asked.

"Well, if they love me then I would love them back, even if they were mean to me before." Po replied as he placed the rag in the water bucket. Tigress took in a deep breath before speaking up again.

"Well, what if I tell you...that... that I lo-"

"Hey Po, have you seen my umbrella around here? I kinda left it." A voice interrupted Tigress. Both of them looked at the door to see Song.

"Song?!" Both Po and Tigress exclaimed when they saw her.

"Yeah, I kinda left my umbrella and I just realized I left it a couple of minutes ago." Song said smiling sheepishly then saw her umbrella by the counter. "There it is." Song said as she grabbed it and headed l out.

"Anyways, goodbye again Po. I'll try to visit tomorrow!" She said as she walked out but not before she blew a flying kiss towards the panda who hardly noticed it. Well Tigress did making her a bit angry.

'Why that leopard!' Tigress thought as she pictured herself strangling the snow leopard. 'She's into Po too! I guess I have to speed things up with me and Po.' She thought as she looked over to the panda who was now heading to his room.

"I think I'll call it a night Tigress." Po said while yawning, "Goodnight Tigress. See ya in the morning."

Tigress watched the panda leave and enter his room, she then gave off a sigh and headed to her room. 'Well, at least there's still tomorrow.' She thought as she walked.

With Song, a couple of minutes before she entered the barracks a while ago...

Song reached the top of the steps and panted since it really is tiring to climb up a thousand steps, especially twice in a row. She regained composure and started walking towards the barracks.

By the time she got there was the time Po and Tigress were cleaning the kitchen and talking. Song heard their voices and stopped near the barracks front entrance, well the only entrance anyways.

"Po...what would you do... if someone you know like, likes you? Not just liking you but you know, like if they...love you or something?" She heard Tigress ask.

'Is she doing what I think she is going to do?' Song thought as she listened attentively hoping to get a good answer.

"Well, if they love me then I would love them back, even if they were mean to me before." She heard speak up.

"I love you.' Song thought as she paid close attention to the conversation.

"Well, what if I tell you..." Song heard Tigress speak up making her eyes go wide when she knew what would be the continuation of the sentence.

'She really is going to do it!' Song thought, "Not for long stripes!" She said to herself as she got herself ready to enter the building and just when Tigress was about to continue speaking, she entered the place as if she didn't heard anything.

"Hey Po, have you seen my umbrella around here? I kinda left it." Song spoke up as she entered, interrupting the two warrior's conversation.

"Song?!" Both Po and Tigress said when they noticed her.

"Yeah, I kinda left my umbrella and I just realized I left it a couple of minutes ago." Song spoke up again as she noticed her umbrella by the counter. "There it is." She said as she grabbed it.

" Anyways, goodbye again Po. I'll try to visit tomorrow!" Song said before leaving and blowing a kiss at Po. Although, she expected Po to not really notice it but she did that just to intimidate Tigress. When she got out, she stopped for a while and looked at the barracks.

"I think I'll call it a night Tigress." She heard Po say and the sound of heavy footsteps walking away. "Goodnight Tigress. See ya in the morning." She heard Po's voice again then a door closing shut.

'I've got to be sure that Ms. Stripes couldn't get the chance to tell Po first. Po's mine and I'm not giving up on him without a fight... even if it kills me.' Song thought as a mischievous grin crept up her face. She then headed to the palace gates and stopped to look at the thousand steps.

"Now I know why Po hates these steps." Song said as she gave of a low groan. "Why did they even build the palace on top of this mountain? They could've built it on a small hill or better not, in a plane, but nooo, they chose to build it on a freaking tall mountain." Song muttered as she walked down the steps and was getting tired of it.

And that marks the end of this chapter! Finally I got this published ...I'm sorry for the delay though but I have a very good reason why its delayed.

I literally lost half of this chapter and my other stories. My phone went a bit crazy and I had to factory reset it, losing the chapters that I forgot to backup (one being the whole Chapter 22 of the story A Game Of Love before I even got it sent to the web, so that chapter will also be delayed). I backed up this chapter thought but when I backed it up this chap still had eight paragraphs. So I had to rewrite what I remember and even replace some parts.

Anyways, I'm going to go now so see you guys later!


TiPo Me: Hey! Where do you think you're going? It's your turn to wash the dishes! *follows*