A/N: Helllooo readers of this collection :D I apologize for the late updates :( I couldn't write anything for this collection, but somehow, he came up :D So request the next character if you want :) Thank you for reading.
Late (Aomine Daiki)
Aomine placed his hand over his mouth lazily, attempting to cover up the yawn slipping past his lips, on this Saturday morning. The sheets were draped around his form, as if it was forbidding him from getting up early in the morning. Normally, he would have slept for a few more hours, but today, he had a- whatever, he just didn't feel like sleeping in.
Sighing under his breath, his eyes flickered to the time displayed on his phone; it was still 12:30. It was too early for the blue haired male, but still this had to be done. He muttered incoherently, swearing and mumbling under his breath, as he threw a couple of clothes onto his body. This was such a troublesome thing to do, but it had to be done. Amidst, his slow pace walking, he made it to the designated location of the park at exactly 1:00. Now, she must be already there waiting to yell at him for arriving late for the date; he didn't care.
He squinted his eyes, scanning the location near the benches to see whether he could spot the shorter female. What the fuck. Don't tell me she wasn't- What the fuck! A growl slipped past his lips, as he dawdled and plopped himself on the stray bench, where they were supposed to meet. He flicked his phone open, staring at the alarm on the calendar.
He didn't read it wrong, did he? Fuck, did he wake up for nothing today? No, he didn't. It said exactly today, at 12:30. He was thirty minutes late but still. His eye twitched at the thought that [Name] would have gone home. He moved over to his list of missed calls; none from her- so she mustn't have gone home.
His fingers clenched around his phone; how dare she get late and make him wait. His anger dissipated, as he ran his fingers through his hair- did she maybe stood him up; that stupid woman.
He angrily dialed her number, a scowl slipping past his lips, radiating a murderous aura. He didn't care, but she made him wake up today, and if she didn't show up-. He leaned against the park bench; the time was now 1:30. She did leave him alone then.
"What a pain…"He muttered, standing up from the bench, hands slugged into his pocket. His lips pulled into a blank line; he was disappointed. What a waste of time, he shouldn't have even-
Upon hearing his name, he stopped in his tracks, but scoffed as he continued walking.
"Aomine, wait for a while!"
He kept walking. She yelled in exasperation, before running up behind him. She was so close, now.
"Aomine, I'm sorry!" Her voice rang in his ears; annoying. Pulling his arm away from her, he finally turned to face her.
"What…"He asked threateningly, his lips blank.
"I'm so sorry that I'm late. I woke up late, and then it took me a while to get ready and then I had to run all the way here, and I'm sorry…"She said quickly exasperated, bowing her head. She steadied her breathing, waiting for his answer. He could see she was out of breath, but still he said nothing. She made him wait, stupid woman.
"Shut up, I'm going home…Can't believe I woke up for this…"He said slowly, his lips forming a yawn. He continued to walk.
"I left missed calls and messages-"
"So what?"He retorted, rolling his eyes. He left too, not like she answered any of his. She caught up beside him, tugging on his sleeve.
"I'm really sorry. I left my phone at home in a hurry, so if you left me any-"
"Huh? As if, I would leave you any messages…"Aomine mumbled, with a growl in his voice, facing away from her. She stopped in her tracks, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly.
"You can go home then…"She said softly, causing him to face her abruptly. A pout formed on her lips, eyes filled with disappointment and regret. His eye twitched, before he sighed under his breath. He drew his fingers through his hair, as he approached her, grabbing her arm, pulling her in the other direction.
"W-what, Aomine-"
"Shut up. I woke up and came all the way here, so we might as well finish all this. As if, I'll let you go home…"He mumbled, loosening the grip he had on her arm, but instead chose to grasp her hand. She said nothing, as the annoyed blue haired male dragged her towards, wherever he was planning to take her.
The date flowed smoothly after that, and at home, she had a reminder that he did indeed care. He had left exactly 20 missed calls, and ten messages, all of them lined with a threatening, "I'm going home", which he never did, and a finally, a "Come here soon…"
A final text message for the day beeped onto her phone, she smiled as she read the contents.
Next time if you get late I'm going home.-_-
So there was going to be a next time.