Chapter 10 wave part 3

Hello everyone I'm back and with somewhat have some ideas so ya I will start and sorry it took so long I have school to worry about and all that shit and also I would recommend to you all the Shinigami huntsmen it pretty cool if you ask me now let's get this show on the road

I don't own Naruto

Standing in the air overlooking the poor country of wave with a sad look was Naruto; he flew over to a mansion filled with thugs and men.

"every time I look at that pig or anything related to him I feel like gorging out his eyes and shoving them up his ass and then cutting off his dick and make him eat it and then blow him to bits with a mouth full of explosive tags." A voice said behind Naruto.

"you know that might not work you know" Naruto said nonchalantly

"Now why do you say that do you think I don't haves the balls to do it?" the voice said walking towards Naruto "because if you don't believe men then watch me do it to him"

"It's not that I don't think you can't do it, it's just makes me question if the fat ugly mole midget even has a dick" Naruto said turning to the voice behind him.

There stood a boy the same age as Naruto with a black hood obscuring his top face and the bottom of his face was covered by a face mask with a fang like pattern on it and like Naruto he had a shoulder plate but on both shoulder and with the kanji for shadow on the left arm and the yin-yang symbol on the right shoulder and had trench coat that covered him. At the back of his waist was a short sword with a black hilt.

"So how long has it been Naruto since I found you sitting there at the top of the ruins of your ancestor like a ghost" the hooded figure said as he looked at Naruto

"7 years to be exact and Kage we both know what I am and what you are" Naruto said

"Ya I know what you are and what I am and lets just leave it at that and what are you doing here you normally stay in Uzu and only come out when someone wants your help and you deem them worthy" Kage said of handedly while leaned back on air?

"Kage I think you are becoming blind because there are thousands of pleads for here and why haven't you I don't know do something about it" Naruto said to the strange being.

"I have been away for some time and went and looked around you know me never one to stay in one place for long after all I have places to be and things to do and people to meet." Kage said off handedly.

"Now where was this place" Naruto asked interested in where his friend was

"Some place far from here and where you don't need to know." Kage said as he walked to where his friend was looking to "Now why don't we just kill him"

"this country must stand on their feet first and if they don't someone can just stroll in the country again and take over and they will be back at square one" Naruto said as he stared at Gato laugh as he read a report from one of his thugs about how he beat down one of the orphans in the village.

"So you're going to start the usual like you did in Kiri and start a ruckus and get the people riled up" Kage said off handedly board.

Naruto just nodded

"You know this won't be easy the people are already giving up and the only reason they all haven't let go of hope is because the bridge builder went to Konoha to get ninja most likely genin with the cash he has right now" Kage said as he gazed at the village looking at something no one else.

"You should have seen it before here the light in the village was barely visible until I rekindle it a little by setting free those women." Naruto said as he looked to his friend.

"Well then why don't we just light that little fire of hope they still have and make it burn bright as the sun" Kage said as he gave the red head a smirk

Naruto smirked back and nodded knowing what their friend was thinking.

With that they both vanished in to the wind going to bring a big ass migraine to Gato

With team seven and kushina

On the road they had no trouble so far besides the demon brothers "Kakashi-sensei who was Naruko's brother" Sakura asked


Every comically tripped except for Sakura and Tazuna

"HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU A NINJA AND NOT KNOW ABOUT NARUTO UZUMAKI" everyone screamed at Sakura while tazuna walked back a little away from everyone but still listened

"Well I only heard of him when Naruko mentioned her brother and from Kakashi-sensei's explanation" Sakura said shyly

"Okay for starters he is my older brother, he was a ANBU captain at the age of 7 which means he would be 16 teen now and probably be the Hokage and the strongest in history and I would be his student since I have been under his wing since I was 4 and note he was already bordering above sanin level when he was 7 so I wouldn't be surprised if he was hokage right if he was alive." Naruko said to Sakura looked like she had discovered something

"Wait then what happened to him then if he was around sanin level at that age" Sakura asked

Everyone face palmed

"HE DIED YOU IDIOT he died fighting Orochimaru and the edo tensiens how the fuck do you not know this, this was told to us when we went over the bingo book in class god if you miss that then what else have you missed." Naruko said

Sakura looked sheepish and thought on what she was doing during that time


'O sasuke-kun you look so handsome while brooding' sakura said drowning out everything as she stared at sasuke who was stareing at a picture of Itachi.

R-rated thoughts


"I was occupied by other thoughts" Sakura said sheepishly

"Other thoughts my ass you were staring at sasuke brooding at the picture of Itachi weren't you" Naruko said as she walked on with the team

Sakura held her head down as they all walked to wave not knowing what the strangest sight they would walk into


"Ready Naruto for 'operation old man beats thugs' and make Gato piss" Kage said as he put on an old cloak concealing his figure and put on a gray wing and grab a cane for old people.

"so how do I look" Kage said putting on an old pair of glasses and speaking in old man voice

"You like an old man way past his prime which you are" Naruto said as he looked at his friend

"That's the point jackass now watch me do my magic and show these whippersnappers to respect their elders" Kage said as he walked to 4 thugs walking down the street.

"Hey you young whippersnappers what are you doing strutting down the middle of the street like a retard didn't your parents teach you to walk on the right side of the rode and not to ware stupid masks on your face." Kage spoke in his old man voice leaning on his cane and walked to the thugs who looked at the old man as if he grew a second head.

"Hey old man shut the fuck up or we will beat you" said one of the thugs who started to pull out his club

"ha you young whippersnappers beat me not in a million years and back in my day you youngsters knew not to mess with people that could your bottom black and blue an- o wait you're not wareing a mask now that's a face that not even a mother could love I wonder If you were dropped on your heads" Kage said to the thugs looking bored

"Why you stupid old ma-" one of the thugs was about to say until he received a cane to the foot.

"now hold it there I am not stupid crazy maybe but hey I'm an old man pass his prime but not stupid in fact you are stupid and try to prove me wrong the what is the equation of the line between the points (-1,4) and (3,12) huh you young whippersnapper" Kage said as he used his cane to point at the thugs

They looked at each uther and then back to Kage

"Uh 5" they all said

"Wow you are pretty stupid its y=2x+6" Kage said as he smacked each thug on the head with the cane

"you see you take the y's of the coordinates and subtract them and do the same with the x's of the coordanates then divide the the sum of the y's and divide it by the x's sum." Kage said of handedly

"Shut it old man" said one of the thugs who charged at Kage which got him a very painful strike to the balls from the cane

"Now you see that was on you for you ran into my cane" said Kage off handedly as he smacked one of the thugs that tried to get behind him hard

"There were now there are 2" Kage said as then walked to the other thugs

"huaaaaaaaaaah OLD MAN SECRET ART A THOUSAND CANE STRIKES" Kage yelled as he swung down his cane of doom in the eyes of the thugs and bet them down getting the cheers form the people of wave watching as they looked at the old man beat down the thugs with his cane of justice

From that day on that day was known as old man day in wave for the people saw an old man beat the living shit out of the town's terrorizers with his almighty cane of justice. And that is the sight of what team seven and Kushina walked in to see an old man beating the shit out of 4 thugs

Their reaction

Kakashi, Kushina, Naruko all laughed their assess of from the sight

Tazuna cheered at the sight seeing some of their tormentors being beaten to a bloody plump

Sasuke wanted to tearn that technique

While sakura stared at sasuke thing on how hot he looked to her then the thoughts went R-rated for I will not be explaining due to it being very disgusting to me.

Well that's it and for those that are confused about the bingo book thing they were studying entries in it and also note Kage disguised himself as an old man and acted like one so like review to my story and sorry for the long wait it takes a while to make these things. BYE BYE ;P