Harry Potter Lovers

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter because if I did, Harry would be with Hermione, Ron would be with Luna, and Ginny would be with Neville. Dunno if I should add more so~onward to the story.

Chapter 1: Arrival

Harry Potter was sitting by the window in his room. His head leaned against it as he slept. In his hand is a letter from Dumbledore explaining he will collect him on Friday at eleven o'clock.

Harry looked forward to leaving Privet Drive earlier than expected. However, he only half packed. He didn't want to pack all his things only to be let down and unpack. Soon, he awoke.

He looked out the window for the tenth time. He memorized Dumbledore's letter from reading it too much, and sure it said eleven o'clock. He looked toward the corner of Privet Drive and saw a tall figure materialize from thin air. Albus Dumbledore arrived to Privet Drive.

Harry began to pack his things quickly. Dumbledore actually came to retrieve him from Privet Drive. It took a moment to find all his things from the room. Then the doorbell rang. His heart sank to his stomach. He forgot to tell the Dursleys that Dumbledore was coming tonight. Just as he left his room and down the steps, he heard his Uncle Vernon.

"WHO IS IT AT THIS TIME OF NIGHT?!" Vernon roared. Harry made it to the bottom step and saw Dumbledore standing in the doorway.

"Hello, my name is Albus Dumbledore. I'm the headmaster at Harry's school. And from the looks of it, Harry didn't inform you of my arrival." Dumbledore said. Vernon couldn't say anything. It was then Dumbledore saw Harry.

"Ah, Harry, hello."

"Hello, Professor." Harry greets back.

"Now Mr. Dursley, let's say you invited me into your home." Dumbledore entered the house. They all went into the living room. Dumbledore dragged the couch up causing the three Dursleys to sit down. He then explained about how Harry come of age at seventeen and how once the charm his mother breaks will bring dangers to them like they never imagined.

"Now Harry, do you have your stuff packed and ready to go?" Dumbledore asks.

"Er…" Harry answers.

"Quite understandable that you didn't think I would come."

"I'll…go finish up." Harry darted back upstairs and finish his packing. He toss in the lastof his things and went back downstairs with his trunk and owl, Hedwig. He saw that Dumbledore wasn't waiting in the hall, so he went back into the living room. Dumbledore was looking at the ceiling, looking amused. The Dursleys were looking very afraid at the moment.

"Ah, finish Harry? Well, then we will be off. We won't intrude on your aunt and uncle hospitalilty any longer," Dumbledore stood up and looked at the Dursleys "As I told you already, you must allow Harry to come back here only one more time for next summer. Then, and only then, will the charm break. So as long as he return here, he's safe. And now, Harry, we're off."

"Bye." Harry said to the Dursleys. Harry and Dumbledore left the house and up toward the corner.

"Right here is good Harry," Dumbledore informs. Harry stopped and set Hedwig on top of his trunk. Dumbledore pulled out his wand and waved it. Harry's Trunk and Hedwig was gone.

"I sent them to the Burrow."

"So we're going to the Burrow?" Harry asks.

"Not yet Harry, we're going to make a detour first. I believe you haven't passed your Apparaiton test yet, have you?" Harry shook his head no.

"Then take hold of my arm, Harry. The other one, this one is alittle weak to wear." Harry notice Dumbledore's hand was blackened.

"Professor, your hand..."

"Another time Harry, another time for that thrilling tale." Harry nodded and took Dumbledore's arm. Then quite suddenly, he felt a pulled behind his navel and the air around compressed itself around him as he traveled. Once he realized they landed, he opened his eyes. They were on a street that was quiet. Before he could question why were they there, Dumbledore began walking. After a few minutes, they arrived to a house. They walked up to the front door and saw that it was open. From the door way, they could tell a struggle issued.

"Wand out Harry." Dumbledore instructs, taking out his own wand.

"But I'm still underage, I can't use magic." Harry replies.

"I give you permission to use whatever spell comes to mind when the times calls for it." Harry nodded and took out his wand. They entered the house with wands at the ready. They looked around at the mess. Dumbledore walked to an upturned chair, and examined it for a moment. He then poked his wand into it which gave out a loud: "Ouch!"

"Hello Horace, how are you this fine evening?" Dumbledore greets, pleasantly. Soon a heavyset man replaced the chair.

"Fine...would be if you gave a bit of warning first." Slughorn replied.

"Harry, I would like for you to meet an old colleage of mine. His name is Horace Slughorn." Harry shook his hand. While they were there, they talked about Slughorn coming out of retirement to teach at Hogwarts again. After a ten minutes, they succeeded, They then left and Apparated to the Burrow.

"Now Harry, before we part for the time being, I have to tell you this. Over the course of this year, you will be taking private lessons with me." Dumbledore informs.

"Private lessons? With you and not Snape?" Harry asks.

"Professor Snape and yes. Now off you go. Don't want them waiting any longer."

"Bye Professor." Harry left toward the Burrow as he heard a loud crack which meant Dumbledore Apparated. Harry walked to the door and knocked. The door flew open as he was seized in to hug by Mrs. Weasley.

"Harry, glad you're alright!" Mrs. Weasley said.

"Yeah, I am." Harry replied.

"Let me get a good look at you." Mrs. Weasley stepped back to get a good look at Harry and was surprised at what she saw. Harry hair grown to more of a rebel look as it fell over his eyes. Harry could've cut it, but chose to keep it like that. He grew another two inches and from his short sleeve shirt, had muscular build. Mrs. Weasley looked at him far longer than needed too.

"Um...Mrs. Weasley." Harry said

"Wha...oh, sorry Harry dear. Come in, come in. The others are in the living room." Harry nodded his thanks and went to the living room. Once he entered he saw everyone: Mr. Weasley, Fred, George, Percy (surprisingly), Bill, Fleur, Fleur's sister Gabrielle, Charlie, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron. They saw Harry and smiled. Like Mrs. Weasley, the girls all looked at Harry far longer than intended. They broke their gazes as Ron walked up to Harry.

"Hey mate." Ron greets

"Hey, Ron. How are is everyone?" Harry replies, looking around. They all explained how their summer went as Harry sat down. From the looks of it, they don't know much of anything as he. After a few games of Exploding Snap, it was soon just Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Harry chose to tell them how he and Dumbledore persuaded a teacher to come out of retirement and how he, Harry, will be given private lessons this year.

"Thats amazing Harry!" Hermione exclaims happily.

"Lessons with Dumbledore..." Ron breathed

"Thats one more than us!"

"Yeah, gonna be better than with Snape." Harry said. They continued to chat about what Dumbledore was gonna teach him til bed. Harry had no idea how much is gonna happen over the course of the next year.

Well, there you have it. Chapter one of a story. As you will know, this is a lemon story and sorry, but this chapter have no lemon in it. Beginning with the next chapter will the lemons begin.