Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice. I do own an antique parasol.

BTW: Please send in dress ideas! I'm running low and I'm bad at describing clothing. -

Seven months. Seven months of fighting. Seven months they'd been gone.

Hundreds of men overflowed from the medical tents. Easpian officials stalked about, complaining about the terms of their surrender. And if Kitsu told just one more story about his "heroic acts upon the glorious battlefield", Natsume would "valiantly" separate the boy's head from his body.

At least they'd finally won, beaten the Easpians, and could return to the castle. The battle had been tough, especially since winter weather had come and gone, but apparently it had taken an even heavier toll on the rebels. Currently, the Hitachian army was marching back. Natsume sat astride on his horse, silent. He was on edge, as both Easpians and witches were snarling at all sides, even if one was an "ally" and the other had surrendered. His friends were all busy, having been assigned to guard groups of Easpian soldiers on the march. His father, Tsubasa, Subaru (who had been forced to join them and leave behind his fairly new bride a few months before), and Tono were all guarding the Easpian "king" Kuonji.

Kuonji gave Natsume a bad feeling, and he was secretly glad his father had not requested he help guard the glowering monarch as well. From his spot in the procession, he could just see his crowned head and how it swiveled as he constantly monitored his guards. The way he had growled out his surrender, one of his trembling servants holding the white flag, made it obvious submitting to Hitachia had not been his idea, and he had most likely been forced to by his subjects.

"Prince Natsume!" said a voice beside him: Goshima, Youichi's brother. The grin on his face was so big Natsume was afraid his face would break. "Can you believe it's finally over? Finally, I can go home!"

The young man's exultation was completely understandable as Goshima had been undercover as a spy in Easpia for several years now. His information on the enemy had been invaluable in forming battle strategies.

"I can't believe how big you've gotten! Last time I saw you, you were a little, fourteen-year-old punk! Now you're a big, eighteen-year-old punk!"

Goshima nudged his horse slightly farther away from Natsume's at the glare he received. With a resigned sigh, the prince shut his eyes, silently promising not to kill the former-spy.

"Speaking of growing up, how big has Youichi gotten?"

"It has been seven months since I've seen him but…" Natsume leaned slightly so his palm hovered about four feet above the ground.

"He must have doubled in size! Ah, I missed so much of his childhood! I'm gonna cry!"

In an unusual display of sympathy, Natsume patted the dejected fellow on the shoulder.

"Alright! I'll just make up for it by being the best brother ever from now on!"


"I'll take care of him when he's sick or sad!"


"I'll give him advice about life!"


"Thank you for your inspiring words, Prince!"


The king had decided not to send a messenger in order to make their victorious return a grand surprise. As they entered the city, soldiers who had been left behind to guard the castle took custody of the Easpians, leaving battle-weary men to join their joyful families.

Among the happy cries, Natsume inwardly winced at the mournful sobbing of families who were being informed their fathers, brothers, husbands, sons, uncles, nephews, cousins, and friends were never to return. The price of war was costly, even when you won.

As they made it to the palace, the procession had thinned down to the royal family members, several advisors and generals. Kuonji, and a handful of soldiers. Ruka, Koko, Kitsu, Mochu, Kaname, and Yuu joined Natsume and Goshima.

"I can't wait to see Sumire," sighed Koko, his grin even larger than usually.

"What a love-struck dork," snorted Mochu, stepping down from his saddle and handing his horse's reins to a stable hand. The others did the same.

"How offensive! And unnecessary! Yuu and Kitsu have ladies as well! Pick on them, too!"

"Technically speaking, Sumire hasn't said yes, Koko. Just make sure you keep that in mind," Yuu reminded gently. He tapped a passing maid on the shoulder and asked if she knew where the girls were.

"In the garden," she chirped with a bow. "I do not believe they've been informed of your return."

"Thank you so much, Yuu. I would not be able to go on without your words of encouragement. You truly how no idea how you help through times of unease," said Koko in the most monotone voice any of them had ever heard him use.

"She'll say yes," cheered Kitsu, slapping koko in the back of the head. "But I will always remind you your younger brother had a girlfriend before you."

"Let us not forget about how before we left Natsume made quite the spectacle with my little sister," mused Kaname with a glance at the prince. The royal growled.

"She's your cousin."

"We adopted her. She's my sister."

"Well, you're not the only one whose sister is being courted. Hotaru and Ruka have… I have no idea what to call it," Natsume gagged.

Ruka burned bright red and stuttered, " I-I… you… you knew?"

All the boys, even Natsume, smiled at him. Except for Goshima.

"What did I miss?"

As they enter the garden, the sweet scent of roses and lilacs engulfed them. The garden was rather large, and carefully-kept trees made parts impossible to see from one spot. With a series of groans, the boys set out on their search.

"Shut up," hissed Natsume after several minutes. "Do you hear that?"

On the wind was heard a giggle. The group edged around a pair of apple trees and saw the girls (and Youichi and Rei) playing in a pond. Misaki and Shizune were balancing on a log sticking out over the water, and each gave a joyous shriek as the log rolled slightly and they fell in. Anna and Nobara were tugging Aoi and Youichi around the pond so that they practically skidded along the surface. Bear watched from beside Sumire as she sunned herself along the bank, stretching like a content feline. Rei and Nobara floated beside each other, hands linked. In the shallows, Hotaru held her hands out as something flailing in the water gripped them like a lifeline.

"Anna!" called Kitsu, speeding towards the water-logged group. The pink-haired girl gasped, stumbled out of the water, set Youichi down gently on the bank, and finally flung herself into Kitsu's waiting arms. Nonoko did the same as her sister before hugging Yuu like she would never let go.

Almost immediately after Aoi had been set next to him, Youichi was lifted up by a smiling Goshima.

"Hi, Youichi! I don't know if you remember me, but-"

"Big Brother!" cried Youichi with a uncharacteristic squeal of joy.

"Hello, my ladies," Kaname said as Misaki and Shizune dashed over. "I do believe your husbands are in the main hall."

The two were moving as soon as the words were out of his mouth. They gave quick hugs to the returnees, but were gone in moments. Kaname went instead to join Aoi, Rei, and Nobara, who was tearfully happy.

Koko sat down next to Sumire, and the two entered into a hushed conversation. After a few words, Sumire gave a small nod. The grinning boy leapt up with a whoop, grabbed the witch by her waist, and swung her about in a wild circle, ignoring her complaints. The others made assumptions about what Sumire's reply to his courtship had been.

Hotaru pulled the floundering form to the shallows, where it stood and revealed itself to be a human. A human Natsume felt his heart stop at the sight of.

Ruka lifted the lavender-eyed princess out of the water, a sweet smile on his lips as the corner of Hotaru's lifting. In a split second, Ruka's grin rivaled Koko's, and he lifted her princess-style, as was fitting, though the prince-and-princess image may have been distorted by the punch he received to his head.

All this happened in less than a minute.

Natsume stood on the bank as the girl Hotaru had pulled in pushed her sopping braid out of her face and behind her back. Hazel eyes widened as they landed on him. Pink lips lifted into an innocent, delighted smile.

Mikan had gotten older, more mature-looking. She no longer would be mistakable as a child. Quite a few inches had been added to her height, so instead of her head coming to his shoulder when they stood on level ground, it would to just below his chin. The bones of her face had thinned out, making her features even more delicate. He also couldn't help noticing she'd gotten slightly curvier, which was rather blatant as the thin, green, knee-length dress she wore was wet and… clingy.

He leapt into the water next to her with a splash. Natsume pulled Mikan into his chest (just partially to hide her body from the others) and whispered into her ear.

"I didn't know you couldn't swim, Polka."

He kissed her before she could finish saying: "Don't call me Polka!"

Author's Notes:

Sorry (I'M SO SORRY! T-T) about the long wait. I don't know why but this chapter, mainly the beginning, was difficult to write. I couldn't decide how I wanted to phrase it, plus I've been recovering from my injuries, practicing driving for my test, starting school again (Juniors RULE!), and having to keep up with my extracurricular activities. So, once again, my apologies. Thank you so much for your encouragement. Every time I see a new review I grin like a Cheshire cat (and maybe or maybe not do a little happy dance.)