AN: Hey Everyone, so this is it, the final chapter of The Notebook (Glee Version).

Firstly, I just want to thank all of you who have read this story from the beginning to the end, I hope you enjoyed the "dramatic" journey.

Thank you to everyone who has left me a review - those really made my day.

But also thank you to those of you who didn't review because you continued to read and enjoy the tale (at least I hope you enjoyed it) and it was awesome to see that there were still people who just wanted to read the tale no matter where it went. Thank you for putting up with typos and all those "But WHY?" moments.

Thank you to everyone who favourited and/or followed this story as those also made my day.

Secondly, this chapter will be a bit like a sandwich with regards to the structure. It will start on December 24th 2073 then flashback to December 2nd 2073 before finally ending with December 24th 2073.

Thirdly, yes this chapter will be quite sad.

This chapter is a bittersweet moment for me (as it always is when it comes to writing tales) as I have enjoyed writing this (although I will not miss checking the calenders of all those years - not including 2073 - to make sure I had the days right for all the "past" entries; Lol).

Again, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU everyone for being a part of this tale; and as always I hope you will enjoy this chapter.

Kind Regards,

Dante Andy Anderson

Chapter 32:

December 24th 2073

Toni was standing on the patio of the Lake House holding an urn in her hands. She had tears in her face as she watched the sun rise that day.

"Here we are Momma, the place you have always loved, the place that you built with all of your heart with Mom," Toni said as she held the urn closer to her trying to feel the warm embrace that she knew would never come from the two women who had helped grow to be the woman she was now.

"Hey Toni," Moses said as Aaron joined them, "You sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, we're going to spread their ashes here at their lake house, they both always loved this place," Toni said.

"Why now?" Aaron asked as he wiped the tears from his face, "Why?"

"Because Momma loved Christmas and right now we're all here together, them and us and our families,"

"Why not tomorrow?"

"You know them, they'd have wanted us to do this today so that we'd enjoy more of tomorrow and appreciate the family that is still here,"

"I'd rather have them here in the flesh," Moses said, "Why'd they have to leave us so soon? They should have stayed,"

"I don't know, but at least they went together,"

"Yeah," Moses sniffed as he wiped his eyes, "That's true,"

Toni felt the supporting hands of her husband touch her shoulders, "Sweetheart we can always do this later," he said.

"No," Toni said firmly, "I promised Momma and Mom that when they both went; I would be here at sunrise to see it with them one last time, to hold them,"

Her husband nodded his head and gripped her shoulders firmly in comforting support to show that he understood as he kissed the top of her head, "They were wonderful mothers," he said.

"You didn't always think so," Toni said with a sad laugh.

"Well, I'm saving that part for the eulogy,"

Moses smirked at that as Aaron coughed to stop himself from laughing as this was a sad occasion.

"Mommy," Elias said as he ran up to his mother already dressed in his black tuxedo.

"Elias?" Toni said.

"Mommy, why did they have to go?"

"It was their time Sweetie,"

"I wanted them to stay,"

"I know, we all did but it wasn't meant to be,"

Elias looked sad as he sniffed again before saying proudly, "Look Mommy, I did what Nana would have been proud of me to do,"

"Yes, she'd be very proud that you'd honour her memory by remembering parts of our Jewish tradition,"

Elias smiled.

"I never realised your mother was completely Jewish," Toni's husband said.

"She started becoming a bit more serious as she got older but she's more both which is why we aren't having a traditional Jewish funeral for her but have aspects of it," Toni answered.

"I see,"

"Right, we better slowly get ready for this," Toni said as she wiped her tears and carried the urn back into the house remembering the day that she got the phone call.

December 2nd 2073

Bell was glad to finally be out of the hospital wing and back in her room. But she was bored from recovery. All she could do now was sleep and relax, eat, and go to the bathroom. The nurses and doctors wanted her to be over cautious in her opinion, but what could she do?

She tried to venture out, they ushered her back into her room, so she sat and she waited until she finally decided that she had enough, she had to see Lu-Lu and that determination got her up and moving. She peeked out of her room and saw no one was in the hallway so she slowly walked down the rows of rooms only to be stopped by a Nurse.

"Hello Mrs Berry-Fabray, how are you feeling?" the Nurse asked.

"Old and brittle," Bell joked.

"And where are you going Mrs Berry-Fabray?"

"I'm uh, I can't sleep so I needed to take a walk,"

"You know you shouldn't and that it's against the rules, especially since you're still recovering,"

"I know, I just hate being told to stay still, you know,"

"Aha, you weren't really going for a walk were you?"

Bell didn't say anything.

"You were going to see Ms Lu-Lu," the Nurse finished.

"Look, I just got out of the hospital and I miss her, I need to see her," Bell said finally.

"You know I can't let you do that,"


"Now Mrs Berry-Fabray you have to go back to your room, right now I'm going to get a cup of coffee in the staff room, and when I come back, you better be back in bed as I can't check on you for a while," the Nurse said to Bell as she walked off.

Bell held a puzzled look on her face as she saw that the mug on the bench was still full, then realised why the Nurse walked off.

She smiled as she snuck into Lu-Lu's room and shut the door quietly.

She walked as slowly as she could to the woman's bedside and sat down on the chair next to it.

It was one of the things she remembers doing, sitting there and watching Lu-Lu sleep. Even now in old age, Lu-Lu still held a certain beauty to her that Bell was always able to see.

Lu-Lu heard the noise and slowly opened her eyes and looked around to see Bell looking at her with a sad smile.

"Rachel?" she whispered as Bell smiled and took her hand and kissed it.

"Hey Sweetheart, you remember me?" Bell asked.

"Yes, oh sweetie what happened to you?" Lu-Lu asked as she placed her other hand on top of Bell's.

But instead of answering the question, Bell said "Quinn, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to be here for you, to read like you asked me to,"

Lu-Lu just clasped her hand tighter in Bell's grip, "I didn't know what to do, I was so afraid you'd never come back," she said to her.

"I'll always come back for you," Bell said with certainty.

The two shared a silent moment together as Bell again kissed Lu-Lu's hands.

"What's going to happen when I can't remember anything anymore?" Lu-Lu asked Bell sadly, "When I can't remember your smile, your voice, your face, or even your real name, Rachel, what are you going to do? What are you going to do when nothing will be able to bring me back again?"

"I'll still be here, I'll never leave you," Bell whispered back.

"Rachel, I couldn't even remember our children, their faces, their names, I,"

"They understand, I promise you that,"

"What did you do on days when I couldn't remember?"

"I introduced them as just my children, I would have said they were yours too, but I didn't want to shock you,"

Lu-Lu smiled sadly in agreement before asking, "I need to ask you something, it will be very selfish of me but may I ask it of you?"

"Anything Sweetheart, you know all you need to do is ask,"

Lu-Lu took a breath before saying, "Do you think that our love can create miracles?"

Bell took a moment before saying back, "Of course I do, it's what brings you back to me, each time I read to you,"

"Do you think that maybe our love can take us away together?"

"I think our love can do anything we want it to,"

Lu-Lu smiled as Bell stood up to lean over and give her a kiss on her lips.

"I love you," Lu-Lu said to Bell.

"I love you too, so much Quinn," Bell said with a smile as she slowly got into bed with Lu-Lu.

She curled up to her, like they used to. Bell's head was leaning on Lu-Lu's chest as Lu-Lu bent down to kiss her on top of her head before warping a protective arm around Bell's waist and holding the aging woman close to her. Bell's arm had softly slung itself over Lu-Lu's waist and held her close as Lu-Lu held onto her hand, Bell's other arm was under Lu-Lu's neck, caressing her hair softly.

"Goodnight Sweetie," Lu-Lu whispered.

"Goodnight," Bell whispered back, "I'll be seeing ya,"

Lu-Lu smiled as she laughed softly before the two closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep.

-page break-

The following morning Nurse Mary walked into the Ward, softly singing to herself as she went about with her daily routine.

She decided that she'd check on Lu-Lu first before going in to see how Bell was doing.

She walked into the room and stopped. Stunned.

There on the bed lay the two women close together, holding onto each other and not wanting to let the other go.

As quietly as she could she went over to the window and carefully pulled the curtains opened, "Bell? Lu-Lu? Good morning," she said as she walked up to them, "Bell? Lu-Lu?"

It took her a moment to realise that the two had both died in their sleep that night, together.

She gasped in sadness as she walked out of the room and shut the door to ring their next of kin, "Hello? May I speak with Toni McIntyre please," Nurse Mary said, "Thank you,"

As she heard Toni come to the phone and say hello to her, Nurse Mary held back her tears as she said, "Hello Toni, this is Nurse Mary from the home, I'm afraid I have some sad news for you regarding your mothers,"

December 24th 2073

"My mothers were wonderful people, they weren't perfect, they weren't always right, but they were wonderful people, loving, caring, funny, sometimes overly serious, I will miss them, so much," Toni said as she stood in front of her family, "We're here today to scatter their ashes as a family and to say our goodbyes to them,"

Everyone nodded their heads at this.

Toni's husband Andrew stood up and stood next to his wife, "Momma Q and Mom were great people, as Toni can probably tell you we didn't always all see eye to eye, mainly because I was the man who standing between Toni and happiness, I remember all the grilling each mother gave me, and the hard times because they had to be sure I was serious, Momma Q used to say to me, 'I'm a psychologist, I can see your mind,' and Mom would always say, 'I'm rich and I'm famous, if you hurt my daughter you will be the one who needs bodyguards,'"

Everyone there gave a small chuckle as Andrew continued, "But they were great Moms, they taught me love, they taught me family as I didn't really have one of my own, they blessed me by being tough with me when they felt they needed to be, and they loved me anyway when sometimes I would screw up, so Momma, Mom, this is me saying goodbye, thank you for always loving me as your son as opposed to that son-in-law,"

Everyone nodded their heads as Moses and Aaron stood up, "Momma and Mom, I will miss you, I will miss your singing, I will miss your baking, I will just miss you both, without you the man that I am today wouldn't be, without your support I could not have had the courage to open a garage and pursue my dreams no matter how small everyone else thought it was," Moses said, "Momma, Mom, I know that even if we were to live for three hundred years and you'd pass then I'd still ask you why'd you have to go so soon?"

Aaron patted his brother on the back, "Momma, Mom, I will always remember your wise words to us, your laughter, I also remember your tears, I remember everything you tried to teach me even though I could be a stubborn little boy, thank you,"

Toni was sobbing as quietly as she could by this stage. Yes, when her parents passed they did have to hold a memorial service, mainly for Bell as she was the Broadway Legend, but at least it was a good service with many friends who were fellow actors, both young and old, who came to pay their respects to Bell. The woman who was both a co-worker and for some a teacher, and a great ear and advice giver in later years. For other actors Bell was a very good friend and they had become good friends to the family also as they paid their respects to Lu-Lu and praised her for her work; which Toni was glad they did because she felt that both mothers should be honoured for their lives.

When the service was over Toni was glad to be done with it as the people filed out of the building. Now she could do as her parents had wished and scatter their ashes at the lake house in peace and quiet.

When Aaron was done talking, Elias soon stood up and said a few words, "My grandmas were awesome and I wish they could stay here, but God called them home, I will miss them,"

And with that the little boy burst into tears as his father scooped him fighting his own tears.

As they waited for everyone else in the family to finish saying their goodbyes, Moses and Aaron soon looked at their older sister as they stood with their families.

"We should let them go now," Moses said as he placed a soft hand on Toni's, "Will you do the honours?"

Toni looked down at the urn that contained the ashes of both of her parents. As per request in their Will, they were cremated and put together in the same urn so they were never to be apart again. She gripped onto the urn tighter, she couldn't do this. She couldn't let them go just yet.

"Toni?" Andrew asked as he stood up next to her.

Toni just cried as she walked over to the lake side and started scattering the ashes, "Goodbye Momma, Goodbye Mom, I love you both," she said.

And as Toni finished spreading the ashes of her departed mothers she swore she could hear their youthful laughter again.

'Rachel, it's that way,' Quinn's voice was heard laughing and echoing.

'It's beautiful Quinn,' Rachel's voice was also heard laughing and echoing.

"Toni?" Andrew asked as Toni looked at him.

"I thought, I thought I heard them, one last time," Toni answered realising that no one else had heard her parents voices.

Andrew just smiled as he put one arm around her and kissed her temples as Elias was still in his other arm, staring quietly over the water that was slowly freezing over.

The family of three watched, with the rest of their family behind them, as the ashes blew away in the cold air and slowly disappeared - realising and remembering that just like dust in the wind life could just blow by, you never knew where it'd go and how it'd flow but in the end as long as it was lived and lived well with love then everything would eventually come right.

Life was a journey, it had a start, it had a middle, and it has an end. And as Toni watched as the end had come for her mothers, she gripped her husband's hand tightly, saying to him in that moment with just that silent gesture, 'I love you and I will always be with you,'

Andrew had returned that silent gesture by squeezing her hand back tightly, saying in that silence to her, 'I love you too and I will always be with you,'

Elias looked at his parents as he looked over the water before looking over to the horizon, he finally stopped his tears for that quick moment as he waved his small hand in the direction that the wind was going as he said, "Bye Nana, bye Gran, I'll be seeing ya,"

The End.