Chapter 1: A Night sister is born

Disclaimer: I don't own star wars only the plot and Chui Cha are my own the rest belongs to George Lucus and I guess Disney now.

Dathomier was a cold and foreboding place it was not just because the sun in its system was not strong enough to win its ongoing war against the oncoming dark. But also because it was home to the night sisters a group of powerful dark side witches that where cold, manipulative and hated all but their own. Founded by fallen female Jedi they were the high class of the planet and the men were their slaves. It was here Ahsoka found herself after she had crashed it was here she was captured and it was here that her destiny took a darker turn. She had crashed on Dathomire after her frigate was attacked on a routine supply mission and the hyper drive was engaged she was the only one to survive the crash al the clones died either from the battle or from the impact. If there were any survivors they were sure to of perished when the frigate core blew destroying Ahsoka' only hope of getting help.

She had been hurt in the crash not to badly but enough to cause her trouble as sbe couldn't move her left arm or her right leg she limped to find a safe place to stay for the night. I t was then that a group of seven Nightsisters surrounded her weapons raised Ahsoka expected death but instead at the last minute they took her in feed her and gave her something to drink. Ahsoka waited for republic rescue despite the night sister telling her they wouldn't come and after four months of waiting she final gave up.

Two months later

Ahsoka walked up the stairs to the Nighsister temple. She was wearing simple black robes which consisted of a black tunic, black cloth trousers, black high heel boots a black cape with a hood the hood was up over Ahsoka's head. It had been six months since Ahsoka crashed on dathomier and the nightsister had took her in and healed her and it had been two months since Ahsoka gave up on republic help and committed more to the training she was given. Now today was her day of initiation, the day she cast off her old life and began a new one as a Nightsister, the only people she felt had not abandoned her. Even her old foe Ventress had helped her in her training although it was just for the pure pleasure of causing Ahsoka pain at first, but then Ventress warmed up to Ahsoka and they became close.

Once she reached the temple she walked into the initiation room. The temple was carved from the inside of a dead volcano which the full moon hit perfectly every time it shone. The initiation room was barely lit by a series of flame torches on the wall they burned with an unnatural green flame. In the centre of the room was a large drawn circle on the floor with in the circle there was a star. The circle was light by the ski light which lead up to the sky and the full moon. Around this knelt about a dozen Nightsisters all chanting as Ahsoka walked up to the circle.

"Ahsoka Tano do you pledge yourself to the Nightsister and our cause. To destroying our enemies whoever that may be. If you do and speak it and enter the circle" Mother Talzen said, she was standing at the head of the circle. She gave you the feeling she wasn't really there yet she was her knowledge of the dark side was unmatched by anyone as was her power.

"I do" Ahsoka said as she stepped into the circle *now it begins* she thought.

"So be it" Talzan said as she began to chant along with the rest of the room. As they chanted a green mist appeared and engulfed Ahsoka, she could feel the power coursing through her body and it made her smile cruelly. As the mist continued to work Ashoka's appearance began to alter; her blue eyes changed colour to a very dark blue almost black, her teeth sharpened, her white markings turned red and her horns began to grow and enlarge. Her soul also transformed it and been changed from a pure and innocent soul to a dark and twisted one and Ahsoka reviled in it she was free from the morals of the Jedi and free to do what she pleased. Free to take control of the lives of men and free to rain terror on all those that had abandoned her.

As the mist began to bond with Ashoka, Talzin watched in surprise she had never seen someone react as powerfully as Ahsoka did to the mist. The mist had done something she hadn't counted on it had unlocked some of Ahsoka's keen predator senses. It had also unlocked more of her raw force power. After about five minutes the mist vanished to reveal a kneeling Ahsoka with a Dark smile on her face. "What do you feel sister?" Talzan asked.

"Anger, hatred, selfishness, Power" Ahsoka replied her voice had changed it was quieter and full of malice it was almost like a growl when she said certain words.

"Good, then raise My child, our new Nightsister" Talzan said as she began to laugh evilly Ahsoka joined in and so did the rest of the room the combined laughter was so loud it echoed round the temple and out of the skyline.

AN: So what do you think? I've done another story where one of the main characters turns evil but that was for Harry Potter. It's on my profile and it's called Dark princess if you're interested. Anyway please review.