Dear Diary,

Umm... I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to write here. The Author said that I should talk about, um, this experiment I guess? So, yeah, it's really weird and I have to say kinda disturbing. I'm just dropped here and expected to go along with everything and try to fit in. But somehow it's not as scary as I thought it'd be. So I guess I should take about my impression of Peach Creek.

Most of the kids are friendly enough I guess. Well, I take that back. There are these three girls, the Kanker sisters they call them, scare me crap-less. They just seem so malicious and incredible tough. It turns out I'm not the only one who feels that way. Everyone and I mean everyone is afraid of the Kankers, especially Ed. He calls them demon for crying out loud.

The rest of the kids are okay though. Nazz is sweet and really friendly, she seems to genuinely want to be friends with me. I didn't have a chance to interact much with Rolf and Johnny yet but they seem alright. A little strange but alright. Sarah scares me a little, but her and Jimmy seem like okay kids too. And then there's Kevin... Okay diary, this stays between me and you, but I have to admit... I have a total and absolute crush on Kevin. Ugh, I turn into a drooling idiot around him. Kevin is just so cool and good looking and the nicest guy ever. Kinda. I mean he's really nice to me and the others but there are three kids he doesn't seem to have of a tolerance for. The Eds; three kids coincidentally with the same first name.

Ed is the tallest and probably the strongest of all the kids here and even though he seems a little...slow, he's also a real sweetheart.

Edd, or Double D as everyone seems to call him, is really sweet as well totally smart. And I don't mean just good grades smart. He's like super genius smart he has to be the smartest guy in the world!

And then there's Eddy. He isn't bad per se, just... kinda intense which Kevin seems to find annoying. As a matter of fact. Kevin was weirdly angered by all three of the Eds.

Anyhow; my first day here was pretty alright. Nazz roped me into this roller skating party and like a dummy I went to impress Kevin knowing full well that I couldn't skate, but the Eds saved my butt with these AMAZING rockets skates Double D invented. Everything went cool until the Kanker sisters showed up then everything went haywire. Everything work out though, even though the kids were about to riot trying to get their money back from Eddy, which Double D forced him to give back. But you know what really impressed everyone? The mini peach pastries that I baked. I forgot what they were called but maybe I'll copy down the recipe here.

Um, I guess that's all I have to say for now, but I think that Peach Creek will be


A/N- Woo! I hereby declare this story finished! But fear not readers, I'm working on the first of many sequels to Jackies adventures in Peach Creek which will have the same kinda humor that the show had. The next one lined up is called School Store Wars and should be up soon so be sure to look for it.