Two years, 4 months, and 12 days later

Buffy sighed softly as her hands went to her back to knead at the sore lower area, near her tailbone. After a few moments, she moved her hands, and brushed the long hair from her face with some mild irritation. Glancing at the clock, she watched the second hand tick around quickly, and the minute hand click around slower. Seven minutes, she thought, as her hands dropped to her rounded belly.

Will looked over at her from his music sheets, and cocked an eyebrow at her. Buffy merely shook her head, and he nodded, before looking back down to his music. His pen tapped against the table quickly, as his feet bounced against the floor in a fast beat. Before him, the words and notes blurred together, and he glanced back again. She still shook her head at him, so he looked back to the paper.

After another minute, he heard her groan softly, and Will looked back sharply, his head snapping around to look at her. In an instant he was beside her, one hand on her lower back, the other gripped in her hand. He glanced at the clock. Eight minutes, he thought.

He watched the second hand, and after a full minute and 20 seconds had passed, he felt the pressure on his hand ease up. He noted the time and leaned over to place a kiss on her forehead. She looked up at him, and offered him a tired smile, before resting her head against his chest.

"I'm tired, Will."

"I know, baby. I know." He shifted his head down, and kissed the top of her head. Will glanced back at the clock. Two minutes, he thought. His eyes nervously looked down at the small woman curled up in his arms, his wife, and the mother of his unborn child. His nerves were frayed with worry. It had been hours now, but the contractions refused to even out, and Buffy hadn't slept in nearly 18 hours as it was.

"Love, let's go lay down, and at least close our eyes, alright? It's going to be a long night at this rate, and you need your sleep." He glanced back at the clock. Three minutes, he thought.

Buffy simply nodded her tired head against Will. He stood up slowly, and helped his wife to her feet. He escorted her down the hall of their new home, and into their bedroom. She sat heavily on the bed, and looked up at him just as another pain came over her. Will glanced quickly at the clock in the bedroom, and thought with a bit of giddiness that it had only been four minutes that time. Four minutes. Two more like that, and it would be time to call the doctor, he thought. She gripped at his proffered hand tightly, and bit down on her lip through the pain, allowing only the smallest of squeaks to emerge.

Three hours, and 19 minutes later

"Come on, baby. Just breath. It's almost over, I swear." Will's voice was soft as he whispered against her sweat soaked hair.

"It hurts, Will."

"I know, baby. I know."

One hour, and 38 minutes later

"I need you to move, please. She needs help, and I can't give it with you standing there, William." A gentle voice said behind him, as a hand lay on his shoulder. In front of him, Buffy was laying on the hospital bed, her face pale, her eyes were scrunched shut, and silent tears dripping from the corners.

"I… do I have to leave her?" He turned and looked at the doctor with a hopeful expression.

"I'm afraid you can't stay right there, but yes, you can stay. I just need you to go stand over there while I get her ready."

Will nodded and turned back to look at Buffy. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before walking reluctantly away from his love.

The doctor and several nurses filled in the space he had occupied; before a needle was shot into the IV she wore. Her eyes opened tiredly to look up at Will. As she looked at him, a small tight smile appeared on her lips, and she mouthed the phrase, 'I love you'. He offered her an encouraging smile, and did mouthed the same words back to her. A moment later, she was unconscious.

One hour, and 26 minutes later

Will emerged from the long pale hallway into the small waiting room, where his family and Buffy's waited, along with several friends. They all stood quickly, and looked at him expectantly.

"It's a girl…. And a boy. Buffy's asleep still. They kept her out so she could rest." His words shook as he talked to them, the emotions of the past day catching up with him. Family and friends surrounded him, hands patted his back, and words of congratulations were given to him, but his thoughts lie with the woman sleeping down the hall, and the twins they hadn't expected. One child, certainly. Not two. After a few minutes, he extracted himself, and made his way down to the nursery, where his twins, HIS twins, were being bathed.

One boy. One girl. His. Hers. Theirs.

Two days, four hours, and 50 minutes later

"Sebastian William and Julia Elizabeth, welcome home." Buffy's voice was soft as she cradled the two newborns to her chest. She was lying across the bed she shared with Will, who was currently helping to oversee the adding of items to the nursery. "I love you both."

AN: This is –the- end. I don't know what compelled me to add to it, but I figured adding on to their lives might not be a horrible thing, and to show that they indeed married, and now have a family of their own.

Thank you SOO much for enjoying this story that I spun out.