Hello to all readers! This is my first attempt at a Fast and Furious fiction, so I really hope I can preserve the personality of the character's even though the plot is totally unrelated to the films.

"Wild Hearts" will mainly focus on Mia and Brian but other characters will make appearances and Dom and Letty's relationship will also get plenty of attention.

This was her third twelve-hour shift in the last four days but Mia Toretto refused to admit defeat. Even though she could barely manage to keep her eyes open and her legs were starting to feel like jelly, she knew she had to solider through the rest of the week. It was now Thursday and the freedom of Saturday was so close, she could almost taste it.

She took in the surroundings of the locker room and upon realization that it was indeed deserted, she quickly changed into her scrubs. Having been a student nurse for the last six months, she knew that the other nurses and doctors were comfortable being around naked bodies all the time but that confidence did not apply to her.

At twenty-four years of age, Mia still had a hard time looking at herself in the mirror. The dark circles under her eyes had become a permanent fixture over the years but it was her stretch marks and the tiny amount of extra weight she carried on her stomach that made her most vulnerable.

Between college, her placement at the hospital, working at her family's restaurant and auto shop, and making dinner every night, she never had time to concentrate much on her appearance. She never felt as beautiful as people told her she was.

Quickly tying her hair into a messy bun, she was just about to put her bag away when she heard the sound of her ringtone. She had to empty its entire contents before she found the small device that her brother insisted she carry everywhere.

"Hello?" she answered, her heart immediately soaring upon hearing the reply of the one person who could always make her happy.

She listened on as he excitedly told her an animated story on the other end of the line and finished the brief conversation with an "I love you." Love and adoration was truly the only way she could describe how she felt about him.


This was it. He was literally minutes away from making his dream a reality and Brian O'Conner could not be happier. He had the idea of opening a nightclub in New York City in the back of his mind ever since leaving behind Los Angeles over a decade ago but he had never imagined it would take so long.

He had practically run from the place he had called home the minute he turned eighteen, and now at twenty-eight he was finally beginning to believe that he was capable of doing anything his father deemed he couldn't.

It had been difficult at first. He had to say goodbye to childhood friends and spent more time than he'd like to remember living in his car. Eating three meals a day was a luxury at the time, and he had to work multiple odd jobs all at once just so he could escape the negativity that his family caused in his life.

He had some regrets for not keeping in touch with certain people, but for the most part, Brian never looked back. Being out of that house was a blessing and he had no intentions of ever visiting the man who put in more effort to insults than parenting.


"Nurse Mia Toretto to room 234. Toretto to room 234."

Mia heard the blaring of the intercom just as she exited a cubicle in the emergency room and let out a yawn as she then walked to the elevator. It was now nearly 5am and her posture resembled more of a zombie than a young, capable nurse.

She made a mental note to take a bubble bath the second she got home and promised herself to never again take her free time for granted. The downside of working at one of the largest hospitals in Los Angeles was the amount of patients she had to treat in a night. It was almost impossible to have a good bedside manner when encountering people who complained of a common cold or who required stitches because of bar fights. Regardless, she tried her best to maintain her kind nature.

She entered the room that called for her assistance, and stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing the patient in question.

"Mrs. O'Conner?" Mia said, the shock evident in her voice as she saw the familiar older woman. She then looked to the man standing by the bedside and frowned. "Is everything okay?"

The O'Conner family lived across the street from the Toretto's and although Mia's interactions with the couple were limited, she and Dom had once been good friends with their son Brian.

John O'Conner shook his head. "The cancer has spread. She was having a difficult time sleeping so I brought her here just to be safe."

"Of course," Mia nodded. "Let me take a look at her chart and see if the doctor can prescribe something." She turned to Grace. "I am so sorry Mrs. O'Conner. I can't imagine what you're going through."

Grace smiled appreciatively. She was proud of everything Mia had achieved despite the series of unfortunate events that had occurred in the girl's life. "That's okay dear. We only asked for you because we need to get in touch in Brian. Do you have any idea how to contact him?"

Mia was a bit taken aback by her request. Truthfully, she hadn't seen or heard from Brian in ten years. She had missed his presence when he initially left, but his place in her life left like a lifetime ago. So much had happened since the last time she looked into those majestic blue eyes.

"Mia?" John waves a hand in front of her, as if attempting to break her trance.

She shook off her thoughts and faced the couple once more. Her wish was that she was able to provide them with the information that they desired. "Unfortunately, I have no idea where Brian is and I know Dom, Letty, and Leon don't either."

Grace looked down at her hands, as if she was beginning to give up hope. John too stared at the ground until a thought came to mind. "Well, I know this is a lot to ask but what about Vince?"

And just like that, with the mention of a name, Mia's entire composure changed. She would rather walk on broken glass or be eaten alive by a dog before having to talk to brother's former best friend but she understood the direness of the situation and didn't have the heart to refuse the O'Conner's in their time of need. "I'll make a call."

She gave them one last look before walking out of the room before they saw a lone tear escape the corner of her eye. There was no way she could speak to the man who nearly ruined her life but she would ask Leon or Jesse to do it. After all, they were the only ones who stood on neutral territory.


"Brian O'Conner, Tej Parker, and Roman Pearce," a man exclaimed as he reached out for handshakes. "How does it feel to be so close to obtaining the rights for this amazing venue?"

Rome laughed. "Better than you can ever imagine."

Brian nodded in his friend's direction. "Ditto."

"Well the realtor should be here any minute, so I hope I can have your patience for just a little longer…"

"Well we waited this long," Tej interrupted. "Don't sweat it."

The four men then began a conversation regarding music and the vision they had for this place when Brian's cellphone started ringing. He took it out of his pocket and frowned when he saw a Los Angeles area code on the call display. Aside from randomly running into Vince years ago while in Miami, Brian hadn't been in contact with anymore from home. He looked up from the phone and apologized. "Sorry, I have to take this."

They all nodded as he walked outside, the morning breeze instantly hitting his face. "Hello?"

"Don't hang up," was the first thing he heard from the person on the other end. It only took him a second to recognize the voice of his father. "I wouldn't be calling if this wasn't important."

Although Brian wanted nothing more than to smash the phone into the ground and forget anything ever happened, even he could sense that something was wrong. "You got thirty seconds to explain."

After a brief pause, he heard John's voice again. "Your mother has cancer and the doctors are not sure she can fight it this time. It would be nice if you could come home and spend the last days of her life not being such a selfish jackass."

And just like that, Brian's hopes and dreams for the future were once again crushed by the words of his father.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the first chapter. I know it seems like a slow build, but I promise that plenty of surprises await. I will try to have the next chapter up sometime tomorrow. Please let me know what you think :)