Author's Note: Here we are finally! This is the sequel to A Game of Trust if you are coming across this for the first time. Please read that one first. If you are returning from reading my first Avengers fan fiction, welcome back! I'm so excited! I've been working hard and have some great things planned for this sequel. I am going to try to spread this one out a little longer because I'm going to be extra busy this summer with more hours at work plus just doing summer things that involve not being glued to my computer. But I promise not to go more than a week without posting a chapter.

My best friend created an account (blackinkonbluelines) so please check her out! She just started posting a Bucky fiction that is fantastic! (I have read the whole thing, and love it!)

Part One: Home

Prologue – May 8, 2012

"The Tolvar girl is headed to Portland with the super soldier," the man said into the phone, pacing his office. "She told me about it, about how she was searching for something her parents were researching. She has no idea I'm the one who had her serum stolen. She doesn't suspect a thing. We're not the only ones after their work though. We need to be careful. The sniper almost took her out. Too bad he didn't hit the super soldier instead. We've taken care of him though." He listened to the voice on the other line. "Yes, yes, I've got men following them to Oregon. Anything they get their hands on, I'll deliver personally to Grindavik headquarters." He fell silent again, listening to his instructions.

He looked out his office window, watching a murder of crows fight over a discarded bag of French fries in the parking lot below. "Understood. The Adaptoid will be ready in time. The girl has her parents' smarts. She'll deliver under the right pressure, and I think I know just what her pressure point is." He listened for a moment. "Yes, sir, I have the final element needed. I'll have it overnighted." He reached out to stroke the broken off handle of a staff as he listened to further instruction. A blue energy glowed at the top end of the staff. "I'll see to it right away." He hung up before dialing another number.

"I have a job for you," he told the man on the other line. "Get Jacobs and meet me at my office in ten. I'll give you the details." He hung up, setting his phone on his desk before shuffling around in the drawers for the right papers. He pulled out a detailed profile for Aspen Tolvar and for Steve Rogers, setting them on the desk. Each had a picture of the target on the front. He smiled to himself. When he'd first met Aspen, he hadn't been sure how to get to her, but after seeing her around the soldier out of his time, he knew just the way to get her to bend to his will. Threaten the soldier, and she would do whatever he wished of her. He'd watched the footage his men had taken of the battle. He'd seen the solider save her and her reaction when she'd thought him hurt. He tapped his fingers together. Having Captain America would be perfect ammo against SHIELD.

Jacobs and Randal tapped on his door ten minutes later. He called them in, and they stood before his desk looking imposing in their tailored suits and dark shades. "I have a job for you," he said, standing. He flipped the files around so that Jacobs and Randal could see the photos. "See these two? You're to follow them to Portland. They're looking for the Tolvar research. That's Ava and Gregor's daughter. Let them follow the clues then bring them in when they have the research. I need them alive, but you can rough up the solider if need be. He's not going to come easily. Don't underestimate the girl. She's SHIELD. I need any research, anything they find. It's vital that we complete the formula in time."

Jacobs and Randal nodded. He tapped the files into a folder and handed it over. "This requires discretion. Blend in. Don't give them any reason to suspect you. They're on the 10:15 flight on Friday." The two agents nodded again and left without a word.

He tapped his fingertips on the desk. If everything went according to plan, the rest of the Tolvars' research would be in his hands within a week. He had been informed that Ava Tolvar was cooperating more since he'd forced her to call her daughter. Once the serum was complete, once he got his hands on all of their research, then they could finally complete the Adaptoid. He flexed his arms, a familiar pain flaring up. Gritting his teeth, he reached into his desk and pulled out a syringe. He was nearly out of the serum, and it was becoming less and less effective. He rolled up his sleeve, trying to ignore the violent red rash that stretched from his wrist to his inner elbow. Inserting the needle, he hissed as the serum entered his bloodstream. As soon as he had the Tolvar's serum, he would be able to cure himself. Until then his days were numbered.