Diaboromon claimed the omnitrix as Davis surrender it and all Davis could do was watch in shame for himself and horror for what Diaboromon could do as he placed it on his wrist and the omnitrix expanded to the size of Diaboromon's wrist.
"Finally after all this time the omnitrix is mine." Diaboromon said.
"Not for long." Mastertyrannomon said. "You claimed you no longer desire the omnitrix. You just wanted to defeat Davis Motomiya.
"Oh did I say that?" Diaboromon said. He wanted the omnitrix from the start.
"You lied to Alboin to claim the omnitrix." Davis said.
"Yes, now how do you claim to stop me Motomiya." Diaboromon said. "I have the omnitrix, and what do you have?"
"He's got friends." They looked to the sky and saw Tai on a jet pack with a blaster blasting at the ground taking out the robots.
"Tai how did he know we were here?" T.K. said.
"I made a call." Davis said as he tried to get the others untied.
"Are the others here?" Kari said.
"No just Tai." Davis said as they got free.
"Hey Kari now would be the time for a teleportation spell." Tai said as he flew down to them.
Kari formed pink smoke around all five of them and was lifted into the air carrying them away and Diaboromon watched as they left. He then noticed Mastertyrannomon as he pushed through his robots.
"Hand over the omnitrix Diaboromon. I can use the data change and become a mega like you." Mastertyrannomon said.
"I think not." Diaboromon said. "You see I set my Datatrons to be in sequence with the omnitrix and I can do this." He used the watch and all his Datatrons transformed.
All the Datatrons became Tyrannomon as they surrounded Mastertyrannomon. He used his claws and sliced right through them.
"Fight all you want it is pointless." Diaboromon said. Mastertyrannomon jumped up over the Tyrannomon.
"Hyper Heat Blast."
He showered flames from his whole body that rained down on all the Tyrannomon and he slammed down on some with a body slam leaving a giant crater. When he got up more were coming down until they got a hold of him of him and he was forced to change back to Alboin.
"Now I can take over the entire planet." Diaboromon said.
Tai's R.V.
Tai was driving his R.V. and they all just watched what happened, but Davis wasn't so happy.
"How are we seeing this?" Kari said.
"Spy drones, set them up before we left." Tai said.
"Where are we going?" Zane said.
"Away from Diaboromon, until we come up with something to stop him, but right now there's nothing we can do." Tai said.
"There has to be something." T.K. said.
"What's the plan Motomiya?" Zane said.
"Haven't you been listening? It's hopeless." Davis said.
"That doesn't sound like you Davis." Kari said.
"It's never hopeless." T.K. said.
"Don't you get it? It is. I lost the omnitrix our only chance against Diaboromon." Davis said.
"But we still got your great personality." Zane said.
"Stop this thing Tai." Davis said. "Stop it!" When Tai pulled Davis ran out in the rain.
"Davis come back." Kari said.
"Let him go Kari." Tai said. "He's upset because he lost the omnitrix, he feels helpless. He needs to be alone for a while."
"Tai that's the last thing he needs." Kari said. Davis sat out in the rain upset about everything that's happened and now thinks he can't do a thing. Kari came over using a force field to cover from the rain.
"Leave me alone." Davis said.
"Davis don't be upset, there's still a chance." Kari said. "How many times have you became a digimon?"
"I don't know; lots." Davis said.
"And how many times has it failed?" Kari said.
"It almost never worked right. What's your point?" Davis said.
"It's not the tool, it's the man." Kari said.
"If you're talking about the most powerful item ever, it's the tool." Davis said.
"I know you'll come to your senses." Kari said. "The world is counting on you, needs you. I need you." She gave him a kiss before leaving him alone. Davis knew she was right, but didn't know what to do.
"Azmar help me!" Davis shouted to the sky. "Please. Just so I can help them." Azmar appeared up in a tree.
"You are quite the fool." Azmar said gaining his attention.
"Azmar I don't know what to do." Davis said. "I haven't felt this bad since I found out the omnitrix wasn't meant for me."
"Yes it was meant to be sent for Tai, but upon entering your planet the pod it was in malfunctioned and you were the one that found it." Azmar said. "However you made better use for it than I thought most humans would."
"But now Diaboromon has it. I don't know how to stop him." Davis said.
"It's not quite easy to win without the omnitrix is it?" Azmar said and that gave Davis an idea.
"No it isn't." Davis said smiling and Azmar knew he could win as they looked to the sky.
"Lovely weather on this world." Azmar said. The others were trying to figure out how to stop Diaboromon.
"A squadron of plumbers is on their way, but it will take them about a week to get here." Tai said.
"A week!? We can't wait that long, there won't be anything left to save." Zane said.
"I have a better idea." Davis said as he came in.
Diaboromon's Ship
Diaboromon was in his ship floating over Earth as Alboin was restraint and Diaboromon felt victory close at hand.
"Finally after all this time I shall claim Earth." Diaboromon said. Then a bright flash came behind him.
"Not quite yet." He turned around and faced Davis and the others.
"You juvenile humans don't know when to quit." Diaboromon said.
"Juvenile? I'm going to be 18 next week." Zane said.
"You're birthday's coming up and you didn't say anything?" T.K. said.
"No big deal." Zane said.
"It doesn't matter. None of you will live to see the next day." Diaboromon said and his Datatrons came out on both ends of the ships. "I have all your digimon powers." He used the omnitrix.
"Actually Diaboromon I'm going to give you the chance to surrender." Davis said.
"You make a joke, humans are strange." Diaboromon said.
"Think again." Davis said. "Omnitrix code 0000."
"Code accepted." The omnitrix said.
"What are you doing?" Diaboromon said.
"Set self-destruct for 30 seconds." Davis said.
"Self-destruct initiated." The omnitrix said.
"If the omnitrix self-destructs it will take out half of the universe." Diaboromon said.
"It would if I let it charge for a few days, but I'm going to give you less than 30 seconds." Davis said.
"You're bluffing." Diaboromon said.
"Try me." Davis said.
"3….2….1" The omnitrix said and blew up blowing Diaboromon back and Zane felt massive pain as the Datatrons lost power. Davis went to retrieve the omnitrix and saw it was fried.
"I'm gonna miss it" Davis said.
"AAAGH!" He saw Zane on his back as the others gathered around him. Then his pain was gone as he was turned back to his normal self.
"Oh that was weird." Zane said, but noticed they were all smiling. He then looked at himself and saw his own skin. "I don't believe it, I'm me again."
"A nice moment, but it's your last." Diaboromon said.
"Give it a rest Diaboromon. The omnitrix is destroyed and your Datatrons have no power." Davis said.
"True, but I still do." Diaboromon said as he was about to strike him, but was blocked by Zane covered in metal.
"Guess who's got his powers back." Zane said. T.K. knocked over a row of Datatrons having one's head fall off, ricochet off the floor hitting Diaboromon and gave Zane the chance to pound him against the controls.
"No!" Diaboromon said placing his claws on the controls. "I will not lose to you children. Not again." He set the controls and smashed them.
"What did you do?" Tai said.
"This ship is locked to crash land into your home town." Diaboromon said.
"So when it hits Odaiba…." Kari said.
"The explosion will take out the entire city." Zane finished.
"Maybe we can steer it away." Davis said.
"You'll have to get through me first." Diaboromon said.
"I'm good with that." Zane said.
"Me too." Tai said. As the others tried to fight off Diaboromon Davis ran over to Alboin.
"I'm going to let you go." Davis said trying to get him free. "But I'm going to need your omnitrix."
"Ultimatrix." Alboin said.
"Whatever." Davis said as he got him free.
"Why should I help you?" Alboin said.
"Ultimatrix code 0000." Davis said.
"Code accepted." The ultimatrix said.
"Wow it knows my voice." Davis said. "Self-destruct in 30 seconds."
"Self-destruct initiated." The ultimatrix said.
"You're bluffing." Alboin said.
"Ask Diaboromon if I bluff." Davis said.
"Fine." Alboin said. He was able to remove the ultimatrix and gave it to Davis and he placed it on his arm.
"Disengage self-destruct." Davis said and the self-destruct stopped. The others were knocked down until there was a green flash.
"Green omnitrix." Kari said.
"Davis?" T.K. said.
"Yeah it's me alright." Silphymon said. "Tai, Kari, T.K. you try to steer the ship away. Zane you're with me to take this guy down."
"Sweet." Zane said as the others ran to find another set of controls.
"Two of you alone can't beat me." Diaboromon said.
"Let's find out." Silphymon said.
"Static Force."
He launched the energy blast, but he deflected it. Zane jumped up at him and had his hands turn into hammers and pounded Diaboromon across the face.
"Nice I can still do that." Zane said. Tai and the others found another set of controls and tried to gain control of the ship.
"It's no use we already entered the atmosphere." T.K. said.
"We might not stop it, but we can still steer it away from Odaiba." Tai said.
"To where?" Kari said.
"The ocean, the blue part." Tai said as they tried to move the ship to the ocean. Zane was tossed into the wall by Diaboromon Silphymon jumped at him, but Diaboromon blasted him.
"None of your digimon forms can match my power." Diaboromon said.
"Maybe, but the new watch comes with some improvements." Silphymon said as he slammed down the watch on his chest.
"Silphymon digivolve to…Valkyrimon"
"Laser Javelin."
A javelin appeared in his hands and fired a laser that pushed Diaboromon back.
"What do you say Horn Head, round two?" Valkyrimon said. The ship entered Earth and crashed into the ocean with water sinking in.
"Davis we got to go." Zane said.
"You go on ahead." Valkyrimon said. Zane ran out as Diaboromon stretched his claws Valkyrimon jumped over and started flying.
"If I'm going down I'm taking you with me." Diaboromon said.
"Aurvandil's Arrow."
Valkyrimon launched an arrow that pushed Diaboromon back as water almost had the control room flooded as the ship was almost at the bottom of the ocean. Valkyrimon started to fly out, but Diaboromon stretched out his claws and grabbed him, keeping him from going anywhere. However Valkyrimon used his sword and slashed Diaboromon's claw right off and tried to get out. The others were in Kari's force field as they came up.
"Wait what about Davis?" T.K. said, but a giant explosion came from the water and they all thought Davis didn't make it until Valkyrimon came out and landed in. He turned back to Silphymon then to his old self.
"The new watch is going to take some getting use to." Davis said, but soon found himself in a group hug, even by Zane and when they noticed he pulled back.
"Uh….good to have you back Davis." Zane said.
"What happened to Diaboromon?" Kari said.
"I didn't see him get out." Davis said.
"I doubt he'll stay down. He'll be back." Tai said.
"Well when he does we'll be ready." Davis said as he was back in business with a new watch and new power.