Author's note: Well aloha, looks like it's time for an update, me being true to my word! I've been writing a little each day for inspiration, and my now fiance (Yes, he popped the question!) is encouraging me to write more, so you guys are lucky!

Side note, my Sakura cosplay is coming along quite well! My green contacts dried up so I have to order more unfortunately ;A;

DarkGlintingEmerald: Yes, I finally updated lol, I just lost all motivation to write sadly, but fear not, I am definitely back into the game :)

To my dear Guest: I hate how stories don't have a plot line and just kind of throw the characters together. I want them both to develop together as the story progresses.

VeronicaLee00: Ugh, yes, I lovvvvvvvvvvve Madara because he is just so...words cannot explain his godliness, literally, haha.

daliapv .perez: Lo siento, mi español es muy malo, pero me alegro de que estés disfrutando de mi historia! Gracias!

Chapter 6:My Girl

Wide, brilliant emerald eyes met those of ringed lavender, caught in a trance at his words. A mad smirk graced his strong, masculine face as he continued to gaze upon his treasure with fascination.

As he had stated to her, he wasn't clear on his intentions, but as days passed he had begun to appreciate her in ways more than one. Seeing the insolent swines she called teammates, touch her with such a gentle and careless manner was intolerable, his chest tightening with the very memory. Petal pink locks drifted and lapped at his jaw, intoxicating him with the floral scent, her emerald eyes on fire in the desert sun.

"I'm sorry, you're matriarch?"She asked dubiously, still trapped in his hold. The very thought of siding with her enemy made her sick to her stomach, she could barely stand to be within his suffocating presence. "You are a mad man."

"Indeed I am, my dear."He replied coolly, teleporting them without warning back to the coolness of the Kage tower, his hold reluctantly releasing the kunoichi. Her body felt heavy, back hitting the stone wall behind her, using it as support.

It was an oddly beautiful sight, he concluded, the desert sun had begun to set, cascading gracefully unto her creamy skin. Although dirt and dried tears stained her face and her hair was a disheveled mess, her fern eyes were bright and wild, making her look exotic in the orange glow of the dying day. He hadn't noticed he had somehow gravitate towards her, a mere foot away, the only thing stopping any more advancement were her delicate hands on his chest.

"Not. a step. closer Uchiha."She threatened, eyes narrowing. Yet he took the challenge, pushing his chest against her barrier which crumbled quickly, his nose a hair length away from hers.

"Or what, Sakura?"He challenged with a sly grin, placing his left arm above her shoulder for support. He could feel her erratic heartbeat even through his steel armor, he reveled in the livelihood, forgetting that it had been so long since he felt another heartbeat but his own. He closed his lavender eyes, living in the moment of euphoria in victory.

"Don't forget the position you're in.."He said lowly into her ear, yet his sinister grin remained, widening a fraction more. Her broken, shaky breaths were hot on his neck, his own brushing her ear, sending a bolt of electricity down her spine making her go rigid against the cool wall.

'He's absolutely right..Why do all Uchiha's have to be so...infuriating?'The pinkett seethed inwardly, yet her body sagged in defeat, hands falling to her sides. He sensed her surrender straitening himself to his full height, observing her frail form. Her head was turned away yet he could see the turmoil in her beautiful jade eyes. She wanted to fight, yet the more sensible side of her had decided to give up and fight another day. She was emotionally exhausted after her bout on the training ground, eyes tired and glazed.

She blinked slowly, her small body suddenly collapsed slowly into his, strong arms instinctively lifting the weightless girl up with ease. Her head rested against his chest with complete and utter defeat as he carried her swiftly towards her chamber, laying her down as gently as he could. He felt something stir in his chest and he let his face relax, giving in to the bliss of feeling the softness of her skin as she slid away from it didn't last long a frown forming as she turned her back to him, a feeling of disappointment residing in his chest.

The moon had finally risen in the clear skies, illuminating her body under its soft glow, caressing her curves. His lavender eyes couldn't help but linger, appreciating her well-toned muscles from her trapezius down to her calves, she was truly beautifully sculpted. It had been ages since he sought the comfort of a woman, his eyes gazed upon her, wanting to feel her fiery touch, her erratic heartbeat...He wanted to lay with her, to feel her taunt muscles against his, to stroke her hair and make her feel like the queen she was.

"Uchiha, if you don't mind..."She said, letting her words trail, her voice sounding frail and broken.

"Hn..."He grunted, giving her another appreciated look before walking towards the door, his loud steps echoing. She soon heard the twin doors click shut, a repressed sigh she'd been holding in his presence escaping her lips. Her mind was racing a million miles a minute, trying to think of a way, any way to get out of her predicament. She didn't know why Madara had it set to make her his...matriarch-the very word sent chills down her spine-but she was determined to make things right.

A sudden thought crossed through her mind, a pit settling with her stomach as she mulled through the notion. She was perfectly capable of executing the now forming plan, but she couldn't help but feel hesitant...If he had heard her, if she made one tiny slip up, she would severely pay the was a risk she was just willing to take if it meant an end to the War.

And a chance at her freedom.

The blond-haired boy of cell 7 sat next to the brooding Uchiha in the middle of a makeshift training ground, a silence hung deadly in the air between them, bodies tired from their non-too friendly spar. The sole female of the group was always responsible for keeping the air around them alive, whether with meaningless chatter, or a scornful scolding. It was horrifyingly silent, fear and anger clinging into the air, smothering them with the thickness of guilt.

"Sasuke-"Naruto began, the raven haired male immediately upon him, gripping his shirt with a vice like grip with both hands.

"Don't-"He seethed, his knuckles turning white from the force of his hold. Cerulean eyes remained passive as the young Uchiha continued his spiel "My teammate, your teammate is in the mercy of my ancestor and you want to sit here and make small talk?"

"Teme, I'm just trying to ease our minds."He explained, "We're not going to get anywhere thinking the worst."

"I'll be at ease when she's home, Dobe."The raven haired boy countered through narrowed eyes, shoving the blonde assertively to the ground. Cobalt eyes stared back, igniting a challenge which would have started a fire if it weren't extinguished by another presence.

"Are you two just going to bicker..."Asked the well known copy-cat ninja, hands dug deep into his pockets. "Or are you going to help find Sakura?" Two pairs of eyes snapped their attention towards their previous sensei, confusion and desperation evident in their gaze.

"What do you know Kakashi?" Naruto questioned, joining his teammate's side, the same query running through the Uchiha's mind.

"Well I know that she sent her summon to the Council of Kages about an hour ago."He answered nonchalantly, giving a suggestive look towards the two who exchanged serious glances before nodding simultaneously.

All three bolted through the treeline with new found energy, determination evident in their stride as they raced towards the Kage Summit. It took mere minutes before their feet landed in front a pair of gigantic doors, wasting no time to smash through them, twisting down tens of halls in search of answers. It was a maze and the blonde was half-tempted to just throw a rasengan and cut through, but a stoic Sasuke thought it unwise. They eventually found their way, bursting through heavy doors, five heads turning to stare at intruders with wide eyes.

"Uchiha, Uzimaki..."Tsunade boomed before amber eyes turned to the last member with a look of disappointment. "What do you think you're doing barging into a private matter?" The venom from her voice dripped into the air, eyes passing between the two younger males in slits.

"You're hiding information from us Granny!"Naruto accused, holding back a growl, instead his lips turning up into a snarl.

"We have a right to know.."Sasuke added, crossing his arms over his chest and sending a hard glare her way, joining the blonde in the attack that enraged her further.

"Hatake, you can't keep your mouth shut can you?"She raved, honey eyes on fire as she shot a look towards the older male of the squad. He put his hands up in defense before taking a step beside his old students.

"Sasuke is right Tsunade...Plus, if anyone were capable of bringing Sakura back it's these two." He said, his eye crinkling at them as stood there in defense. There was a brief moment of silence before the auburn haired Kazekage spoke up, breaking the tension.

"Maybe Kakashi is right Lady Tsunade."He said, the blonde rolling her eyes in irritation.

"Not you too Gaara."She groaned. His robes brushed against the floor as he stood from his position, all eyes paying close attention to him, especially the men of Cell 7.

"Naruto and Sasuke are the only ones who are powerful enough to stand off against Madara with the gifts Indra and Ashura gave them. It wouldn't be a completely preposterous idea."He finished, crossing his arms, seafoam eyes focused on the two in question. The Hokage seemed to give in to consideration, brows furrowing in thought, her chin resting on folded hands.

"We are at war Lady 5th, we cannot focus solely on one life." The Raikage spoke up loudly, dismissing the notion with a wave of hand. All eyes turned to him, a spike of dangerous chakra emitting into the air like electricity.

"She is a valuable asset to this war."Gaara spoke evenly, trying to soothe the unwanted tension out. "From multiple reports including two of our own on this council, witnessed her attack the Uchiha successfully."

"Again, one life of a kunoichi is not worth risking our aces."He dismissed, causing the enraged chakra signitures to spike higher in magnitude, ready to blow at any given moment.

"She is my apprentice A, if it were Killer Bee, you would do the same damn thing."Tsunade's voice broke through before the three men could take action against the fourth Raikage, relief clinging in the air. She turned to them, folding her hands onto the table.

"Sakura had sent Katsuyu to us about a little over an hour ago, giving us collective data on Madara..."The busty woman began, recalling every piece of information Sakura had sent through the summon link. "His goal started with Suna" She shot Gaara a sympathetic look."However, his next course of action will be to take every providence in Earth Country, we just don't know when.."

"He's one man, one man can't control every Land."Naruto interjected, immediately receiving a quick, hard blow to the head.

"Idiot, fear is a dangerous weapon. Strike at people with it and they'll do nothing besides cower and hide."Sasuke said.

"Yes, but, our little birdie says there are rebellion forces within Suna, and they're ready to continue this war."Tsunade informed the two, a smile playing at the corner of her lips. Sakura was indeed a resourceful, well seasoned kunoichi, the message was short but it was enough to spark hope and raise moral of the armies.

"If we can send word out to her a date of invasion, she could inform those inner forces and that will be distraction enough."Gaara added in thought, glad that the trusted pinkett was taking care of his Village. The council seemed to look at one another each in their own thoughts, but there was hope and a spark of fire that had long died with the death toll of war. They were ready to continue the fray, ready to take down the man responsible for a destructive chain of events.

Madara Uchiha's reign would soon come to an end.

The rosette laid in her bed for what seemed to be centuries, running her plan through her head over and over until it was the epitamy perfection. A pit grew in her stomach in unease, her heartbeat erratic with anxiety and fear. She tried to shake the feelings that overwhelmed and clouded her head, tried to take point in what mattered, after all the end of the war was in her grasp.

Shaking her head and pushing her feeling of nervousness aside, she swung her legs over the side of the bed, feet touching the cold stone floor. She concentrated, silently signing for a duplicate to summon to her aid, a soft poof signifying her success. With one last breath, she masked her chakra perfectly, the clone giving off her exact presence, the precision settling her nerves.

She moved delicately across the floor, her feet noiselessly on the stone as she progressed out of her room and into Madara's, mission in mind. Her jade eyes landed on her target, his body illuminated by the full moon, torso bare and armor less. She inched closer and before she knew it she was by the massive bedside, kunai gripped in her hand like it was her lifeline. She mentally cursed when the bed shifted, despite her petite stature, yet she had to continue, there was no going back.

The metal from the measly kunai glinted in the moonlight as it inched closer to his carotid artery, one thin slice and his life would drain slowly and ultimately end the war. However, as her weapon hovered above the lifeline, she hesitated, her nerves returning as her hand shook. She had taken plenty of lives before, but they remained engraved in her memory, haunting and stalking her dreams. Every detail of their face was as vivid as the day of death, every fatal wound bled fresh on her stained hands, every neck snapped...every family she has taken away from pleading and begging...

Her back suddenly hit the bed, the impact stunning her body easily allowing her captor to pin down her body, kunai now pressed against her own throat. Her arms were pinned above her head painfully with his other hand, his right leg weighing down her own making it near impossible to break emerald eyes stared up into pools of onyx, a sinister smile gracing his masculine face, hair falling over his shoulders and tickling her face. The kunai was thrown across the room, embedding itself into the wall, his other hand coming up to help pin her arms. He knew the extent of damage she could cause with just her index finger, it was better to take no chances.

"If you wanted in bed, all you had to do was ask Sa-ku-ra."He said, voice like velvet as it ran over her skin, his gaze moving from her eyes and tracing her strong jawline that illuminated in the moon light. With a grunt she ripped her arms from his grip, making a move to crawl off the massive bed, her body being immediately halted by a strong arm wrapping around her waist from behind.

He could feel her turbulent heartbeat against his bare chest, electricity shooting through his body and he tightened his grip around her, adding his other arm for more leverage. His eyes traced her toned muscles in her upper back, breathing in her intoxicating scent he had become addicted to in the past weeks, a sense of bliss overcoming him. The touch of her skin against his was almost too much as his lips brushed against her shoulder, ascending to the side of her neck, making her breath hitch and catch in her throat. Nothing was more..-


Author's note: Yikes guys, I HATE to leave it there but, It's two in the morning and I have to save some goodiness for later, haha! But please let me know if you think I'm going in the right direction, I feel like my idea for the pairing is not as strong as I would like it to be.

Also, I will ask you, my lovely birdies, if you want Mad Man Madara to steal our blossom's first kiss.

Stay classy guys, I would love to hear from you!