A/N: So here is the last instalment of Just Between Me and You! I think this is the first update I've posted that has been on time! I hope you guys like it; it's 100% fluff!
Destiny High:
A beam of sunlight shown through the couple's small apartment window and onto Cloud's tired face, nagging him to get up. He moaned and shielded his eyes with the crook of his elbow, refusing to be defeated by light.
Aw, come on! My first night off of busy season and I have to get up early! Cloud growled and opened his eyes, allowing them to adjust to the ample sunlight. Tifa lay in front of him, ruby eyes wide.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." She said with a chuckle, wrapping her arm around his waist. As he struggled to gain consciousness, he noticed that she was now in clothes.
"Hey, Tifa, when did you get dressed, it's so early…" His eyes bulged as he looked over her shoulder and at their alarm clock, which read 10 o'clock. She laughed at the goofy expression on his face.
"Sorry I didn't wake you earlier; I thought that you'd want to sleep in." Tifa said with a smile. Cloud sat up and scanned the room as if expecting to see one of his ex-foes, but for once, no one was there…wait…no one was there.
"Tifa, where are the kids?!" His heart began to speed up with anxiety. Tifa rested a calming hand to his shoulder, before rubbing small circles with her thumb into his back.
"It's fine, Vincent, Yuffie, and Barrett took the kids to see a baseball game a few towns over. Yuffie left to meet up with them after we got back from shopping yesterday. They stayed at a hotel for the night, and they'll be home a little after dinner. They thought that we'd like some time to catch up alone." Tifa said softly, her eyes wandering down to Cloud's bare chest, and she blushed. "O-Oh! Here, I'll get you your clothes!" She stubbed off the bed, rounding up every piece at lightning speed. Cloud couldn't help but laugh.
"Very classy, Miss Lockhart!" Tifa pouted, and dumped the pile of clothes onto Cloud before turning around.
"Well, I have to spend all of my time fighting being graceful; sometimes it's nice to be a klutz every now and then." Cloud grinned as he jumped into his clothes. His mouth was beginning to hurt from all of this smiling; he'd have to start getting used to this. In a way, though, he kind of liked it. He hadn't been this happy since Zack was around.
He waited for the tears, but nothing came, just more smiles. For the longest time, whenever he thought of his dead friends, all he would do was retreat inwards, but now…now the memories brought happiness.
"Okay, Tifa, you can look now." Tifa turned around and noticed that Cloud had failed to zip up his vest past his belly button, so she walked up to him and did it herself.
"So," Tifa started, a hopeful smile on her face, "I was just thinking, how you would like to go out on a date today? We could go anywhere you want."
"Hm, anywhere I want…" Cloud put two fingers on his chin, mock-deep in thought. "how about" He moved his hands onto Tifa's hips. "you and me go on a ride to Nibelheim. They've rebuilt it since we were last there, and recently, I've really liked to ponder my old memories," He planted a kiss on her forehead. "and I'm dying to make some new ones." Tifa wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea! And if we like it, maybe we can go again, and bring the kids."
"I like that idea," Cloud said, his voice full of happiness, "now come on, we don't want to keep Nibelheim waiting!"
The reunited couple bounded down the staircase to the front door, where Tifa grabbed the doorknob, but didn't open it.
"Cloud…" Tifa whispered quietly.
"What's wrong, Tifa?" Cloud asked, concerned.
"Nothing! Just do me a favor, and don't mention last night to Vincent, Cid, Barrett, and especially not Yuffie, okay?"
"Don't worry," Cloud smiled. "That's just between me and you." With that, Tifa opened the door and they were off for Nibelheim, unaware of the two figures behind them.
"That's my boy." Zack smiled as he watched his friend drive away, his black hair shining blue as he entered the light. "I was worried about you for a while there, trying to steal my Angel, but Tifa's a nice girl." He looked back to Aerith, who was following close behind.
"You know that I'd never abandon my puppy, even if he did pass away before me." She looked up at him, her emerald eyes sparkling. "I just love you too much to do that." Her arms were just barely able to wrap around his chest.
"I know, honey," He said with a chuckle, kissing the top of her head. "I love you, too."
"They are a cute couple, you know." Aerith pointed out sweetly.
"We're a cuter couple, you know." Zack squeezed her tighter. Aerith giggled and gave him a gentle shove.
"Oh, you!"
After the silhouette that was Cloud and Tifa faded into the distance, Aerith and Zack turned around and headed for the staircase, where they faded away into the light that was Heaven.
A/N: Okay guys, that was the end of this story! Thank you all SO much for taking the time to leave such kind reviews! I had a LOT of fun writing it and it has really gotten me inspired to write some new material for the Eight White Flags! I actually "completed" and took down a few stories because I just wasn't inspired enough to write them anymore and whenever I would update them, it felt like a chore, and I come onto this site to have fun, so when writing a story begins to feel like a chore, you know it's time to call it quits :p So sorry if I ended a story that you were really looking forward to reading, but I hope you can understand where I'm coming from, and know that there is going to be a lot better stories coming out soon!
Cloti4everPlz: And thank you for such kind reviews!
Whoops! You are 100% right! Oops, embarrassing! XD I just fixed all of those mistakes! No worries at all, you definitely do NOT sound rude or b*tchy one bit! Thank you SO much for pointing out that mistake! I actually haven't played any of the games myself, so I get Midgar and Nibelheim confused all the time!
Thank you so much! I really did try my hardest to keep them in character, and since there were no lemons in the games or movie, I really had no idea how they would act during sex, so I just tried to wing it.
I'm so glad that you like my writing style! I really do try my best, but sometimes I just feel like some stories/chapters just plain SUCK, but I'm trying to write a novel and I like to use FanFiction to not only practice my writing, but see how people like it, and it means a lot to me to know that you do!
See, I personally like Aerith myself, I do agree that she can be very spacy and ditsy and an almost man-stealer, but I feel like she really is a sweet character. And I totally agree with you about CloTi and Zaerith! Her and Cloud are definitely not meant to be :p That's why I ended the story the way I did!