((Sorry it took me so long to finish this chapter, but it's also super long, so hopefully that makes up for it. Guest appearance from Rebecca, who is awesome and deserves more appreciation.))

It was 11:00 on Friday morning. The military gang had gathered in the parking lot outside East HQ. Rebecca was there as well, to see them off. They were dressed fairly casually; As many of them had learned during Ishval, long car rides in hot, stiff military uniforms weren't exactly fun. The only exceptions were Ed, who wore his usual outfit, and Al, who... Well, if you don't know what's up with him you should probably do less reading of fanfictions and more reading of the actual manga.

"So what's the plan, Colonel?" Havoc asked, lighting up a cigarette.

"Well, we've got three cars," Roy announced. "Mine, Hawkeye's, and Armstrong's. We'll have to decide who's going in what car."

"Can I drive?" Ed asked excitedly.

"NO," Everyone immediately shouted.

"You don't even know HOW to drive," Al pointed out.

"So what?"

"Which brings me to another important point: Whichever car it is, the Elrics will be going with me," Roy decided.

"What?! Why?!" Ed demanded.

"To keep you out of trouble," Roy replied. "And because nobody else should have to suffer the pain of being in a car with you for two days."

"Why, you-"

"In that case, I'm coming too," Riza interrupted.

"Of course, and- Wait, what do you mean 'In that case'?" Roy asked, this time it was his turn to be confused and offended.

"To keep you out of trouble, of course."

There was a resounding "Ooooh" from the other soldiers, until Riza shot a glare at them and they shut up.

"...I can handle myself," Roy insisted lamely, his face blushing bright red.

"And here I thought you were too old to need a babysitter, Mustang," Ed teased, smirking.

"Shut up!"

"Also, we're taking my car," Riza continued.

"Why? What's wrong with my car?" Roy demanded. In reply, Riza merely gestured towards his car.

It was at least 10 years old, and probably used. It was rather beaten up, with dents, rust, flaking paint, and what were no doubt scorch marks. The tires were worn down, and the interior was in no good condition either; The upholstery was torn and stained and taped back together and torn some more, and the passenger seat was occupied by piles of newspapers, food wrappers, assorted trash, and old paperwork (No surprise there).

"I'll also be the one driving," she said, adding insult to injury. Roy opened his mouth to say something, but she interrupted him. "Before you say anything, I've seen how you drive and I don't approve, especially with the kids in the car."

"Man, she is just brutal today," Havoc whispered, glancing nervously at Riza. The others silently nodded in agreement. (Except for Rebecca, who was holding back laughter.)

"...Anything else you'd like to tell me, lieutenant?" Roy asked sullenly, gritting his teeth in irritation and crossing his arms.

"No sir, that will be all," Riza replied calmly.

There was an awkward silence for a moment, before Armstrong hesitantly broke the silence.

"My car has room for one more person," he said.

"Not it," Havoc immediately announced. Fuery elbowed him.

"I think I'll take the colonel's car," Breda decided. "Driving in that thing would be an adventure."

"I'll go with them," Fuery added.

"I guess that leaves you," Havoc said, nodding towards Falman.

"Why me?!" Falman demanded.

"WONDERFUL! Come, warrant officer Falman! This will be a memorable trip indeed!" Armstrong exclaimed, ignoring Falman's protests as he dragged him to the car. "Farewell, friends! We shall see you in West City!"

"Bye," Al replied cheerfully, waving.

"Try not to die," Ed advised.

"Does he even know how to get there?" Fuery asked worriedly.

"That's doubtful," Breda replied.

"...Should we do something?"

"Nah, they'll be fine," Havoc decided.

"We should probably get going as well," Roy decided, glancing at his watch. "We've got a long drive ahead, best to leave as early as possible."

"I call shotgun!" Ed announced, running towards the passenger door. Roy stopped him by grabbing his hood.

"No, you're sitting in the back," he said firmly.

"You're not big enough to sit in the front, Brother," Al added innocently.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Ed shrieked, struggling to get away from his superior officer. Roy expertly held Ed at arm's length and quickly got in the passenger seat, slamming the door before Ed had a chance to react.

"Fine! Whatever! I'd rather sit with Al anyway!" Ed shouted, and threw himself angrily into the back seat, still fuming. Al calmly sat down next to him.

Meanwhile, Riza handed Rebecca Hayate's leash.

"Don't forget to walk him every day, don't let him on the furniture, make sure he goes through all his tricks before eating and if he misbehaves point a gun at him," she listed.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Rebecca replied, shrugging. "Leave it to me. You just worry about that useless Mustang."

"I heard that," Roy shouted from the car. Rebecca smiled cheekily.

"Thanks," Riza said, giving Rebecca a grateful look. Then she bent down to pet Hayate.

"You be good for Rebecca, ok?" she told him, hugging her dog. Hayate barked and licked Riza's face.

"I'll see you next week," Riza said, standing up to hug Rebecca goodbye.

"Bye Riza, have a safe trip," Rebecca replied.

Finally Riza got in the car, and after a little arguing, they were off.

"Bye! Don't kill anyone!" Rebecca called cheerfully, waving.

"I'll try not to," Riza laughed, waving out the window as they drove off. Hayate barked farewell.

"I guess that leaves us," Havoc observed. "Who's driving?"

"Not me, I can't drive," Fuery admitted.

"I like driving," Breda said casually.

"You can drive, then," Havoc decided. Fuery nodded in agreement, and they all got in the car.

"See you guys next week," Rebecca said, waving.

There was silence for a few minutes.

"...Does anyone have the keys?" Breda asked awkwardly.

"Aw, shit," Havoc exclaimed, smacking himself in the forehead. "I knew we were forgetting something..."

Fuery sighed. "I guess I'll have to hotwire it..." He gingerly climbed over the front seat and attempted to reach underneath the console, knocking over piles of junk.

"Um... Aren't you guys gonna leave?" Rebecca asked confusedly, poking her head through the window.

"The colonel forgot to give us his keys," Breda explained annoyedly. "Fuery's trying to hotwire it."

"Tough luck," Rebecca replied, giving him an apologetic look. "Well I'm going to take Hayate for a walk... Good luck with the car!"

"Bye lieutenant Catalina," Fuery called from underneath the seat. A stack of paperwork fell on top of him.

"Aha! Got it!" he announced. The car roared to life with an unusually loud screech and started shaking.

"Geez, what a piece of junk," Havoc complained. "Better not fall apart on us..."

"I'm blaming Mustang if it does," Fuery announced, wiping his hands on his pants and sitting down.

With that, they were off.