Author's Note: Okay, I admit that this isn't one of my best works…but I found it worthy enough to be posted here. A little bittersweet, because I decided to take a tiny break from fluff. I hope you all enjoy nonetheless. If it really stinks, don't be too harsh in the review _

I Don't Care

"James, you can't do this!" Lily called out to his retreating back. James froze, and clenched his fists to his sides.

"I have to, I can and I will," he replied stonily. He continued his march away from her…out of her life.

"Why? Give me one good reason why!" she said, the tears now building up that it was almost impossible to stop the flow.

James turned around, his vision blurring as well, wondering how on earth someone could be so stubborn!

"I already told you why!" he yelled in her face. Immediately, he regretted it. Her tears cascaded down her cheeks, and he fought the automatic reflex he developed of wiping them away.

"But James," she whispered, "I wanted a good reason…"

"A good reason? God, Lily, what do you consider a good reason for us not being together? Apparently, I think that the fact that I'm saving your life is a good one, but maybe that's just me." He started walking away again, yet something grabbed a hold of his arm.

He winced…the touch was so familiar, and it was one he was already starting to miss…but he couldn't be with her.

"It is just you! Don't you see, James? I don't give a damn of what happens to me! All I care about is you! So what if an evil, dark wizard is on the rampage against you? He's after Muggles and Muggle-borns as well, so being separated from you doesn't make me a lower rank on the wanted list," she stated. She loosened the grip she had on his arm.

James didn't turn around, but he didn't move either. He shut his eyes, hoping against hope that maybe this was all a nightmare. He opened them again, and found himself face to face with Lily. Her green eyes holding so much hope, love and even fear.

"I won't lie to you, James," she said. "I'm scared. But it scares me even more to think of moving along, knowing that you're out there and I'm not with you…I want us to be together, James…It doesn't matter if I get hurt or even die…I'd still be with you." She lifted a hand to his face and placed it on his cheek. "What do you think, James?"

James closed his eyes again, taking her hand in his and just holding it there against his face. He loved her so much, that the thought of living without her pained him, but the thought of her…getting hurt or dying, all because of him…ate him up inside.

His eyes fluttered open, and her green eyes sucked him up again. They filled with tears.

"Please, James?" she whispered, standing up tall to gain access to his lips. She kissed him tenderly, but he did not respond. She stopped, looking up at him expectantly.

"Lily, I love you so much…"

"Sh…that's all I need to know, James. That's all I need to know." She hugged him tight, wanting more than anything for the moment to last forever.

She knew it wouldn't. She knew that reality would come crashing back down on them…but for now, time would freeze itself.

And when reality did come back…she'd never leave his side.