Last chapter! ENJOY!

"I want to kiss you. I want to love you. I want to be with you." Derek says looking straight into her eyes.


Emily looked at Derek with wide eyes. "I...what?" She asks.

"I'm done hiding. I'm done being afraid. I like you Emily...I like you a lot. I think I might love you. I know you don't feel the same way, but..." Derek stopped when he saw the look on Emily's face. She was panicking.

"I can't...I...Derek...we work...I..." Emily bit her lip, and the tears welled up in her eyes. She turned her back.

"Don't run from me Emily." He says pleading with her. Emily bites her lip.

"I...I don't know what to do. You hurt me, and then turn around and tell me that you might love me! I don't...Derek we work together! We...we can' do I know that you won' won' won't..." She trails off.

"That I won't what?" Derek asks walking towards her.

"Regret it. Leave me. Never talk to me again. That you won't ruin our friendship by telling me you love me, and then not talking to me. I know it sounds stupid, but I..." Emily stopped, and moved away from him. "I want to trust you, and I do. I know that I trust you with my life, but...I don't know if I...I haven't ever known you...romantically. I don't know if you..." Emily stops, and wipes some tears away. "I have to think. Let me think." She says. Derek sat down, and stared at her for minute. She stood with her back to him for a long time before walking into the bathroom. She closed the door, and ran bath water. She needed to think, and the best place to think, for her, is in the bathtub.

Derek sat in the room closing his eyes. What were you thinking? He asks himself. He places his head in his hands. Of course she wouldn't be into you. Of course she doesn't love you. The voice in his head told him. She said she needed time to think. The other, hopeful side said. He shook his head, and leaned his head back. He heard the water running, and he smiled a bit. Water made her feel calm. Water and music. He was waiting for the music to start, but after a few minutes he shook his head. "I love you Emily Prentiss." He said, whispering to himself. He stood up, and left the room.

The hotel bar was vacant of human life. He sat at the bar, and sighed. "On the rocks." He says sighing. He sat at the bar, and looked around. It was night. Late. He could see a few of the awful women from Emily's high school smiling at one another. He saw a guy at the end of the bar. He noticed him at the reunion too. The guy looked down, upset. The guy looked like Derek Morgan felt. "You! You're ." The man said. Derek looked at him, and chuckled. "You're Emily's ." The guy said. Derek looked at him in surprise.

"Excuse me?" Derek asked. How did he know about Emily?

"I'm Chris. May I ask what you did?" Chris says a bit drunkenly.

"What do you mean?" Derek asks.

"I went for a walk with Emily tonight. She was really upset. What did you do?" He asks. "I know...I know what I did, but what did you do?" Chris says.

"I...this blonde chick that went to high school with her...she...she uh kissed me." Derek told him.

"Lisa. She's an evil bitch I tell you. How did you do it?" Chris asks taking another drink. Derek looks at him in confusion.

"How did I do what?" He asks giving this Chris a look.

"Get her. She' did you make her fall so in love with you? How did you make her forgive you?" Chris asks. "I've been trying to track this amazing, wonderful, brilliant girl that I knew from high school for years. I found her. I didn't want to hurt her again, and I...I waited until this day so I could maybe have another chance. It took me a divorce and one night stands and relationships to realize that she's the perfect woman. How did you manage to get the perfect woman?" Chris asks. Derek sighs.

"I think you're mistaken. She doesn't love me. Who knows? Maybe after tonight you might get your chance." Derek says taking a quick drink. Chris looks at him in surprise.

"You let her go?" He asks in shock.

"She doesn't love me." Derek says. Chris laughs.

"She left me. Standing there. She told me that I'm a good guy, but she's in love with somebody else. That's what she told me tonight. I think you're mistaken. She loves you. I don't know what you're thinking. If you're thinking about letting her go...then...then you're fucking stupid." Chris says pointing his index finger at Derek.

"She said that to you?" Derek asks.

"She said that she was in love with somebody else. I assume that's you." Chris said. Derek looked at him.

"How do I know you aren't lying to me?" Derek asks. Not sure why this man would lie, but Derek didn't trust him.

"I hurt her more than anyone ever could. I know when she's so hurt she'll never look at you again. You're lucky. She still loves you. Even after you made a prick move. That...that means that you're the one for her." Chris says drinking some more. He was getting really wasted. Derek sighed, and ordered another drink. This time a beer. He didn't want to get drunk. Just needed something, anything.

Emily sat in the bathtub. Her head was emerged, and she could feel the beat of the music playing loudly on the stereo. Her eyes were closed and sometimes she would let the air from her cheeks out. For some reason this always calmed her. She lifted her head out of the water while soft rock and blues played over the speakers plugged into her phone. Pandora always worked. Just clicking the Stevie Nicks channel or the Beatles channel. She was in peace for the rest of the night. It was taking her back to her high school days. That's what this weekend was about, wasn't it? She used to listen to this music when her mother was gone. When she was upset. The loud, angry, pulsing, rebellious music she saved for show. This is what she really loved. She took a deep breath, and she was back there. Listening to her mother's records after a long sad day. A cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Her foot moving to the beat. What was Derek thinking? Emily asked herself. She reached for her bag, and got out a pack of cigarettes that she only uses when her mother calls. She takes out the hotel provided matches, and strikes it. She smiled when it went up in flames. She lit her cigarette, and inhaled deeply. He was thinking the same thing you've been thinking all night. The opposing voice told her. Taking another hit of her cigarette she closed her eyes.

I know there's something in the wake of your smile.
I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.
You've built a love but that love falls apart.
Your little piece of heaven turns too dark.

Listen to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.

Emily sighs at the song. Listen to your heart. How ironic? Right. She pulled her knees up, and shook out her wet hair so it was around her face again. What are you thinking? You love him. The voice told her. You work with him. What if Hotch found out? Her mind told her. She flicked her ashes in an ashtray, and sighed again. He loves you. You love him. He's your bestfriend. Things will change, but is that so bad? The voice tells her. Go get him. Emily sighs, and bites her lip. She gets out of the water, and puts the robe on. She puts her cigarette out, and looks at herself in the mirror. She blow dried her hair for a second till it curled just a bit, and was still a tiny bit wet. She put mascara on, and reached for the door.

Derek got back to the room, and heard the music he had waited for at full blast. Soft rock. He smiled a bit. It was stuff his mama used to make him listen too. Stuff that made him feel like dancing with her again. It was old music. In fact Emily and his mom bonded over taste in music. She said that she could never let go of the music her mom listened too. He smiled as he remembered how easily his mama and the woman of his dreams had talked with each other. He opened the door at the same time he heard another door open. Long, pale legs were the first thing he saw. The robe was short. It was silky blue, and looked gorgeous wrapped around her. "I ran into a guy named Chris downstairs. He was getting pretty wasted." Derek says. "Told me how stupid I would be if I let you go with out a fight." Derek says. Emily nods.

"I thought." She says. "Thank you. For giving me space instead of crowding me. It means a lot." Emily says. Derek nods.

"I know how you are when you need space." He says. Emily nods.

"Yeah..." She says taking a breath. "I want you too." Emily says. No going back now. The voice said. Emily knew it. By the look on Derek's face she could tell he was surprised. "I...I lo..." Emily stops and bites her lip. "I love you...I love you too." Emily says slowly. It felt weird saying it out loud instead of just thinking it. Derek looked at her in surprise and shock. Derek walks toward her, and Emily walks toward him. When they meet, their lips do too. The kiss is hot a feverish. Like they've been waiting for this forever. Her hands move to her robe, and he stops her.

"I don't want you to think I'm just...I'm just going to tell you I love you so I can have sex with you Emily." Derek says. Emily smirks a bit, and shakes her head.

"Well then, Derek Morgan I want you to show me how much you love me." Emily says kissing him on the corner of his mouth, and looking up into his eyes. He looked down, and saw that she had undone the robe. "I want you to make love to me. I am saying that I want you. I am saying that I know you aren't just saying you love me. I've waited too long for this. I need you." Emily says latching her lips to his again. Derek smiles a bit, and picks her up.

The next morning Emily wakes up first and stares at the man next to her. She places a kiss on his jaw and he stirs a bit. "Do you still love me?" Emily asks a now half awake Derek Morgan.

"Always princess." He says. Emily starts to giggle hysterically. "What?"

"'s just...remember how we told Hotch we weren't going to sleep together?" Emily says. Derek smiles, and rolls his eyes. "Garcia knew we would. Evil woman sent me that package on the first day here." Emily says with a laugh. Derek looks at her.

"What's in the package?" Derek asks. Emily smiles her bright smile.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Emily says winking at him. "I love you Derek Morgan." Emily says.

"I love you too Emily Prentiss." Derek says.

So that's it! I hope you enjoyed this story! It's been wonderful writing for you all! I'm working on some other stuff, I'm not sure right now. Please REVIEW! Which is something you guys have been very good at in this story, and I hope to see all of your lovely reviews on my other stories that I write! Until next time my lovelies! (: