Redemptive Love

As she died in his arms
Her body her soul soared from
Her soul danced and floated
As she would have done

She looked down upon her body
Cradled lovingly by her lover
She knew that
He would love her forever

She left the scene
Danced her way across the sky
She stopped at the Golden Gates
Sure they would deny

A voice called out:
'Satine, Angel of the Underworld
You lived your life in sin
What have you done
That I should let you in?"

She thought a moment
Then replied
"Nothing; I have sinned, have been immoral
And I have lied"

"Are you not worthy of forgiveness
Of mercy and redemption?
Have you done nothing
To deserve my salvation?"

Suddenly she remembered
"I have loved with all my being
I have loved and been loved
Is that enough to redeem me?"

"Has your love changed the life of another?
Have you made the world a better place for one?
Has your love brought joy into another's life?
For that is the best you could have done"

"I do not know
Have I changed him?
Is his life better because of me?
Or have I destroyed him?"

"The one of which you speak
He is most changed
Because of you he has known sorrow and joy
He will never again be the same"

"Is that enough?"
She asked once more
"Can my love for him
Redeem all I have done?"

"If he loved you
As you did him
That is all I ask
And you shall be forgiven"

"He loved me
He saw me as no one else could
His love for me was
A love pure and good"

The Gate swung open suddenly in welcome
Satine stepped softly inside
"Thank you, Christian"
She said through tears she attempted to hide

Their love
The most powerful thing on Earth
Had been the one thing in Heaven
That had proven her worth

I Poem five. Wow, I never thought I would actually write five poems ever. Thanks for your support and encouragement, it means more to me than I can ever tell you.

I sincerly apologize if this poem offends anyone. It is not meant to.

GollumRox, I love your profile! Very entertaining, it kept me amused for quite a while. I