Hey guys, so this is basically my first story so please feel free to give me advice, but no flames please! Alright so I'll keep this really, really short because I have no idea what else to say hahaha.

And as always, I don't own anything or anyone from Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal or else for IV would be MINE! Anyways, let's start off this chapter my lovely little readers!

Yuki's POV

The morning sunlight poured through my window as I kicked off my warm cocoon of blankets and dragged my tired body into my bathroom. Rubbing my eyes, I went through my morning routine of scrubbing my body raw and and untangling the mess that people called hair. Taking my straightener to my hair, I looked in the mirror and sized myself up. I wasn't looking at my skinny body or how curvy I was. No, I was looking at all the ugly bruises that marked me. There was a huge purple bruise where my ribs were and a hand shaped mark wrapping around my left arm. On my wrists, vertical lines that I always made sure to hide. Each little line from my razor reminded me of how many times I hit rock bottom and there were plenty to show. I sighed as I took my concealer and put some on the bruises and scars so they wouldn't show when I went to school.

I pulled on my outfit for the day, a white button up long sleeved shirt with my black blazer with the Heartland Academy emblem and black and blue cuffs and black slacks because I couldn't stand wearing one of their hair was in its usual high pony tail tied with my long, silvery ribbon. Before I left my room I snatched up my backpack and guitar case that laid on the floor of my room.

I walked through the hallways of our dingy home and tried not to inhale the scent of alcohol into my younger sister's room. Pulling out the key from under the mat I unlocked her door and shook her awake.

"Sissy?" Hana muttered tiredly. I nodded and pulled her out of bed. "Five more minutes please?" she asked sweetly clinging to her bed frame.

I took the sketch pad on her nightstand and wrote soundlessly, "No, we're already running a bit late." showing the pad to her. She looked more awake and much more aware of our timely schedule. She ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I shook my head and started walking to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast for myself and her.

I decided to just fix us some sandwiches since our so called father would not be at home for the day. He had stormed out during the night before because I couldn't get his beer fast enough and beat me a bit before leaving. I despised him not because he hurt me, but he was a constant danger to my young eight year old sister. I did mind that I couldn't speak anymore and had to use a friggin' sketch pad to talk to people. I put the makeshift breakfast on some actually clean plates and sat down waiting for Hana so we could finally get some food.

"Good morning!" said Hana cheerfully skipping to our small dining table. "Thanks for the food!" she said brightly clapping her hands together and digging in to the food. I smiled a bit at her behavior and silently ate my ham sandwich.

After we finished eating Hana washed the plates while I went to my room to see if I had left anything. My brown eyes scanned the messy room. Clothes were thrown on the floor in a flurry, the bed was still unmade, and my desk was covered in scratch paper and textbooks from the night before. I would have to clean it when I had more time. I felt slightly grossed out by how messy it was. Normally, it was all spick and span with clothes in the proper place, books in the ceiling high bookcases one corner, my blue sakura themed bed was made and instead of paper over my desk my laptop and various cd's were on there. With my assessment done I picked up my favorite black hoodie off the bed and rushed out the house to walk Hana to school.

"So how has school been, little sister?" I asked showing her the sketchpad. We were almost there and I felt like we shouldn't be walking in silence.

Hana smiled up at me and said, "Its pretty fun. The teachers are letting us finally do some art projects. What about you Sissy?"

I squeezed her hand and answered, "Its fine. Its just school." And it was. I didn't mind the fact that I didn't really have any friends in this school, my other friends just happened to be in another city altogether. I didn't mind the hushed whispers that I heard when I passed by other students as they called me a freak when I walked passed nor did I care about the difference of treatment from my teachers and their glares.

It was just school and that was all that mattered.

We arrived by the grand gates of Heartland Academy, home of the rich and snooty. Well, rich and talented, but mostly snooty. We gave the security guard our ID's and walked through the iron bars. The school was divided into four sections: preschool, grade school, high school and college. The grade school section was fairly large for just a bunch of kids and don't even get me started on the high school section. Now that was big. There were a little more than a thousand high schoolers and there were plenty of courses to take. Since Heartland Academy was a creative arts school it was just the thing Hana and I needed to get out the stress of home. Well, Hana anyways. I, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky.

I dropped Hana off at her homeroom and after a quick hug and 'have a good day!' I walked towards the East wing that held my first period class. English was a fun class itself that I loved but the teacher who taught made class horribly boring. Half the time I even fell asleep in that she-witch's class but I still managed to hold onto number one in her class. I sighed to myself and slid the door open to find that class had already started and everyone was staring at me like I killed someone in cold blood. I rolled my eyes and glared wanting so badly to say, "Hey! If you like me so much then take a picture, it'll last longer!" But I couldn't so I held back and walked over to my desk in my little corner.

"Hey look the crazy's here!" came an annoyingly familiar voice.

'God, today is just not my day.' I thought to myself staring at my desk. Oh joy, Miss I-Get-Everything-I-Want was speaking to me, how lovely. Insert sarcastic tone. I wonder if I hit my face hard enough on my desk I would die and not listen to her horrid voice for the rest of the day. Nah, I'd just get locked in a loony bin.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" called blondie aka Ana Kemi the 'queen' of the school, stalked up to my desk with her hands on her hips looking like I should be amazed that she was gracing me with her presence. Insert sarcastic tone. Again.

"Do I look care?" I wrote on my sketchpad. I mean, seriously, if you couldn't tell from my blank stare and the fact that I really hate your guts then you must have reached a new level of stupidity.

"God, what's with you! I'm only trying to make a conversation." she stated in a matter of fact tone. I snorted at her amazing conversation skills. Oh yeah, because making a conversation involves talking in a really annoying tone and embarrassing someone in front of the entire class. I'm sure the girls you pay to be your friends must love you. "Ugh, no wonder no likes you," she continued "I guess that's why your entire family is full of loonies."

At this point, I had enough about her self-righteous attitude, so I did the most sensible thing a girl in my position could do.

I punched her in the face.

Ana let out the most girliest shriek I have ever heard and started flailing her arms wildly at me like a five year old who didn't get what they wanted. I didn't even have to block her attack, it was just that sad and it didn't hurt at all.

Finally, Kanade-sensei* put a stop to all of it and pulled us apart. Well, her apart, I was still next to my seat. "Shiragane! Get out of my class this instant!" she exclaimed furious at me like I was the one who interrupted her class by making a scene for ten minutes and started a fight. She then proceeded to coddle the crying (probably fake tears) Ana and told her to go the infirmary. I sighed and and grabbed my bags and walked out of the class. I could still hear her yelling at me to go the Headmaster's office, I really could have cared less, so I went to my usual spot; the roof.

Lunch rolled by quickly as I woke up from my much needed nap. Stretching my tired limbs, I enjoyed the peace and quiet of the roof.

Suddenly, the door that led to the roof was forced open (it's normally locked but I know how to pick locks) and in came someone I didn't expect. It was was one of the most popular guys of our school although I couldn't really remember his name. Everyone knew who he was, but it struck me odd as to why he was here.

"Oh thank God no one's-" he started but instantly paled when he saw me. I blinked as brown eyes met violet. "Okay," he started "Don't scream okay? I'll give you anything you want- just don't tell anyone I'm here." he said.

"..." I blinked once, twice until realization hit me like a ton of bricks. He thought I was one of his fangirls. I felt like puking in disgust. Me? A fangirl? Oh good lord.. I decided it would be better if I acted like I didn't hear him, so I turned away from him and focused on my IPod instead. I was already having a terrible day and now I can't even have a moment of peace around here.

I thought blondie here would just leave and find a new hiding spot, but no, my life just has to be full of bad luck. Instead of leaving like I had hoped, he started poking me and calling weird names.

"Hey, listen here you ignorant pig, not everyone is obsessed with you and your enormous ego you got that?!" I scribbled onto my sketchpad angrily, shoving it in his face. I was more than a little cranky after today's incident and I was not in the mood to play games with some two toned haired, egotistical jerk. He stared at me with open mouthed shock. Ha! I guess there's a first time for everything pretty boy.

I smirked slightly and returned to what I was doing before. My gaze moved over to the vast view of the school. Even though the school itself sucked, it was pretty nice to look at. The building that looked like they were made for royalty, the pretty garden down below us with every flower you could imagine, the laughter, the scenery was- wait, laughter? What laughter? I turned to see that pretty boy next to me was basically dying of laughter, clutching his stomach in a sad attempt to calm down.

"Hahaha! Y-your- ahahaha!" he tried to say but ended up laughing like a crazy person. Um, okay? This isn't weird and creepy at all… He finally settled down and said, "You're not like the others are you? You don't treat me like they do. You must be special." he winked at me before chuckling to himself.

"Yeah, well not everyone will bow their heads to the rich and powerful." I wrote, not caring for his obvious attempts to woo me. I sighed and continued, "When are you gonna leave me alone now? Your girlfriend might be looking for you.

The blonde and purple haired boy merely shrugged, "I could care less. She's only a fling." I was about to tell him off, being a female and all, but he cut me to the chase.

"Why are you up here?"

"...I punched a girl in the face and I hate people."

"Oh, so you're the one who beat up my girlfriend, huh?" he said. In my opinion she deserved it and so much more. I was surprised at how amused his tone was, like he didn't care like I just punched his girlfriend. "Nice right hook by the way." he continued with a grin.

"Um...Okay?" I wrote.

He ignored my comment and pulled out his obento* and opened it, ready to eat.

"Want some?"


"You look like you're anorexic."

"I'm quite healthy, thank you very much."

"When are you gonna pull down that hoodie so I can actually see your face?"

I blinked. I had forgotten I kept my hoodie up so the sun wouldn't get in my eyes. I contemplated the pro's and con's of showing him my face. I could get jumped and get beaten to a bloody pulp for beating up his girlfriend, but I didn't feel that vengeful vibe coming from him so I slowly pulled down my hood.

"Huh, so you're actually a girl?" he grinned at me teasingly. I felt a vein pulse in my temple and punched him the arm.

"Call me a boy again, and you'll see how good my right hook can get!"

"I think I just did…" he whimpered rubbing his arm. Oh yeah, poor pretty boy. Next time, I'll punch him in the face. Then he wouldn't be so pretty and maybe even deflate his ego. Hmm… So many good ideas, so little time.

We sat in semi-comfortable silence as he ate some of his lunch and I turned back to listen to the music on my IPod and silently stealing a few foods from his lunch.

"Whatcha listening to?' he asked.

"Nothing you would know. It's an American band."

"Try me." he dared.

"This Song Saved my Life by Simple Plan." He probably didn't know the band. It was from America and even though they came out in the '90's though no one really knew them.

"Are you kidding? I love that band!" he said excitedly.

"What's your favorite song then?" I wrote. I was skeptical about his answer, I mean even some of her friends didn't even know this band.

"Crazy. The guitar is really good."

"I like that song too." I wrote quietly, smirking up at him a bit. And that was how we started our very long conversation of our favorite bands and how no one understood our love for music.

"You play guitar, right? I mean you have the case for it." he asked gesturing to my guitar case I had next to me.

"Electric and acoustic. I'm not that good." I shrugged. I really didn't want anymore people knowing how well I could play and sing.

"Hey, are you actually a mute?" he asked me bluntly, looking into my eyes.

I was about to reply when the shrill sound of the bell sounded. Lunch time was over. I looked over to him and shook my head and showed him a messy scrawl that said, "Another time." he nodded at my answer and gathered up his bag and started to walk to the door.

"What's your name?" he called over his shoulder, hand already at the door handle.

"Yuki. Shiragane Yuki." I wrote with my usual blank stare once again.

"IV. IV Arclight." He responded to me.

"What a weird name. Who names their child a number?" I wrote.

"It's not my actual name. I just like being called that. Maybe I'll tell you my real name another time."

"Another time, then", nodding my head as I watched him flash me quick smile before going down the stairs.

'What a weird guy.' I thought to myself as I waited for the end of school to pass by. Things were going to get interesting, I could feel it.

Obento- home packed meal of Japanese cuisine. Normally consisting of rice, fish or meat, and pickled or cooked vegetables in a box-shaped container.

Sensei- Teacher

So this is the end of chapter Numero Uno! As always, R&R and click that beautiful little favorite button and give my story a little loving. Hope you guys liked my story and if you didn't, thanks for giving it a shot. Later guys!