"Get Him" yelled one of them, "Kill the Demon" yelled another while continuing to pelt stones and rocks at the young blonde boy as he ran through the streets crying.

He couldn't understand why people hated him so much, after all he hadn't done anything to them but yet they hated him, feared him, despised him, tormented him day in day out.

the young blonde boy couldn't help but cry as he ran back to his small apartment.

Safely back inside he closed the front door and broke down to his knees and sobbed,

he wouldn't of set foot outside his place if he hadn't needed to, but being inside for long periods at a time, meant there was no food in his place anymore.

A large and resounding 'THUD' shook the young blonde back to his senses as something was thrown against his front door, the boy sat with his back against the door holding his legs and put his head to his knees and whispered, "just leave me alone" as he cried.

Eventually the shouting stopped as did the thumping against the door, the young boy still next to the door slowly started to drift off to sleep..

"...Why" was the only words he said as he finally fell asleep.

As day dawned slowly over the village, light streamed through a gap in the blinds and fell on the young boys face, slowly he opened his eyes and sighed..

As much as he would of liked to stay in he needed food, he hadn't eaten in days and there was no more food in the house, he had to endure the abuse at least for one more day.

He looked through the gap in the blinds to check if anyone was around and quickly slipped out the house and darted down an alley hoping he wouldn't be seen.

Having to survive this most of his life, he had developed a series of stealth techniques to avoid getting caught, but sometimes it didn't all go to plan..

The Young Blonde headed off towards the one shop in the whole village that would serve him,

Like everyone else in the village the owners hated him with a passion, but a customer is still a customer and unlike everyone else they double charged him on everything he brought.

After getting all his supplies to last awhile at least he darted home and bolted the door.

"Thank god that's over with" he thought as he slowly began to put things away in the fridge and cupboards, but leaving one instant ramen cup out for him to eat, he put on some water and went into the other room while waiting for the water to boil.

A few minutes later he came back with a scroll and placed it on the table and went over to the boiling water and poured it into the ramen cup and brought it over to the table and sat down.

This was an average day for one they call "Naruto Uzumaki"