Hello everyone and welcome to my new story, I hope you all enjoy but before we begin

Characters will be slightly to fully OoC, sorry about that

Disclaimer: RWBY and it's characters are all owned by its rightful owners, I only own the story

9/8/14: Slight edit to the format

Now without further ado, Lets begin

Glynda Goodwitch was not in a good mood today, she had to deal with her students for a couple of hours as somehow they've became more of a nuisance then usual as well as Mr. Arc somehow made a comment during class that had most of her female students in the room to maul him and not in the good kind of way.

After dropping Mr. Arc from the nurses office she then had to deal with Port's 'charms' for awhile as he tried to flirt with her when she walked by him. His 'charms' only stopped when she brought out her dust crop and smack it against her hand in a threatening way while glowering at him as he soon said he had an appointment he had to go to and ran off in the other direction of her.

When Port left it gave her a moment to herself as relaxed a bit before heading back to her office. As she entered her office she went through the schools fundings to see if they have enough to purchase some new equipment for the training room because of a training accident Ms. Xiao Long did earlier when she tried to use a new type of dust her teammate gave her and accidentally set the training equipment she had out on fire or blown up to pieces.

As Glynda was looking through the academy's funds that she could use she soon saw they had deficient amount of funds that were at an all time low. As she looked into the financial issue she soon found out that most of the academy's funds was spent on a massive amount of coffee beans that seems to unbelievable to be true until she realize who ordered it.

Glynda soon had a migraine as she quickly discovered that after contacting the shippers she learned that the coffee was not refundable as they have already delivered the coffee and based on their policy they are not responsible for whatever claims the client or associates of the clients had to claim as soon as they deliver the package to its respectable client.

So after she hung up the call and rubbed her temples trying to alleviate the pain from the migraine she has as she stared out into the distance and thought for a moment on what to do. She soon came to a conclusion and did what most reasonable adults, who were stressed out and annoyed, would do in these types of situations as she opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out some fire dust crystals and went to the storage area where the bags of coffee beans were being kept in.

When she arrived to the storage area she tossed the dust crystals into the storage area and exploded in a blaze of fire. As she watched the storage area being burned down not caring the consequences as she could easily blame this on one of the students as dust knows how destructive they can get at times, even on the first day some student blew up and made a crater in front of the main entrance.

While she thought about this she quickly noticed Oobleck quickly appearing next to her slack jawed and eyes wide in shock as he fell down to his knees and screamed out to the heavens "WHYYYYYYYYYYY!"

Glynda had to admit she got some enjoyment at his screams of anguish. . . . . at that point she then realized that the stress is getting to her more then she realized as she began to walk away from Oobleck. Glynda stopped walking as she turned to watch in interest as Oobleck tried to put out the fire with buckets after buckets of water which she had to admit was impressive with the speed and efficiency he was at.

Glynda would've stayed and watched a bit longer wondering if he could actually put out the fire by himself but her Scroll rang and saw a message from Ozpin saying he needed her for something in his office and while re-reading the message over she could feel the migraine coming back as she could only guess why he would call her up as she remembered the view of the storage area was visible from his office easily.

Glynda walked up to Ozpin's door and knocked on it as Ozpin on the other side told her to come in. Glynda walked in and saw Ozpin looking out his window behind his desk as he took a sip of his coffee. As she waited for him to address her she noticed that there were bags of coffee in the corner of his room and began thinking of ways to destroy those bags of coffee without Ozpin knowing who did it. . . It was at that point she realize she Really needed to relax at some point as the stress was affecting her attitude greatly

"Do you know why I called you hear Ms. Goodwitch" Ozpin said as Glynda subconsciously rolled her eyes

"I'm either here from my complaints about the students or about the replacement equipment for the training area or why I took Mr. Arc to the nurses offices or why I threatened Port OR is it because I burned down the storage area where you and Oobleck kept all those bags of coffee which you bought using the academy's funds." Glynda deadpanned as Ozpin spun around quickly with a look of shock on his face

"YOU DID WHAT!" Ozpin shouted out in shock as Glynda suspected he didn't know about that last part yet as she gave him a deadpan look while pointing out pointing out the window where smoke fumes were rising from the distance as the two stood there in silence ". . . . I'm going to ask you to wait here while I assess the damage" Ozpin said as he quickly walked around his desk and past Glynda as he opened the door to reveal Oobleck who was covered head to toe in soot

"I would like to inform you that I was able to save two years worth of the five years of coffee supply we have" Oobleck said as he coughed out a dark cloud of soot as Glynda sweat dropped at.

Ozpin gave out a sigh of relief as he place one hand on Ooblecks shoulder "Thank you Bartholomew it's shame we couldn't save more if I had known what happened" Ozpin said gravely as the two held their heads down as Glynda smack her hand against her head at what is happening and groaned in irritation.

Oobleck then left as Ozpin turned to her "Care to explain why you tried to burn up all m- I mean, the academy's supply of coffee Ms. Goodwitch" Ozpin asked as Glynda rolled her eyes again angrily

"Maybe it was because of the fact that I don't know. YOU SPENT OUR FUNDING ON COFFEE" Glynda yelled out furiously as Ozpin was taken aback by her outburst

"It was very good coffee" Ozpin said simply as a tick mark appeared on Glynda' forehead as she glared at Ozpin "We'll continue this conversation later as I have something important to talk to you about" Ozpin said avoiding the previous argument

Glynda seethed at Ozpin for a bit before she took time to calm down and regain some composure "What is it you need to speak to me about" Glynda said tiredly with a slight irritable undertone

"Now I'm sure you know Mr. Crane our academy's counselor" Ozpin asked as Glynda scoffed

"Yes I know about that old prude, what about him" Glynda asked dryly

"He has had a. . mild breakdown" Ozpin said cautiously as Glynda raised a brow at that speculation

"What kind of mild breakdown" Glynda asked as there was a scream that interrupted Ozpin before he could reply as Glynda saw a man in a straightjacket sitting in a wheelchair being wheeled down towards the academy's exit yelling out incoherent things but some she caught as she heard him say 'Those damn students, their the crazy ones not me' before he started to laugh maniacally as Glynda figured out who was in the wheelchair

"So. . a mild breakdown, eh" Glynda said slowly with the words laced with sarcasm as she turned her head to Ozpin with a dry look as he was chuckling weakly and looked away with a groan "So what does this have to do with me" Glynda asked as Ozpin looked back at her with a serious face

"I have a proposition for you Mrs. Goodwitch" Ozpin said as Glynda thought what the proposition was before a bulb in her mind lit up

"No. By the dust no" Glynda said sternly as she glared at him with her teeth showing

"Now Glynda lets be reasonable" Ozpin said trying to placate the blonde who in turned glared more harshly at the man causing him to flinch slightly

"The same reason that compelled you to buy all that coffee" Glynda said crossing her arms while still keeping up her glare at the silver haired man who laughed weakly and looked away.

"Can we have this conversation later, besides we do need a counselor for the students and we can't afford another as most aren't willing to work with us without a decent pay with our students being somewhat violent and all when their at an emotional state" Ozpin said as he choked back a bit from Glynda's glare that was even more harsh than before

"Maybe we wouldn't even have had this problem if you didn't spend our money on your damn coffee supply" Glynda said in a low voice that sent chills down Ozpin's spine as he started sweating a bit more while trying to maintain his composure

"Can we just drop the issue already" Ozpin said as sweat dripped down his cheek as Glynda continued to glare at him

"How about we make a deal" Ozpin said quickly as Glynda lessened her glare and looked at him with a raised brow

"What kind of deal" Glynda asked skeptically as Ozpin subtly let out a breath of relief

"Well if you become the academy's new counselor I'll give you double pay and I will stop drinking coffee for a week. What do you say" Ozpin said with a smile as he was internally crying as he had to go a week without Remnant's greatest creation while Glynda looked at him dryly

". . . . Make it double pay and a Month without coffee" Glynda said seriously as Ozpin choked a bit and laughed weakly trying to blow off her argument

"How about double pay and twelve days" Ozpin said nervously as Glynda leveled her eyes with Ozpin's and stared him down

"One month"

"Two weeks"

"two months"

"Two weeks and a half"

"Three months"

Ozpin sweating at Glynda's unending stare before giving in with his head down and shoulders slumped "One month is fine" Ozpin said in defeat as Glynda gave him a victorious smile and walked past him out the room closing the door behind her.

Glynda stopped outside the door and thought for a moment before going back into the office with the smile on her face "Oh. Headmaster one more thing" Glynda said in a sickeningly happy voice

"Yes" Ozpin said as he looked at her with a glum expression as she walked up to him and plucked the coffee out of his hands tossing it into the trashcan next to his desk

"The one month starts now" Glynda said with a smile as she turned and walked out of the room as Ozpin just stood there in shock

When Glynda exited the room again she stopped and then decided to screw with Ozpin even more. Glynda went back into the office passing by Ozpin who was hovering over the trashcan and went into the corner where Ozpin's coffee bags were. Ozpin soon watched in horror as Glynda pulled out a fire dust crystal from her pockets and tossed them onto the bags setting them ablaze not caring for the property damage "Now if you excuse me. It seems I have to go check out my new office. Buh-Bye" Glynda said in sick happy voice waving goodbye as she exited the room watching from the corner of her eyes as Ozpin tried to put the fire out with ice dust crystals.

Glynda walked down the halls towards the councilors office or 'her' office carrying a box of her work materials she had in her old office. While walking down the halls she thought about what she did today and soon felt terrible about herself for what she did to Ozpin as she had to admit that was plain cruel for her to use him as a vent her stress on.

Though she felt bad about what she did she had to blame the stress on this job of dealing with students who don't know any better in their antics until something traumatizing happens to them to change their attitudes from either better or worse didn't help her conscious as it was her job to make sure that never happens. Glynda contemplated about what to do for a bit before sighing as she began thinking of ways to apologize to Ozpin later for lashing out her emotions at him as she reached the door to her new office

She opened the door and walked in to see the room was quaint and neat but was much larger than her old one which irked her a bit. As she looked around she saw that it looks more like a therapist office than a councilors office as she saw a dark green armchair with lighter green diamond designs on the chair. Next to the chair was two small couches which Glynda guessed was for when a team is over for a session. The one on the right was a pale purple while the other was a dark sun burnt orange and in the middle of the three furnitures was a low frame coffee table.

Glynda turned her head to the side to see her desk that seemed standard and an expensive looking black and white leather office chair behind it. Next to the desk was one of those chairs your patients lie on when you're having a one on one session with them, the chair was a dark royal blue with a white headrest as the chair seems to be made of a plush material

"If we have enough money to furnish an office like this where the hell did the rest of the money go t-. . . never mind" Glynda said with a tired sigh as she walked up to her desk placed her stuff on top of the desk and sat down with a sigh "I guess I should stay here and write up the assignments for my class while I wait for whatever student comes through those doors" Glynda said as she started placing down her stuff onto the desks until she stopped as she heard arguing in the distance

The arguing sounded violent as the voices as got closer as they stopped at the door and knocked on the door, rammed their fist against it more like it, as they continued arguing with each other.

Glynda stared at the door for a bit before sighing "Karma, that's all I'm going to say" Glynda said to herself with a sigh as she took a deep breath and calmed herself down a bit before calling out "Come in"

Well I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this new series and expect that there will be more in the future, now with that being said and all please leave a review or a comment, no flames please, and I'll see you all later. Have a great day